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Month: December 2022

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – December 29, 2022

Weekly Update Opening Graphic

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure – Mega Bundles & More

By Kevin Siembieda

The New Year is just around the corner. We like you and wish you only the best, so please party responsibly and drive safely. It is often the other guy you need to worry about, so please stay vigilant and safe. As I do with this cluster of holidays, I try to keep the Weekly Update brief and fun. That means an extra heaping of Fan Comments from the Comment section of Christmas Surprise Packages right after my Closing Thoughts. Enjoy.

LAST weekend to get these Rifts® Bundles of Holding at unprecedented holiday prices – All Rifts® Bundles END Monday night, January 2, 2023

This is the best Rifts® bargain ever offered by Bundle of Holding. 18 Rifts PDF books (7 core books and 11 Sourcebooks, including Sourcebooks 1-4, Conversion Books 1-3, Rifts® Bestiary Volume One, Black Market and more!) – $200 worth of PDF books for under $43. It may sound like a New Year’s miracle, but it’s true when you get the Rifts Core Mega Bundle of Holding: Corebook Collection and Sourcebook Collection. Just think how many gaming hours these bundles provide. You’ll need to act soon though, because the Bundle Sale is over Monday night. Spread the word.

Rifts Core Mega Bundle of Holding


There’s more! The Rifts® Land and Sea Bundle of Holding nets you 14 epic World Books (Rifts® Underseas, Atlantis, Splynn Dimensional Market, Secrets of the Atlanteans, Lemuria, Japan, Russia, England, and much more) – $174 worth of PDF titles for under $38 when you get both the Atlantean Collection and the Nations Collection. That’s almost 2,800 pages of cross-dimensional globetrotting adventure for an unbeatable bargain price. These are among some of the most iconic and fan-fave Rifts® settings available. Incredible, right? Plus you help a worthy gaming charity. Sale ends Monday night.

Rifts Land and Sea Bundle of Holding


FINAL Days – Savage Rifts® Double Feature crowdfunder by Pinnacle Entertainment offers new Rifts® maps, “pawns” (cardboard minis), adventures, and an official, updated time line for South America with the Land of a Thousand Islands world book. Plus, adventure in the New West with the Terror on the Dark Frontier campaign box set. It is all great stuff that can be incorporated into your Palladium Rifts® games should you so desire, and vice versa. But you need to act soon, because this crowdfunder ENDS January 6, 2023.

Savage Rifts Crowdfunder


Check out the NEW Heroes Unlimited Christmas Special and the recent Cozy Caverns Beyond the Supernatural RPG adventure podcasts from the creative minds at – now through the end of the year. John and company, sorry, with everything going on I forgot to hype up your new, wonderful, Heroes Unlimited Christmas Special. But hey everyone, there’s still time for you to enjoy it. These fun podcasts are created by Palladium fans like you!

Real Play Games Pod


Christmas Grab Bags

Christmas Surprise Package offer – Ends January 17, 2023

Ensure the New Year is filled with adventure across the Megaverse® with one (or more) Christmas Surprise Packagesphysical books at PDF prices. But time is running out. You can only get them now because we have extended the offer into the New Year. Order now before you forget and miss out. Ends January 17, 2023.

It has become tradition to extend the Christmas Surprise Package Offer through the end of December and into the New Year for those of you who were too busy with Christmas to get one or two for yourself, can’t afford one until after Christmas, and for you Johnny-Come-Latelys (it’s okay but order soon). Oh, and now you can ship via the less expensive method of Media Mail because you do not need it for a deadline.

What is a Palladium Surprise Package? $96-$100+ worth of physical products for only $58 plus shipping. Heck, these days you pay that for one core rule book, but a Surprise Package gets you 4-6 books for the price of one rule book. And if you request it, Kevin Siembieda and available staff will happily sign each book for you. For many fans this is the only way to get an autographed book. No other game company in the world offers a deal like this.

Christmas Surprise Package at


You can “request” anything Palladium sells on your Wish List, but it doesn’t mean you’ll get it, so make sure we get a nice, long Wish List of 12-15 items (or more), and not just all hardcovers either. Remember, hardcovers that normally cost $34-$45 each have a $50 value when requested in the Surprise Package. Get complete Christmas Surprise Package details at and enjoy.

Are you looking to build your collection of physical books or looking to try new world settings on the cheap? Get a Surprise Package to try any number of Palladium’s RPG settings: Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited, Dead Reign® (zombies), Nightbane® (super-hero horror), After the Bomb® (mutant animals), The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy (science fiction), Beyond the Supernatural (modern horror), and other worlds of adventure via a Surprise Package.

A Surprise Package (and/or any of the Bundles of Holding) makes a great gift for birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, and any gift-giving occasion. Start the New Year off right gaming your way throughout the long, cold winter on the cheap. Ho, ho, ho.

Please spread the word. The Christmas Surprise Package is only publicized by word of mouth, on Palladium’s website, and in social media, so please tell everyone you know. Buy one for every gamer you know. They make astonishing gifts for every occasion. Only from – happy holidays. Offer ends January 17, 2023, and will NOT be extended further. Don’t miss out, or you’ll have to wait till next Christmas.

Christmas Surprise Package at


UPDATED List of RPG Hardcovers Available Now


Palladium Books® Check List of “Recent Releases” – all available now


NEW on – Free Sneak Preview of Creature Feature and much more.

FREE Creature Feature™ Preview provides you a glimpse of what you will find in this epic book. There also FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles. Those are just some of the 300+ Palladium RPG titles available as PDF books.

No other game company offers game worlds for so many different genres. Best of all, learn and play one Palladium RPG and you can play them all, because each uses the same basic core rules and combat. There are differences, but the fundamentals are the same. This also means you can bring characters, villains, monsters, powers, magic, weapons, gear, and adventure ideas from one setting into another or mash them together!

DriveThruRPG offers most of our 300+ Palladium RPG titles as PDF books, making it easy and inexpensive to try out one of our many games. Also check out the FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles.


Closing Thoughts

I think most of us have suffered loss or painful challenges over the last few crazy years. Loss may have been a friend or loved one, a job, a home, or any number of things. I understand, because we have suffered our share of losses and have faced many challenges, but please don’t despair. We aren’t. At Palladium Books, we are looking at the future with excitement.

Despite our losses – there have been several over the last three years, dear Julius Rosenstein being just the most recent – and despite continuing challenges, we are full of optimism and passion for our work. We have big plans for Palladium’s future. There are some days that Sean and I are practically giddy with excitement. We’re not leaving our future in the hands of Fate, either; we are taking bold, decisive action and making things happen! Stuff that should make you happy and breed excitement. We are working toward positive growth with a focus on spreading fun and joy.

We encourage you to do likewise. Try not to let the state of our economy, politics, and the world bring you down. There are always terrible things happening someplace. Our hearts go out to those of you clobbered by the recent winter storm that has buried poor Buffalo, New York, and other communities, and stranded thousands at airports. There is a lot of trouble and turmoil across the globe, but most of us here in the USA have it pretty darn good. We have our complaints, frustrations, and obstacles, but they are all things we can survive, push through and overcome. Remember that.

Please don’t lose your passion for gaming, creating, and life. Yes, life is hard, but it is also beautiful and filled with wonder. Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed by negative chatter and crap you can’t control. Focus on what you have control over. Focus on ways you can make a positive difference for yourself and those around you. It doesn’t matter if that difference is small, medium, or large. And remember, you matter! You are important. Take care of yourself, physically and emotionally. There was a time I had forgotten that, and my health, Palladium, and the people around me suffered for it. A few years ago, everything began to get better when I began to remember and accept that I was important, had value, and couldn’t let others steal my joy. It changed my whole outlook. It made me positive, proactive, and happier. That, in turn, made everyone around me feel better and more positive.

I was lucky, I had friends to remind me of who I am. That I’m important. I hope to be that friend reminding you if you need it, that you are important; more important than you may think. You’re important to me and everyone at Palladium Books, and that’s not nothing. You’re important to lots and lots of people in ways you may not realize. So please, when you are feeling down, do something nice for yourself. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Maybe it’s treating yourself to a bowl of ice cream or reading a good book or RPG. Maybe it’s playing a game with a few friends, rolling up a new character, working on your campaign, taking time to watch a movie or call a friend, or just hanging out with someone you love. There are a thousand things you can do to allow yourself to catch a breath and experience something joyful and comforting. Please do it.

Here’s one for you, be positive about Palladium Books and our future. I promise, if all goes well, we’ll be giving you a lot to be happy about throughout 2023. Be thankful for the people you love, the hobby you love, the pets you love and play with, and everything that you love and brings you joy. Joy is important, but finding and holding onto it can be tricky. Happiness is all too fleeting. So deliberately search for the things that bring you joy and do them, embrace them, engage in them regularly, and revel in them, even if they are momentary, silly, or flat out dumb. It’s about the people and the warm, joyful moments in your life that will give you respite and recharge your battery.

I’m smiling as I write these Closing Thoughts, because I’m thinking about all the things that make me happy. The many little things that bring me joy: Watching the birds, tossing peanuts out the kitchen window to feed the squirrels at home (there’s a million of them and they’re all characters), talking with Sean and other creators about writing and game design and plans for Palladium’s growth. Most things gaming are a joy for me too (playing, running, writing, daydreaming ideas, etc.), as are drawing, taking a walk, eating popcorn, enjoying my Mom’s poppy-seed cake made by my sweet Kathy, time spent with Kathy and friends even when we’re not doing anything special, talking to my daughter, having a job I love, our army of fans and the kind things you do and say; the list goes on and on. It is moments like this, as I write Closing Thoughts, that make me feel warm and fuzzy and happy. It’s a nice reminder that I have a darn good life and should feel happy about it. Do I wish I had more money, more time off, less work and hundreds of other things? Yes. But my life is good and I can feel that goodness and joy right here, right now. Part of that joy is you. I’m thinking of you and all the people that make my life so rich and delightful. You are a big part of that crunchy goodness, because you ARE important and special to me. To us. Thank you for being part of my beautiful world.

Stay positive, snag some last minute gaming deals and get in a little rest and fun over the weekend if you can. The New Year is going to be grand for Palladium, and I hope for all of us. Let’s all do our part to make it so. Peace.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Friend, & Surrogate Santa Claus


Surprise Package comments from fans like you

Every year there is a section where our Surprise Package customers can offer comments and suggestions with their order. We do so because we want to know what you think, and what you want, and we appreciate your suggestions and insights. The idea to do hardcover editions of core books came from fan comments in the Grab Bags.

Every year, in acknowledgment of our fans, and because they are fun to read, we offer a sampling of these comments in the Weekly Updates. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have stuck with Palladium through thick and thin and now these new strange times. Please use our games to find escape from the pandemic and other worries. Use them to bring a little joy, laughter, and adventure to the holiday season.

I want you to know that your comments and support mean the world to all of us. Everyone at Palladium enjoys reading your brief comments and they always brighten our day. Thank you for making us smile and feel useful. As always, I have tried to write a short response [in brackets] to each comment. Happy holidays.


P.N. in Portland, Oregon, writes (in part): Returning to Rifts® after many years away to start new sessions with friends.

[Welcome back, P.N., have good times exploring the Megaverse with your friends. – Kevin]


J.P. in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, writes: Thank you for doing this [Surprise Package]. I’m rebuilding my collection now that I’ve been playing for 30 years and have the money. 15 year old me is quite excited.

[You are welcome J.P., and 15 year old Kevin says you are gonna love your Surprise Package and all the cool stuff coming in 2023 and beyond. – Kevin]


D.M. in Lake Forest, California, writes: I’m happy to be back getting into the hobby with Palladium again. Rifts® was my true first RPG session as D&D never got off the ground in my area. I used to have a first printing of the original Rifts® RPG and wore it away to nothing. We used to play every Friday after school for several years. After seeing the picture schematics for the Glitter Boy for the first time, I was instantly hooked. Can’t wait to try to catch that feeling again! Thanks for this offer. It’s a great way to celebrate the holidays.

[I hope the Surprise Package helps you to recapture that old feeling of RPG fun again, D.M. Have fun with it and game on. – Kevin]


B.M.H.B. in Arizona City, Arizonia, writes: Love the Palladium system! It makes more sense to me than D&D. And I love the fact I’m not stuck in one setting/genre for a system I love. I can play any type of theme without trying to learn new rules. Thanks for such a great system and such information to really flesh out the worlds I visit.

[Thank you B.M.H.B., we think so too. lol. Enjoy your travels across the Megaverse®. – Kevin]


E.A. in Lacey, Washington, writes: The worlds created for Phase World have given our group 4 years of enjoyment with the same campaign. We have traveled to Rifts Earth several times, along with Century Station. Thank you for the worlds Palladium Books has created. For the last two years, during the fall, we play Nightbane® and Dead Reign®. Both are creepy, dangerous and WONDERFUL worlds to get lost in.

[It sounds like you and your gaming group are enjoying a lot of game time, E.A., that’s awesome. May all your adventures be fruitful as you continue to explore the Megaverse into the New Year. – Kevin]


R.D. in Phoenix, Arizona, writes: I love that you all are doing this [Surprise Package] every year. I had stepped away from gaming for a long time. When the pandemic hit, my family renewed their interest in various games, and an old high school friend moved nearby which doubled the interest in TTRPG. You helped me get my family into Heroes Unlimited and Palladium Fantasy last year. Now I want to expand their exposure to Beyond the Supernatural and other games of the Megaverse®. Thank you all for the love you have for the games and your fans. Happy holidays! May you find continued success. Cheers!

[Thank you for your kind words R.D. I hope you and your friends and family continue to the enjoy the Palladium Megaverse. Game on and happy holidays. – Kevin]


C.P. in Joplin, Missouri, writes: I remember playing Heroes Unlimited 30 years ago in high school. Recently, been getting the itch to find a group and bring that game back to the table.

[Scratch that itch C.P., I love playing Heroes Unlimited. – Kevin]


R.D. in Jermyn, Pennsylvania, writes: Is it really this time of year again?! Wow, that went fast! Congratulations on your new projects. I’m looking forward to the results of your successful Kickstarter! Looks awesome. I’m also sorry to hear of Mr. Rosenstein’s passing. I never got to meet him, but I know he will be missed by many. Despite that terrible news, I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

[Merry Christmas to you R.D. Yes, Julius is sorely missed, but he’s here with us in spirit along with Erick Wujcik, my Dad, and many others who are guiding us into the future. The fulfillment of the Titan Robotics Kickstarter is going to rock. And wait till you see what else is coming — good health and God-willing, 2023 should be exciting and fun. – Kevin]


P.M. in San Antonio, Texas, writes (in part): It’s been a few years since I ordered an X-Mas Surprise package, but I was always super-happy with them in the past … By the way I’m really sorry to hear about Julius Rosenstein. Palladium Books has been a part of my life since I was a kid in the 1990s, so it’s really heartbreaking to hear about a tragedy befallen on one of my favorite gaming companies. Despite the tragic news, I hope the Palladium family has a wonderful holiday season. Merry Christmas!

[Thanks P.M., the loss of Julius made the holidays bittersweet, but they were quite nice. Thank you. Happy New Year and game on. – Kevin]


I.X. in Rumford, Rhode Island, writes: I own them all. Keep doing what you’re doing. These Surprise Packages keep getting better and better. This is my second one this year, and I grabbed four last year. Great deal. So sorry about Julius. He’ll be missed.

[We aim to please, I.X., and yes, Julius will be missed, though I’m sure he’ll be keeping a watchful eye over us. – Kevin]


S.K. in Revere, Massachusetts, writes: Just starting out with Palladium Fantasy. Anything to help run a campaign. Thanks we love these bundles.

[Trust your gut and have fun, S.K., and you’ll you be fine. The game advice in the Rifts® Adventure Guide, Heroes Unlimited G.M. Guide, and various other books can be applied to any setting. Enjoy. – Kevin]


J.T. in Athens, Alabama, writes: I started playing Rifts® in high school. Fast forward a few years I played while I was in the Navy and fast forward [to today] I still play Rifts® with my Navy Buddies via discord and online. The game has brought us together time and time again and strengthened our friendships. For that you can’t put a price on. Palladium Books is hands down the best gaming system I have ever played. Thanks for the amazing worlds we have gotten to explore and keep them coming.

[You’ve got it, J.T., we’ll keep ‘em coming. And boy, oh boy, do we have some amazing worlds coming in the years ahead. – Kevin]


C.M. in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, writes: I loved your games growing up and recently got a blast of nostalgia listening to the Glitterbois podcast. I’m super-excited for the Christmas Package to read some of the things I was anticipating back in the 1990s and get a game going with friends.

[Thank you and enjoy, C.M. We appreciate the growing number of podcasts doing interviews with us and releasing material based on Palladium’s games. Keep those imaginations burning and spread the word about the Palladium Megaverse®! – Kevin]


A.K. in Sacramento, California, writes: Favorites, really they all are. You guys are my heroes in the gaming world. It’s a fun lil’ system. Make more content for Revised RECON®, more modern conflict stuff.

[Glad you enjoy our work, A.K. We don’t have any immediate plans for RECON, but who knows what the future holds? Hmm, okay, I guess we know, but we’re not telling. Happy New Year. – Kevin]


M.W. in Portland, Oregon, writes: If you’re asking for product ideas, I’d love to see a Lord Splynncryth plush doll. I’m told they sell them in the Splynn Dimensional Market right next to the Antique Weapons Dealer. Also some Arena of Champions Season Tickets. Hopefully the Gargoyles will have a better season this year. Oh, and where do I get a Megaversal Passport? The office wants to send me to Dyval next month to renegotiate some contracts.

[Um … gee, M.W. … uh, thanks for those questions and ideas. Good luck on your visits to Splynn and Dyval. And we always appreciate suggestions for new product. – Kevin]


T.G. in Jackson, Michigan, writes: Much love and all the best in 2023!

[The same to you T.G., and to everyone in the Palladium family. – Kevin]


© 2022 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Sale Reminders – December 27, 2022

Palladium Books® – Sale Reminders – December 27, 2022

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure – Mega Bundles & More

By Kevin Siembieda

Happy week after Christmas! If you’re like me, you’re thinking: The holiday was sure nice. A little travel, good times with friends and family, some delicious food, gift-giving, and fun. But now you’re a tad bit worn out and probably spent a little too much money.

Ah, but we do not want you to miss out on three of the most incredible bargains ever offered. 18 Rifts books (7 core books and 11 Sourcebooks (including Sourcebooks 1-4, Conversion Books 1-3, Rifts® Bestiary Volume One, Black Market and more!) – $200 worth of PDF books for under $43. It sounds like a post-Christmas Miracle, but it’s true when you get the Rifts Core Mega Bundle of Holding: Corebook Collection AND Sourcebook Collection. You’ll need to act soon though, because there are only 6 days left on this offer.

Rifts Core Mega Bundle of Holding


But wait, there’s more! The Rifts® Land and Sea Bundle of Holding nets you 14 epic World Books (Rifts® Underseas, Atlantis, Splynn Dimensional Market, Secrets of the Atlanteans, Lemuria, Japan, Russia, England, and much more) – $174 worth of PDF titles for under $38 when you get both the Atlantean Collection and the Nations Collection. It’s almost 2,800 pages of cross-dimensional globetrotting adventure for an unbeatable bargain price. Incredible, right? Plus you help a worthy gaming charity.

Only 6 days left for these Rifts® Bundles of Holding at these unprecedented holiday prices. Just think how many gaming hours these bundles provide.

Rifts Land and Sea Bundle of Holding


Christmas Grab Bags

Christmas Surprise Package offer – Extended to January 17, 2023

Physical books at PDF prices – $96-$100+ worth of physical products for only $58 plus shipping. And we’ll sign each book if you request it. For many this is the only way to get an autographed book. No other game company in the world offers a deal like this.

Are you looking to build your collection of physical books or looking to try new world settings on the cheap? This is your chance to try Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited, Dead Reign® (zombies), Nightbane® (super-hero horror), After the Bomb® (mutant animals), The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy (science fiction), Beyond the Supernatural, and other worlds of adventure via a Surprise Package.

It has become tradition to extend the Christmas Surprise Package Offer through the end of December and into the New Year for those of you who were too busy with Christmas to get one or two for yourself, can’t afford one until after Christmas, or you’re just a Johnny-Come-Lately (it’s okay). The Surprise Package offer now ends January 17, 2023, and will NOT be extended further. Oh, and now you can ship via the less expensive method of Media Mail because you do not need it for a deadline.

You can “request” anything Palladium sells in your Wish List, but it doesn’t mean you’ll get it, so make sure we get a nice, long Wish List of 12-15 items (or more), and not just all hardcovers either. Remember, hardcovers that normally cost $34-$40 each have a $50 value when requested in the Surprise Package. Get complete Christmas Surprise Package details at and enjoy.

Christmas Surprise Package at


A Surprise Package and/or any of the Bundles of Holding are a nice way to start the New Year. They also make a great gift for birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, and any gift-giving occasion. Let’s talk more, later, in the Weekly Update. Till then, stay merry even if you’re stuck at work like us. Ho, ho, ho.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Friend, & Surrogate Santa Claus working overtime


© 2022 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – December 22, 2022

Weekly Update Opening Graphic

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure – Mega Bundles & More

By Kevin Siembieda

The BIG news is the Christmas Surprise Package offer is Extended till January 17, 2023. See details below and enjoy.

Merry Christmas! Christmas Day is this Sunday and we hope yours is full of love and joy with friends and family. Whether you celebrate the holiday or not, all of us at Palladium Books send you warm wishes that you enjoy a weekend filled with quiet (or noisy) fun and merriment. Maybe even get in a bit of gaming. We love and appreciate all of you and wish you our very best. And to our Canadian friends, Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day (December 26th).

With Christmas just a few days away, I try to avoid a lot of hype and selling in this Weekly Update. Instead I like to present a few key items and reminders and share with you a couple dozen fun, fan comments we’ve received via the Christmas Surprise Packages. It being Christmas, I have included some of the lengthier and more sentimental ones, so I hope you enjoy them.

Rifts® mania continues to reign through the holiday season.

A Holiday Interview. Sean and I recently did a fun, hour long interview with Harlan and Jo on the Fast and Furious Fall Review that many people have told us was especially interesting for fans old and new. You can find it at


The Savage Rifts® South America crowdfunder by Pinnacle Entertainment continues into the first week of the New Year and offers maps, “pawns” (cardboard minis), adventures, and an official, updated time line for South America and the New West – the Terror on the Dark Frontier box set. All great stuff that can be incorporated into your Palladium Rifts® games should you so desire, and vice versa.

Savage Rifts Crowdfunder


Check out the NEW Heroes Unlimited Christmas Special and the recent Cozy Caverns Beyond the Supernatural RPG adventure podcasts from the creative minds at – now through the end of the year. John and company, sorry, with everything going on I forgot to hype up your new, wonderful, Heroes Unlimited Christmas Special. But hey everyone, there’s still time for you to enjoy it. These fun podcasts are created by Palladium fans like you!


I have also forgotten to mention I have a Christmas Sale going on at my Ebay store — (I think someone bought the last of the TMNT Negatives just last night).


Sheesh, I haven’t even been able to ship out all of the zillions of Christmas gifts I send to my many friends and freelancers BEFORE Christmas. I’m afraid about a dozen will arrive after Christmas. There is just soooo much to do this time of year. Sean and the Palladium crew will tell you, I’m working long hours and wrapping and shipping presents whenever I can ALL day long. Sean teased me this morning, saying something like, “You still wrapping presents? You’ve been at this for days. You really are like Santa Claus.” Yep, and I sympathize with Santa’s workload, but I love bringing holiday cheer to all the good lil’ gamers. Ho, ho, ho.


2 Big Bundle of Holding Offers

For those of you new to the Bundle of Holding, you pay less when you “buy in” on the offer at your earliest convenience. Ah, but a Bundle of Holding is always a bargain no matter when you buy in. Even on the last day! We recommend jumping in early to get the best value for your money.

Bundles of Holding are a great way to build your PDF library on the cheap AND support a worthy charity. Our current bundles support the Diana Jones Award Emerging Designer Program. Each year, the Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, amplifies the voices of up-and-coming game designers by featuring them during an expenses-paid visit to Gen Con.


NEW! Rifts® Core Mega Bundle of Holding – available now

The first ever PDF Rifts® Core Rules “Mega” Bundle of Holding – offers a tremendous deal on core rule books like Rifts Ultimate Edition, Rifts® G.M. Guide, Adventure Guide, and more. Pay more than the current “threshold price” and you level up to receive the Sourcebook Collection which includes all three Rifts® Conversion Books, Rifts® Sourcebook One, The Mechanoids®, and Mindwerks (three of my favorite titles), Rifts® Black Market, Bestiary Volume One, and more – everything a gamer needs to launch an extensive campaign. 17 major Rifts® titles in all. A great way to try the Rifts setting or build your PDF library at super-saving prices; plus a portion goes to a gaming charity.

$19.95 US gets you all 6 titles in the Corebook Collection (retail value $71) as DRM-free PDFs, including the complete Rifts® Ultimate Edition RPG (plus the Rifts® Primer), and Rifts® Adventure Guide, Game Master Guide, Game Master Kit, and Index and Adventures Volume 1 and Volume 2.

Pay more than the current threshold price ($42.82 as I write this) for the Rifts® Sourcebook Collection (retail value $129) and you’ll get 11 additional major Rifts® titles including Rifts® Sourcebook One, The Mechanoids®, Mindwerks, Book of Magic, The Bestiary Volume One, Black Market, Bionics Sourcebook, and all three Conversion BooksRifts® Conversion Book Revised, Pantheons of the Megaverse, and Dark Conversions.

Rifts Core Mega Bundle of Holding


NEW! Rifts® Land and Sea Bundle

The Rifts® Land and Sea Bundle of Holding has proven to be a fan favorite and is selling like crazy. It is the biggest, best offering of Rifts® PDF titles at HUGE savings offered as a Bundle of Holding! And as always a portion of all sales goes to a worthy gaming charity at the same time. I’m happy to report it is off to a stellar start. Please spread the word as both bundles are a great way to get Rifts® PDF titles on the cheap.

$14.95 gets you the 5 PDF books in the Rifts® Land and Sea “Atlantean Collection” ($67.50 value) which offers Rifts® Atlantis, Rifts® Underseas, Lemuria, Splynn Dimensional Market (Atlantis), and Dimension Book 5: Secrets of the Atlanteans (epic).

Pay more than the current threshold price ($37.51 as I write this) for the Rifts® “Nations Collection” (retail value $106.50) and you’ll get 9 additional major Rifts® World Books including Rifts® Japan, England, Africa, Triax & the NGR (Germany), South America 1, South America 2, Mystic Russia, Warlords of Russia, and Australia. And don’t forget to start with this offer’s companion, the Rifts® Core Mega Bundle.

Rifts Land and Sea Bundle of Holding


Christmas Grab Bags

Palladium’s Christmas Surprise Package Offer Extended

Is this a Christmas miracle? A mistake? Utter lunacy?

None of the above. It has become tradition that I extend the Christmas Surprise Package Offer through the end of December and into the New Year! Yes, this means you can still snag one or two if you act quickly. The sale now ends January 17, 2023, and will NOT be extended further. Oh, and you can ship via the less expensive method of Media Mail because you do not need it for a deadline.

A Surprise Package is a nice way to start the New Year, and is a great gift for birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, and any gift-giving occasion. Or start the New Year with a stack of RPGs or sourcebooks you have been meaning to try, or the titles you need to fill holes in your collection, or replace battered well-loved books.

We extend the Surprise Package offer for those of you who have been so busy spending your time and money on your family and friends, that you have not had the opportunity or funds to treat yourself to a well-deserved Christmas Surprise Package.

We also extend it for those of you who cannot get enough of Palladium’s games and want to start the New Year off with a setting or source material to launch a new campaign. And for those of you who can use a Surprise Package as the perfect gift for a birthday, anniversary, or special occasion coming up in January or February. (Valentine’s Day?)

The extension is also for you Johnny Come-Latelies who were meaning to get one, but how time flies during the holidays. It’s also a way for those of you struggling through financial issues to carry some gaming fun into the New Year to stay busy and distracted through the winter months. So please, spread the word about the extended Surprise Package sale period, and travel the Megaverse® from the warmth and safety of your home.

What is a Christmas Surprise Package?

A smile and a hug that comes in a box filled with signed game books from available Palladium staff and freelancers. It is our way of saying thank you for your support and showing you our love and appreciation. It’s a surprise because you never know exactly what you’re going to get or who will sign your books. This all makes it the best deal in gaming – $100+ worth of books for $58 plus shipping – all books signed if you request autographs. Physical books and other product (art prints, miniatures, bookmarks, T-shirts, pens, notepads, mouse pads, mugs, and more) at PDF prices for ALL Palladium RPG settings. What a fun way to start the New Year and stock up for gaming all winter long.

No other game company in the world offers a deal like this! No one. The Surprise Package offer has been extended to January 17, 2023. It will not be extended further. Please spread the word and enjoy.

Christmas Surprise Package at


UPDATED List of RPG Hardcovers Available Now


Palladium Books® Check List of “Recent Releases” – all available now


NEW on – Free Sneak Preview of Creature Feature and much more.

FREE Creature Feature™ Preview provides you a glimpse of what you will find in this epic book. There also FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles. Those are just some of the 300+ Palladium RPG titles available as PDF books.

No other game company offers game worlds for so many different genres. Best of all, learn and play one Palladium RPG and you can play them all, because each uses the same basic core rules and combat. There are differences, but the fundamentals are the same. This also means you can bring characters, villains, monsters, powers, magic, weapons, gear, and adventure ideas from one setting into another or mash them together!

DriveThruRPG offers most of our 300+ Palladium RPG titles as PDF books, making it easy and inexpensive to try out one of our many games. Also check out the FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles.


Closing Thoughts – Hold your loved ones close

Merry Christmas to all of you from all of us. As stated in my opening, I like to keep the Christmas Update short and sweet. Thank you all for your support of us throughout the year – the Palladium Open House (awesome fun), The Rifter® Annual, Gen Con (more awesomeness), the Titan Robotics Kickstarter, the current Rifts® Bundles of Holding, the Surprise Packages (our gift to you), and, of course, your prayers and kind words about the unexpected death of Julius Rosenstein. Your support in words and deeds are helping Palladium Books to get strong and grow. Your kindness motivates and inspires us.

Please use the extended Surprise Package offer to build your own collections and enjoy the two epic Rifts® Bundles of Holding to expand your gaming libraries and stockpile game material for the long winter months. Hey, you might as well explore new game settings on the cheap while you can!

Most important this holiday season, hold those you love close, spend time with the people you care about, and tell them how much they mean to you. God forbid, but you never know when you will experience unexpected loss like we have with the sudden death of our dear friend and teammate Julius Rosenstein. I am so glad my final words to him were of love, friendship, and gratitude. I had no idea he’d be gone two days later in a freak accident. And though we miss him deeply, we all take solace in that he knew how much he meant to all of us at Palladium (and all of you). Please do the same for the people near and dear to you. Call or text or email or, best of all, visit the people who make you laugh and feel all fuzzy inside. Tell them how much they matter and how much you love them. Go on those grand gaming adventures and enjoy the good things that gaming friendships and family can provide. Let that goodness fill you up and push away the darkness in the world, especially during this season of caring and gift-giving.

Speaking of which, the Palladium Christmas party last Friday was such a joyous occasion filled with friends old and new. Bittersweet only in that Julius was missing. The warehouse and office was alive with laughter and merriment as we stuffed ourselves with delicious food, exchanged gifts, and enjoyed each other’s excellent company. I love my job and I love the people I work with; dear friends all. It was nice to be reunited with old pals like Mark Dudley, Ed Kwiatkowski, Ryan McDaniel, Paul Deckert, Diane Messina, and Stephanie, along with new friends like Phil and Kim Stone, Mike Majestic, and the irrepressible Ben Rodriguez. As you might suspect, friends like Julius, Erick, Kay, Keith, my Dad, and others who have passed where there with us in spirit as were our many friends and family separated by distance like Yvonne, Larry, Brian and Anastasia, Monica and family, Adam, Matt C., Matt B., Mark O., Madman Mike, NMI, John K., Doug, the Brown Family, and far too many others to continue to list. It was fun and good to be laughing and talking and speculating about the great things we expect the future holds for us. I just wish we would remember to take more photos. lol. We just get too caught up in the moment to take photos, darn it.

Please enjoy the extra large heaping of Surprise Package Fan Comments, below, and then enjoy a weekend with friends and family this holiday. Kathy and I expect to have a quiet and peaceful Christmas Day together, but know you are all on our minds and in our hearts. Be safe, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Friend, & Surrogate Santa Claus


Surprise Package comments from fans like you

Every year there is a section where our Surprise Package customers can offer comments and suggestions with their order. We do so because we want to know what you think, and what you want, and we appreciate your suggestions and insights. The idea to do hardcover editions of core books came from fan comments in the Grab Bags.

Every year, in acknowledgment of our fans, and because they are fun to read, we offer a sampling of these comments in the Weekly Updates. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have stuck with Palladium through thick and thin and now these new strange times. Please use our games to find escape from the pandemic and other worries. Use them to bring a little joy, laughter, and adventure to the holiday season.

I want you to know that your comments and support mean the world to all of us. Everyone at Palladium enjoys reading your brief comments and they always brighten our day. Thank you for making us smile and feel useful. As always, I have tried to write a short response [in brackets] to each comment. Happy holidays.


D.W. in Coldiron, Kentucky, writes (in part): I have been playing in a Rifts® campaign with my Uncle that he has been running for 25 years and I’m part of the second generation of his story. Thank you.

[Wow, that’s amazing, D.W. What a special opportunity. Enjoy. – Kevin]


J.W. in Albuquerque, New Mexico, writes: I have been a fan of your system and your company since I bought my first Palladium Book, The Palladium Fantasy RPG back in 1986. I was 15 when my friend and I rode our bikes over 12 miles to the nearest hobby store where I bought that book and never looked back. Game on, Sir!

[Wow. Thanks for sharing, J.W. I love hearing stories about friendship and gaming. I’m delighted you have enjoyed our games so much these many decades. Keep your imagination burning bright and game on. – Kevin]


J.B. from Erlanger, Kentucky, writes: The Christmas Surprise Package has been a family favorite since the first time it was offered years ago. The package contains so much awesome stuff, our collections are quite extensive but Santa Kev and his marvelous elves always find a way to WOW and surprise our family! We are so blessed to have these amazing games and art to get us thru the good and bad times. Much love to the Palladium crew for all they do all year round. Merry Christmas to Santa Kev and the entire Palladium crew.

[Ahh, thank you J.B., I’m glad we can always make your gamers’ Christmas a little brighter. Merry Christmas and happy New Year. – Kevin]


D.M. in Lake Forest, California, writes: I’m happy to be getting into the hobby with Palladium again. Rifts® was my true first RPG session, as D&D never got off the ground in my area. I used to have a first print of the original Rifts book and I wore it away to nothing. We used to play every Friday after school for several years. After seeing the picture and schematics fo the Glitter Boy for the first time, I was instantly hooked. Can’t wait to try to catch that feeling again! Thanks for this offer. It’s a great way to celebrate the holidays.

[Welcome back to the Rifts Megaverse, D.M. I hope you find it as fun and compelling as ever. – Kevin]


S.S. in Vernon, British Columbia, Canada, writes (in part): … Been a big fan of the product for YEARS and hunting down these gems has been part of that adventure. But finding this bundle seems like an amazing opportunity, and if anyone involved with the books are willing to sign, OMG. Yes, please.

[Hey S.S., glad you are so excited. I hope you enjoyed your Surprise Package. Please note, as has become tradition, we have extended the Surprise Package offer till January 17, 2023, so you have time to snag one more if you’d like. Game on! – Kevin]


T.S. in Hope, Michigan, writes: Favorites are Palladium Fantasy, Rifts®, and Beyond the Supernatural. Ordering this for me and my kids. I also want to thank all of you for the time you gave me and my friends when we visited in October. 3+ hours when you guys work the way you do is more than anyone can ask of all of you. It was a great experience. I’ll have to bring my kids down sometime. Thank you again and Merry Christmas!

[Merry Christmas to you and the family, T.S. We enjoyed the visit as much as you guys did. – Kevin]


B.G. in Oak Park, Michigan, writes: Kevin, sorry for your loss. I hope Julius Rosenstein’s family has all the support they need.

[Thank you, B.G. and everyone who has reached out. I believe Julius’s family is doing as well as can be expected. I know they really appreciate your comments and memories of their loved one. I’m sure Julius is too, and is smiling down at us all and wishing us a happy holidays and great things to come for us all. That’s just the kind of guy he was. Miss you J-Bone. – Kevin]


J.F. in Panama City, Florida, writes (in part): I’m buying this for a friend … Thank you in advance. Sorry to hear about Julius. Glad I met him at the Palladium Open House.

[You are welcome, J.F. I think your friend will be very pleased with the Surprise Package. I’m glad you met Julius at the POH too. He was a very special human being. Long live Xar Xar … long live Julius. – Kevin]


C.T. in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, writes (in part): Hi Palladium Crew, first, I want to send my thoughts and prayers to you all. I have been a fan of Palladium for many years. While I didn’t know Julius Rosenstein personally, I always felt his presence whenever I read and played Palladium’s games. It was an honor to get to know him through the books and games I have played over the years.

The following is my Wish List for Christmas this year. I’m trying to fill out my Rifts® library in print, so I will stick to the Rifts® line… Thank you all again, and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

[Kind thoughts and prayers are always welcomed, C.T., thank you. Doing these Surprise Packages has actually been a nice distraction this year. Books in print are my jam too, but don’t forget about the epic Rifts® Bundles of Holding offering PDFs of Rifts Core Rule books and a slew of World and sourcebooks on the cheap plus you help a charity. These Bundles end shortly after the start of the New Year, so time is running out. – Kevin]


S.L.C. in Post Falls, Idaho, writes: I’ve discovered the Glitterbois podcast a few months ago, and their wonderful takes have stoked my interest in your works. They have chatted about a bunch of things I’ve never looked into and inflamed my curiosity. I really appreciated the most recent interview, and it led me to back the Titan Robotics Kickstarter. So props to the Glitterbois!

Keep up the awesome work! I’ll be watching. I’ve been story gaming with my son since he’s been four (he’s 7 now), and we’re just starting to get into systems and dice in a bigger way. We made twin Dog Boy huskies who are doing good in the world from the inside of their Spider-Skull Walker. lol.

[Yes, S.L.C., props to the Glitterbois podcast and ALL the podcasters who have invited us to engage with them and their fan base with interviews, live chats, and fun conversations. The latest was with Fast, Furious, Fall Feature. We deeply appreciate these online pioneers welcoming us onto their shows and Sean and I are happy to do chats and interviews whenever we can. Meanwhile, S.L.C., it sounds like you have a great campaign going with your son. Dog Boys rule! Um … I mean Merry Christmas and game on. – Kevin]


T.G. in Jackson, Michigan, writes (in part): Merry Christmas and happy holidays, Kevin, Sean, and everyone at Palladium Books! I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in the coming year.

[You shouldn’t have too long to wait, T.G., because we are pounding away on numerous projects: Wrapping up on Titan Robotics and The Cyberworks Collection, and will be delivering on The Rifter #86, as well as some Fantasy, BTS, and Rifts® material throughout the year. Happy holidays to you and yours. – Kevin]


T.S. in Anderson, Indiana, writes: Thank you so much. I am trying to complete my Rifts® collection. Merry Christmas!

[Hey T.S., this Surprise Package puts you that much closer. Merry Christmas. – Kevin]


D.M. in Northwood, North Dakota, writes (in part): Can’t believe I didn’t get that Glitter Boy miniature at the last Palladium Open House when I had the perfect chance to get it, since I love Glitter Boys so much. I hope that one and the new Creature Feature book will be two of the items in the box! Anyways, hope we can have another Open House again in the future. Even with what was going on at the time and the small restrictions, I still had a good time. Hope to have another one in the future, but without anything that could get in the way of having a blast … Have a great Christmas and New Year! And try to take some time off so you don’t burn yourself out. Can’t wait to see you all again.

[Thank you for the kind words, D.M. The 2022 Open House was, indeed, a ton of fun. I hope we can do one again in a few years too. It’s a wonderful and intimate way to connect with our fans and friends. As for time off … maybe a day or two here or there, but there’s so much to do, and Sean and I have such big plans for Palladium. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! – Kevin]


J.B. in Jackson, Michigan, writes: I was lucky enough to have a chance to chat briefly with Julius Rosenstein at the Open House this year. He was a really nice guy. My condolences to his friends and family.

[Thank you, J.B., Julius was a great guy and as nice as nice can be. I’m glad you got to meet him and share some time with him at the POH. By the way, we and his family appreciate the outpouring of condolences and kind words said about him. Thank you for being part of our extended family. Julius loved the Open House and meeting fans from around the world. – Kevin]


C.L. in Las Vegas, Nevada, writes: My husband introduced me to role-playing games and Palladium. It was his “dirty little secret,” when we met. I love that if there is a character I am imagining in my head, Palladium has it! Thank you for your dedication, hard work and love for what you do. Merry Christmas!

[We try, C.L., we try. And we sure do enjoy what we do. I too fell in love with the infinite possibilities role-playing games have to offer, and I intend to explore as many as I can. Glad you and so many others are along for the journey. Merry Christmas and keep your imaginations burning bright. – Kevin]


E.W. in Woodstock, Georgia, writes (in part): My dad got me into Palladium, and while I haven’t gotten to play everything I have yet, I love reading through books and making characters … Thanks for all you guys do!

[Enjoy your first Surprise Package, E.W., keep watching your favorite gaming podcasters, and keep your imagination burning bright. Ho, ho, ho. – Kevin]


C.G. in Hopewell, Virginia, writes (in part): I first mail-ordered Palladium Fantasy first edition, then kept ordering more and more back in the late 80s while stationed at my first Air Force Base, Blytheville, Arkansas. I fell in love with Palladium. I’ve posted tons in the community over the years, but not in the last 7-10 years. Creature Feature has me excited about the “dead” Beyond the Supernatural. I’m reenergized about BTS again.

[BTS was never “dead” C.G., but in hibernation. It is one of my personal favorite game lines and I have been longing to get back to it for years. Too many crises and demands on my time. By bringing Sean and others into the company it should take a lot off my plate and enable me to focus much more of my time on the creative work as we make the company stronger and more nimble again. So I’m excited too! You should see what all we have planned for BTS and other game lines. – Kevin]


C.M.C. in Tampa, Florida, writes (in part): I have just returned to the Palladium Megaverse® … I ordered new copies of the main Rifts® books a couple years ago and Kevin was kind enough to sign them for me which I thought was really cool. I appreciate his passion and have been enjoying getting back into the games … Thank you for reigniting the flame.

[Welcome back C.M.C. and keep your imagination burning bright. I’m happy to report that my Creative Director and business partner Sean shares my passion about all our worlds, the company and our fan base. You keep playing and we’ll keep releasing great books. – Kevin]


J.L. from Quapaw, Oklahoma, writes: I have all the books except what’s listed. I play all that you make. We have a group of 10 players with three rotating Game Masters.

[Sounds fun J.L., keep on rotating and happy holidays. – Kevin]


J.D. in Bristow, Virginia, writes: This [Surprise Package] is always a favorite Christmas event! Thank you so much.

[J.D., you are very welcome. This Surprise Package will not disappoint.]


R.D. in Lathrup Village, Michigan, writes: I love saving this [Surprise Package] until Christmas day to open. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas.

[I hear a good number of people do that, R.D. Awesome. I think you’ll be pleased. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. – Kevin]


J.S. in Millbrook, Alabama, writes: Kevin, Sean, Wayne, all of the team, thank you for all you do. Have a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season and an amazing 2023!

[That’s the plan: an amazing 2023. Thank you, J.S., same to you! – Kevin]


R.R. in Somonauk, Illinois, writes: Thank you. Have a safe holiday.

[Same to you, R.R., and all of you out there in the gaming realm. Happy Holidays, be safe, have fun, and game on! – Kevin]


T.G. in Jackson, Michigan, writes: Here’s wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Thank you for the amazing worlds and fantastic books! I cannot wait to see what 2023 has in store from Kevin, Sean, and crew! Much love.

[Thanks, T.G. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I think you’ll be very pleased with 2023. ‘Nuff said. – Kevin]


© 2022 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – December 15, 2022

Weekly Update Opening Graphic

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure – Mega Bundles & More

By Kevin Siembieda

It’s Rifts® mania! And we’re loving it!

First, there was the very successful Rifts® Titan Robotics Kickstarter. Hosted and orchestrated by Sean Owen Roberson, Palladium’s Creative Director.

Second, came the Savage Rifts® South America crowdfunder by Pinnacle Entertainment. It’s happening right now and is pretty cool, so check it out. Remember, their maps, “pawns”/cardboard minis, adventures, and official updated time lines for South America, etc., can also be used with any of Palladium’s Rifts® books, not just Savage Worlds titles. More info below.

Savage Rifts Crowdfunder


Third, for the first time ever, a Rifts® Mega Bundle of Holding launched a few days ago. It is the biggest, best offering of Rifts® PDF titles at HUGE savings offered as a Bundle of Holding! And a portion of all sales goes to a worthy gaming charity at the same time. I’m happy to report it’s off to a great start. Please spread the word as it is a great way to get Rifts® PDF titles on the cheap.

Rifts Core Mega Bundle of Holding


NEW! The Rifts® Land and Sea Bundle of Holding launched yesterday! It offers all the Atlantis books, Lemuria, Japan, England, Australia and other Rifts® World Books of nations where the oceans and seas have a profound impact. 14 Rifts® sourcebooks in all in the bundle. Also see the Rifts® Core Rules Mega Bundle!

Rifts Land and Sea Bundle of Holding


Rifts® is exploding onto the forefront of the RPG scene once again! So please spread the word and help us make this holiday season filled with Rifts® epic adventures and RPG fun. See more details below about these Bundles of Holding or click on the links above.


Don’t forget about the Christmas Surprise Package offer – $100+ worth of books for $58 plus shipping – all books signed if you request autographs. Physical books and other product (art prints, miniatures, bookmarks, T-shirts, pens, notepads, mousepads, mugs, and more) at PDF prices for ALL our RPG settings. No other game company in the world offers a deal like this! No one. But time is running out to get a Surprise Package in time for Christmas so order today! Oh, and if you do not need it in time for Christmas, buy one to treat yourself or to try new game settings, replace worn out books, or grow your collection. They also make great gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, and other occasions for the gamers in your lives. The Surprise Package offer is scheduled to end December 24, 2022 – only 9 days left!

Christmas Surprise Package at


Wow, I think all that’s plenty of excitement for the opening to this Update, now on to the details, followed by my Closing Thoughts and Surprise Package comments by fans like you. Enjoy and game on.


2 Big Bundle of Holding Offers

For those of you new to the Bundle of Holding, you pay less when you “buy in” during the first few weeks of the offer. Ah, but a Bundle of Holding is always a bargain no matter when you buy in. Even on the last day! We recommend jumping in early to get the best value for your money.

Bundles of Holding are a great way to build your PDF library on the cheap AND support a worthy charity. The Mega Bundle supports the Diana Jones Award Emerging Designer Program. Each year, the Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, amplifies the voices of up-and-coming game designers by featuring them during an expenses-paid visit to Gen Con.


NEW! Rifts® Core Mega Bundle of Holding – available now

This first ever PDF “Mega” Bundle of Holding for Rifts® launched on Monday. The Rifts® Corebook Collection and Sourcebook Collection offers 17 major Rifts® titles in all! A great way to build your PDF library on the cheap AND support a worthy charity at the same time.

$19.95 US gets you all 6 titles in the Corebook Collection (retail value $71) as DRM-free PDFs, including the complete Rifts® Ultimate Edition RPG (plus the Rifts® Primer), and Rifts® Adventure Guide, Game Master Guide, Game Master Kit, and Index and Adventures Volume 1 and Volume 2.

Pay more than the threshold price ($41.75 to start) for the Rifts® Sourcebook Collection (retail value $129) and you’ll get 11 additional major Rifts® titles including Rifts® Sourcebook One, The Mechanoids®, Mindwerks, Book of Magic, The Bestiary Volume One, Black Market, Bionics Sourcebook, and all three Conversion BooksRifts® Conversion Book Revised, Pantheons of the Megaverse, and Dark Conversions.

Rifts Core Mega Bundle of Holding


NEW! Rifts® Land and Sea Bundle

The Rifts® Core Mega Bundle of Holding is off to an explosive start and now the Megaverse® has been expanded to include the NEW Rifts® Land and Sea Bundle!

$14.95 gets you the 5 PDF books in the Rifts® Land and Sea “Atlantean Collection” ($67.50 value) which offers Rifts® Atlantis, Rifts® Underseas, Lemuria, Splynn Dimensional Market (Atlantis), and Dimension Book 5: Secrets of the Atlanteans (epic).

Pay more than the current threshold price ($34.95 to start) for the Rifts® “Nations Collection” (retail value $106.50) and you’ll get 9 additional major Rifts® World Books including Rifts® Japan, England, Africa, Triax & the NGR (Germany), South America 1, South America 2, Mystic Russia, Warlords of Russia, and Australia. And don’t forget to start with this offer’s companion, the Rifts® Core Mega Bundle.

Rifts Land and Sea Bundle of Holding


Can’t get enough of Rifts®?

Check out the Pinnacle Rifts® for Savage Worlds crowdfunder taking place right now! The campaign includes Terror on the Dark Frontier (i.e. the New West setting), the first campaign boxed set ever for Rifts®, the new Land of a Thousand Islands South America World book that brings the lore and adventures of the region from 102 P.A. to 109 P.A., a beautiful map of Rifts® South America, jungle and New West Battle Maps, the massive Rifts® Pawn Set 2 (full color cardboard minis), and more.


Christmas Grab Bags

Christmas Surprise Package – Offer Ends Christmas Eve

Only 9 days till Christmas Eve – only 3 days to order and probably receive it in time for Christmas via UPS Ground

The Palladium Christmas Surprise Package offer is the best deal in gaming! $100+ worth of books for $58 plus shipping – all books signed if you request autographs. Physical books and other product (art prints, miniatures, bookmarks, T-shirts, pens, notepads, mouse pads, mugs, and more) at PDF prices for ALL our RPG settings.

No other game company in the world offers a deal like this! No one. But time is running out to get a Surprise Package in time for Christmas so order today! Oh, if you do not need it in time for Christmas, buy one to treat yourself or to try new game settings, replace worn out books, or grow your collection. They also make great gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, and other occasions for the gamers in your lives. The Surprise Package offer is scheduled to end December 24, 2022 – Spread the word.

What is a Christmas Surprise Package?

A smile and a hug that comes in a box filled with signed game books from available Palladium staff and freelancers. It’s a way for you to get physical books (and autographs if you want them) for PDF prices! $95-$105+ worth of Palladium products for only $58 (plus shipping)! That can nab you four or more items when these days one core rule book can cost you that alone.

These Christmas Surprise Packages are our way of saying thank you for your support and showing you our love and appreciation. It’s a surprise because you never know exactly what you’re going to get or who will sign your books, because we pick from your Wish List and may surprise you with stuff you are not expecting. Extra items may include other RPGs, sourcebooks, issues of the Rifter®, novels, miniatures, prints, art books, greeting cards, T-shirts, negatives, and other items. Some books may be slightly damaged (scuffs, scratches, dings, a bent or crunched corner, etc.) so we can send you more.

Christmas Surprise Package at


Christmas SHIPPING Update – 9 days till Christmas Eve

  • United States Postal Service: Media Mail, Priority Mail and All others – will NOT arrive in time for Christmas! If you’re in the eastern US and find you get really good service from USPS, you could take a chance on Priority or Express Mail through this weekend, but there’s no guarantee it will arrive by Christmas. UPS is recommended.
  • UPS Ground (anywhere in the contiguous USA) – Order TODAY, December 15, or tonight, to be safe! Any orders placed after 6:00 AM Eastern tomorrow (Friday) morning won’t ship until Monday. Those orders, and any others received by the night of December 18, may arrive in time for Christmas, especially if you live in the eastern half of the US, but there is NO guarantee.
  • UPS 3 Day Select – We must have your order by December 19.
  • UPS 2nd Day Air – We must have your order by December 20.
  • UPS Next Day Air (to arrive December 23) – We must have your order by December 21. Remember, we need time to process and pack your order!
  • If you do not need the Surprise Package (sale runs through Christmas Eve) or your regular order for Christmas – shipping via UPS Ground or even Media Mail is fine. You should get your package sometime after January 2, 2023.
  • 2022 Shipping Note: As always, at Palladium, we will be working overtime and do everything we can to process orders as fast as possible to get them to you for the holidays. However, after the package leaves the Palladium warehouse, delivery is out of our hands. As we get closer to Christmas, UPS Ground and Priority Mail will be your most reliable and timely methods of shipping. Thank you for your understanding.


Creature Feature

Creature Feature, a Beyond the Supernatural Sourcebook is a hit

Fans are loving it. Steve Dawes loves it. Everyone is saying good things about this diverse and frighteningly fun resource for players and Game Masters alike. Not sure it is for you? Take a look at the FREE Sneak Preview on for deeper insight.

Beyond the Supernatural™ is set in our modern world but seen through the lens of mystery and the supernatural. A lens that lets us see clearly the “things” – the creatures and powers – that science and our rational minds tell us are not real. It is a world of shadows and the uncanny where a monster may really be hiding under your bed or stalking the alley. Creatures that lurk in dark corners and prey upon the unsuspecting, the innocent, and the wicked.

Creature Feature is a journey into just a few of those dark corners. Places where strange and terrible creatures wait, and bold heroes and psychic investigators face their fears and fight against the gathering darkness.

  • 15 supernatural creatures described in depth. Some are new. Some were pulled from the pages of The Rifter® but updated and expanded (many completely rewritten). All of them are dynamic, scary, and offer different horror adventure experiences.
  • Each creature offers adventure hooks and ideas for more.
  • The art of making and running monsters.
  • Creature encounter table and tips on making unique creatures.
  • Player paranormal investigator background table.
  • Game Master source material and tips for running modern horror.
  • More world setting and monster hunting lore.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • A full adventure and numerous adventure suggestions.
  • Paranormal encounter ideas, tips, advice, NPCs, and more.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw, and others.
  • 192 pages – $26.99 retail – Cat. No. 704 – available now!

Creature Feature in the Palladium Online Store


UPDATED List of RPG Hardcovers Available Now


Palladium Books® Check List of “Recent Releases” – all available now


NEW on – Free Sneak Preview of Creature Feature and much more.

FREE Creature Feature™ Preview provides you a glimpse of what you will find in this epic book. There also FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles. Those are just some of the 300+ Palladium RPG titles available as PDF books.

No other game company offers game worlds for so many different genres. Best of all, learn and play one Palladium RPG and you can play them all, because each uses the same basic core rules and combat. There are differences, but the fundamentals are the same. This also means you can bring characters, villains, monsters, powers, magic, weapons, gear, and adventure ideas from one setting into another or mash them together!

DriveThruRPG offers most of our 300+ Palladium RPG titles as PDF books, making it easy and inexpensive to try out one of our many games. Also check out the FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles.


300+ other titles and nearly every game genre available now – and more is coming. In the meanwhile, discover the Palladium Megaverse® as PDF books with 300+ digital titles, previews, and other products available right now. Thank you for your support.

Rifts® titles. Rifts® is the ultimate setting in which you can combine any number of genres and play any style of gaming you may desire: science fiction, fantasy, supernatural horror, heroic adventure, dimensional travel, modern knights, cyborgs, giant robots, dinosaur taming, sleuthing, magic, monsters, heroes and legends. Or combine them all. There has never been a game quite like Rifts®.

Rifts® Chaos Earth® titles. Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.

The Rifter® #1-85. Each issue is a wealth of source material and ideas for Rifts® and 3-5 other Palladium game settings. Most are easily adapted to ANY Palladium game setting. Each issue is a gem. 8,500 pages of source material and ideas for heroes, villains, monsters, magic, gear, and adventure. Many issues are sold out and only available in digital form.

Palladium Fantasy RPG® titles. This is a rich, original setting in which you can play humans or any number of nonhuman species of people in a world of magic, heroes and wonder. A world with 100,000 years of history. Some of it quite dark. All of it epic.

Dead Reign® RPG and sourcebooks. The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed. Play ordinary people or post-apocalyptic O.C.C.s or Masked Lunatic heroes. A great introductory RPG that is surprisingly uplifting, fun, fast, and easy to learn.

Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition titles. Create any type of superhuman you can imagine to build your own super-hero universe or those of your favorite comic books. Heroes Unlimited™ RPG first edition rule book and sourcebooks too.

After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Create and play anthropomorphic, intelligent, mutant animals in a comic book world of crime-fighting mutants and super-heroes, or in a crumbling post-apocalyptic Earth where humans teeter on the edge of extinction and mutant animals are becoming the noble survivors to inherit our world.

Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook by Erick Wujcik. Think James Bond meets Enter the Dragon. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, and super-spies with gadgets, gizmos and advanced weapons.

Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. You are the monsters … and the heroes. Embark on a quest of self-discovery and empowerment while locked in a secret war against the Nightlords and their demonic and human minions. Monsters only you, the Nightbane, can see, but only when you transform into your inhuman Morphus. A supernatural and monstrous alter-ego that can see the invading monsters and possesses the power to destroy them. That’s why the Night Princes have been assigned to hunt down and either turn or destroy every last one of the Nightbane. Trust no one. Even your parents, teachers, or friends might be wicked Dopplegangers in league with the Nightlords.

Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG and sourcebooks. Your first step into the realm of modern horror. The RPG provides 14 character classes and 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, the Lazlo Agency, world setting and rules.

The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy RPG is a long time, cult favorite with a fatalistic worldview of humans vs aliens with superior technology.

Splicers® RPG is like Iron Man meets Game of Thrones with elements of Terminator – except this army of Iron Men are clad in living body armor and wield living, organic weapons and devices. Created in 2004 by writer and game designer Carmen Bellaire, Splicers® was nominated for an Inquest Gamer Magazine Fan Awards Game of the Year, and has since developed a rabid fan base. Science fiction and horror where humans are forced to use genetically engineered, living weapons and organic war machines to battle an insane Artificial Intelligence and her robot legions. Unlike anything you have ever played before!

Systems Failure RPG. A one-shot post-apocalyptic setting where humans fight and hide from enslaving alien invaders known as “The Bugs.”

The Palladium Ancient Weapons Series of real world weapons, armor and castles throughout history. Designed for use with ANY game system.

RECON® Deluxe & Revised – by Erick Wujcik and others. Vietnam era RPG and more.

Erick Wujcik’s “Lost first RPG” Sector 57. It is Erick Wujcik’s very first RPG (1980, self-published) – a tournament game, actually. I played it way back when with Erick and it was fun. I think you will enjoy it, and it is a fun piece of history. ALL proceeds go directly to the Wujcik estate and probably toward the education of Erick’s beloved grandchild, Tristan. As most of you know, Erick would go on to write the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness RPG, Ninjas & Superspies RPG, Amber Diceless, and contribute to a number of other RPGs and sourcebooks.

300+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more. Palladium Books has settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Dead Reign® and Beyond the Supernatural), plus The Rifter® sourcebook series (by fans like you), novels, paper minis, and more. And more to come in the weeks ahead.


Palladium Collectibles, one-of-a-kind Negatives, original artwork, other collectibles and toys are always available in Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store along with other good things

My eBay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Rifts® and other Palladium RPG books (they look awesome framed!), rare Palladium collector hardcovers, signed books, one-of-a-kind proofreader copies, other Palladium memorabilia, as well as toys and other collectibles from my personal collection. Yeah, I used to be a crazy toy and art collector. Alex and I will try to post new items on a regular basis, so check in every few weeks to see what’s new.

Other one-of-a-kind original artwork available by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton II and other artists, as well as collectible negatives, prints, limited edition hardcovers, proofreader copies, out of print items, Star Wars toys, Marvel toys and many other toys and collectibles from my personal collection. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.

Available now: One-of-a-kind book negatives. Negatives are always very popular items at the Palladium Open House and Gen Con. Truly unique, attractive, and fun.

Negatives are unique and attractive, one-of-a-kind (on rare occasions two-of-a-kind if a page or section of pages were replaced or a second edition was made) works of art that resemble woodcut art and are very dynamic conversation pieces. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black.

When our printer, McNaughton and Gunn was going to discard them, Palladium acquired many (not all) of the old negatives. I am only keeping a few books for myself and make majority of the rest available to you. I sign each negative in silver and each comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. The negative comes on a white board inside a plastic magazine bag and looks fabulous framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening in a frame (each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches). But don’t miss the other collectibles as well.


NEW! Cozy Caverns Mysteries – Beyond the Supernatural RPG adventure podcast from the whiz kids at – now through the end of the year

Here are the descriptions and schedule for the Cozy Caverns Mysteries podcast inspired by Beyond the Supernatural, 2nd Edition.

Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 1 – Welcome to Cozy Caverns – Jasmine “Jazz” D’Amore and Jordan “Dani” D’Amore are two sisters in their early thirties struggling to find love, job fulfillment, and money to pay the bills on time. When the loss of an estranged family member changes their circumstances, the sisters change their location, and discover the quirky, mysterious town of Cozy Caverns, Arizona and its inhabitants. All is not as it seems.

Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 2 – Supporting Local Businesses – Following Dani’s weird dream from the night before and Jazz’s unusually invigorating morning run, the D’Amore sisters hit the town of Cozy Caverns for a day of shopping and relaxation! After narrowly avoiding one hunky close encounter and picking up some reading material, the gals do lunch and then hit the library. There Dani’s jaw hits the floor and Jazz’s personal self-restraint is pushed to its limits. The excitement dies down a little bit around nighttime, but an explosive late-night confession throws everything the sisters know, or thought they knew, into chaos.

Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 3 – Rough Night – Dani has a another dream that leads to unexpected revelations and ramifications, while Jazz’s jog leads to a terrifying situation! There aren’t any romantic parts in this one and you’re not meeting any hunks, we can assure you of that! Suspicious behavior abounds regarding people in authority, and secrets slowly begin to reveal themselves. At least you can count on Milena’s cooking over at the Prickly Pear!

Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 4 – Deep Dives and Love Lives – It’s an incredibly full day for the D’Amore sisters during the annual Cactus Festival! Dani’s experiences prompt Jazz to have the both of them do more digging into the weirdness that seems to surround Cozy Caverns. The two uncover vital information.

New! September 9 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 5 – D. Frisbee and the Curious Case in the Caves – The D’Amore sisters are certainly keeping busy on their trip! A meeting with D. Frisbee reveals a whole glut of information about some of the stranger goings-on that have taken place within bucolic Cozy Caverns. Meanwhile, a mine tour with ol’ Tom goes south fast. It happens when Dani discovers something she really wishes she hadn’t in the cool caverns below the little town with the most warmth!

New! September 23 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 6 – A Bumpy Pre-Date Afternoon – With their dates fast approaching, Jazz and Dani are digging up as much information as possible, but will a freak-out underground spell disaster for a promising evening? Or will the D’Amore sisters take their lumps as they come and try to make the best out of a sticky situation?

New! October 7 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 7 – The Only Good Part was the Sushi – One sister’s date goes badly, but it’s fun to watch that train wreck happen in real time. The other’s goes well, maybe too well. Things get really dramatic after the dates, to the point where the sisters find themselves repeatedly menaced by a shadowy figure that’s been stalking their trail! Don’t miss the bone-crushing excitement!

New! October 21 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 8 – The Reek of Burnt Motor Oil – A sudden manifestation of potent supernatural abilities puts the sisters back on the right foot, at least for the time being. The two join forces to attack the ancient alien foe who has been stalking them throughout the caverns. They have put almost all of the pieces of the puzzle together, but now they need something even more important than the truth: A plan!

New! November 4 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 9 Finale – Ghost Bashers – This one is for all the marbles! The sisters gather as much equipment as they can and head out to the old mine shaft for their confrontation with their evil spectral enemy! Dark things are revealed. Will the D’Amore sisters get devoured by the darkness beneath the Earth, or will they drag the vileness monster into the light? Don’t miss the explosive finale!

New! November 18 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries “Bonus” Episode – Cozy After Dark – This is the one where we kick back, stop worrying so much about what’s happening in the adventure (since it’s over!) and talk about how we created the characters, the setting, adapting an adventure published in 1990 to a 2022 context, cultural issues in portrayal that specifically involve the US Southwest, and give a bunch of information about what we were thinking and feeling as the adventure was going on.

More to come. You can expect a new Heroes Unlimited Christmas podcast special in December, and more episodes of their popular After the Bomb®: Purrsuit of Knowledge™ (mutant animals) series in 2023, as well as a Road Hogs mini-adventure, and could there be a Palladium Fantasy podcast coming? I think there might. We are happy to see more gamers finding these fun podcasts based on Palladium RPG worlds almost as much as we love seeing Palladium fans getting creative and having fun. Spread the word and enjoy.


Closing Thoughts – Busy Holidays

I don’t know about you, but it has been utter madness this holiday season. Mostly good things, but we have been so swamped packing and shipping orders and Surprise Packages and juggling a hundred other things, it feels like we barely have time to catch our breath. I still have two dozen packages of Christmas presents to ship out each with 3-6 items yet to be wrapped. Yikes! Some folks will be getting their gifts after Christmas this year.

The Palladium Christmas office party is this weekend and I can’t wait. It’s a small gathering of 12-16 people. The first since Covid. I was planning it even before Julius Rosenstein’s unexpected death, because it has been too long. I tend to go all out for Christmas and love to make friends feel welcomed and appreciated. Christmas was always rough growing up because we were poor and money was tight, but somehow my Mom and Dad still managed to make Christmas feel magical and full of love. It’s a tradition I have tried to keep most of my life. Hence, my shipping small gifts to friends and freelancers to show my love and appreciation. When I talk about the Palladium extended family, I mean it. Hence the Surprise Packages for you and tokens of my affection to the Titans of Palladium Books, whether it’s staff, freelancers, or dear friends.

Julius: The family reached out to say how much they appreciate all the kind comments and memories you’ve been sharing about Julius on our website. We love seeing them too. Thank you. I don’t think his absence here at Palladium will be fully realized until things slow down after the holidays and Surprise Package season. Of course, his presence is missed when we sign books and the space for his name is empty. We also miss him at our Wednesday meetings. Somehow, despite the many tearful telephone calls to many of his friends, it still feels unreal; like he’s just out sick or on vacation. I half expect him to walk through the door at any moment. We all wish he was here with us to share in our lives.

Last minute holiday buying. Right now, many of you are probably in the throes of last minute shopping. The Palladium staff is here working overtime for you. Any orders and Surprise Packages received today or tonight should ship on Friday, and UPS Ground and possibly Priority and Express Mail should arrive in time for Christmas. If we really get slammed, we’ll prioritize orders that still have a chance of getting there in time. Any orders and Surprise Packages received over the weekend will ship on Monday or Tuesday. Those shipped via UPS Ground and going to locations east of the Mississippi River (East Coast, Down South) should make it to you in time for Christmas BUT at that stage we can NOT guarantee it. Likewise, some packages shipped UPS Ground may arrive to locations west of the Mississippi, but do NOT count on it. Of course, 3 Day and 2nd Day UPS sure will, as long as we get your order by Tuesday; unfortunately they cost a bunch o’ money. Likewise, maybe one or more of the Rifts® Bundles of Holding being offered right now might make a nice gift. And if money is tight, they are a great way to get PDF versions of the books on the cheap; just trying to help.

Reminder, if you don’t need the Surprise Package for Christmas, you can get one to treat yourself to enjoy after the holiday frenzy, as well as gifts for upcoming birthdays, anniversaries, and other gift giving occasions in January. Whatever the case, we’ve got your back. Also remember, we are not Amazon, so orders placed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday cannot ship until Monday. Did this year zoom by or what?

It is a tad early for this, but please make time with friends and loved ones to enjoy whichever holidays you celebrate. Cherish these fond memories and try to look at the bright side of life. I love that goofy and irreverent Monty Python song, Always look on the bright side of life. Good advice. Please don’t let these continuing uncertain times get you down. Hang tough and know we are all thinking of you and rooting for you here at Palladium Books. Besides, it’s the people in your lives and the joy they bring that truly matters – that you’ll remember – not the presents. Be brave and joyful for all you do have, whether it’s a little or a lot, and thank you for being part of our extended family and liking us enough to be part of yours. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyful Kwanzaa, Cheery Winter Solstice, and all the rest. More good vibes coming next Weekly Update.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Friend, & Surrogate Santa Claus


Christmas Grab Bags

Surprise Package comments from fans like you

Every year there is a section where our Surprise Package customers can offer comments and suggestions with their order. We do so because we want to know what you think, and what you want, and we appreciate your suggestions and insights. The idea to do hardcover editions of core books came from fan comments in the Grab Bags.

Every year, in acknowledgment of our fans, and because they are fun to read, we offer a sampling of these comments in the Weekly Updates. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have stuck with Palladium through thick and thin and now these new strange times. Please use our games to find escape from the pandemic and other worries. Use them to bring a little joy, laughter, and adventure to the holiday season.

I want you to know that your comments and support mean the world to all of us. Everyone at Palladium enjoys reading your brief comments and they always brighten our day. Thank you for making us smile and feel useful. As always, I have tried to write a short response [in brackets] to each comment. Happy holidays.


C.M. in Port Huron, Michigan, writes: I love Palladium Books! Robotech® and TMNT® were some of my first RPGs. The amount of time playing those games and Heroes Unlimited and Rifts® when I should have been studying or working on projects is crazy. Such great memories. My son and daughter are at the age I was when I got my first TMNT book and I’m looking forward to getting them into After the Bomb®. Thanks for all the hours and hours of enjoyment and memories.

[C.M., we really enjoyed your trip down Memory Lane. Wow, the hours of fun we have had with all those games ourselves. Your comments brought back some fond memories for us as well. We hope your children enjoy our games as much as you did. Keep all those imaginations burning bright. P.S. fun fact: Julius Rosenstein play-tested every game I have ever created and most of Erick Wujcik’s. – Kevin]


J.S. in Millbrook, Alabama, writes (in part): Okay … okay! Kevin, I concede that Rifts® is more fun than I originally remember. I didn’t really like it when I was younger. It was just too much, too loud, so to speak, for my tastes … I’ll still always prefer After the Bomb® and Palladium Fantasy®, but I won’t scoff at Rifts® any longer. Thank you for your amazing worlds and games.

I hope you, your team, and families have a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season; cherish the loved ones here with us and the memories of those who now watch from above. Salute to all.

[Thanks for making us smile, J.S. Rifts® may be our most popular RPG but it’s not for everyone. That’s cool. It’s also why Palladium produces other popular worlds for the many gamers with different tastes. I think I’ve said this before: I love all our games, but my favorite RPG setting to write for is Rifts® because I can go in any direction and cover whatever genre(s) my heart desires, while my personal favorite games to play are the Palladium Fantasy RPG® and Beyond the Supernatural. Amen to cherishing our loved ones and the memories of those no longer with us. Merry Christmas to you and yours. – Kevin]


K.H. in Dacula, Georgia, writes (in part): I’ve already ordered a couple of these Christmas Surprise Packages. Got a lot of books, so in addition to that, I’d like to get some other Palladium merch …

[You’ve got it K.H. I think people sometimes forget they can request prints of artwork, miniatures, T-shirts, note pads, pens, mugs and other goodies. Enjoy. – Kevin]


J.M. in South Hadley, Massachusetts writes: We love your games. Thank you for always being awesome. We have done this [buy Surprise Packages] for years. We appreciate it.

[Thank you, J.M., for the kind words. You are very welcome. The first time we did the Surprise Package offer it was supposed to be a one-shot special sale, but it was so popular I decided to do it again, and again, and again. The next thing we knew, it was a fan favorite tradition we love doing as much as you all enjoy participating in. Enjoy and happy holidays. – Kevin]


C.R. in Silverton, Oregon, writes: These [Surprise Packages] are too good, so I have to get more than just one! As always, prints and negatives and other goodies are always accepted.

[Thanks, C.R., there’s still time to order another, you know, especially if you don’t need it in time for Christmas. And mention prints and negatives again and I’ll make sure I toss in a couple. Sorry, I forgot to do so in the Surprise Package with this comment. The offer ends Christmas Eve … or will it? – Kevin]


L.L. in Wood River, Illinois, writes: Favorites: Rifts®, BTS, Dead Reign®, TMNT®, and Robotech® RPG Tactics. Thanks to everyone at Palladium Books, I can’t wait to dive into some new books!

[And there’s more coming your way throughout 2023. Game on! – Kevin]


C.B. in Marysville, Pennsylvania, writes: Long time fan, first time Surprise Package. Thank you to the whole Palladium Books crew for all you have done for gaming over the years.

[Thanks C.B., wait till you see what we have planned for the next 10 years. You’re gonna love it. – Kevin]


M.B. in Shamrock, Oklahoma, writes: Looking to run my first Rifts® game. Going to work on converting some D&D players to a better game. I’ll be running a high-powered campaign (dealing with gods), any help with that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the great game system!

[Thank you M.B. and good luck with your Rifts® campaign. Trust your gut, listen to your players, and have fun with it, and you’ll do just fine. – Kevin]


P.B. in the Military, writes: I have tried all your games. I am getting back into Rifts®.

[Welcome back P.B. and game on! – Kevin]


S.S. in Atascocita, Texas, writes: This is my 4th package this year. I figured I’m buying Creature Feature, so I might as well make the package a surprise. Amazing quality.

[You might as well, S.S., good choice. I think you’ll enjoy C.F. and the Surprise Package. Happy holidays. – Kevin]


M.T. in Lexington, Missouri, writes (in part): Haven’t been able to order one of these in a while, looking forward to it. Got a chance to meet you guys at the Palladium Open House this year. Had a lot of fun and I’m glad the company is recovering from the slump of the previous few years.

[Thank you M.T., it was fun hanging out and gaming with many of the fans who came to the 2022 POH. Things are, indeed, looking up. Here’s hoping they stay that way. With the support of our awesome fan base, I’m sure they will. – Kevin]


J.M. in Huntsville, Texas, writes: Just want to say I appreciate the good folks at Palladium for creating pages and pages of worlds that filled and fueled my imagination as a teenager and continue to do so in adulthood. I am and always will be a fan. You folks rock.

[Aww, shucks, J.M., thank you kindly. We love fueling imaginations. – Kevin]


© 2022 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books – NEW Rifts Core Mega Bundle – December 12, 2022

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda


NEW! Rifts® Core Mega Bundle of Holding available now – do not miss out

This first ever PDF “Mega” Bundle of Holding for Rifts® launches with the Rifts® Core Books Collection and Sourcebook Collection – 17 major Rifts® titles in all! A great way to build your PDF library on the cheap AND support a worthy charity at the same time.

Rifts Core Mega Bundle of Holding


$19.95 US gets you all 6 titles in the Corebook Collection (retail value $71) as DRM-free PDFs, including the complete Rifts® Ultimate Edition RPG (plus the Rifts® Primer), and Rifts® Adventure Guide, Game Master Guide, Game Master Kit, and Index and Adventures Volume 1 and Volume 2.

Pay more than the threshold price ($39.99 to start) for the Rifts® Sourcebook Collection (retail value $129) and you’ll get 11 additional major Rifts® titles including Rifts® Sourcebook One, The Mechanoids®, Mindwerks, Book of Magic, The Bestiary Volume One, Black Market, Bionics Sourcebook, and all three Conversion BooksRifts® Conversion Book Revised, Pantheons of the Megaverse, and Dark Conversions.

For those of you new to the Bundle of Holding, you pay less when you “buy in” during the first couple weeks of the offer. Ah, but a Bundle of Holding is always a bargain no matter when you buy in. Even on the last day! We recommend jumping in early to get the best value for your money.

Bundles of Holding are a great way to build your PDF library on the cheap AND support a worthy charity. The Mega Bundle supports the Diana Jones Award Emerging Designer Program. Each year, the Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, amplifies the voices of up-and-coming game designers by featuring them during an expenses-paid visit to Gen Con.


Christmas Grab Bags

AND don’t miss out on the Palladium Christmas Surprise Package – The best deal in gaming – Offer ENDS Christmas Eve

2 weeks till Christmas – only 3 days to order and receive it in time for Christmas via UPS Ground

Physical books at PDF prices – $100+ worth of goodies (often more) for $58 (plus shipping). Physical game books at PDF prices, and we will sign them if you would like us to. Only 2 weeks till Christmas and Kwanzaa. EVEN LESS TIME when you account for shipping and delivery! It is the perfect holiday, birthday, or anniversary gift for any gamer, or treat yourself. Only offers such a fun and great savings for the holidays. The Surprise Package Offer ends December 24, 2022. Spread the word.

Christmas Surprise Package at


© 2022 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – December 8, 2022

Weekly Update Opening Graphic

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda

First, our deepest thanks to all of you who sent your heartfelt condolences about the loss of our dear friend and Palladium Titan, Julius Rosenstein. He is missed, but not forgotten. Last week was rough, but with your help we got through it. Thank you. There is a forum thread on the Palladium website where you can share your thoughts about and experiences with Julius.

As you read this, Sean and I should be returning from a business road trip. We had rescheduled it once and could not do so again. We should be home sometime tonight or tomorrow. I wrote this Weekly Update five days ago and we signed a zillion books for Surprise Packages before we left. I’m sure Crystal and the guys did a good job while we were gone. Any challenging requests have been put aside until our return for me to handle, which may mean delayed shipping for a few of you. I’m not big on driving long distances, but in a way it is a nice break from the usual routine and a distraction from Julius’s passing. Again our thanks to the many people who have reached out to us and sent condolences to the family.

Only 2 weeks till Christmas! Half that time to order and receive packages in time for Christmas. We will continue to package and ship them as fast as they come in. Remember, you can order a Surprise Package up till Christmas Eve (December 24), but there are NO guarantees packages ordered and shipped via Media Mail after today (December 8) will arrive in time for Christmas. Some may, most will not. We strongly recommend UPS. It’s more expensive, but fast, reliable, and insured. Of course, if you do not need it delivered in time for Christmas, Media Mail is your least expensive method of shipping. Just expect it to take 10-18 days rather than the usual 4-8 days.

UPS Ground Orders placed by December 15 will arrive in time for Christmas barring extreme weather or possible unexpected delays. We recommend you place orders and ship via UPS this weekend and next week to avoid expedited shipping costs to get it in time for Christmas delivery. We will be working through the weekend to make sure all orders placed over the weekend go out Monday or Tuesday. Keep the orders coming and we’ll do our best to get them to you in time for Christmas. NOTE: See complete estimated ship dates below, under the Surprise Package description.

UPDATE: Creature Feature is flying off the shelves because folks are loving it! 15 dynamic and truly unique monsters, rules clarifications, gaming tips, adventure, and more. What’s that? You haven’t played Beyond the Supernatural? Well, maybe it’s time you gave it a try. The Palladium Christmas Surprise Package offer is a great way to try new settings like BTS and pick up other titles you’ve been meaning to try. There’s nothing quite like Beyond the Supernatural on the market. And yes, further support of the game line is coming in with Beyond Arcanum™ and Tomes Grotesque™, among other ideas. We just are not ready to speculate on release dates. Check out the FREE Sneak Preview on

NEW and COMING: “Original” Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG Bonus Foil Hardcover (1st Edition rules and monsters). Due to popular demand from our fans, we have a deluxe, blood red foil hardcover at the printer. This is a reprint of the 1st Edition Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG; exactly as it was originally printed, plus an epic 32 page adventure from The Rifter® by Hendrik Härterich as bonus material. As soon as we have a confirmed ship date from our printer we will let you know. We are hoping to have it before the year’s end.

Red foil on a black faux leatherette. 288 pages, $55.00 retail – Cat. No. 699HC – release date to come. (Hoping it will be end of December or early January.)

UPDATE: Rifts® Coalition Manhunters and The Rifter® #85 – Gamers must be playing and talking about Rifts® Manhunters because sales have shot up for the holiday season. It is a great book filled with villains, secrets, and information about the Coalition States and its invisible army of psychic defenders. Not to mention 50 new psionic abilities. Check out the FREE Sneak Preview on The Rifter® #85 is another title that keeps selling and is seeing strong sales surge for the holidays. Actually, all The Rifter® back issues are selling well.

WARNING! Hardcover Editions are selling like crazy. We should have enough of most titles to get through the holiday season but a few may temporarily sell out before Christmas. For example, the “Original” Palladium Fantasy RPG® Commemorative “Bonus” Foil Hardcover (1st Edition rules), Cat. No. 449HC, sold out a couple weeks ago. We keep a close eye on inventory, so it and three other hardcovers are already being reprinted right now. We expect to get them all back in stock shortly before or after Christmas, but these days, delays from printers are common, so we just don’t know. If you have your heart set on a particular a hardcover title we recommend ordering sooner than later. Note: We have an ample supply of Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Cat. No. 800HC. We also believe we have enough of the Rifts® RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative hardcover, Cat. No. 800HC30, however we are starting to run low and probably will not reprint it in the future. We’ll keep you posted. Note #2: When you ask for a hardcover in a Surprise Package, it has a $50 value, even if its normal retail cost is $40 or less (for now, they may go up soon). Hardcovers are expensive to print and this is the only way we can cost effectively offer them in a Surprise Package.

Christmas Grab Bags

Christmas Surprise Package – The best deal in gaming

2 weeks till Christmas – only 7 days to order and receive it in time for Christmas via UPS Ground

The best deal in gaming – physical books at PDF prices – $100+ worth of goodies (often more) for $58 (plus shipping). Physical game books at PDF prices, and we will sign them if you would like us to. Only 2 weeks till Christmas and Kwanzaa, and less till Hanukkah (starts December 18). EVEN LESS TIME when you account for shipping and delivery! Beat the holiday rush and order yours this week or next to guarantee it arrives in time for Christmas. It is the perfect holiday, birthday, or anniversary gift for any gamer, or treat yourself. The Surprise Package Offer ends December 24, 2022. Spread the word.

Christmas Surprise Package at

Surprise Packages make amazing holiday and birthday gifts, as well as a great way to try new settings, fill holes in your collection, replace worn out books, and get autographs. They are our way of saying thank you and showing our appreciation to you, our wonderful fans and customers. You have till Christmas Eve to order, but if you want them in time for Christmas you need to order before December 15.

Please Help Palladium reach your fellow gamers by spreading the word about these Christmas Surprise Packages so they too can enjoy the benefits of this singular offer. A great gift for any holiday, birthdays, anniversaries, and any occasion. No other gaming company in the worlds offers a deal like this.

Christmas Surprise Package at

Christmas SHIPPING Update

16 days till Christmas Eve – but ONLY about 7 days left to order and get delivery by Christmas via UPS Ground

Place your orders no later than the dates below to guarantee delivery in time for Christmas (by December 24) without incurring additional costs for expedited shipping. These recommendations come from the shipping companies themselves.

  • United States Postal Service: Media Mail – December 8. After today you should assume any package shipped via Media Mail is NOT going to arrive in time for Christmas. There’s a chance, but it’s a big gamble. YOU assume ALL risk when you ship via Media Mail and Palladium will not replace packages lost or damaged in the mail when shipped via Media Mail.
  • United States Postal Service (in USA): Priority Mail – December 15.
  • UPS Ground (anywhere in the contiguous USA) – December 15. Last year, UPS was astonishing in its speed and accuracy of shipping. Most UPS Ground packages arrive anywhere in the contiguous USA within 5 business days, often a day or two sooner.
  • UPS 3-Day Select – December 19.
  • UPS 2nd Day Air – December 20.
  • UPS Next Day Air (to arrive December 23) – December 21, remember, we need time to process and pack your order!
  • To our friends in Canada and overseas – December 6 with no guarantee. We suggest ordering no later than December 6, but SOONER is better. At this point in time, we cannot guarantee delivery in time for Christmas. Your package should arrive in time, but if there are delays at Customs, work strikes, bad weather, etc., it might miss. Order sooner rather than later. Note: Right now, we are finding overseas orders are taking 18-34 days to arrive, sometimes longer! Cost Saver: A Surprise Package mitigates overseas shipping costs – take advantage of this while you can. It is, in effect, the equivalent of getting the books you want at retail, plus autographs, and paying the equivalent of only $10-$30 for overseas shipping! MANY overseas customers take advantage of the Surprise Packages for this reason! And it is likely the ONLY way for you to get autographs. Give it a try, we don’t think you will be disappointed.
  • Any orders placed after these dates may arrive in time for Christmas but we cannot guarantee it AND you should assume they will NOT arrive in time for Christmas. Please spread the word and place those orders as soon as you can. Ho, ho, ho and happy holidays.
  • 2022 Shipping Note: As always, at Palladium, we will be working overtime and do everything we can to process orders as fast as possible to get them to you for the holidays. However, after the package leaves the Palladium warehouse, delivery is out of our hands. As we get closer to Christmas, UPS Ground and Priority Mail will be your most reliable and timely methods of shipping. Thank you for your understanding.

Can’t get enough of Rifts®?

Check out the Pinnacle Rifts® for Savage Worlds crowdfunder taking place right now! The campaign includes Terror on the Dark Frontier (i.e. the New West setting), the first campaign boxed set ever for Rifts®, the new Land of a Thousand Islands South America World book that brings the lore and adventures of the region from 102 P.A. to 109 P.A., a beautiful map of Rifts® South America, jungle and New West Battle Maps, the massive Rifts® Pawn Set 2 (full color cardboard minis), and more.

Creature Feature

Creature Feature, a Beyond the Supernatural Sourcebook is a hit

Fans are loving it. Steve Dawes loves it. Everyone is saying good things about this diverse and frighteningly fun resource for players and Game Masters alike. Not sure it is for you? Take a look at the FREE Sneak Preview on for deeper insight.

Beyond the Supernatural™ is set in our modern world but seen through the lens of mystery and the supernatural. A lens that lets us see clearly the “things” – the creatures and powers – that science and our rational minds tell us are not real. It is a world of shadows and the uncanny where a monster may really be hiding under your bed or stalking the alley. Creatures that lurk in dark corners and prey upon the unsuspecting, the innocent, and the wicked.

Creature Feature is a journey into just a few of those dark corners. Places where strange and terrible creatures wait, and bold heroes and psychic investigators face their fears and fight against the gathering arkness.

  • 15 supernatural creatures described in depth. Some are new. Some were pulled from the pages of The Rifter® but updated and expanded (many completely rewritten). All of them are dynamic, scary, and offer different horror adventure experiences.
  • Each creature offers adventure hooks and ideas for more.
  • The art of making and running monsters.
  • Creature encounter table and tips on making unique creatures.
  • Player paranormal investigator background table.
  • Game Master source material and tips for running modern horror.
  • More world setting and monster hunting lore.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • A full adventure and numerous adventure suggestions.
  • Paranormal encounter ideas, tips, advice, NPCs, and more.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw, and others.
  • 192 pages – $26.99 retail – Cat. No. 704 – available now!

Pre-Order Creature Feature

UPDATED List of RPG Hardcovers Available Now

Palladium Books® Check List of “Recent Releases” – all available now

Rifts Bestiary Volume Two

Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two – Coming

The second big, “monster book” reference for Rifts® of what we anticipate to be three volumes in the series, more if we decide to make ghosts, spirits and Entities and/or Creatures of Magic part of the Bestiary series. Much like Volume One, Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume Two collects 70-100 monsters and animals plus 12-24 new beasts found across Rifts North America. The anticipated page count is 224-256 pages.

All volumes of the Rifts® Bestiary™ series are a great resource for players and Game Masters alike. Each description is updated, expanded, and highly detailed to present players with exotic and alien creatures as pets, guardians and riding animals, as well as slobbering monsters to battle and fierce beasts for Game Masters to throw at their players. Designed to offer adventure ideas, plus notes on young, adult, male and female creatures, and all provide plenty of ways to enhance your characters and spice up adventures. Each is accompanied by a map that shows at a glance where the beast can be encountered. Ah, but the presence of Rifts and magic means any of the creatures may appear anywhere in the world, so be on your toes.

  • Monsters and animals of Rifts North America organized into big, easy to use sourcebooks.
  • Updated and expanded descriptions and information for each existing monster.
  • Updated and uniform stat blocks.
  • New exotic creatures – predators, exotic riding animals, beasts of burden, alien horrors, giant insects, and more.
  • A map for every creature showing where it is found.
  • Easily adapted to any Palladium setting – Palladium Fantasy®, Chaos Earth®, Splicers®, Phase World®, the Three Galaxies™, The Mechanoids®, Heroes Unlimited™/Aliens Unlimited™, and others.
  • Basic S.D.C. stats included with each creature description.
  • Fully illustrated, with art by Charles Walton II, Ramon Perez, Robert Atkins, and many others. Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 256 pages each volume – $28.99 – Cat. No. 897 (Volume Two). Release date not yet determined.

Pre-Order Rifts Bestiary Two

NEW on – Free Sneak Preview of Creature Feature and much more.

FREE Creature Feature™ Preview provides you a glimpse of what you will find in this epic book. There also FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles. Those are just some of the 300+ Palladium RPG titles available as PDF books.

No other game company offers game worlds for so many different genres. Best of all, learn and play one Palladium RPG and you can play them all, because each uses the same basic core rules and combat. There are differences, but the fundamentals are the same. This also means you can bring characters, villains, monsters, powers, magic, weapons, gear, and adventure ideas from one setting into another or mash them together!

DriveThruRPG offers most of our 300+ Palladium RPG titles as PDF books, making it easy and inexpensive to try out one of our many games. Also check out the FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles.

300+ other titles and nearly every game genre available now – and more is coming. In the meanwhile, discover the Palladium Megaverse® as PDF books with 300+ digital titles, previews, and other products available right now. Thank you for your support.

Rifts® titles. Rifts® is the ultimate setting in which you can combine any number of genres and play any style of gaming you may desire: science fiction, fantasy, supernatural horror, heroic adventure, dimensional travel, modern knights, cyborgs, giant robots, dinosaur taming, sleuthing, magic, monsters, heroes and legends. Or combine them all. There has never been a game quite like Rifts®.

Rifts® Chaos Earth® titles. Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.

The Rifter® #1-85. Each issue is a wealth of source material and ideas for Rifts® and 3-5 other Palladium game settings. Most are easily adapted to ANY Palladium game setting. Each issue is a gem. 8,500 pages of source material and ideas for heroes, villains, monsters, magic, gear, and adventure. Many issues are sold out and only available in digital form.

Palladium Fantasy RPG® titles. This is a rich, original setting in which you can play humans or any number of nonhuman species of people in a world of magic, heroes and wonder. A world with 100,000 years of history. Some of it quite dark. All of it epic.

Dead Reign® RPG and sourcebooks. The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed. Play ordinary people or post-apocalyptic O.C.C.s or Masked Lunatic heroes. A great introductory RPG that is surprisingly uplifting, fun, fast, and easy to learn.

Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition titles. Create any type of superhuman you can imagine to build your own super-hero universe or those of your favorite comic books. Heroes Unlimited™ RPG first edition rule book and sourcebooks too.

After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Create and play anthropomorphic, intelligent, mutant animals in a comic book world of crime-fighting mutants and super-heroes, or in a crumbling post-apocalyptic Earth where humans teeter on the edge of extinction and mutant animals are becoming the noble survivors to inherit our world.

Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook by Erick Wujcik. Think James Bond meets Enter the Dragon. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, and super-spies with gadgets, gizmos and advanced weapons.

Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. You are the monsters … and the heroes. Embark on a quest of self-discovery and empowerment while locked in a secret war against the Nightlords and their demonic and human minions. Monsters only you, the Nightbane, can see, but only when you transform into your inhuman Morphus. A supernatural and monstrous alter-ego that can see the invading monsters and possesses the power to destroy them. That’s why the Night Princes have been assigned to hunt down and either turn or destroy every last one of the Nightbane. Trust no one. Even your parents, teachers, or friends might be wicked Dopplegangers in league with the Nightlords.

Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG and sourcebooks. Your first step into the realm of modern horror. The RPG provides 14 character classes and 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, the Lazlo Agency, world setting and rules.

The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy RPG is a long time, cult favorite with a fatalistic worldview of humans vs aliens with superior technology.

Splicers® RPG is like Iron Man meets Game of Thrones with elements of Terminator – except this army of Iron Men are clad in living body armor and wield living, organic weapons and devices. Created in 2004 by writer and game designer Carmen Bellaire, Splicers® was nominated for an Inquest Gamer Magazine Fan Awards Game of the Year, and has since developed a rabid fan base. Science fiction and horror where humans are forced to use genetically engineered, living weapons and organic war machines to battle an insane Artificial Intelligence and her robot legions. Unlike anything you have ever played before!

Systems Failure RPG. A one-shot post-apocalyptic setting where humans fight and hide from enslaving alien invaders known as “The Bugs.”

The Palladium Ancient Weapons Series of real world weapons, armor and castles throughout history. Designed for use with ANY game system.

RECON® Deluxe & Revised – by Erick Wujcik and others. Vietnam era RPG and more.

Erick Wujcik’s “Lost first RPG” Sector 57. It is Erick Wujcik’s very first RPG (1980, self-published) – a tournament game, actually. I played it way back when with Erick and it was fun. I think you will enjoy it, and it is a fun piece of history. ALL proceeds go directly to the Wujcik estate and probably toward the education of Erick’s beloved grandchild, Tristan. As most of you know, Erick would go on to write the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness RPG, Ninjas & Superspies RPG, Amber Diceless, and contribute to a number of other RPGs and sourcebooks.

300+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more. Palladium Books has settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Dead Reign® and Beyond the Supernatural), plus The Rifter® sourcebook series (by fans like you), novels, paper minis, and more. And more to come in the weeks ahead.

Palladium Collectibles, one-of-a-kind Negatives, original artwork, other collectibles and toys are always available in Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store along with other good things

My eBay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Rifts® and other Palladium RPG books (they look awesome framed!), rare Palladium collector hardcovers, signed books, one-of-a-kind proofreader copies, other Palladium memorabilia, as well as toys and other collectibles from my personal collection. Yeah, I used to be a crazy toy and art collector. Alex and I will try to post new items on a regular basis, so check in every few weeks to see what’s new.

Other one-of-a-kind original artwork available by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton II and other artists, as well as collectible negatives, prints, limited edition hardcovers, proofreader copies, out of print items, Star Wars toys, Marvel toys and many other toys and collectibles from my personal collection. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.

Available now: One-of-a-kind book negatives. Negatives are always very popular items at the Palladium Open House and Gen Con. Truly unique, attractive, and fun.

Negatives are unique and attractive, one-of-a-kind (on rare occasions two-of-a-kind if a page or section of pages were replaced or a second edition was made) works of art that resemble woodcut art and are very dynamic conversation pieces. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black.

When our printer, McNaughton and Gunn was going to discard them, Palladium acquired many (not all) of the old negatives. I am only keeping a few books for myself and make majority of the rest available to you. I sign each negative in silver and each comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. The negative comes on a white board inside a plastic magazine bag and looks fabulous framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening in a frame (each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches). But don’t miss the other collectibles as well.

NEW! Cozy Caverns Mysteries – Beyond the Supernatural RPG adventure podcast from the whiz kids at – now through the end of the year

Here are the descriptions and schedule for the Cozy Caverns Mysteries podcast inspired by Beyond the Supernatural, 2nd Edition.

Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 1 – Welcome to Cozy Caverns – Jasmine “Jazz” D’Amore and Jordan “Dani” D’Amore are two sisters in their early thirties struggling to find love, job fulfillment, and money to pay the bills on time. When the loss of an estranged family member changes their circumstances, the sisters change their location, and discover the quirky, mysterious town of Cozy Caverns, Arizona and its inhabitants. All is not as it seems.

Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 2 – Supporting Local Businesses – Following Dani’s weird dream from the night before and Jazz’s unusually invigorating morning run, the D’Amore sisters hit the town of Cozy Caverns for a day of shopping and relaxation! After narrowly avoiding one hunky close encounter and picking up some reading material, the gals do lunch and then hit the library. There Dani’s jaw hits the floor and Jazz’s personal self-restraint is pushed to its limits. The excitement dies down a little bit around nighttime, but an explosive late-night confession throws everything the sisters know, or thought they knew, into chaos.

Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 3 – Rough Night – Dani has a another dream that leads to unexpected revelations and ramifications, while Jazz’s jog leads to a terrifying situation! There aren’t any romantic parts in this one and you’re not meeting any hunks, we can assure you of that! Suspicious behavior abounds regarding people in authority, and secrets slowly begin to reveal themselves. At least you can count on Milena’s cooking over at the Prickly Pear!

Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 4 – Deep Dives and Love Lives – It’s an incredibly full day for the D’Amore sisters during the annual Cactus Festival! Dani’s experiences prompt Jazz to have the both of them do more digging into the weirdness that seems to surround Cozy Caverns. The two uncover vital information.

New! September 9 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 5 – D. Frisbee and the Curious Case in the Caves – The D’Amore sisters are certainly keeping busy on their trip! A meeting with D. Frisbee reveals a whole glut of information about some of the stranger goings-on that have taken place within bucolic Cozy Caverns. Meanwhile, a mine tour with ol’ Tom goes south fast. It happens when Dani discovers something she really wishes she hadn’t in the cool caverns below the little town with the most warmth!

New! September 23 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 6 – A Bumpy Pre-Date Afternoon – With their dates fast approaching, Jazz and Dani are digging up as much information as possible, but will a freak-out underground spell disaster for a promising evening? Or will the D’Amore sisters take their lumps as they come and try to make the best out of a sticky situation?

New! October 7 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 7 – The Only Good Part was the Sushi – One sister’s date goes badly, but it’s fun to watch that train wreck happen in real time. The other’s goes well, maybe too well. Things get really dramatic after the dates, to the point where the sisters find themselves repeatedly menaced by a shadowy figure that’s been stalking their trail! Don’t miss the bone-crushing excitement!

New! October 21 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 8 – The Reek of Burnt Motor Oil – A sudden manifestation of potent supernatural abilities puts the sisters back on the right foot, at least for the time being. The two join forces to attack the ancient alien foe who has been stalking them throughout the caverns. They have put almost all of the pieces of the puzzle together, but now they need something even more important than the truth: A plan!

New! November 4 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 9 Finale – Ghost Bashers – This one is for all the marbles! The sisters gather as much equipment as they can and head out to the old mine shaft for their confrontation with their evil spectral enemy! Dark things are revealed. Will the D’Amore sisters get devoured by the darkness beneath the Earth, or will they drag the vileness monster into the light? Don’t miss the explosive finale!

New! November 18 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries “Bonus” Episode – Cozy After Dark – This is the one where we kick back, stop worrying so much about what’s happening in the adventure (since it’s over!) and talk about how we created the characters, the setting, adapting an adventure published in 1990 to a 2022 context, cultural issues in portrayal that specifically involve the US Southwest, and give a bunch of information about what we were thinking and feeling as the adventure was going on.

More to come. You can expect a new Heroes Unlimited Christmas podcast special in December, and more episodes of their popular After the Bomb®: Purrsuit of Knowledge™ (mutant animals) series in 2023, as well as a Road Hogs mini-adventure, and could there be a Palladium Fantasy podcast coming? I think there might. We are happy to see more gamers finding these fun podcasts based on Palladium RPG worlds almost as much as we love seeing Palladium fans getting creative and having fun. Spread the word and enjoy.

Closing Thoughts

As noted in my opening, Sean and I are on the road on business and I’m emotionally spent over the unexpected, accidental death of our dear friend Julius Rosenstein. Jules was one of my oldest and closest friends. We still can’t believe he’s gone.

So if you don’t mind, I’m going to keep this Week’s Closing Thoughts very short and give you a larger than usual selection of Fan Comments from Surprise Packages. Please keep the orders for Surprise Packages and other products coming in, stay safe, and hold your friends and loved ones close. Tell them how much they mean to you and enjoy a holiday and New Year filled with joy and love and hope.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Friend, & Surrogate Santa Claus

Surprise Package comments from fans like you

Every year there is a section where our Surprise Package customers can offer comments and suggestions with their order. We do so because we want to know what you think, and what you want, and we appreciate your suggestions and insights. The idea to do hardcover editions of core books came from fan comments in the Grab Bags.

Every year, in acknowledgment of our fans, and because they are fun to read, we offer a sampling of these comments in the Weekly Updates. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have stuck with Palladium through thick and thin and now these new strange times. Please use our games to find escape from the pandemic and other worries. Use them to bring a little joy, laughter, and adventure to the holiday season.

I want you to know that your comments and support mean the world to all of us. Everyone at Palladium enjoys reading your brief comments and they always brighten our day. Thank you for making us smile and feel useful. As always, I have tried to write a short response [in brackets] to each comment. Happy holidays.

S.M. in Washington, writes in an email: Hi Kevin, I am very sorry to hear the news you posted about Julius Rosenstein. I never had the pleasure of interacting with him but your stories over the years painted a picture of a great person. I will have you and everyone else at Palladium Books in my thoughts during these trying times.

[Thank you my friend. We’ve gotten many messages like this one and they are all appreciated. – Kevin]

J.N. in Wixom, Michigan, writes: I played with Julius Rosenstein in a game by Kevin Siembieda at UCON in Ann Arbor in 2003. I’m sure he couldn’t pick me out of a line up, but I remember gaming with him. It was pretty cool. My thoughts and prayers are with his friends and family.

[Thank you J.N., your prayers and well wishes are welcomed. There is a place in our Forums where you and others can share your thoughts and experiences regarding Julius. And I wouldn’t be so sure Julius wouldn’t remember you, he had an incredible memory when it came to gaming experiences. – Kevin]

S.S. in Kenosha, Wisconsin, writes: Just wanted to mention what a great time my brother and I had at the Open House. Hope you do it again soon.

[I have many fond memories of Kenosha, S.S., from the early days of Gen Con. Glad you had a great time at the Open House, we did too. Talk about great memories from every POH. I’m glad people got to meet the many awesome Palladium creators and G.M.s like Julius, Alex, Sean, Wayne, Crystal, Kathy, Matt B., Matt C., Nick, Amy, Glen, Greg, Jim, and many others, and it’s always a lot of fun. Not sure if or when we’ll do another. – Kevin]

J.P. in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, writes: I’m excited to be playing again. I think this [the Surprise Package] is wonderful.

[Welcome back J.P. and game on! – Kevin]

B.M.H.B. in Arizona City, Arizona, writes: Thanks for this fun way to order your books and products. It is so enjoyable to get a box in the mail and not be sure what I got till I open it up. I wish you all the best for the next year and can’t wait to see what new books come out next. Merry Christmas to you all.

[That’s the idea B.M.H.B., to be like a Christmas present. It is very fun and most folks love it. As for what’s coming soon: Original BTS Bonus Hardcover (1st Edition rules), Titan Robotics, and … gosh, you’ll have to wait until we announce it. Thank you for the well wishes. Merry Christmas and game on. – Kevin]

P.F. in Albuquerque, New Mexico, writes: I have ordered several of your Christmas Packages in the past and I have never been disappointed. It’s hard to believe that any RPG manufacturer is offering this kind of deal these days, but you continue to go above and beyond!

[We love our fan base, P.F., you are all truly special and appreciated. Plus I love Christmas, so it’s our way of saying thank you and happy holidays! We remember our own fan roots, how to be fun, and we know how to make people smile and feel special during the holidays. It’s a gift and our pleasure. – Kevin]

B.K. in Jerrabomberra, Australia, writes: Great game system. Started playing years ago. I really like that the books have kept the same look and feel all these years.

[Thanks, B.K. We plan to keep the look and feel of our books and all that great art, though you’ll be seeing us getting a little more fun and creative with page layout in the future. Game on. – Kevin]

J.M. in Sarasota, Florida, writes: This will be my 4th year purchasing the Surprise Package. It is always big fun. I love it when the box comes in and I finally see what was sent. Thank you all so much and keep up the great work!

[Thank you, J.M. We’ll keep doing our best. – Kevin]

S.B. in Lake Cowichan, Canada, writes (in part): My father introduced my brother and I to your work when were 7 with Robotech® and soon after, Rifts® and TMNT®. We’ve been lifelong die-hard fans ever since. We’ve even recently gotten into Palladium Fantasy despite our bias toward science fiction. We love your work and hope it continues long into the future.

[Wow, S.B., we’re thrilled you guys have enjoyed our games so much these many years. I think you’ll enjoy Palladium Fantasy. Keep those imaginations burning bright and happy holidays. – Kevin]

A.K. in Sacramento, California, writes: Favorites: Originally I would say Heroes Unlimited. Now I lean toward Rifts® for the sheer variety of role-playing options. Sadly, I missed the Kickstarter. Please keep making awesome games with excellent art. Your games have kept me sane for many years.

[Thanks for the kind words, A.K. Btw, in a few weeks you will be able to get limited edition hardcovers and other items through Backerkit. There will be more Kickstarters in the future so keep your eyes peeled and stay sane! – Crazy Kevin]

D.T. in San Antonio, Texas, writes: I’m a huge fan of all the Siembieda settings and game system. This is a yearly tradition to get at least one if not multiple Surprise Packages. I’ve collected pretty close to 100% of everything. A few Rifters short. Thank you for 30+ years of epic campaigns with great friends. Merry Christmas to Kevin and all of your wonderful Artisans of Imagination!

[Thanks for the high praise, D.T. We appreciate your many years of support. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Ho, ho, ho. – Kevin]

T.L. in Newville, Pennsylvania, writes: Looking forward to the first Edition hardcover foil edition of Beyond the Supernatural!

[It’s coming T.L., hopefully soon. – Kevin]

B.C. in Walland, Tennessee, writes: I have had the pleasure of playing the greatest game system for the past 30 years. I want to thank each and every one of the creators and contributors to this great Megaverse.

[We appreciate your kind words, B.C., and all the love we have been getting from so many of you. Happy holidays. – Kevin]

J.L. in Pearland, Texas, writes: I’ve been a fan of your game Megaverse® from the beginning. Thanks for going as long as you have. I’m looking forward to see what the future brings.

[Hi J.L., thank you for sticking with Palladium through thick and thin. By adding gents like Sean Owen Roberson and many talented folks to our roster, I think you’re going enjoy what we have for you in the future. It’s epic. – Kevin]

A.M. in Columbia, South Carolina, writes: Been a huge fan for a long time. Slowly getting a complete Rifts® collection. Looking forward to the Kickstarter and I also have a full Savage Worlds set. Working toward playing with my son, almost four, who is a big fan of robots and skeletons. (Skelebots? Who knows?)

[I hope you enjoyed and participated in the Titan Robotics Kickstarter, A.M., it was a big success. We can’t wait to get product into our backers’ hands. Check out the cover and story in The Rifter® #85 for Skelebots. – Kevin]

M.H. in Bradenton, Florida, writes: Every year Palladium has come out with more and more amazing content. I have been playing since 1987 and will continue as long as I can.

[Wow, M.H., we are thrilled you enjoy our games so much. Please, game on. – Kevin]

© 2022 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – December 1, 2022

Weekly Update Opening Graphic

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda

I have said it a million times before, but Palladium fans are the greatest in the world. Thank you for your titanic support of the Rifts® Titan Robotics Kickstarter. You’ve made Sean and me very proud, happy and humbled. Fear not, we will not disappoint. And this is just the beginning of what’s to come. All the editions of Rifts® Titan Robotics and Cyberworks Collection are gonna be gorgeous. The Poker Deck is sweet, and the art prints and PDFs are nice additions to any collection. And for those top backers, the original art will make you grin from ear to ear. We know you’ll be pleased. The BackerKit pledge manager will be available to you soon.

And that’s not all, you wonderful people have been ordering Christmas Surprise Packages as well as the titles offered in Palladium’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale like crazy, not to mention the DriveThruPRG Thanksgiving PDF sale. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

All your kind efforts combined with our own all go toward making Palladium stronger and able to bring in more talented people to enable us to produce more great books for you! Your support of Sean and Palladium’s future means the world to us.


UPDATE: Creature Feature now shipping and folks love it! We are getting all kinds of positive feedback about Creature Feature. That includes my co-author, Steven Dawes, who gives it two thumbs up and is handing out copies to everyone he knows. We had a nice chat and he is thrilled with the final product. 15 dynamic and unique monsters, rules clarifications, gaming tips, adventure and more. What’s that? You haven’t played Beyond the Supernatural? Well, maybe it’s time you gave it a try. The Palladium Christmas Surprise Package offer is a great way to try new settings like BTS and pick up other titles you’ve been meaning to try. There’s nothing quite like Beyond the Supernatural on the market. And yes, further support of the game line is coming in with Beyond Arcanum™ and Tomes Grotesque™, among other ideas. We just are not ready to speculate on release dates.

Creature Feature at


FREE Creature Feature™ Preview on – Some snippets of choice material provide you with a window to what’s in this epic book. Check it out before you place your order to see if you like what you see. (You will.)


COMING: “Original” Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG Bonus Foil Hardcover (1st Edition rules and monsters). Due to popular demand from our fans, we have a deluxe, blood red foil hardcover at the printer. This is a reprint of the 1st Edition Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG “Bonus” Edition hardcover; exactly as it was originally printed, plus an epic 32 page adventure from The Rifter® by Hendrik Härterich as bonus material. As soon as we have a confirmed ship date from our printer we will let you know. We are hoping to have before the year’s end.

Red foil on a black faux leatherette. 288 pages, $55.00 retail – Cat. No. 699HC – release date to come. (Hoping it will be end of December or early January.)


Temporarily OUT of STOCK – “Original” Palladium Fantasy RPG® Commemorative “Bonus” Foil Hardcover (1st Edition rules) – Hardcover sales for the holidays across the board have exploded and cleaned the shelves of this fan favorite hardcover. Luckily we anticipated it and sent a new print run to the printer weeks ago. We hope to have it back in print by the end of December, possibly a bit sooner (or so the printer tells us). This is the original 1st Edition Rules RPG including Erick Wujcik’s Tombs of Gersidi and the first Fantasy sourcebook: The Arms of Nargash-Tor. The cover is a classy crimson foil image, imprinted on black faux leatherette to replicate the original red and black RPG fans love. 320 pages – $55 retail – Cat. No. 449HC – should be back in stock soon. We’ll keep you posted.


Can’t get enough of Rifts®? Check out the Pinnacle Rifts® for Savage Worlds crowdfunder taking place right now! The campaign includes Terror on the Dark Fronter (i.e. the New West setting), the first campaign boxed set ever for Rifts®, the new Land of a Thousand Islands South America World book that brings the lore and adventures of the region from 102 P.A. to 109 P.A., a beautiful map of Rifts® South America, jungle and New West Battle Maps, the massive Rifts® Pawn Set 2 (full color cardboard minis), and more.


I don’t know why life has to be bittersweet. Some very sad news. Amidst all the excitement of the holiday and the Titan Robotics Kickstarter, crushing tragedy has struck the Palladium family. It is with a heavy heart that I share with you that Julius Rosenstein is in a coma. He suffered an accident that deprived his brain of oxygen for what was probably hours. His family will be taking him off life support and let him go any day now. Our hearts go out to them because we share their pain and sorrow. Julius has been my dear friend since I was 21 years old, and he was a vital part of the Palladium Family since the inception of Palladium Books.

All of us are devastated by this unexpected turn of events. Julius only recently retired from Palladium Books after 33 years. He still had the keys to the building because Wayne and I had made him his own little space in the warehouse where he could come and go to do as he pleased and hang out with us anytime. He also continued to help out on a freelance basis. His last job, proofreading Creature Feature. Julius had gotten into the routine of coming in every Wednesday and Friday, sometimes other days too, and was always a welcomed presence. He even made sure to participate in our Wednesday staff meetings. It was nice to see him regularly and we always appreciated his insight and suggestions. I’m glad to say I told him as much only two days before the incident that would lay him low. I told him I loved him and what a great friend he has always been, and how happy I was – all of us were – that he came by every week.

He was a true character. A great RPG player, a stellar Game Master, a 3rd (or was it 4th?) degree black belt Aikido master (not that you’d know it by looking at him), a loyal and trusted friend and employee, and a gentle, kind, goof. His sudden absence hurts and feels wrong. He’ll be missed. I don’t want to elaborate here, so if you want to read more about Julius and his place among the Pantheon of Palladium Heroes, see my Closing Thoughts. Rex Barkdoll has set up a forum where you can share your thoughts and tell stories about Julius. He was one of those guys everybody liked and never had a bad word to say about him.


Christmas Grab Bags

Christmas Surprise Package – The best deal in gaming

3 weeks till Christmas – only 7 days to order and receive it in time for Christmas via Media Mail

The best deal in gaming – physical books at PDF prices – $100+ worth of goodies (often more) for $58 (plus shipping). Physical game books at PDF prices, and we will sign them if you would like us to. Only 3 weeks till Christmas and Kwanzaa, and less till Hanukkah (starts December 18). EVEN LESS TIME when you account for shipping and delivery! Beat the holiday rush and order yours this week or next to guarantee it arrives in time for Christmas. It is the perfect holiday, birthday, or anniversary gift for any gamer, or treat yourself. The Surprise Package Offer ends December 24, 2022. Spread the word.

Christmas Surprise Package at


Surprise Packages make amazing holiday and birthday gifts, as well as a great way to try new settings, fill holes in your collection, replace worn out books, and get autographs. They are our way of saying thank you and showing our appreciation to you, our wonderful fans and customers. You have till Christmas Eve to order, but if you want them in time for Christmas you need to order before December 15.

Please Help Palladium reach your fellow gamers by spreading the word about these Christmas Surprise Packages so they too can enjoy the benefits of this singular offer. A great gift for any holiday, birthdays, anniversaries, and any occasion. No other gaming company in the worlds offers a deal like this.

Christmas Surprise Package at


Christmas SHIPPING Update

23 days till Christmas Eve – but ONLY about 7 days left to order and get delivery by Christmas via Media Mail.

Place your orders no later than the dates below to guarantee delivery in time for Christmas (by December 24) without incurring additional costs for expedited shipping. These recommendations come from the shipping companies themselves.

  • United States Postal Service: Media Mail – December 8 and even then there is no guarantee. That said, you should get packages shipped via Media Mail as late as December 14. Last year mail delivery was very good, but the US Mail seems a bit less reliable this year and we cannot guarantee delivery in time for Christmas when you use Media Mail. YOU assume ALL risk when you ship via Media Mail.
  • United States Postal Service (in USA): Priority Mail – December 15.
  • UPS Ground (anywhere in the contiguous USA) – December 15. Last year, UPS was astonishing in its speed and accuracy of shipping. Most UPS Ground packages arrive anywhere in the contiguous USA within 5 business days, often a day or two sooner.
  • UPS 3-Day Select – December 19.
  • UPS 2nd Day Air – December 20.
  • UPS Next Day Air (to arrive December 23) – December 21, remember, we need time to process and pack your order!
  • To our friends in Canada and overseas – December 6 with no guarantee. We suggest ordering no later than December 6, but SOONER is better. At this point in time, we cannot guarantee delivery in time for Christmas. Your package should arrive in time, but if there are delays at Customs, work strikes, bad weather, etc., it might miss. Order sooner rather than later. Note: Right now, we are finding overseas orders are taking 18-34 days to arrive, sometimes longer! Cost Saver: A Surprise Package mitigates overseas shipping costs – take advantage of this while you can. It is, in effect, the equivalent of getting the books you want at retail, plus autographs, and paying the equivalent of only $10-$30 for overseas shipping! MANY overseas customers take advantage of the Surprise Packages for this reason! And it is likely the ONLY way for you to get autographs. Give it a try, we don’t think you will be disappointed.
  • Any orders placed after these dates may arrive in time for Christmas but we cannot guarantee it AND you should assume they will NOT arrive in time for Christmas. Please spread the word and place those orders as soon as you can. Ho, ho, ho and happy holidays.
  • 2022 Shipping Note: As always, at Palladium, we will be working overtime and do everything we can to process orders as fast as possible to get them to you for the holidays. However, after the package leaves the Palladium warehouse, delivery is out of our hands. As we get closer to Christmas, UPS Ground and Priority Mail will be your most reliable and timely methods of shipping. Thank you for your understanding.


Creature Feature

Creature Feature, a Beyond the Supernatural Sourcebook is a hit

Fans are loving it. Steve Dawes loves it. Everyone is saying good things about this diverse and frighteningly fun resource for players and Game Masters alike. Not sure it is for you? Take a look at the FREE Sneak Preview on for deeper insight.

Beyond the Supernatural™ is set in our modern world but seen through the lens of mystery and the supernatural. A lens that lets us see clearly the “things” – the creatures and powers – that science and our rational minds tell us are not real. It is a world of shadows and the uncanny where a monster may really be hiding under your bed or stalking the alley. Creatures that lurk in dark corners and prey upon the unsuspecting, the innocent, and the wicked.

Creature Feature is a journey into just a few of those dark corners. Places where strange and terrible creatures wait, and bold heroes and psychic investigators face their fears and fight against the gathering arkness.

  • 15 supernatural creatures described in depth. Some are new. Some were pulled from the pages of The Rifter® but updated and expanded (many completely rewritten). All of them are dynamic, scary, and offer different horror adventure experiences.
  • Each creature offers adventure hooks and ideas for more.
  • The art of making and running monsters.
  • Creature encounter table and tips on making unique creatures.
  • Player paranormal investigator background table.
  • Game Master source material and tips for running modern horror.
  • More world setting and monster hunting lore.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • A full adventure and numerous adventure suggestions.
  • Paranormal encounter ideas, tips, advice, NPCs, and more.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw, and others.
  • 192 pages – $26.99 retail – Cat. No. 704 – available now!

Pre-Order Creature Feature


UPDATED List of RPG Hardcovers Available Now


Palladium Books® Check List of “Recent Releases” – all available now


Rifts Bestiary Volume Two

Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two – Coming

The second big, “monster book” reference for Rifts® of what we anticipate to be three volumes in the series, more if we decide to make ghosts, spirits and Entities and/or Creatures of Magic part of the Bestiary series. Much like Volume One, Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume Two collects 70-100 monsters and animals plus 12-24 new beasts found across Rifts North America. The anticipated page count is 224-256 pages.

All volumes of the Rifts® Bestiary™ series are a great resource for players and Game Masters alike. Each description is updated, expanded, and highly detailed to present players with exotic and alien creatures as pets, guardians and riding animals, as well as slobbering monsters to battle and fierce beasts for Game Masters to throw at their players. Designed to offer adventure ideas, plus notes on young, adult, male and female creatures, and all provide plenty of ways to enhance your characters and spice up adventures. Each is accompanied by a map that shows at a glance where the beast can be encountered. Ah, but the presence of Rifts and magic means any of the creatures may appear anywhere in the world, so be on your toes.

  • Monsters and animals of Rifts North America organized into big, easy to use sourcebooks.
  • Updated and expanded descriptions and information for each existing monster.
  • Updated and uniform stat blocks.
  • New exotic creatures – predators, exotic riding animals, beasts of burden, alien horrors, giant insects, and more.
  • A map for every creature showing where it is found.
  • Easily adapted to any Palladium setting – Palladium Fantasy®, Chaos Earth®, Splicers®, Phase World®, the Three Galaxies™, The Mechanoids®, Heroes Unlimited™/Aliens Unlimited™, and others.
  • Basic S.D.C. stats included with each creature description.
  • Fully illustrated, with art by Charles Walton II, Ramon Perez, Robert Atkins, and many others. Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 256 pages each volume – $28.99 – Cat. No. 897 (Volume Two). Release date not yet determined.

Pre-Order Rifts Bestiary Two


NEW on – Free Sneak Preview of Creature Feature and much more.

FREE Creature Feature™ Preview provides you a glimpse of what you will find in this epic book. There also FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles. Those are just some of the 300+ Palladium RPG titles available as PDF books.

No other game company offers game worlds for so many different genres. Best of all, learn and play one Palladium RPG and you can play them all, because each uses the same basic core rules and combat. There are differences, but the fundamentals are the same. This also means you can bring characters, villains, monsters, powers, magic, weapons, gear, and adventure ideas from one setting into another or mash them together!

DriveThruRPG offers most of our 300+ Palladium RPG titles as PDF books, making it easy and inexpensive to try out one of our many games. Also check out the FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles.


300+ other titles and nearly every game genre available now – and more is coming. In the meanwhile, discover the Palladium Megaverse® as PDF books with 300+ digital titles, previews, and other products available right now. Thank you for your support.

Rifts® titles. Rifts® is the ultimate setting in which you can combine any number of genres and play any style of gaming you may desire: science fiction, fantasy, supernatural horror, heroic adventure, dimensional travel, modern knights, cyborgs, giant robots, dinosaur taming, sleuthing, magic, monsters, heroes and legends. Or combine them all. There has never been a game quite like Rifts®.

Rifts® Chaos Earth® titles. Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.

The Rifter® #1-85. Each issue is a wealth of source material and ideas for Rifts® and 3-5 other Palladium game settings. Most are easily adapted to ANY Palladium game setting. Each issue is a gem. 8,500 pages of source material and ideas for heroes, villains, monsters, magic, gear, and adventure. Many issues are sold out and only available in digital form.

Palladium Fantasy RPG® titles. This is a rich, original setting in which you can play humans or any number of nonhuman species of people in a world of magic, heroes and wonder. A world with 100,000 years of history. Some of it quite dark. All of it epic.

Dead Reign® RPG and sourcebooks. The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed. Play ordinary people or post-apocalyptic O.C.C.s or Masked Lunatic heroes. A great introductory RPG that is surprisingly uplifting, fun, fast, and easy to learn.

Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition titles. Create any type of superhuman you can imagine to build your own super-hero universe or those of your favorite comic books. Heroes Unlimited™ RPG first edition rule book and sourcebooks too.

After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Create and play anthropomorphic, intelligent, mutant animals in a comic book world of crime-fighting mutants and super-heroes, or in a crumbling post-apocalyptic Earth where humans teeter on the edge of extinction and mutant animals are becoming the noble survivors to inherit our world.

Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook by Erick Wujcik. Think James Bond meets Enter the Dragon. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, and super-spies with gadgets, gizmos and advanced weapons.

Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. You are the monsters … and the heroes. Embark on a quest of self-discovery and empowerment while locked in a secret war against the Nightlords and their demonic and human minions. Monsters only you, the Nightbane, can see, but only when you transform into your inhuman Morphus. A supernatural and monstrous alter-ego that can see the invading monsters and possesses the power to destroy them. That’s why the Night Princes have been assigned to hunt down and either turn or destroy every last one of the Nightbane. Trust no one. Even your parents, teachers, or friends might be wicked Dopplegangers in league with the Nightlords.

Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG and sourcebooks. Your first step into the realm of modern horror. The RPG provides 14 character classes and 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, the Lazlo Agency, world setting and rules.

The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy RPG is a long time, cult favorite with a fatalistic worldview of humans vs aliens with superior technology.

Splicers® RPG is like Iron Man meets Game of Thrones with elements of Terminator – except this army of Iron Men are clad in living body armor and wield living, organic weapons and devices. Created in 2004 by writer and game designer Carmen Bellaire, Splicers® was nominated for an Inquest Gamer Magazine Fan Awards Game of the Year, and has since developed a rabid fan base. Science fiction and horror where humans are forced to use genetically engineered, living weapons and organic war machines to battle an insane Artificial Intelligence and her robot legions. Unlike anything you have ever played before!

Systems Failure RPG. A one-shot post-apocalyptic setting where humans fight and hide from enslaving alien invaders known as “The Bugs.”

The Palladium Ancient Weapons Series of real world weapons, armor and castles throughout history. Designed for use with ANY game system.

RECON® Deluxe & Revised – by Erick Wujcik and others. Vietnam era RPG and more.

Erick Wujcik’s “Lost first RPG” Sector 57. It is Erick Wujcik’s very first RPG (1980, self-published) – a tournament game, actually. I played it way back when with Erick and it was fun. I think you will enjoy it, and it is a fun piece of history. ALL proceeds go directly to the Wujcik estate and probably toward the education of Erick’s beloved grandchild, Tristan. As most of you know, Erick would go on to write the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness RPG, Ninjas & Superspies RPG, Amber Diceless, and contribute to a number of other RPGs and sourcebooks.

300+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more. Palladium Books has settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Dead Reign® and Beyond the Supernatural), plus The Rifter® sourcebook series (by fans like you), novels, paper minis, and more. And more to come in the weeks ahead.


Palladium Collectibles, one-of-a-kind Negatives, original artwork, other collectibles and toys are always available in Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store along with other good things

My eBay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Rifts® and other Palladium RPG books (they look awesome framed!), rare Palladium collector hardcovers, signed books, one-of-a-kind proofreader copies, other Palladium memorabilia, as well as toys and other collectibles from my personal collection. Yeah, I used to be a crazy toy and art collector. Alex and I will try to post new items on a regular basis, so check in every few weeks to see what’s new.

Other one-of-a-kind original artwork available by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton II and other artists, as well as collectible negatives, prints, limited edition hardcovers, proofreader copies, out of print items, Star Wars toys, Marvel toys and many other toys and collectibles from my personal collection. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.

Available now: One-of-a-kind book negatives. Negatives are always very popular items at the Palladium Open House and Gen Con. Truly unique, attractive, and fun.

Negatives are unique and attractive, one-of-a-kind (on rare occasions two-of-a-kind if a page or section of pages were replaced or a second edition was made) works of art that resemble woodcut art and are very dynamic conversation pieces. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black.

When our printer, McNaughton and Gunn was going to discard them, Palladium acquired many (not all) of the old negatives. I am only keeping a few books for myself and make majority of the rest available to you. I sign each negative in silver and each comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. The negative comes on a white board inside a plastic magazine bag and looks fabulous framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening in a frame (each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches). But don’t miss the other collectibles as well.


NEW! Cozy Caverns Mysteries – Beyond the Supernatural RPG adventure podcast from the whiz kids at – now through the end of the year

Here are the descriptions and schedule for the Cozy Caverns Mysteries podcast inspired by Beyond the Supernatural, 2nd Edition.

Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 1 – Welcome to Cozy Caverns – Jasmine “Jazz” D’Amore and Jordan “Dani” D’Amore are two sisters in their early thirties struggling to find love, job fulfillment, and money to pay the bills on time. When the loss of an estranged family member changes their circumstances, the sisters change their location, and discover the quirky, mysterious town of Cozy Caverns, Arizona and its inhabitants. All is not as it seems.

Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 2 – Supporting Local Businesses – Following Dani’s weird dream from the night before and Jazz’s unusually invigorating morning run, the D’Amore sisters hit the town of Cozy Caverns for a day of shopping and relaxation! After narrowly avoiding one hunky close encounter and picking up some reading material, the gals do lunch and then hit the library. There Dani’s jaw hits the floor and Jazz’s personal self-restraint is pushed to its limits. The excitement dies down a little bit around nighttime, but an explosive late-night confession throws everything the sisters know, or thought they knew, into chaos.

Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 3 – Rough Night – Dani has a another dream that leads to unexpected revelations and ramifications, while Jazz’s jog leads to a terrifying situation! There aren’t any romantic parts in this one and you’re not meeting any hunks, we can assure you of that! Suspicious behavior abounds regarding people in authority, and secrets slowly begin to reveal themselves. At least you can count on Milena’s cooking over at the Prickly Pear!

Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 4 – Deep Dives and Love Lives – It’s an incredibly full day for the D’Amore sisters during the annual Cactus Festival! Dani’s experiences prompt Jazz to have the both of them do more digging into the weirdness that seems to surround Cozy Caverns. The two uncover vital information.

New! September 9 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 5 – D. Frisbee and the Curious Case in the Caves – The D’Amore sisters are certainly keeping busy on their trip! A meeting with D. Frisbee reveals a whole glut of information about some of the stranger goings-on that have taken place within bucolic Cozy Caverns. Meanwhile, a mine tour with ol’ Tom goes south fast. It happens when Dani discovers something she really wishes she hadn’t in the cool caverns below the little town with the most warmth!

New! September 23 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 6 – A Bumpy Pre-Date Afternoon – With their dates fast approaching, Jazz and Dani are digging up as much information as possible, but will a freak-out underground spell disaster for a promising evening? Or will the D’Amore sisters take their lumps as they come and try to make the best out of a sticky situation?

New! October 7 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 7 – The Only Good Part was the Sushi – One sister’s date goes badly, but it’s fun to watch that train wreck happen in real time. The other’s goes well, maybe too well. Things get really dramatic after the dates, to the point where the sisters find themselves repeatedly menaced by a shadowy figure that’s been stalking their trail! Don’t miss the bone-crushing excitement!

New! October 21 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 8 – The Reek of Burnt Motor Oil – A sudden manifestation of potent supernatural abilities puts the sisters back on the right foot, at least for the time being. The two join forces to attack the ancient alien foe who has been stalking them throughout the caverns. They have put almost all of the pieces of the puzzle together, but now they need something even more important than the truth: A plan!

New! November 4 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries Chapter 9 Finale – Ghost Bashers – This one is for all the marbles! The sisters gather as much equipment as they can and head out to the old mine shaft for their confrontation with their evil spectral enemy! Dark things are revealed. Will the D’Amore sisters get devoured by the darkness beneath the Earth, or will they drag the vileness monster into the light? Don’t miss the explosive finale!

New! November 18 – Cozy Caverns Mysteries “Bonus” Episode – Cozy After Dark – This is the one where we kick back, stop worrying so much about what’s happening in the adventure (since it’s over!) and talk about how we created the characters, the setting, adapting an adventure published in 1990 to a 2022 context, cultural issues in portrayal that specifically involve the US Southwest, and give a bunch of information about what we were thinking and feeling as the adventure was going on.

More to come. You can expect a new Heroes Unlimited Christmas podcast special in December, and more episodes of their popular After the Bomb®: Purrsuit of Knowledge™ (mutant animals) series in 2023, as well as a Road Hogs mini-adventure, and could there be a Palladium Fantasy podcast coming? I think there might. We are happy to see more gamers finding these fun podcasts based on Palladium RPG worlds almost as much as we love seeing Palladium fans getting creative and having fun. Spread the word and enjoy.


Julius Rosenstein

Closing Thoughts – Julius Rosenstein, a Fallen Titan

I know I may sound like a broken record around every holiday when I talk about telling the people you love how much they mean to you, but I’ve lost a lot of people. The sudden, unexpected loss of dear Julius now serves as yet another reminder of why it is so important. So please, stop and reach out to the people you love and let them know how much they mean to you, especially this time of year.

What can I say about Julius Calvin Rosenstein? I suspect for most people, Julius seemed like a big, friendly, puppy dog or a gamer, always happy to play, run a game, or regale you with tales of Palladium Books and his many RPG adventures. He’s a simple man who enjoyed life’s simple pleasures: gaming, reading (everything), super-hero comic books, movies, aikido, puns, food, sweets, an army of friends, and a lifelong addiction to chocolate chip cookies.

Everyone liked Julius. He was so earnest, sincere, and outgoing, how could you not? He was like a friendly, happy puppy dog, and who doesn’t like a puppy? He was well read and smart too, oh so smart, and a master of numbers. A human calculator who could add up a dozen numbers in his head and spit out the total in a heartbeat. Amazing.

The only thing more amazing was his prowess as a 3rd or 4th degree black belt in Aikido. I’ve told this story dozens of times over the last week as I call his many friends, so I might as well tell it one more time here. It sums up this sweet, gentle, unassuming human being quite nicely. One day, Julius comes to the office with a large, square bandage between his thumb and first finger.

“What happened?” I asked.

“I got cut,” said Julius in a matter of fact tone.

“How? Cutting food?” I asked.

“No. Some guy tried to carjack me with a knife, so I had to take it away from him.” He said it like it was nothing out of the ordinary.

“What!?!” I exclaimed.

“Yeah, I was getting into my car in front of the house, and this guy says ‘give me your car keys’ and came at me with a knife, so I had to take it way from him. Thankfully, he didn’t have a gun and he ran away after I disarmed him. I didn’t realize he nicked me until I saw the blood.”

That was Julius. A bad ass disguised as a cheerful, pun-slinging, gamer who walked like Popeye the Sailor – unless he was performing martial arts in which he metamorphed into a graceful thing of beauty in motion. He never bragged or showed off, lived in the moment, and always retained his sense of child-like wonder. He and I had that in common, which is why we’d could go full-blown fan-boy when excited about RPG ideas, a book I wrote or he finished proofreading, something he wrote, and retelling our gaming adventures, or expounding about a great comic book, movie, or gaming experience.

Heck, I think when Julius did brag, it was about his friends or one of his brothers. I remember a Halloween party Kathy and I were hosting. It was a cold night and I came in from handing out candy to warm up for a few minutes. Julius, Alex, and a neighbor were sitting at the kitchen table.

“Kevin,” said my neighbor, “Julius and Alex tell me you’re a genius.”

I was completely caught off-guard. I mean what do you say to something like that? I think I mumbled something like, “Um … I… um, uh … I don’t … wouldn’t say that.” Only to be showered with a list of my accomplishments listed off by my neighbor as proof I’m a genius. Things he could only know because they told him. And there sat Julius and Alex grinning at me like a couple of monkeys. It was a very sweet if embarrassing moment.

Don’t get me wrong, like all of us, Julius wasn’t perfect. He could be obtuse and completely unaware of his surroundings, and sometimes he drove me crazy with his odd little habits. For example, he was physically incapable of giving you a yes or no answer. There was always a protracted story you had to listen to before you got the answer. “Julius, did you turn the lights of in the warehouse?” “Hmmm, let’s see. I was working at my desk putting in the inventory numbers for the day when you called over to do X, then you asked me Y, and I said Z, and I washed my hands because …” Mostly it was amusing. Other times it was frustrating, but it was Julius. But he was a great guy whose strengths far outweighed his foibles. He was a trusted friend you could always count on. Always.

As a role-player, he played a wide range of valiant heroes, but I always thought of Jules as a real world Paladin. In the all-too-brief year Sean knew Julius, he too said he thought of him as a real life Paladin. I have no doubt that if an assailant had tried to attack me, Julius would leap in front of me to disarm him or take a bullet for me. You don’t have many friends like that.

There might have never been a Palladium Books without Julius. Julius introduced me to role-playing. Not just introduced met to it, but would not let me walk away from it after my first two terrible D&D gaming experiences. The passionate puppy dog bounced up and down in front of me insisting I had to give it another chance because he knew I’d love it. I wasn’t so sure. He finally proposed running a special game just for me and 4 other RPG newbies. At the time, I was annoyed by his persistence. I was even more annoyed by our group of work friends who wouldn’t play if I didn’t play. The only reason I agreed to play what I expected to be my third and final D&D game, was to not hurt puppy dog-Julius’s feelings. I would learn years later that our game was Julius’s first attempt at being a Dungeon Master. He was a natural. The game was great even though my awesome character died being stupid. And he was right, I fell in love with role-playing. His games awakened the storyteller and world builder inside of me.

Julius would run and D.M. games for six months before I started to run my own. Every one of his games a wonderful experience. Next, Julius would introduce me to Erick Wujcik, Matthew Balent, and other people/gamers who would become important to me, inspire me, and encourage me to stretch my wings as a Game Master, artist, writer, and game designer. I’d go on to co-found the Detroit Gaming Center along with Erick, Matt, Renee, Robin, and others. I’d discover the MDG (Metro-Detroit Gamers), do T-shirt designs for a couple of their conventions, meet Bob Bledsoe and get work for D&D via Judges Guild, meet my beloved Defilers, and run my legendary three and a half-year game with 26 weekly players every Saturday night from 7:30 P.M. to 8 or 9 the next morning. It was a life changing experience for me that made many lifelong friendships. A game in which I would develop the Palladium Megaversal game system. I would go on to start my own game company, meet my future wife at the Gaming Center, get the TMNT license and then Robotech®. Julius wasn’t done, he’d introduce me to Randy McCall, one of Julius’s friends across the river in Canada. Together Randy and I would create Beyond the Supernatural which would inspire the magical ley lines and rifts in Rifts®. Julius would also introduce me to more Canucks who would become dear friends, such as Randi and Roger Cartier, and later, Carmen Bellaire, and so many others. Julius (and Alex) would be there with me every step of the way.

Julius play-tested every one of my games, even the ideas that never got off the drawing board. He was Xar Xar, one of the greatest of the Defilers, he was my warehouse guy for 33 years, proofread 90% of the books we have published to date (including Creature Feature!), he was at my wedding, helped me through my divorce, was an uncle to my kids, one of my sounding boards, an occasional contributing writer, one of my rocks through thick and thin, and one of my oldest and dearest friends. Geez, I met Julius when I was 21. We worked together at an art supply store and hit it off immediately. I started there in 1977. Julius would have been able to tell you the exact date, because he had a great memory for such things. He recently pointed out that we probably met or crossed paths a few years earlier as we attended several of the same comic book and science fiction conventions. He was positive we had chatted before we met in the workplace and was determined to figure it out. His latest theory was 1972 at a tiny little convention called Tri-Con as we were both there among the meager 200 people in attendance. Bottom line, we were life-long friends. I will cherish that friendship and keep Julius in my heart always.

In my imaginings, Julius suddenly and unexpectedly found himself standing at the pearly gates. As he pondered how he got there, I know he was greeted by a smiling Erick Wujcik, Randi Cartier, Kevin Lowry, and other gaming pals and loved ones.

“Julius! You’re just in time,” I imagine Erick saying while flashing his warm smile with open arms. “I need you to come with me to play test my latest game!” And off they go, happily ever after.

Rest in peace my dear friend, and game on.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Friend, & Surrogate Santa Claus


Surprise Package comments from fans like you

Every year there is a section where our Surprise Package customers can offer comments and suggestions with their order. We do so because we want to know what you think, and what you want, and we appreciate your suggestions and insights. The idea to do hardcover editions of core books came from fan comments in the Grab Bags.

Every year, in acknowledgment of our fans, and because they are fun to read, we offer a sampling of these comments in the Weekly Updates. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have stuck with Palladium through thick and thin and now these new strange times. Please use our games to find escape from the pandemic and other worries. Use them to bring a little joy, laughter, and adventure to the holiday season.

I want you to know that your comments and support mean the world to all of us. Everyone at Palladium enjoys reading your brief comments and they always brighten our day. Thank you for making us smile and feel useful. As always, I have tried to write a short response [in brackets] to each comment. Happy holidays.


D.O. in Anoka, Minnesota, writes: I love you guys and just found out about the Kickstarter [a few days ago]. Glad I found out in time! Thank you for years of amazing work.

[We’re glad you found the Titan Robotics Kickstarter in time to participate too. Our thanks to you and ALL the backers who helped make this Kickstarter a success. There’ll be other Kickstarters to follow, so keep your eyes peeled for future offerings. But not until this one has been completely filled and shipped, of course. Great books are coming. – Kevin]


T.M. in Louisville, Kentucky, writes (in part): Favorites: Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy®, and Heroes Unlimited. I have played them all but Rifts® is my home … I got to meet Kevin Siembieda this year at Gen Con, best moment I have had in a long time … Thanks for all the memories. I look forward to all the material you put out. Still eagerly waiting for the other books of magic.

[Hi T.M., Gen Con was a blast and we enjoyed getting to chat with you and many fans even if it was only for a few minutes. I want to see more magic books too. They are in the pipeline along with a lot of other book ideas. Sean’s goal is to help free up my time so I can write more. Keep making great memories with friends and family, they’re important and precious. Meanwhile, we’ll keep making great books. – Kevin]


D.D. in Quemado, New Mexico, writes: Since rediscovering Palladium’s games during the pandemic, my sons (ages 7 & 12) and I have run so many great adventures in Heroes Unlimited, Rifts®, and thanks to my Christmas Surprise Package last year, Palladium Fantasy®. Nothing more surprising than them rolling up two grumpy old men to play in a Rifts® Underseas campaign. Skaarsguard and Zuni are still on patrol, last seen in the shimmering waters!

[Awesome and welcome back, D.D. I am glad the kids are enjoying the games as much as the grown-ups. I hope you all continue to enjoy RPG adventures across the Palladium Megaverse for years to come. – Kevin]


W.M.C. in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, writes: I’ve been waiting all year for this. I purchased two Surprise Packages last year. One of the books I received was the Rifts® Lazlo Raw Preview. I loved it. Can’t wait to see the final product.

[Hey W.M.C., glad you enjoy our books so much. Yep, the Lazlo World Books (there will probably be 2 or 3 of them) are going to be epic. One of the many project quietly moving forward behind the scenes. – Kevin]


T.D. in Palmview, Queensland, Australia, writes: Merry Christmas Kevin and Palladium Team. I LOVE the Surprise Packages every year! Fantastic value and amazing addition under the tree for X-Mas morning. Thanks for the hard work and continued efforts to bring the Mechs & Magic to Christmas.

[Our pleasure, T.D. We are delighted the Surprise Package brings you so much enjoyment. – Kevin]


F.D. in Muncie, Indiana, writes: I have been playing and enjoying Palladium’s games since the mid-1980s, but have not pulled the trigger on the X-Mas Surprise Package until now! Call me “Late to the party.”

[Hey Late to the Party, welcome. I think you’ll enjoy your Surprise Package and wonder why you waited, but better late than never. Spread the word. – Kevin]


M.B. in Seattle, Washington, writes: Hi. I LOVE this deal. Had fun last year. Favorites are Rifts® and Heroes Unlimited.

[We love that you love the Grab Bags and our games, M.B. – Kevin]


S.P. in Eugene, Oregon, writes: Love your game system and love the Surprise Packages, one of the best ways to get into gaming.

[Thank you S.P., keep the love and creativity following. – Kevin]


E.W. in Franklin, New Hampshire, writes: Thank you for offering the Grab Bag again this year. Out of all the game systems I have played or owned Palladium has been, and continues to be, my favorite. I’ve been with you all since 1990 when I picked up the Rifts® core book. I’ve been hooked ever since.

[You are welcome, E.W., and yes, our RPGs are like crack; once you try one you are often hooked. Bwah-ha-ha! Um, I mean, game on. – Kevin]


C.L. in Newark Valley, New York, writes: My favorite Palladium game is Rifts®, by far, though I have played and enjoyed Palladium Fantasy®, Robotech®, TMNT®, and After the Bomb®. I have been playing since I was 14 years old. I am much older now and still love it. Keep up the good work.

[That’s wonderful to hear, C.L. Just wait till you see all the amazing books coming out over the next few years. – Kevin]


L.H. in Sun City, Arizona, writes (in part): Favorites are Rifts®, foremost. I mainly look at other Palladium settings to get ideas for Rifts® … After a lot of testing, I find I really like the magic characters. I also like tech and psionics, just not as much …

[Charmed, L.H. Keep the RPG magic flowing. – Kevin]


G.S. in Colorado Springs, Colorado, writes: Favorites are all of them though Palladium Fantasy RPG is my most favorite. Hi Kevin and Crew, thanks so much for your wonderful games. I really appreciate you guys for 40 years of the great memories your games have made for my family and friends.

[I love it G.S., good times with friends and family is what it’s all about. It has been my honor and pleasure creating worlds and knocking out new characters and adventures for 40+ years. I figure I have at least another 20 in me and I’m bringing in a whole new generation of young creators who understand the Palladium secret sauce. So keep your imagination burning bright and game on G.S. – Kevin]


© 2022 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

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