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Month: February 2023

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – February 23, 2023

Update Opening Graphic

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda & Sean Owen Roberson

Dear friends, thank you for your support of the Titan Robotics Kickstarter and Palladium in general. It is greatly appreciated. In case you haven’t heard, the Kickstarter Survey was mailed out this week, the Pledge Manger is open, and so is the Pre-Order Store.

Please fill out the survey and start managing your pledge at your earliest convenience. Backers can purchase add-ons and even additional copies of exclusive items that were part of their pledge level like foil hardcovers. A few of you have inquired about upgrading your pledge level; for that, just contact us via Kickstarter direct message and we’ll be happy to help you out on a case-by-case basis. Non-backers can also pre-order select products via the Pre-Order Store.

The Pre-Order Store enables everyone who wants to do so to pre-order a large selection of products. That includes non-exclusive Titan Robotics and Cyberworks products, but anything purchased in the Pre-Order Store will not ship until ALL the Kickstarter items do and that will take a few months. And please note that shipping will not be charged until a later date, when we know the exact cost to ship your order. If you are in the USA and want available products right now, order from the Palladium Books online store as usual.

The Pre-Order Store is huge for gamers in Canada and overseas, because products selected via the Kickstarter or in the Pre-Order Store will ship to them at substantially lower prices than Palladium can normally offer through our web store. This is made possible through the magic of bulk shipping negotiated through our partners at Spiral Galaxy Games (for the UK and EU) and Quartermaster Logistics (for the rest of the world). Please spread the word and take advantage of this shipping opportunity. US backers may see a small savings, as well. Shipping will not be charged until a later date when product is ready to ship and we know the exact cost to ship your rewards.


NOTICE: Southern Michigan had an ice storm yesterday, which caused a power outage preventing us from processing orders at the moment. Please keep them coming, but be advised there may be a delay in shipping. Hopefully we’ll get back up and running tomorrow, but it might not be until Monday that shipping resumes. We apologize for the inconvenience.


NEW! Interviews with Kevin and Sean: Speaking of spreading the word, I talk about a new podcast interview with me (Kevin Siembieda) available now, and possible future interviews with me, Sean, and other Palladium Books creators, in Closing Thoughts.


NEWS! Meet Kevin and Sean in person in Ann Arbor, Michigan – March 18. Sean and I will be manning a table at the Ann Arbor District Library on March 18 for the AADL Game Designer Expo, 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. I believe the event is FREE to the public, so come on over to chat with us and other Michigan designers of all types of games. We are happy to sign any books you bring. And don’t be surprised if you happen to see me or Sean walking around the Chaosium Con, too, also held in Ann Arbor, Michigan, later in April.


UPDATE: My eBay Store for collectibles. As promised, Alex and I have continued to add more Robotech® RPG books and negatives, other out of print Palladium titles, first printings, toys, and a couple dozen one-of-a-kind negatives to my eBay store (a bunch of Zentraedi negatives) ( However, many of these items sell shortly after they get posted, so keep your eyes peeled. We continue to add Palladium collectibles and negatives at least once a week.


Reminder: No Palladium Open House (POH) this year – We continue to get inquiries about the Open House with folks looking for one this year. It’s cool and exciting to see so much desire for another one, but it will be a couple of years. First, the Palladium Open House is not an annual event. Like the Olympics it takes place every 3-4 years. Second, it takes a lot of planning and work, and right now all our energy is focused on pounding out numerous new releases this year and building the company. As a result, we’re thinking maybe spring 2025 at the soonest, and that is NOT a set date. There are a lot of variables that influence when we may host another POH and we will keep you posted. Meanwhile, we hope to see a whole lot of you at Gen Con Indy this August.


UPDATE: Other Stuff. I think we will be able to announce a small surprise in a week or two. Otherwise we continue to work at moving a number of books forward. And boy, oh boy, are they looking great. Things may be quiet at the moment, but things are building behind the scenes to make 2023 a banner year for Palladium. So keep the faith, keep your support and encouragement coming, and spread the word about our games. Gotta get back to work. Enjoy.


Palladium needs G.M.s to run Gen Con 2023 Game Events

If you are planning to run game events at Gen Con based on any of Palladium Books’ settings, please coordinate with Palladium and get us those descriptions pronto. You get the best attendance for your games if they are submitted early, so please do so. We hope to have a strong presence at Gen Con, and your games help. Plus, by coordinating through Palladium it helps other Game Masters, all games are held in the same gaming area/room, and Palladium provides G.M.s and players special discount coupons redeemable at our booth.

Please reach out and coordinate with Jeff Ruiz (NMI) at nmi {at} to have your games listed at Gen Con as part of the Palladium group. NMI, aka Jeff Ruiz, is Palladium Books’ experienced event coordinator. He will create a spreadsheet and submit your games and descriptions on your behalf. Palladium freelance writer Glen Evans will provide Game Master badges, information, coupons, etc., on site at Gen Con.

nmi {at}

You can request Gen Con game event submission forms and send event descriptions to the email address above.

Gen Con Game Event Deadlines:

  •  Early Event Submissions End February 12th
  • Standard Event Submissions End March 10th, but the SOONER the better to guarantee full game attendance!

Submit your game descriptions as soon as possible to guarantee they are listed both online and in the program book! The more eyeballs that see your game event listing and description, the more likely you are to SELL OUT the event tickets, and enjoy full participation at your event. Thanks.

The lineup for Palladium creators at the Gen Con booth includes Kevin Siembieda (writer/game designer), Sean Owen Roberson (writer/game designer), Wayne Smith (editor/The Rifter®), Crystal Willard (sales), Glen Evans (writer), and a range of freelancers such as Mark Oberle (writer), Mike Leonard, and others. Let’s make this Gen Con a great one that’s fun for everyone.


Original Beyond the Supernatural RPG 1st Edition Foil Hardcover

NEW! “Original” Beyond the Supernatural RPG “Bonus” Edition Commemorative Hardcover, 1st Edition Rules – available now

Fans are loving the “Original” Beyond the Supernatural RPG (1988) re-release as a commemorative bonus edition hardcover with its 28 iconic monsters, information about ley lines and magic, and more. Made available due to popular demand, the deluxe, commemorative, crimson foil hardcover of the Original Beyond the Supernatural RPG (1988) is back in print for the first time in 25 years. The book is simply entitled “Beyond the Supernatural,” it is gorgeous, and a must for BTS fans.

  • Modern horror and adventure.
  • The original, 1st Edition BTS rule book exactly as first published, except now as a deluxe hardcover.
  • 32 pages of “bonus” material.
  • 28 monsters, most of which can be converted to BTS-2 with some work.
  • Quick roll villain tables. Weapons and equipment section.
  • Random Encounter Tables. Random Creature Creation Tables.
  • 4 adventures, 2 adventure outlines, and countless adventure ideas.
  • Erick Wujcik’s “Victim Characters” alternative rules for playing classic movie horror and splatter film horror.
  • Erick Wujcik’s Game Master Guide to running horror adventures.
  • Can be adapted to BTS 2nd edition rules. Though magic and psionics work differently in BTS-2, this is a valuable resource and gaming tool. We recommend you only use O.C.C.s and characters from the BTS Second Edition rule book when playing in the Second Edition setting.
  • Probably limited to fewer than 1,000 copies.
  • 288 pages of terrifying fun – $55.00 retail – Cat. No. 699HC – Available now.

1st Edition Beyond the Supernatural Foil Hardcover at


Creature Feature

Creature Feature – A Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook – available now

Creature Feature is epic and much more than a monster book. It is filled with adventure, G.M. and player tips, anecdotes, rules clarifications, and more.

  • 15 supernatural creatures described in depth. Each creature offers adventure hooks and ideas for more.
  • The art of making and running monsters.
  • Creature encounter table and tips on making unique creatures.
  • Player paranormal investigator background table.
  • Game Master source material and tips for running modern horror.
  • More world setting and monster hunting lore.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • A full adventure and numerous adventure suggestions.
  • Paranormal encounter ideas, tips, advice, NPCs, and more.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw, and others.
  • 192 pages – $26.99 retail – Cat. No. 704 – Available now.

Creature Feature in the Palladium Online Store


Original Palladium Fantasy 1st Edition Foil Hardcover

BACK in STOCK! “Original” Palladium Fantasy RPG® “Bonus” Edition Commemorative Hardcover, 1st Edition – Available now

The ever popular Original Palladium Fantasy RPG® Commemorative Bonus Hardcover (first edition rules) is back in print. It is a deluxe, foil stamped edition that presents the original, First Edition Fantasy rules, expanded with the inclusion of the long out-of-print Arms of Nargash-Tor adventure sourcebook and Tombs of Gersidi.

  • The complete, original RPG – the game that started Palladium Books.
  • First Edition rules are easily adaptable to current Fantasy titles.
  • Includes The Tombs of Gersidi adventure and setting.
  • The Arms of Nargash-Tor adventure sourcebook is included as “bonus” material back in print for the first time in 35 years.
  • Easily adapted to all 2nd Edition rules and sourcebooks.
  • Deluxe hardcover edition. Probably limited to fewer than 1,000 copies.
  • 320 pages total with “bonus” material – $55 retail – Cat. No. 449HC – available now!

Original Palladium Fantasy 1st Edition Foil Hardcover


List of Palladium Books® RPG Hardcovers Available Now


Notable Palladium Releases – a Megaverse® of adventure awaits you

  • NEW! Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet to help you create monsters and villains quickly. This Excel spreadsheet is available on and
  • NEW! “Original” Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG Commemorative “Bonus” Foil Hardcover (1st Edition rules) – described above.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition – A plausible modern horror setting unlike any other. One that makes sense and will challenge your role-playing skills. 14 Psychic Character Classes. 42 occupations for “ordinary” people, 100+ psychic abilities, including Fire Walker abilities, creatures of darkness, the Lazlo Agency, and more. All of these unlikely heroes stand against supernatural evil in a world of disbelievers who brand them as practitioners of fringe science and lunatics. Only your characters know the truth: supernatural evil is real and dangerous. Are you ready to join the battle? 256 pages – Cat. No. 700. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • Creature Feature™, a Beyond the Supernatural™, 2nd Edition Sourcebook – 15 new creatures, rules clarifications, player and Game Master tips, adventure and more – 192 pages – $26.99 retail – Cat. No. 704 – available now.
  • Rifts® Coalition Manhunters™ Sourcebook – 224 pages of Coalition data to blow your mind. 80+ new psionic abilities, 9 Manhunter psychic assassins, Psi-Ops thought police, Dog Boys, Kill Hounds, Coalition secrets, and more – 224 pages – Cat. No. 894.
  • The Rifter® #85 Annual – Rifts®, Fantasy, and many RPG settings – Cat. No. 185 – Also available as a bookmarked PDF book on DriveThruRPG where it has made the Top 10 Best Sellers List.
  • European Castles – 40+ real world castles from across Europe and their actual floor plans whenever available – for use with ANY game system – 48 pages – $10.99 – Cat. No. 410 – available now.
  • Exotic Weapons – 100+ strange and exotic weapons from around the globe – for use with ANY game system – 48 pages – $10.99 – Cat. No. 409 – available now.
  • The Compendium of Modern Weapons – 450+ real world weapons from around the globe – for use with ANY game system – 176 pages – Cat. No. 415.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition – A fantasy setting like no other, rich in history and inviting adventure. Not only are you able to play iconic fantasy heroes, but also characters such as the Mind Mage, Druid, Diabolist, Summoner and an array of nonhuman characters from Elves and Dwarves to Wolfen, Changelings, Kobolds, Orcs, Ogres, and many others. 25+ Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s), 14+ inhuman player races (more in sourcebooks), 300+ magic spells, 60 magical wards, 50 magic circles, 70+ psychic powers, dozens of magic items and potions, and so much more. 336 pages – Cat. No. 450. Also available as a hardcover edition. More than a dozen sourcebooks support this game line.
  • Lopan™ (Fantasy) Raw Preview – Cat. No. 476-RAW.
  • Land of the South Winds™ (Fantasy) Raw Preview – Cat. No. 477-RAW.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG, 2nd Edition – A hit super-hero RPG for 30+ years. Why? Because it enables you to create any type of comic book hero you can imagine. 101 super abilities plus a multitude of sub-powers within them, bonuses and special combat capabilities. 72 psychic powers and 100+ magic spells, plus enchanted weapons and objects that turn a person into a superhuman. Psychics, super-powered aliens, mutants, super soldiers, Mega-Heroes, mages, immortals, cyborgs, robots, power armor, weapon masters, and more. Plus a dozen sourcebooks provide you with hundreds of additional super abilities, hero categories, bad guys, and adventures. 352 pages for a complete RPG – Cat. No. 500. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • After the Bomb® RPG – Erick Wujcik’s mutant magnum opus. Create any mutant animal from a turtle to an elephant, animal psionics, animal powers, chimeras, and more. Use the mutants as modern world heroes, or play within the AtB post-apocalypse setting, Rifts®, or just about any setting. 224 pages – Cat. No. 503. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG – 40+ styles of martial arts, mystic abilities, spies, gadgets, and creating secret organizations. 176 pages – Cat. No. 525. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • Dead Reign® RPG – The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed! Can you survive? Play Post-Apocalyptic heroes or ordinary people. Part zombie game, part survival manual. All fun. A great beginner’s game. If you are looking for a zombie game that truly captures the feel of survival after the apocalypse and the nightmare of being stalked by zombies, Dead Reign® is it. Game mechanics are designed to create a real sense of escalating terror and dread when the zombies swarm. 224 pages – Cat. No. 230. Also available as a hardcover edition. Sourcebooks expand the world, player options, and adventure ideas as well as present new zombies and dangers.
  • Nightbane® RPG – Join the secret war against a demonic invasion most people do not even know has taken place. The demonic Nightlords, their evil Dopplegangers and other demon minions are quietly taking over the world, starting with the most powerful nations. You know it is happening because you are the Nightbane. You can see the true demonic form of these invaders, and you can stop them. The only wrinkle is you must turn into your monstrous supernatural form – your Morphus – to call upon your superhuman and magical powers. Oh, and the government is controlled by the Nightlords and their shape-changing demonic minions hunt the Nightbane. 224 pages – Cat. No. 730. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • And more, like the Rifts® Ultimate Edition (and 90+ Rifts® sourcebooks), Rifts® Chaos Earth®, The Mechanoid Trilogy®, Systems Failure, Splicers®, RECON®, Phase World®, etc.


On – 300+ RPG products – many world settings – endless adventure

Gamers are enjoying the new interactive character sheet and rediscovering the previous ones. We have a Nightbane® interactive character sheet coming soon.

The new Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet is a Microsoft Excel-based system for creating Non-Player Characters quickly and easily. Once you know the system, you can have NPCs up and ready in minutes! Great for making a quick NPC at the last moment, or saving time when designing the big bad of an adventure.

  • Design compatible with the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet.
  • 20,000+ preset NPC combinations ready to go in less than a minute.
  • 15 nonhuman Palladium Fantasy races and 23 O.C.C.s.
  • 300+ Wizard and Warlock spells programmed with quick stats.
  • 70+ psionics, options for Minor Psionics, and more.
  • $4.00 – Available on and – Created by Travis Guerrero.


Also Available – FREE Creature Feature™ Preview provides you a glimpse of what you will find in this epic book. There also FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles. Those are just some of the 300+ Palladium RPG titles available as PDF books.

No other game company offers game worlds for so many different genres. Best of all, learn to play one Palladium RPG and you can play them all, because each uses the same basic core rules and combat. There are differences, but the fundamentals are the same. This also means you can bring characters, villains, monsters, powers, magic, weapons, gear, and adventure ideas from one setting into another or mash them together!

300+ titles and nearly every game genre available now – and more is coming. Discover the Palladium Megaverse® right now.

Rifts® titles. Rifts® is the ultimate setting in which you can combine any number of genres and play any style of gaming you may desire: science fiction, fantasy, supernatural horror, heroic adventure, dimensional travel, modern knights, cyborgs, giant robots, dinosaur taming, sleuthing, magic, monsters, heroes and legends. Or combine them all. There has never been a game quite like Rifts®.

Rifts® Chaos Earth® titles. Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.

The Rifter® #1-85. Each issue is a wealth of source material for Rifts® and 3-5 other Palladium game settings. More than 8,600 pages of source material and counting. Most issues are only available in digital form.

Palladium Fantasy RPG® titles. A rich, original setting in which you can play humans or any number of nonhuman species of people in a world of magic, heroes and wonder. All of it epic.

Dead Reign® RPG and sourcebooks. The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed. A great introductory RPG that is surprisingly uplifting, fun, fast, and easy to learn.

Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition titles. Create any type of superhuman you can imagine to build your own super-hero universe.

After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Play anthropomorphic, intelligent, mutant animals as crime-fighting mutants and super-heroes or survivors of a crumbling post-apocalyptic Earth.

Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, super-spies, gizmos, mystic powers, and magic in the main book, plus even more in Mystic China.

Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. Only you know the truth. Only you can see the Nightlords and their demonic minions, and you have the power to stop them. But you must transform into a monster yourself in order to use your powers. Trust no one.

Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG and sourcebooks. Modern horror; 14 character classes, 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, and more.

300+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more. Palladium Books has settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Beyond the Supernatural), zombies (Dead Reign®), The Rifter® sourcebook series, novels, paper minis, and more.


FUN Podcast Adventures

Heroes Unlimited Christmas Special and the recent Cozy Caverns Beyond the Supernatural RPG adventure podcasts from the creative minds at These fun podcasts are created by Palladium fans like you.


Palladium Collectibles – at Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store

I am adding new collectibles and Palladium negatives over the next several weeks, so check ‘em out. Alex and I will try to post new items on a regular basis, so check in every week or so to see what’s new.

One-of-a-kind Palladium Books negatives (special and rare collectibles). Negatives are always very popular items at the Palladium Open House, Gen Con, and conventions, and are catching on as rare collectibles, unique in and of themselves. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar, 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black. We have been cutting them loose and making them available to you. I am only keeping a few dozen pages of negatives and a few complete books for myself, the rest are all being slowly offered to you, in no particular order.

  • Each is truly unique, attractive, and fun to have.
  • Own a piece of Palladium Books and RPG history you will treasure.
  • Each was used to print the very book you may have in your collection (1981-2004).
  • Each signed in silver ink by Kevin Siembieda, the founder and owner of Palladium Books. He is also the game designer and often the author or co-author of the book from which the negative originates. And some negatives bear his artwork.
  • Each signed negative comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.
  • Each signed negative is a one-of-a-kind work of art (on rare occasions, two-of-a-kind if a page or section of pages were replaced or a second edition was made) that resembles woodcut art, and a very dynamic conversation piece.
  • Each signed negative is on a white board inside a clear plastic bag.
  • Negatives looks fabulous matted or framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening. Each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Prices vary depending on the title, the art, and quality of the negative. Note: Many have scratches, or blemishes, and/or an opaque medium on the negative. Still, they look great and are a piece of RPG history. We recommend you carefully examine the photographs of each item to avoid disappointment.
  • We have been making the negatives available, in no particular order, for a number of years, and will continue to do so. However, cutting them loose, signing and bagging is a time consuming process.
  • Note: The negatives from the TMNT RPG, TMNT Adventures, and some Rifts® titles are already sold out. Moreover, the negatives from many titles were destroyed, so when you see one you like, get it when you can. Enjoy.

Original artMy Ebay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Palladium books (they look awesome framed), and other Palladium memorabilia. Some are concept sketches, others are finished works of art, as well as a selection of prints and posters.

Other collectibles include art prints, posters, comic books, Palladium limited edition hardcovers, out of print items, signed books, one-of-a-kind proofreader copies, Star Wars toys, superhero action figures, and many other toys and items from my personal collection. Yeah, I used to be a crazy toy and art collector. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.


Closing Thoughts – Community, Passion & Progress

Thank you again for your support of the Titan Robotics Kickstarter and Palladium Books in general. It is greatly appreciated. Please spread the word to your fellow gamers overseas that they can order a wide range of Palladium products through the Backerkit Pre-Order Store to get big savings on overseas shipping. It drives us crazy that shipping to locations outside the US is normally so insanely expensive. We want our friends and fans outside the US to be able to get our products.

This is just the beginning of the progress on many fronts you will continue to see at Palladium Books in the months ahead. All of us are working hard to get you the books you have been waiting for while simultaneously working to rebuild Palladium Books’ foundation and expand. One of those areas will involve expanding our social media presence. We are working on that behind the scenes along with ten thousand other things, but over time you will be seeing changes and improvements, large and small, across the board.

One step regarding social media is participating in more podcasts and YouTube interviews and chats, so you can expect to see more of me and Sean doing just that. In fact, I talk about a few at the end of these Closing Thoughts.

As you know I try to accept everyone and I do not often express my political views in my writing here, in our books, or in live chats. Like Erin Tarn, we try to be the voice of positivity and inclusivity and we will continue to do so. However, sometimes we may choose to speak on platforms you may not personally like. Please know that our efforts are not an endorsement of any hosts or their politics, but rather to spread positive word about Palladium’s games and the RPG hobby, and to reach and inspire gamers everywhere.

You may have already noticed that our interviews always deal with the joy and wonder of running and playing role-playing games, unleashing imaginations, being creative, and daring to follow your dreams. We love that our worlds and words seem to touch people in an overwhelmingly positive manner. That gamers and creators from all walks of life, genders, and places in the world see themselves in our works and feel inspired by them. We love that we can inspire others to game and write and draw and pursue their creative callings. To us, that feels like a miracle. A beautiful and unexpected miracle, because we never imagined our games or our words could mean so much to so many.

So we hope you will join us wherever we go to talk gaming and creativity. Or not. That’s your choice, and it’s okay. Just understand that we have no political agenda other than spreading the gospel of gaming, role-playing in particular. Our secret agenda ain’t so secret. I talk about it all the time, but here it is: To unlock people’s imaginations and help them find escape, joy, and creative freedom through role-playing games.

To that end, I would like to share with you a nice RPG chat I did with Ali Bushell at The Healer’s Guildthe February 17, 2023 Episode entitled: On pursing passion, falling into stories, and how trauma can break us (but others can heal us). Its focus starts with Rifts® but our talk takes some interesting and personal turns that most interviews do not. I enjoyed making it and hope you enjoy listening to it. The link is below.

I also want to let you know that Sean and I are considering doing and posting chats and interviews with other Palladium creators like Ramon K. Perez, Freddie E. Williams II, Larry Elmore, and others in the future.

That’s it for this Update. Stay positive and open to community, fun, and gaming wherever you find it. Stay positive, be good to each other (and yourselves), and, as always, game on.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer, & Friend


Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet

NEW! The Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet

The new Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet is a welcomed and helpful companion to the Palladium Fantasy Interactive Character Sheet by Travis Guerrero offering hundreds of magic spells, psionic powers, 15 inhuman character species, 23 O.C.C.s, 300 magic spells, 20,000 character combinations, and more. It is a Microsoft Excel-based system for creating Non-Player Characters quickly and easily. Once you know the system, you can have NPCs up and ready in minutes! Great for making a quick NPC at the last moment, or saving time when designing the big bad of an adventure.

Features & Benefits:

  • Designed to be compatible with the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet.
  • 20,000+ preset NPC combinations ready to go in less than a minute when you consider species, attribute, O.C.C., and level options! Many more with additional features and easy customization.
  • 15 inhuman Palladium Fantasy races.
  • 23 O.C.C.s, plus a few variations for certain O.C.C.s such as single and dual element Warlocks.
  • NPCs can be made from Level 1 through Level 15.
  • 300+ Wizard and Warlock spells programmed with quick stats.
  • 70+ psionics programmed with quick stats, plus options for Minor Psionics.
  • Skills, armor, weapons, spells, and psionics are programmed with predetermined selections, and more.
  • NPCs can be further customized by changing their standard selections with additional options from Drop Down Lists, and keeping it book legal based on your selections.
  • $4.00 – Available at and at – Created by Travis Guerrero.
  • Instructions on how to use the NPC sheet:
  • Tutorial Video (Part 1):
  • Tutorial Video (Part 2):

Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet at Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet at DriveThruRPG


Original Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet

The Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet is a Microsoft Excel-based character management system. Packed with features and data collected from every official Palladium Fantasy sourcebook, this sheet saves you time and hassle with each character you create. Available now, directly from Palladium Books AND – this is a digital, online product only.

Features & Benefits:

  • The Main Character Sheet Page collects the important data from across multiple tabs and puts it in one place for quick and easy reference.
  • Separate sheets examine character construction (worktable), Skills, Magic, Psionics, and Combat in greater detail.
  • Built-in leveling system that calculates skill advancement for you!
  • Experience Tables for over 80 O.C.C.s already programmed.
  • Recognizes the percentages for nearly 150 skills, plus combat bonuses for over 20 Weapon Proficiencies and 7 Hand to Hand styles.
  • Calculates the speed and distance a character can run and jump, lift, carry and throw based on character Attributes.
  • Add in your own Hand to Hand style, custom Skills, unique Weapon Proficiencies, and Experience Tables.
  • Instructions on how to use the sheet included, as well as a video walkthrough below.
  • Important Note: This character sheet is built to be used with Microsoft Excel 2010+ and it comes in .XLSX format. Opening this file in other spreadsheet programs is NOT guaranteed to work as intended.
  • Watch the Overview video here:

Palladium Fantasy Interactive Character Sheet at Palladium Fantasy Interactive Character Sheet at DriveThruRPG


Rifts Automated Character Sheet on

Still Hot! Rifts® Automated Character Sheet for EXCEL

The next step in character data collection! This EXCEL template provides automation to your Rifts® character creation process. Done in Microsoft Excel, this character template will allow you to build your character with substantial ease and speed. Ideal for the new gamer who doesn’t know all of the Palladium Books® rules just yet, it’s also a highly effective tool for Game Masters and advanced players alike who make multiple characters, NPCs or just like to min/max or theory craft characters between games.

  • Dice Roller.
  • Automated Attributes and Stat Block: All the bonuses and features from attributes are presented in a large stat block allowing you to easily see your bonuses.
  • Automated Combat Stats: The main page holds a section where you can pull up data for your various combat stats, from hand to hand abilities such as Strike, Parry, Dodge and Disarm, to W.P. bonuses including those of the W.P. Sharpshooting variety.
  • Automated Psionics: All psionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 12: Psyscape™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected from a dropdown menu.
  • Automated Spells: All Common Invocations, Necromancy, Ocean Magic and Biomancy spells, and yes, all the Lemurian Biomancer spells too!
  • Automated Skills: All skills from the Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected and then automatically add bonuses from prerequisites and related skills.
  • And much, much more.
  • Note: The file is best used in Microsoft Excel 2016 or above. Some data may be lost if not using Microsoft Excel, such as when using similar products like Open Office.
  • Available from AND – make those characters!

Rifts Automated Character Sheet at Rifts Automated Interactive Character Sheet at DriveThruRPG


© 2023 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

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Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – February 16, 2023

Update Opening Graphic

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda & Sean Owen Roberson

Hey, everyone. I hope you are getting through these dog days of winter. Our winter here in southeastern Michigan hasn’t been too bad. Light snow and unseasonably warm temperatures overall. Still, we are all looking forward to spring, real warmth, and green. [It still seems like an arctic wasteland to me. – Sean]


SALE! Robot Rampage – 25% Discount on robot and bionic filled titles; mostly Rifts® World Books and sourcebooks! Physical product from Palladium Books. PDF titles from – see the complete list and descriptions below.


UPDATE: The Titan Robotics Kickstarter Survey AND Pledge Manager is about to go live! Final approval by Backerkit is underway and it should be available in the coming days. Please fill out the survey and begin to manage your pledge at your earliest convenience. You will see there is a large range of other Palladium RPG titles available in Backerkit because it is a cost effective way for many of our fans in Canada and around the world to order product at much more affordable shipping rates than Palladium Books can provide through standard commercial shipping. Please, spread the word and take advantage of it. See more exciting details from Sean in Closing Thoughts. Much of setting up Backerkit and the survey, among other things, has fallen on Wayne’s shoulders, so thank you Wayne.


NEW! The Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC/Villains Sheet by Travis Guerrero has people pretty excited. Check out the various interactive character sheets. Available from both Palladium Books and – enjoy.

Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet at Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet at DriveThruRPG


My Thanks to those of you who supported the BRIC Perimeter Wall & Armored Gate Kickstarter. Like you, Sean, Wayne, and I have also donated to the project. It is such a worthy cause and a rare chance to do something meaningful for a specific community of people.


My eBay Store for collectibles. As promised, I have been working with Alex to add more Robotech® RPG books and negatives, first printings, other out of print Palladium titles, toys, and a couple dozen one-of-a-kind negatives to my eBay store ( And there is more to come. While I’m at it, I have been putting aside goodies for our next Palladium Open House auction.


No Palladium Open House (POH) this year – We have been getting a lot of inquiries about the next POH. That’s pretty cool and exciting to see so much desire for another one, but it will be a couple of years. First, the Palladium Open House is not an annual event. Like the Olympics it takes place every 3-4 years. Second, it takes a lot of planning and work, but right now all our energy is focused on pounding out numerous new releases this year and building the company. As a result, we’re thinking maybe spring 2025 at the soonest, and that is NOT a set date. There are a lot of variables that influence when we may host another POH and we will keep you posted. Meanwhile, we hope to see a whole lot of you at Gen Con Indy this August.


Progress – As you can see, things are moving forward with the Kickstarter as well as behind the scenes. Sean, Wayne, and I are still bouncing between a number of projects as we continue to shepherd several titles toward completion, as well as approving a seemingly endless stream of artwork and writing for upcoming Savage Rifts® books from Pinnacle. Thank you for your support and love; warm regards right back at you. Don’t miss out on the sale and see Closing Thoughts for more insight on the Kickstarter.


Robot Rampage SALE – 25% Discount

In anticipation of Titan Robotics we thought we’d give you a sale featuring all things robotic and cybernetic.

  • Rifts® Sourcebook One – Archie Three, the Republicans, robot creation rules, robots, cyborgs, monsters, adventure, and more. 160 pages – Cat. No. 801.
  • Rifts® Sourcebook Two: The Mechanoids – More Archie, Hagan, Mechanoid® invaders, the Seven Dangers Prophecy, and more. 112 pages – Cat. No. 805.
  • The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy – World devouring aliens with a hatred for humans and all humanoids. The science fiction game that launched Palladium Books. 224 pages – Cat. No. 400.
  • Rifts® World Book 5: Triax & the NGR – Triax super-technology (robots, cyborgs, vehicles) vs the savage Gargoyle Empire. 224 pages – Cat. No. 810.
  • Rifts® World Book 6: South America – Robots and cyborgs, robot dinosaurs, weapons and gear of notable South American nations, plus the Anti-Monster, Biomancy magic, Jaguar People, mutants, pirates, vampires, and more. 168 pages – Cat. No. 814.
  • Rifts® World Book 8: Japan – All sorts of technological wonders await, including robots, power armor, Dragon-Cyborgs, Cyber-Samurai, Ninja Crazies, Ninja Juicers, Cyberoids, weapons, Rune Swords, demons and more. 216 pages – Cat. No. 818.
  • Rifts® World Book 9: South America 2 – A ton of robots, cyborgs, vehicles, weapons, and gear from the Arkhon alien invaders, Empire of the Sun, Megaversal Legion, Cordoba, Santiago, and others, plus Nazca Line Magic, dark gods, and more. 192 pages – Cat. No. 819.
  • Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign – The war machines of the Coalition: Skelebots, robots, power armor, cyborgs, combat vehicles, aircraft, Juicers, Rangers, and much more. 224 pages – Cat. No. 821.
  • Rifts® World Book 14: New West – Introducing Bandito Arms and its SAMAS, power armors, weapons, vehicles, robot horses, hovercycles, cyborgs, 20 O.C.C.s including the Psi-Slinger and Wired Gunslinger, plus Lyn-Srial Sky-Knights and Cloud Magic, a host of creatures, D-Bees, and more. 224 pages – Cat. No. 826.
  • Rifts® World Book 17: Warlords of Russia – Cyborg shocktroops the likes of which you’ve never seen, plus 30 O.C.C.s, the warlords, vehicles, weapons, and gear! 224 pages – Cat. No. 832.
  • Rifts® World Book 22: Free Quebec – Glitter Boy and Glitter Boy variants, the Glitter Girl, Pale Death and Violator SAMAS, cyborgs, robots, combat vehicles, weapons, gear, key locations, and more. 224 pages – Cat. No. 837.
  • Rifts® World Book 31: Triax 2 – New Triax weapons, 10 giant robots, robot drones, power armor, cyborgs, vehicles, aircraft, mobile fortress, war update and more. 192 pages – Cat. No. 881.
  • Rifts® World Book 33: Northern Gun One – 27 giant robots, 70+ weapons, a hovertrain, the NG city, people, bounty board, and more. 224 pages – Cat. No. 887.
  • Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun Two – 30+ new power armors, 30+ new M.D.C. body armors, 15 combat vehicles, 14 hovercycles, 10 robot haulers and drones, Robodome arena and more. 256 pages – Cat. No. 888.
  • Rifts® World Book 36: Sovietski – Robots, cyborgs, tanks and combat vehicles, weapons, bionic animals, 9 O.C.C.s with 40+ M.O.S. skill packages, the Sovietski, its people, mutants, D-Bees, and more. 224 pages – Cat. No. 891.
  • Rifts® Bionics Sourcebook – 220+ bionic components and features, 47 commercial cybernetics, 24 Black Market cybernetics, TW Cybernetics, 7 City Rat O.C.C.s, the Cyber-Snatcher, and more. 112 pages – Cat. No. 850.
  • Rifts® Black Market Sourcebook – Bandito Arms and BigBore merc weapons and gear, robots, power armor, body armor, vehicles, robot animals and the TW Ironmage Glitter Boy, plus details about the Black Market and its O.C.C.s. 192 pages – Cat. No. 886.

Note: A similar sale of PDF books is taking place at – enjoy.


Palladium needs G.M.s to run Gen Con 2023 Game Events

If you are planning to run game events at Gen Con based on any of Palladium Books’ settings, please coordinate with Palladium and get us those descriptions pronto. You get the best attendance for your games if they are submitted early, so please do so. We hope to have a strong presence at Gen Con, and your games help. Plus, by coordinating through Palladium it helps other Game Masters, all games are held in the same gaming area/room, and Palladium provides G.M.s and players special discount coupons redeemable at our booth.

Please reach out and coordinate with Jeff Ruiz (NMI) at nmi {at} to have your games listed at Gen Con as part of the Palladium group. NMI, aka Jeff Ruiz, is Palladium Books’ experienced event coordinator. He will create a spreadsheet and submit your games and descriptions on your behalf. Palladium freelance writer Glen Evans will provide Game Master badges, information, coupons, etc., on site at Gen Con.

nmi {at}

You can request Gen Con game event submission forms and send event descriptions to the email address above.

Gen Con Game Event Deadlines:

  • Early Event Submissions End February 12th
  • Standard Event Submissions End March 10th, but the SOONER the better to guarantee full game attendance!

Submit your game descriptions as soon as possible to guarantee they are listed both online and in the program book! The more eyeballs that see your game event listing and description, the more likely you are to SELL OUT the event tickets, and enjoy full participation at your event. Thanks.

The lineup for Palladium creators at the Gen Con booth includes Kevin Siembieda (writer/game designer), Sean Owen Roberson (writer/game designer), Wayne Smith (editor/The Rifter®), Crystal Willard (sales), Glen Evans (writer), and a range of freelancers such as Mark Oberle (writer), Mike Leonard, and others. Let’s make this Gen Con a great one that’s fun for everyone.


Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet

NEW! The Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet

The new Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet is a welcomed and helpful companion to the Palladium Fantasy Interactive Character Sheet by Travis Guerrero offering hundreds of magic spells, psionic powers, 15 inhuman character species, 23 O.C.C.s, 300 magic spells, 20,000 character combinations, and more. It is a Microsoft Excel-based system for creating Non-Player Characters quickly and easily. Once you know the system, you can have NPCs up and ready in minutes! Great for making a quick NPC at the last moment, or saving time when designing the big bad of an adventure.

Features & Benefits:

  • Designed to be compatible with the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet.
  • 20,000+ preset NPC combinations ready to go in less than a minute when you consider species, attribute, O.C.C., and level options! Many more with additional features and easy customization.
  • 15 inhuman Palladium Fantasy races.
  • 23 O.C.C.s, plus a few variations for certain O.C.C.s such as single and dual element Warlocks.
  • NPCs can be made from Level 1 through Level 15.
  • 300+ Wizard and Warlock spells programmed with quick stats.
  • 70+ psionics programmed with quick stats, plus options for Minor Psionics.
  • Skills, armor, weapons, spells, and psionics are programmed with predetermined selections, and more.
  • NPCs can be further customized by changing their standard selections with additional options from Drop Down Lists, and keeping it book legal based on your selections.
  • $4.00 – Available at and at – Created by Travis Guerrero.
  • Instructions on how to use the NPC sheet:
  • Tutorial Video (Part 1):
  • Tutorial Video (Part 2):

Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet at Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet at DriveThruRPG


Original Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet

The Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet is a Microsoft Excel-based character management system. Packed with features and data collected from every official Palladium Fantasy sourcebook, this sheet saves you time and hassle with each character you create. Available now, directly from Palladium Books AND – this is a digital, online product only.

Features & Benefits:

  • The Main Character Sheet Page collects the important data from across multiple tabs and puts it in one place for quick and easy reference.
  • Separate sheets examine character construction (worktable), Skills, Magic, Psionics, and Combat in greater detail.
  • Built-in leveling system that calculates skill advancement for you!
  • Experience Tables for over 80 O.C.C.s already programmed.
  • Recognizes the percentages for nearly 150 skills, plus combat bonuses for over 20 Weapon Proficiencies and 7 Hand to Hand styles.
  • Calculates the speed and distance a character can run and jump, lift, carry and throw based on character Attributes.
  • Add in your own Hand to Hand style, custom Skills, unique Weapon Proficiencies, and Experience Tables.
  • Instructions on how to use the sheet included, as well as a video walkthrough below.
  • Important Note: This character sheet is built to be used with Microsoft Excel 2010+ and it comes in .XLSX format. Opening this file in other spreadsheet programs is NOT guaranteed to work as intended.
  • Watch the Overview video here:

Palladium Fantasy Interactive Character Sheet at Palladium Fantasy Interactive Character Sheet at DriveThruRPG


Rifts Automated Character Sheet on

Still Hot! Rifts® Automated Character Sheet for EXCEL

The next step in character data collection! This EXCEL template provides automation to your Rifts® character creation process. Done in Microsoft Excel, this character template will allow you to build your character with substantial ease and speed. Ideal for the new gamer who doesn’t know all of the Palladium Books® rules just yet, it’s also a highly effective tool for Game Masters and advanced players alike who make multiple characters, NPCs or just like to min/max or theory craft characters between games.

  • Dice Roller.
  • Automated Attributes and Stat Block: All the bonuses and features from attributes are presented in a large stat block allowing you to easily see your bonuses.
  • Automated Combat Stats: The main page holds a section where you can pull up data for your various combat stats, from hand to hand abilities such as Strike, Parry, Dodge and Disarm, to W.P. bonuses including those of the W.P. Sharpshooting variety.
  • Automated Psionics: All psionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 12: Psyscape™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected from a dropdown menu.
  • Automated Spells: All Common Invocations, Necromancy, Ocean Magic and Biomancy spells, and yes, all the Lemurian Biomancer spells too!
  • Automated Skills: All skills from the Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected and then automatically add bonuses from prerequisites and related skills.
  • And much, much more.
  • Note: The file is best used in Microsoft Excel 2016 or above. Some data may be lost if not using Microsoft Excel, such as when using similar products like Open Office.
  • Available from AND – make those characters!

Rifts Automated Character Sheet at Rifts Automated Interactive Character Sheet at DriveThruRPG


Original Beyond the Supernatural RPG 1st Edition Foil Hardcover

NEW! “Original” Beyond the Supernatural RPG “Bonus” Edition Commemorative Hardcover, 1st Edition Rules – available now

Fans are loving the “Original” Beyond the Supernatural RPG (1988) re-release as a commemorative bonus edition hardcover with its 28 iconic monsters, information about ley lines and magic, and more. Made available due to popular demand, the deluxe, commemorative, crimson foil hardcover of the Original Beyond the Supernatural RPG (1988) is back in print for the first time in 25 years. The book is simply entitled “Beyond the Supernatural,” it is gorgeous, and a must for BTS fans.

  • Modern horror and adventure.
  • The original, 1st Edition BTS rule book exactly as first published, except now as a deluxe hardcover.
  • 32 pages of “bonus” material.
  • 28 monsters, most of which can be converted to BTS-2 with some work.
  • Quick roll villain tables. Weapons and equipment section.
  • Random Encounter Tables. Random Creature Creation Tables.
  • 4 adventures, 2 adventure outlines, and countless adventure ideas.
  • Erick Wujcik’s “Victim Characters” alternative rules for playing classic movie horror and splatter film horror.
  • Erick Wujcik’s Game Master Guide to running horror adventures.
  • Can be adapted to BTS 2nd edition rules. Though magic and psionics work differently in BTS-2, this is a valuable resource and gaming tool. We recommend you only use O.C.C.s and characters from the BTS Second Edition rule book when playing in the Second Edition setting.
  • Probably limited to fewer than 1,000 copies.
  • 288 pages of terrifying fun – $55.00 retail – Cat. No. 699HC – Available now.

1st Edition Beyond the Supernatural Foil Hardcover at


Creature Feature

Creature Feature – A Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook – available now

Creature Feature is epic and much more than a monster book. It is filled with adventure, G.M. and player tips, anecdotes, rules clarifications, and more.

  • 15 supernatural creatures described in depth. Each creature offers adventure hooks and ideas for more.
  • The art of making and running monsters.
  • Creature encounter table and tips on making unique creatures.
  • Player paranormal investigator background table.
  • Game Master source material and tips for running modern horror.
  • More world setting and monster hunting lore.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • A full adventure and numerous adventure suggestions.
  • Paranormal encounter ideas, tips, advice, NPCs, and more.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw, and others.
  • 192 pages – $26.99 retail – Cat. No. 704 – Available now.

Creature Feature in the Palladium Online Store


Original Palladium Fantasy 1st Edition Foil Hardcover

BACK in STOCK! “Original” Palladium Fantasy RPG® “Bonus” Edition Commemorative Hardcover, 1st Edition – Available now

The ever popular Original Palladium Fantasy RPG® Commemorative Bonus Hardcover (first edition rules) is back in print. It is a deluxe, foil stamped edition that presents the original, First Edition Fantasy rules, expanded with the inclusion of the long out-of-print Arms of Nargash-Tor adventure sourcebook and Tombs of Gersidi.

  • The complete, original RPG – the game that started Palladium Books.
  • First Edition rules are easily adaptable to current Fantasy titles.
  • Includes The Tombs of Gersidi adventure and setting.
  • The Arms of Nargash-Tor adventure sourcebook is included as “bonus” material back in print for the first time in 35 years.
  • Easily adapted to all 2nd Edition rules and sourcebooks.
  • Deluxe hardcover edition. Probably limited to fewer than 1,000 copies.
  • 320 pages total with “bonus” material – $55 retail – Cat. No. 449HC – available now!

Original Palladium Fantasy 1st Edition Foil Hardcover


List of Palladium Books® RPG Hardcovers Available Now


Recent and Notable Palladium Products – a Megaverse® of adventure awaits you

  • NEW! Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet to help you create monsters and villains quickly. This Excel spreadsheet is available on and
  • NEW! “Original” Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG Commemorative “Bonus” Foil Hardcover (1st Edition rules) – described above.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition – A plausible modern horror setting unlike any other. One that makes sense and will challenge your role-playing skills. 14 Psychic Character Classes. 42 occupations for “ordinary” people, 100+ psychic abilities, including Fire Walker abilities, creatures of darkness, the Lazlo Agency, and more. All of these unlikely heroes stand against supernatural evil in a world of disbelievers who brand them as practitioners of fringe science and lunatics. Only your characters know the truth: supernatural evil is real and dangerous. Are you ready to join the battle? 256 pages – Cat. No. 700. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • Creature Feature™, a Beyond the Supernatural™, 2nd Edition Sourcebook – 15 new creatures, rules clarifications, player and Game Master tips, adventure and more – 192 pages – $26.99 retail – Cat. No. 704 – available now.
  • Rifts® Coalition Manhunters™ Sourcebook – 224 pages of Coalition data to blow your mind. 80+ new psionic abilities, 9 Manhunter psychic assassins, Psi-Ops thought police, Dog Boys, Kill Hounds, Coalition secrets, and more – 224 pages – Cat. No. 894.
  • The Rifter® #85 Annual – Rifts®, Fantasy, and many RPG settings – Cat. No. 185 – Also available as a bookmarked PDF book on DriveThruRPG where it has made the Top 10 Best Sellers List.
  • European Castles – 40+ real world castles from across Europe and their actual floor plans whenever available – for use with ANY game system – 48 pages – $10.99 – Cat. No. 410 – available now.
  • Exotic Weapons – 100+ strange and exotic weapons from around the globe – for use with ANY game system – 48 pages – $10.99 – Cat. No. 409 – available now.
  • The Compendium of Modern Weapons – 450+ real world weapons from around the globe – for use with ANY game system – 176 pages – Cat. No. 415.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition – A fantasy setting like no other, rich in history and inviting adventure. Not only are you able to play iconic fantasy heroes, but also characters such as the Mind Mage, Druid, Diabolist, Summoner and an array of nonhuman characters from Elves and Dwarves to Wolfen, Changelings, Kobolds, Orcs, Ogres, and many others. 25+ Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s), 14+ inhuman player races (more in sourcebooks), 300+ magic spells, 60 magical wards, 50 magic circles, 70+ psychic powers, dozens of magic items and potions, and so much more. 336 pages – Cat. No. 450. Also available as a hardcover edition. More than a dozen sourcebooks support this game line.
  • Lopan™ (Fantasy) Raw Preview – Cat. No. 476-RAW.
  • Land of the South Winds™ (Fantasy) Raw Preview – Cat. No. 477-RAW.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG, 2nd Edition – A hit super-hero RPG for 30+ years. Why? Because it enables you to create any type of comic book hero you can imagine. 101 super abilities plus a multitude of sub-powers within them, bonuses and special combat capabilities. 72 psychic powers and 100+ magic spells, plus enchanted weapons and objects that turn a person into a superhuman. Psychics, super-powered aliens, mutants, super soldiers, Mega-Heroes, mages, immortals, cyborgs, robots, power armor, weapon masters, and more. Plus a dozen sourcebooks provide you with hundreds of additional super abilities, hero categories, bad guys, and adventures. 352 pages for a complete RPG – Cat. No. 500. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • After the Bomb® RPG – Erick Wujcik’s mutant magnum opus. Create any mutant animal from a turtle to an elephant, animal psionics, animal powers, chimeras, and more. Use the mutants as modern world heroes, or play within the AtB post-apocalypse setting, Rifts®, or just about any setting. 224 pages – Cat. No. 503. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG – 40+ styles of martial arts, mystic abilities, spies, gadgets, and creating secret organizations. 176 pages – Cat. No. 525. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • Dead Reign® RPG – The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed! Can you survive? Play Post-Apocalyptic heroes or ordinary people. Part zombie game, part survival manual. All fun. A great beginner’s game. If you are looking for a zombie game that truly captures the feel of survival after the apocalypse and the nightmare of being stalked by zombies, Dead Reign® is it. Game mechanics are designed to create a real sense of escalating terror and dread when the zombies swarm. 224 pages – Cat. No. 230. Also available as a hardcover edition. Sourcebooks expand the world, player options, and adventure ideas as well as present new zombies and dangers.
  • Nightbane® RPG – Join the secret war against a demonic invasion most people do not even know has taken place. The demonic Nightlords, their evil Dopplegangers and other demon minions are quietly taking over the world, starting with the most powerful nations. You know it is happening because you are the Nightbane. You can see the true demonic form of these invaders, and you can stop them. The only wrinkle is you must turn into your monstrous supernatural form – your Morphus – to call upon your superhuman and magical powers. Oh, and the government is controlled by the Nightlords and their shape-changing demonic minions hunt the Nightbane. 224 pages – Cat. No. 730. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • And more, like the Rifts® Ultimate Edition (and 90+ Rifts® sourcebooks), Rifts® Chaos Earth®, The Mechanoid Trilogy®, Systems Failure, Splicers®, RECON®, Phase World®, etc.


New on – Robot Rampage SALE

In anticipation of Titan Robotics we thought we’d give you a sale featuring all things robotic and cybernetic.


300+ titles – one game system – nearly every genre – endless adventure:

The new Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet is a Microsoft Excel-based system for creating Non-Player Characters quickly and easily. Once you know the system, you can have NPCs up and ready in minutes! Great for making a quick NPC at the last moment, or saving time when designing the big bad of an adventure.

  • Design compatible with the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet.
  • 20,000+ preset NPC combinations ready to go in less than a minute.
  • 15 nonhuman Palladium Fantasy races and 23 O.C.C.s.
  • 300+ Wizard and Warlock spells programmed with quick stats.
  • 70+ psionics, options for Minor Psionics, and more.
  • $4.00 – Available on and – Created by Travis Guerrero.


Also Available – FREE Creature Feature™ Preview provides you a glimpse of what you will find in this epic book. There also FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles. Those are just some of the 300+ Palladium RPG titles available as PDF books.

No other game company offers game worlds for so many different genres. Best of all, learn to play one Palladium RPG and you can play them all, because each uses the same basic core rules and combat. There are differences, but the fundamentals are the same. This also means you can bring characters, villains, monsters, powers, magic, weapons, gear, and adventure ideas from one setting into another or mash them together!

300+ titles and nearly every game genre available now – and more is coming. Discover the Palladium Megaverse® right now.

Rifts® titles. Rifts® is the ultimate setting in which you can combine any number of genres and play any style of gaming you may desire: science fiction, fantasy, supernatural horror, heroic adventure, dimensional travel, modern knights, cyborgs, giant robots, dinosaur taming, sleuthing, magic, monsters, heroes and legends. Or combine them all. There has never been a game quite like Rifts®.

Rifts® Chaos Earth® titles. Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.

The Rifter® #1-85. Each issue is a wealth of source material for Rifts® and 3-5 other Palladium game settings. More than 8,600 pages of source material and counting. Most issues are only available in digital form.

Palladium Fantasy RPG® titles. A rich, original setting in which you can play humans or any number of nonhuman species of people in a world of magic, heroes and wonder. All of it epic.

Dead Reign® RPG and sourcebooks. The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed. A great introductory RPG that is surprisingly uplifting, fun, fast, and easy to learn.

Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition titles. Create any type of superhuman you can imagine to build your own super-hero universe.

After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Play anthropomorphic, intelligent, mutant animals as crime-fighting mutants and super-heroes or survivors of a crumbling post-apocalyptic Earth.

Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, super-spies, gizmos, mystic powers, and magic in the main book, plus even more in Mystic China.

Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. Only you know the truth. Only you can see the Nightlords and their demonic minions, and you have the power to stop them. But you must transform into a monster yourself in order to use your powers. Trust no one.

Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG and sourcebooks. Modern horror; 14 character classes, 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, and more.

300+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more. Palladium Books has settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Beyond the Supernatural), zombies (Dead Reign®), The Rifter® sourcebook series, novels, paper minis, and more.


FUN Podcast Adventures

Heroes Unlimited Christmas Special and the recent Cozy Caverns Beyond the Supernatural RPG adventure podcasts from the creative minds at These fun podcasts are created by Palladium fans like you.


Palladium Collectibles – at Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store

I am adding new collectibles and Palladium negatives over the next several weeks, so check ‘em out. Alex and I will try to post new items on a regular basis, so check in every week or so to see what’s new.

One-of-a-kind Palladium Books negatives (special and rare collectibles). Negatives are always very popular items at the Palladium Open House, Gen Con, and conventions, and are catching on as rare collectibles, unique in and of themselves. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar, 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black. We have been cutting them loose and making them available to you. I am only keeping a few dozen pages of negatives and a few complete books for myself, the rest are all being slowly offered to you, in no particular order.

  • Each is truly unique, attractive, and fun to have.
  • Own a piece of Palladium Books and RPG history you will treasure.
  • Each was used to print the very book you may have in your collection (1981-2004).
  • Each signed in silver ink by Kevin Siembieda, the founder and owner of Palladium Books. He is also the game designer and often the author or co-author of the book from which the negative originates. And some negatives bear his artwork.
  • Each signed negative comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.
  • Each signed negative is a one-of-a-kind work of art (on rare occasions, two-of-a-kind if a page or section of pages were replaced or a second edition was made) that resembles woodcut art, and a very dynamic conversation piece.
  • Each signed negative is on a white board inside a clear plastic bag.
  • Negatives looks fabulous matted or framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening. Each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Prices vary depending on the title, the art, and quality of the negative. Note: Many have scratches, or blemishes, and/or an opaque medium on the negative. Still, they look great and are a piece of RPG history. We recommend you carefully examine the photographs of each item to avoid disappointment.
  • We have been making the negatives available, in no particular order, for a number of years, and will continue to do so. However, cutting them loose, signing and bagging is a time consuming process.
  • Note: The negatives from the TMNT RPG, TMNT Adventures, and some Rifts® titles are already sold out. Moreover, the negatives from many titles were destroyed, so when you see one you like, get it when you can. Enjoy.

Original artMy Ebay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Palladium books (they look awesome framed), and other Palladium memorabilia. Some are concept sketches, others are finished works of art, as well as a selection of prints and posters.

Other collectibles include art prints, posters, comic books, Palladium limited edition hardcovers, out of print items, signed books, one-of-a-kind proofreader copies, Star Wars toys, superhero action figures, and many other toys and items from my personal collection. Yeah, I used to be a crazy toy and art collector. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.


Closing Thoughts – Titan Robotics Survey and Pledge Manager are Ready

Howdy Rifters,

As Kevin mentioned earlier, the Titan Robotics Kickstarter rewards are coming along nicely and digital rewards will begin flowing soon. We are also excited to inform you that the pledge manager is under final review by our friends at BackerKit (to make sure we didn’t mess anything up).

But Sean, why is that so exciting? Well, besides the fact that this is an important part of smoothly rolling out the rewards to you, it’s also really neat on another level – shipping.

But Sean, shipping is annoying and expensive, not cool and fun. Aha! That’s where we are making some progress. Many of you asked us to figure out a way to reduce shipping prices, and we listened! Shipping has vastly changed over the past few years, so we’ve been hard at work finding the best solutions possible in this brave new world of post-pandemic logistics.

The result? Steeply discounted shipping rates for customers outside the USA, through the magic of bulk shipping negotiated through our partners at Spiral Galaxy Games (for the UK and EU) and Quartermaster Logistics (for the rest of the world). We anticipate the shipping rates for items fulfilled through the Titan Robotics campaign to come in well below the standard commercial shipping rates you would normally incur ordering directly via Palladium’s online store, especially from outside the USA. USA backers should also see savings, though smaller.

In addition to the Titan Robotics items, many of Palladium’s other titles are available through the BackerKit pledge manager and you can get those mailed to you at this steep discount.

You will be able to update your shipping address and pay shipping-related fees through the BackerKit pledge manager, which will be open until the printed books are ready to mail out (estimated June 2023).

For this crowdfunder, we have added the Rifts line of books and a selection of other core titles to BackerKit. We plan on expanding what other titles are available in future crowdfunding campaigns but that might be quite a few months down the road, so please take advantage of this unique opportunity while you can. For those who didn’t back the Kickstarter, you can buy products a la carte through the BackerKit “Pre-Order Store” and get in on the low overseas shipping too; you don’t even have to buy Titan Robotics. The Pledge Manager (for Kickstarter backers) and the Pre-Order Store (for everyone else) will be open in a few days, as soon as they are approved by BackerKit. Cheers!

– Sean Owen Roberson, Creative Director


© 2023 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – February 9, 2023

Update Opening Graphic

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda & Sean Owen Roberson

Greetings my fellow Earthlings, we hope you are healthy and happy wherever you hail from. Gaming we hope. I have been dividing my time between a variety of business and creative projects, so has Sean. A lot of them are the books you’ve been waiting for. As we near completion on several of them, we hope to start sending them to the printer and announcing them to you. Springtime is looking like when a number of them should start to drop into your lap. Followed by The Rifter® #86, Titan Robotics, Rifts® Bestiary Volume 2, Rifts® Antarctica, a Fantasy title or two, and more. Making us excited and very productive, but busy as heck.


UPDATE: The Titan Robotics Pledge Manager should be put in place by the end of next week. We have been buried in other pressing, time sensitive matters, but getting you that pledge manager in place is a top priority. As is finishing Titan Robotics. That reminds me, I need to get an updated printer’s quote for the book as soon as I’m finished with this Update.


NEW! The Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC/Villains Sheet by Travis Guerrero has people pretty excited. Check out the various interactive character sheets. Available from both Palladium Books and

Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet at Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet at DriveThruRPG


My personal thank you to those of you who have already pledged to the BRIC Perimeter Wall & Armored Gate Kickstarter. It is such a worthy cause and a rare chance to do something profoundly meaningful for a specific community of people. If the Palladium RPG community shows up in numbers, even a small $5 pledge from a lot of people can accumulate to be huge. My apologies, my original appeal was for quantity pledges of only $3, but that was before I made my pledge and realized there were set pledge levels at $1, $5, $20 and greater. Every little bit you can pledge will help save lives and protect children and women in this community in the African Congo. I’m vested in this because the people spearheading this Kickstarter are friends I know and trust. You can see more details below. Thank you.

You seem to have enjoyed the sale that just ended. I have also been offering some out of print and rare items like artwork and negatives from my personal archives in my Ebay store. See details, below.

Collectible Palladium RPG books, miniatures, and negatives sold out in days from Kevin’s Ebay store! Last week, Alex and I had added 50+ RPG items to my eBay store ( This includes rare and out-of-print book titles, and unique items including three dozen one-of-a-kind negatives. There’s one from Rifts® Vampire Kingdoms, a few from Rifts® Sourcebook One, a handful from Rifts® Dark Conversions, a bunch from the Rifts® Cyber-Knights Sourcebook, and a few from Robotech® (the original 1987 RPG). All signed by me. Most of the Robotech® and Macross II books and the initial batch of Robotech® negatives sold out in the first few days.

We had no idea Robotech® items and early books were in such high demand. We will try to post some more items and negatives this weekend, but the supply is limited to file copies and some books in boxes I have stashed away. Some of those have been books I personally used for gaming or reference at one location or another over the years. And, of course, some one-of-a-kind negatives. Trying to decide what I should keep for auctions at future Palladium Open Houses and what I should sell now, but more negatives and collectibles are coming.


$5 to save lives – BRIC Perimeter Wall & Armored Gate Kickstarter

As you know, I have never made an appeal like this in any Update, but as a parent and as someone who knows and trusts the people behind the Kickstarter, I feel compelled to speak up and try to lend a voice to a noble cause. Slavery and unfathomable cruelty is not a thing of the past. It is all too real. Please pledge a few dollars to make a real difference in our real world. Thank you.

Sponsored by Relief in the Congo for God’s Children from Human Trafficking, this is a great cause. Please read this, go to the Kickstarter, and pledge $5, or even as little as $1.

Rebel warlords and raiders steal boys as young as 8 and 9 years old as well as male teens from their families and force them to service as child-soldiers. These kids are controlled through fear, beatings, and drugs. Boys who try to run away or fight back are often murdered. Gunned down to make the point that resistance is futile.

Female children, teens, young women, and mothers are raped and abused by these same vile forces and often pressed into slave labor to support the warlords and savaged repeatedly.

I personally know the people running this Kickstarter. They are good folks and all the money (after Kickstarter’s fees) will go to this good cause: BRIC Perimeter Wall and Armored Gate Kickstarter. “BRIC” stands for “Building Resilience in the Congo.” The BRIC organization is a rescue effort to save young boys and girls forced into slavery and used as unwilling soldiers or commodities for the rebels.

The funds of this particular fund-raiser will go to the construction of a defensive concrete wall and iron gate to protect the children and teenagers rescued from this horrific life. ALL the money raised by this Kickstarter (after Kickstarter fees) goes directly to that purpose. The full cost of construction is $10,000, so please spread the word. Wouldn’t it be something if us gamers whose characters battle evil in game settings can make a real and profound difference for these youngsters and heroes in the real world? Thank you.


Palladium needs G.M.s to run Gen Con 2023 Game Events

If you are planning to run game events at Gen Con based on any of Palladium Books’ settings, please coordinate with Palladium and get us those descriptions pronto. You get the best attendance for your games if they are submitted early, so please do so. We hope to have a strong presence at Gen Con, and your games help. Plus, by coordinating through Palladium it helps other Game Masters, all games are held in the same gaming area/room, and Palladium provides G.M.s and players special discount coupons redeemable at our booth.

Please reach out and coordinate with Jeff Ruiz (NMI) at nmi {at} to have your games listed at Gen Con as part of the Palladium group. NMI, aka Jeff Ruiz, is Palladium Books’ experienced event coordinator. He will create a spreadsheet and submit your games and descriptions on your behalf. Palladium freelance writer Glen Evans will provide Game Master badges, information, coupons, etc., on site at Gen Con.

nmi {at}

You can request Gen Con game event submission forms and send event descriptions to the email address above.

Gen Con Game Event Deadlines:

  • Early Event Submissions End February 12th
  • Standard Event Submissions End March 10th, but the SOONER the better to guarantee full game attendance!

Submit your game descriptions as soon as possible to guarantee they are listed both online and in the program book! The more eyeballs that see your game event listing and description, the more likely you are to SELL OUT the event tickets, and enjoy full participation at your event. Thanks.

The lineup for Palladium creators at the Gen Con booth includes Kevin Siembieda (writer/game designer), Sean Owen Roberson (writer/game designer), Wayne Smith (editor/The Rifter®), Crystal Willard (sales), Glen Evans (writer), and a range of freelancers such as Mark Oberle (writer), Mike Leonard, and others. Let’s make this Gen Con a great one that’s fun for everyone.


Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet

NEW! The Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet

The new Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet is a welcomed and helpful companion to the Palladium Fantasy Interactive Character Sheet by Travis Guerrero offering hundreds of magic spells, psionic powers, 15 inhuman character species, 23 O.C.C.s, 300 magic spells, 20,000 character combinations, and more. It is a Microsoft Excel-based system for creating Non-Player Characters quickly and easily. Once you know the system, you can have NPCs up and ready in minutes! Great for making a quick NPC at the last moment, or saving time when designing the big bad of an adventure.

Features & Benefits:

  • Designed to be compatible with the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet.
  • 20,000+ preset NPC combinations ready to go in less than a minute when you consider species, attribute, O.C.C., and level options! Many more with additional features and easy customization.
  • 15 inhuman Palladium Fantasy races.
  • 23 O.C.C.s, plus a few variations for certain O.C.C.s such as single and dual element Warlocks.
  • NPCs can be made from Level 1 through Level 15.
  • 300+ Wizard and Warlock spells programmed with quick stats.
  • 70+ psionics programmed with quick stats, plus options for Minor Psionics.
  • Skills, armor, weapons, spells, and psionics are programmed with predetermined selections, and more.
  • NPCs can be further customized by changing their standard selections with additional options from Drop Down Lists, and keeping it book legal based on your selections.
  • $4.00 – Available at and at – Created by Travis Guerrero.
  • Instructions on how to use the NPC sheet:
  • Tutorial Video (Part 1):
  • Tutorial Video (Part 2):

Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet at Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet at DriveThruRPG


Original Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet

The Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet is a Microsoft Excel-based character management system. Packed with features and data collected from every official Palladium Fantasy sourcebook, this sheet saves you time and hassle with each character you create. Available now, directly from Palladium Books AND – this is a digital, online product only.

Features & Benefits:

  • The Main Character Sheet Page collects the important data from across multiple tabs and puts it in one place for quick and easy reference.
  • Separate sheets examine character construction (worktable), Skills, Magic, Psionics, and Combat in greater detail.
  • Built-in leveling system that calculates skill advancement for you!
  • Experience Tables for over 80 O.C.C.s already programmed.
  • Recognizes the percentages for nearly 150 skills, plus combat bonuses for over 20 Weapon Proficiencies and 7 Hand to Hand styles.
  • Calculates the speed and distance a character can run and jump, lift, carry and throw based on character Attributes.
  • Add in your own Hand to Hand style, custom Skills, unique Weapon Proficiencies, and Experience Tables.
  • Instructions on how to use the sheet included, as well as a video walkthrough below.
  • Important Note: This character sheet is built to be used with Microsoft Excel 2010+ and it comes in .XLSX format. Opening this file in other spreadsheet programs is NOT guaranteed to work as intended.
  • Watch the Overview video here:

Palladium Fantasy Interactive Character Sheet at Palladium Fantasy Interactive Character Sheet at DriveThruRPG


Rifts Automated Character Sheet on

Still Hot! Rifts® Automated Character Sheet for EXCEL

The next step in character data collection! This EXCEL template provides automation to your Rifts® character creation process. Done in Microsoft Excel, this character template will allow you to build your character with substantial ease and speed. Ideal for the new gamer who doesn’t know all of the Palladium Books® rules just yet, it’s also a highly effective tool for Game Masters and advanced players alike who make multiple characters, NPCs or just like to min/max or theory craft characters between games.

  • Dice Roller.
  • Automated Attributes and Stat Block: All the bonuses and features from attributes are presented in a large stat block allowing you to easily see your bonuses.
  • Automated Combat Stats: The main page holds a section where you can pull up data for your various combat stats, from hand to hand abilities such as Strike, Parry, Dodge and Disarm, to W.P. bonuses including those of the W.P. Sharpshooting variety.
  • Automated Psionics: All psionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 12: Psyscape™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected from a dropdown menu.
  • Automated Spells: All Common Invocations, Necromancy, Ocean Magic and Biomancy spells, and yes, all the Lemurian Biomancer spells too!
  • Automated Skills: All skills from the Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected and then automatically add bonuses from prerequisites and related skills.
  • And much, much more.
  • Note: The file is best used in Microsoft Excel 2016 or above. Some data may be lost if not using Microsoft Excel, such as when using similar products like Open Office.
  • Available from AND – make those characters!

Rifts Automated Character Sheet at Rifts Automated Interactive Character Sheet at DriveThruRPG


Original Beyond the Supernatural RPG 1st Edition Foil Hardcover

NEW! “Original” Beyond the Supernatural RPG “Bonus” Edition Commemorative Hardcover, 1st Edition Rules – available now

Fans are loving the “Original” Beyond the Supernatural RPG (1988) re-release as a commemorative bonus edition hardcover with its 28 iconic monsters, information about ley lines and magic, and more. Made available due to popular demand, the deluxe, commemorative, crimson foil hardcover of the Original Beyond the Supernatural RPG (1988) is back in print for the first time in 25 years. The book is simply entitled “Beyond the Supernatural,” it is gorgeous, and a must for BTS fans.

  • Modern horror and adventure.
  • The original, 1st Edition BTS rule book exactly as first published, except now as a deluxe hardcover.
  • 32 pages of “bonus” material.
  • 28 monsters, most of which can be converted to BTS-2 with some work.
  • Quick roll villain tables. Weapons and equipment section.
  • Random Encounter Tables. Random Creature Creation Tables.
  • 4 adventures, 2 adventure outlines, and countless adventure ideas.
  • Erick Wujcik’s “Victim Characters” alternative rules for playing classic movie horror and splatter film horror.
  • Erick Wujcik’s Game Master Guide to running horror adventures.
  • Can be adapted to BTS 2nd edition rules. Though magic and psionics work differently in BTS-2, this is a valuable resource and gaming tool. We recommend you only use O.C.C.s and characters from the BTS Second Edition rule book when playing in the Second Edition setting.
  • Probably limited to fewer than 1,000 copies.
  • 288 pages of terrifying fun – $55.00 retail – Cat. No. 699HC – Available now.

1st Edition Beyond the Supernatural Foil Hardcover at


Creature Feature

Creature Feature – A Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook – available now

Creature Feature is epic and much more than a monster book. It is filled with adventure, G.M. and player tips, anecdotes, rules clarifications, and more.

  • 15 supernatural creatures described in depth. Each creature offers adventure hooks and ideas for more.
  • The art of making and running monsters.
  • Creature encounter table and tips on making unique creatures.
  • Player paranormal investigator background table.
  • Game Master source material and tips for running modern horror.
  • More world setting and monster hunting lore.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • A full adventure and numerous adventure suggestions.
  • Paranormal encounter ideas, tips, advice, NPCs, and more.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw, and others.
  • 192 pages – $26.99 retail – Cat. No. 704 – Available now.

Creature Feature in the Palladium Online Store


Original Palladium Fantasy 1st Edition Foil Hardcover

BACK in STOCK! “Original” Palladium Fantasy RPG® “Bonus” Edition Commemorative Hardcover, 1st Edition – Available now

The ever popular Original Palladium Fantasy RPG® Commemorative Bonus Hardcover (first edition rules) is back in print. It is a deluxe, foil stamped edition that presents the original, First Edition Fantasy rules, expanded with the inclusion of the long out-of-print Arms of Nargash-Tor adventure sourcebook and Tombs of Gersidi.

  • The complete, original RPG – the game that started Palladium Books.
  • First Edition rules are easily adaptable to current Fantasy titles.
  • Includes The Tombs of Gersidi adventure and setting.
  • The Arms of Nargash-Tor adventure sourcebook is included as “bonus” material back in print for the first time in 35 years.
  • Easily adapted to all 2nd Edition rules and sourcebooks.
  • Deluxe hardcover edition. Probably limited to fewer than 1,000 copies.
  • 320 pages total with “bonus” material – $55 retail – Cat. No. 449HC – available now!

Original Palladium Fantasy 1st Edition Foil Hardcover


List of Palladium Books® RPG Hardcovers Available Now


Recent and Notable Palladium Products – a Megaverse® of adventure awaits you

  • NEW! Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet to help you create monsters and villains quickly. This Excel spreadsheet is available on and
  • NEW! “Original” Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG Commemorative “Bonus” Foil Hardcover (1st Edition rules) – described above.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition – A plausible modern horror setting unlike any other. One that makes sense and will challenge your role-playing skills. 14 Psychic Character Classes. 42 occupations for “ordinary” people, 100+ psychic abilities, including Fire Walker abilities, creatures of darkness, the Lazlo Agency, and more. All of these unlikely heroes stand against supernatural evil in a world of disbelievers who brand them as practitioners of fringe science and lunatics. Only your characters know the truth: supernatural evil is real and dangerous. Are you ready to join the battle? 256 pages – Cat. No. 700. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • Creature Feature™, a Beyond the Supernatural™, 2nd Edition Sourcebook – 15 new creatures, rules clarifications, player and Game Master tips, adventure and more – 192 pages – $26.99 retail – Cat. No. 704 – available now.
  • Rifts® Coalition Manhunters™ Sourcebook – 224 pages of Coalition data to blow your mind. 80+ new psionic abilities, 9 Manhunter psychic assassins, Psi-Ops thought police, Dog Boys, Kill Hounds, Coalition secrets, and more – 224 pages – Cat. No. 894.
  • The Rifter® #85 Annual – Rifts®, Fantasy, and many RPG settings – Cat. No. 185 – Also available as a bookmarked PDF book on DriveThruRPG where it has made the Top 10 Best Sellers List.
  • European Castles – 40+ real world castles from across Europe and their actual floor plans whenever available – for use with ANY game system – 48 pages – $10.99 – Cat. No. 410 – available now.
  • Exotic Weapons – 100+ strange and exotic weapons from around the globe – for use with ANY game system – 48 pages – $10.99 – Cat. No. 409 – available now.
  • The Compendium of Modern Weapons – 450+ real world weapons from around the globe – for use with ANY game system – 176 pages – Cat. No. 415.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition – A fantasy setting like no other, rich in history and inviting adventure. Not only are you able to play iconic fantasy heroes, but also characters such as the Mind Mage, Druid, Diabolist, Summoner and an array of nonhuman characters from Elves and Dwarves to Wolfen, Changelings, Kobolds, Orcs, Ogres, and many others. 25+ Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s), 14+ inhuman player races (more in sourcebooks), 300+ magic spells, 60 magical wards, 50 magic circles, 70+ psychic powers, dozens of magic items and potions, and so much more. 336 pages – Cat. No. 450. Also available as a hardcover edition. More than a dozen sourcebooks support this game line.
  • Lopan™ (Fantasy) Raw Preview – Cat. No. 476-RAW.
  • Land of the South Winds™ (Fantasy) Raw Preview – Cat. No. 477-RAW.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG, 2nd Edition – A hit super-hero RPG for 30+ years. Why? Because it enables you to create any type of comic book hero you can imagine. 101 super abilities plus a multitude of sub-powers within them, bonuses and special combat capabilities. 72 psychic powers and 100+ magic spells, plus enchanted weapons and objects that turn a person into a superhuman. Psychics, super-powered aliens, mutants, super soldiers, Mega-Heroes, mages, immortals, cyborgs, robots, power armor, weapon masters, and more. Plus a dozen sourcebooks provide you with hundreds of additional super abilities, hero categories, bad guys, and adventures. 352 pages for a complete RPG – Cat. No. 500. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • After the Bomb® RPG – Erick Wujcik’s mutant magnum opus. Create any mutant animal from a turtle to an elephant, animal psionics, animal powers, chimeras, and more. Use the mutants as modern world heroes, or play within the AtB post-apocalypse setting, Rifts®, or just about any setting. 224 pages – Cat. No. 503. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG – 40+ styles of martial arts, mystic abilities, spies, gadgets, and creating secret organizations. 176 pages – Cat. No. 525. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • Dead Reign® RPG – The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed! Can you survive? Play Post-Apocalyptic heroes or ordinary people. Part zombie game, part survival manual. All fun. A great beginner’s game. If you are looking for a zombie game that truly captures the feel of survival after the apocalypse and the nightmare of being stalked by zombies, Dead Reign® is it. Game mechanics are designed to create a real sense of escalating terror and dread when the zombies swarm. 224 pages – Cat. No. 230. Also available as a hardcover edition. Sourcebooks expand the world, player options, and adventure ideas as well as present new zombies and dangers.
  • Nightbane® RPG – Join the secret war against a demonic invasion most people do not even know has taken place. The demonic Nightlords, their evil Dopplegangers and other demon minions are quietly taking over the world, starting with the most powerful nations. You know it is happening because you are the Nightbane. You can see the true demonic form of these invaders, and you can stop them. The only wrinkle is you must turn into your monstrous supernatural form – your Morphus – to call upon your superhuman and magical powers. Oh, and the government is controlled by the Nightlords and their shape-changing demonic minions hunt the Nightbane. 224 pages – Cat. No. 730. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • And more, like the Rifts® Ultimate Edition (and 90+ Rifts® sourcebooks), Rifts® Chaos Earth®, The Mechanoid Trilogy®, Systems Failure, Splicers®, RECON®, Phase World®, etc. – offers an entire Megaverse of adventure – 300+ titles – one game system – nearly every genre – endless adventure

The new Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet is a Microsoft Excel-based system for creating Non-Player Characters quickly and easily. Once you know the system, you can have NPCs up and ready in minutes! Great for making a quick NPC at the last moment, or saving time when designing the big bad of an adventure.

  • Design compatible with the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet.
  • 20,000+ preset NPC combinations ready to go in less than a minute.
  • 15 nonhuman Palladium Fantasy races and 23 O.C.C.s.
  • 300+ Wizard and Warlock spells programmed with quick stats.
  • 70+ psionics, options for Minor Psionics, and more.
  • $4.00 – Available on and – Created by Travis Guerrero.


Also Available – FREE Creature Feature™ Preview provides you a glimpse of what you will find in this epic book. There also FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles. Those are just some of the 300+ Palladium RPG titles available as PDF books.

No other game company offers game worlds for so many different genres. Best of all, learn to play one Palladium RPG and you can play them all, because each uses the same basic core rules and combat. There are differences, but the fundamentals are the same. This also means you can bring characters, villains, monsters, powers, magic, weapons, gear, and adventure ideas from one setting into another or mash them together!

300+ titles and nearly every game genre available now – and more is coming. Discover the Palladium Megaverse® right now.

Rifts® titles. Rifts® is the ultimate setting in which you can combine any number of genres and play any style of gaming you may desire: science fiction, fantasy, supernatural horror, heroic adventure, dimensional travel, modern knights, cyborgs, giant robots, dinosaur taming, sleuthing, magic, monsters, heroes and legends. Or combine them all. There has never been a game quite like Rifts®.

Rifts® Chaos Earth® titles. Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.

The Rifter® #1-85. Each issue is a wealth of source material for Rifts® and 3-5 other Palladium game settings. More than 8,600 pages of source material and counting. Most issues are only available in digital form.

Palladium Fantasy RPG® titles. A rich, original setting in which you can play humans or any number of nonhuman species of people in a world of magic, heroes and wonder. All of it epic.

Dead Reign® RPG and sourcebooks. The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed. A great introductory RPG that is surprisingly uplifting, fun, fast, and easy to learn.

Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition titles. Create any type of superhuman you can imagine to build your own super-hero universe.

After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Play anthropomorphic, intelligent, mutant animals as crime-fighting mutants and super-heroes or survivors of a crumbling post-apocalyptic Earth.

Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, super-spies, gizmos, mystic powers, and magic in the main book, plus even more in Mystic China.

Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. Only you know the truth. Only you can see the Nightlords and their demonic minions, and you have the power to stop them. But you must transform into a monster yourself in order to use your powers. Trust no one.

Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG and sourcebooks. Modern horror; 14 character classes, 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, and more.

300+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more. Palladium Books has settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Beyond the Supernatural), zombies (Dead Reign®), The Rifter® sourcebook series, novels, paper minis, and more.


FUN Podcast Adventures

Heroes Unlimited Christmas Special and the recent Cozy Caverns Beyond the Supernatural RPG adventure podcasts from the creative minds at These fun podcasts are created by Palladium fans like you.


Palladium Collectibles – at Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store

I am adding new collectibles and Palladium negatives over the next several weeks, so check ‘em out. Alex and I will try to post new items on a regular basis, so check in every week or so to see what’s new.

One-of-a-kind Palladium Books negatives (special and rare collectibles). Negatives are always very popular items at the Palladium Open House, Gen Con, and conventions, and are catching on as rare collectibles, unique in and of themselves. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar, 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black. We have been cutting them loose and making them available to you. I am only keeping a few dozen pages of negatives and a few complete books for myself, the rest are all being slowly offered to you, in no particular order.

  • Each is truly unique, attractive, and fun to have.
  • Own a piece of Palladium Books and RPG history you will treasure.
  • Each was used to print the very book you may have in your collection (1981-2004).
  • Each signed in silver ink by Kevin Siembieda, the founder and owner of Palladium Books. He is also the game designer and often the author or co-author of the book from which the negative originates. And some negatives bear his artwork.
  • Each signed negative comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.
  • Each signed negative is a one-of-a-kind work of art (on rare occasions, two-of-a-kind if a page or section of pages were replaced or a second edition was made) that resembles woodcut art, and a very dynamic conversation piece.
  • Each signed negative is on a white board inside a clear plastic bag.
  • Negatives looks fabulous matted or framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening. Each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Prices vary depending on the title, the art, and quality of the negative. Note: Many have scratches, or blemishes, and/or an opaque medium on the negative. Still, they look great and are a piece of RPG history. We recommend you carefully examine the photographs of each item to avoid disappointment.
  • We have been making the negatives available, in no particular order, for a number of years, and will continue to do so. However, cutting them loose, signing and bagging is a time consuming process.
  • Note: The negatives from the TMNT RPG, TMNT Adventures, and some Rifts® titles are already sold out. Moreover, the negatives from many titles were destroyed, so when you see one you like, get it when you can. Enjoy.

Original artMy Ebay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Palladium books (they look awesome framed), and other Palladium memorabilia. Some are concept sketches, others are finished works of art, as well as a selection of prints and posters.

Other collectibles include art prints, posters, comic books, Palladium limited edition hardcovers, out of print items, signed books, one-of-a-kind proofreader copies, Star Wars toys, superhero action figures, and many other toys and items from my personal collection. Yeah, I used to be a crazy toy and art collector. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.


Closing Thoughts – It’s a mean world

One of my guilty pleasures is reading advice columns at lunchtime. [He isn’t kidding, I see them all the time. – Sean] Recently I was disappointed when a columnist wrote “… it’s a mean world …” That hit me right between the eyes.

It does seem like the world has gotten mean over the last decade, doesn’t it? Even meaner since the pandemic. Meaner and less tolerant than ever.

In a way that surprises me, because everyone wants to be special and accepted for who they are. We’re bombarded with talk about being tolerant, open-minded, and to celebrate our differences. Yet people seem more divided, tribal, quick to judge, and viciously intolerant toward those who don’t share their point of view or politics than ever. I hate that it seems like so many are adopting a “them or us” mentality. I think there’s also a prevailing sense of worry and frustration that sometimes comes out as anger and meanness.

I get it, because I’m not immune to it. Nothing bad happened at work, but I was feeling frustrated. I’m juggling a number of projects and no matter how hard I work, I feel like my progress is not enough. I came home to an amazing dinner prepared for me by Kathy and instead of being grateful (I was), I snapped angrily at her over a simple question. What the …? I apologized of course, but where did that come from? Bottled up worry, frustration, and anger at … what exactly? Rising prices, crime, violence, national uncertainty, divisive politics, and displays of anger, meanness, and lack of kindness are all part of it. I saw a lady suddenly erupt and storm out of an office loudly proclaiming how the wait was ridiculous and she didn’t need this in her life. I saw a man yell at a cashier who did nothing wrong. I saw a driver cut another driver off and give the innocent victim the bird.

It’s awful, but a) please don’t let it get to you, and b) don’t be that person. I know thousands of good, nice people. I count you among them. I see acts of kindness all the time (support for the BRIC Kickstarter being just one little example). I meet, chat with, and enjoy interacting with fans at the Palladium Open House, conventions, and people everywhere. I know these are trying times for all of us. I also know most people are good and well intentioned. I try to cut folks some slack and I especially try to hold my temper and be more patient and considerate than ever. I try to smile, be patient, and thank people, more than ever. My goal is to bring courtesy and niceness into the world to help temper and eliminate the mounting intolerance and meanness. It’s a challenge for me as I am not a particularly patient guy, but that’s my goal and I’m having fun with it.

And I feel like I’m succeeding in my little corner of the Megaverse. There’s a lot of openness, silliness, fun, and love between us all at the Palladium offices. I try to lead the gang with zany antics that make the crew laugh and do little things that let them know they are doing a great job. That starts with letting them know they are appreciated by complimenting their work and acknowledging their long hours. It’s why I often talk about how much you, our fans and customers, all mean to us, because you do.

So take a deep breath the next time you feel yourself getting angry, and think about how lucky you are, perhaps even blessed. Also take a little time for yourself to have some fun. Get into or run a game, see a movie, read a book, take a walk, enjoy a rainbow or a sunny day. Become part of the Nice Person Alliance that fights meanness, anger and intolerance by not giving in to it yourself, and by putting courtesy, tolerance, and niceness out into the world with your own words and actions. Seriously, you’ll feel better for it.

And when you start to believe you’re making a difference in the world, you know what? You are. Hang tough, get in a little rest and relaxation, and thank you for your continued support of Palladium Books. We’re glad you love our products so much. Game on.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer, Friend


© 2023 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – February 2, 2023

Update Opening Graphic

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda & Sean Owen Roberson

Hello All, we hope you are curled up someplace warm and reading RPG books or, better yet, gaming away. To help you on that front, we’ve cooked up a little sale we think you might like – The Apocalypse Wow Sale, see details below.

Original Beyond the Supernatural is well received. The reaction to the “Original” Beyond the Supernatural RPG (1988) re-release as a commemorative bonus edition hardcover has been very positive. It was your fan requests that made it possible. The back in stock “Original” Palladium Fantasy RPG® Bonus Hardcover is also blowing out the door.

1st Edition Beyond the Supernatural Foil Hardcover at

Collectibles! Alex and I have added 50+ RPG items to my eBay store ( This includes rare and out-of-print book titles, and unique items including a couple dozen one-of-a-kind negatives. There’s one from Rifts® Vampire Kingdoms, a few from Rifts® Sourcebook One, a handful from Rifts® Dark Conversions, a bunch from the Rifts® Cyber-Knights Sourcebook, and a few from Robotech® (the original 1987 RPG). All signed by me. With more to come in the weeks ahead.

NEW! Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet! The new sheet is for Palladium Fantasy villains and NPCs (Non-Player Characters). It goes hand in hand with the previous Palladium Fantasy RPG Interactive Character Sheet. Both by Travis Guerrero. Don’t forget there is a similar Rifts® Automated Character Sheet by Greg Diaczyk. And you’ll soon see one by Greg for Nightbane® coming in a few weeks. Available on and the Palladium Online Store for a nominal fee. Enjoy.

Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet at Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet at DriveThruRPG

Works in progress: Rifts® Titan Robotics, Rifts® Bestiary Vol. 2, Rifts® Antarctica, Rifts® Coalition Arsenal, some Fantasy titles, and other good stuff are all in some stage of development or completion. Don’t think because you don’t see it listed or mentioned in Weekly Updates that it is not on the drawing board. We have a great many titles for various settings in the development queue, not to mention a few surprises. Hang in there, fun products are coming your way. Thank you for your invaluable support.

Master Project Status List – See Sean’s Closing Thoughts for information about Palladium’s project status of titles past and present.

SALE! Apocalypse Wow!

Palladium Books presents the Apocalypse Wow RPG Sale – 20+ apocalyptic titles that should get you heated up during these cold weeks of winter. Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, After the Bomb®, The Mechanoids®, Splicers® and more. Enjoy and be a survivor.

  • After the Bomb® (AtB) RPG – Turn any animal into an intelligent humanoid character, stats for 100+ mutant animals, 52 animal powers, 33 animal psionics, Chimeras, and more. Cat. No. 503.
  • After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Hardcover – Turn any animal into an intelligent humanoid character, stats for 100+ mutant animals, 52 animal powers, 33 animal psionics, Chimeras, and more PLUS 72 pages of bonus material. Cat. No. 503HC.
  • Road Hogs AtB sourcebook – Vehicle construction & combat rules, plus more mutants and post-apocalypse America. Cat. No. 505.
  • Mutants Down Under AtB sourcebook – More mutant animals, giant insects, and post-apocalypse Australia. Cat. No. 507.
  • Mutants of the Yucatan AtB sourcebook – More mutant animals and post-apocalypse Central America. Cat. No. 511.
  • Mutants in Avalon AtB sourcebook – More mutant animals, the return of King Arthur as a mutant animal, magic, and post-apocalypse England. Cat. No. 513.
  • Mutants in Orbit™, a Rifts® & AtB Sourcebook – More mutant animals, giant insects, killer satellites, space station and moon base survivors, Archie-7, and more! Unexpected adventure and fun. Cat. No. 514.
  • Splicers® RPG – Think Guyver meets The Terminator. Cat. No. 200.
  • Splicers® RPG “Bonus” Hardcover – The RPG plus 50 pages of additional bonus material. 280 pages. Cat. No. 200HC.
  • Splicers®: I Am Legion Adventure Sourcebook – Big adventure book and more villains and gear. Cat. No. 201.
  • Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy – Dystopian science fiction at its best. This is the very first RPG (1981) published by Palladium Books, about planet-devouring villains from outer space. It was originally released as three small comic books or chapters. Each a different generation and a different fight, but they are all collected into this one book. Written and illustrated by Kevin Siembieda, with Erick Wujcik and Bill Loebs contributing. Cat. No. 400.
  • RECON®, Deluxe Revised RPG – The horror of war set in the Vietnam era. Different game rules, by Joe Martin and Erick Wujcik. Cat. No. 600.
  • Systems Failure™ RPG – It is the end of the world when energy insectoids invade and ravage Earth. It is time to fight back, kill some bugs, and take our world back! This fun, standalone RPG was designed at the start of the New Millennium and poked fun at the Y2K fears about the end of the world in 2000, but has since become a cult favorite. Kill the bugs! Cat. No. 650.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG – Set days after the Great Cataclysm, NEMA Peacekeepers, 11 O.C.C.s, plus robots, power armor, weapons, and more. A complete RPG. Cat. No. 660.
  • Chaos Earth® Creatures of Chaos – Demons and gear. Cat. No. 661.
  • Chaos Earth® Rise of Magic – New magic and weirdness. Cat. No. 662.
  • Chaos Earth® Resurrection – Mega-Damage Zombies done Rifts-style! Cat. No. 666.
  • “Original” Rifts® RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover – available now! The complete RPG, Keith Parkinson cover, additional 32 page color section, history of Rifts®, unpublished concept art, gallery of all Rifts® covers through 2022, and more. Can be used with ALL Rifts® sourcebooks. 288 pages. Cat. No. 800HC30.
  • Rifts® Ultimate Edition RPG – If you can imagine it, you can play it. Rifts® is a genre-melding RPG setting unlike any other. Combining science fiction, fantasy, horror, and post-apocalyptic adventure. Epic and compelling. Cat. No. 800HC.
  • Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames™ – 50+ Soulmancy spells, demonic weapons and war machines, Hell Pits, 7 Demon Plagues, 7 Lords of Hades, 7 Lords of Dyval, the Kingdom of Monsters and more. Hell on Earth. Cat. No. 876.
  • Rifts® Coalition Manhunters – The Coalition’s psychic hit squad, 50+ new psionic abilities, anti-magic Dog Boy, Thought Police, villains, Coalition society, and more. Cat. No. 894.
  • Note: A similar sale of PDF titles is taking place on for your Earth-shattering enjoyment.

Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet

NEW! The Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet

The new Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet is a welcomed and helpful companion to the Palladium Fantasy Interactive Character Sheet by Travis Guerrero offering hundreds of magic spells, psionic powers, 15 inhuman character species, 23 O.C.C.s, 300 magic spells, 20,000 character combinations, and more. It is a Microsoft Excel-based system for creating Non-Player Characters quickly and easily. Once you know the system, you can have NPCs up and ready in minutes! Great for making a quick NPC at the last moment, or saving time when designing the big bad of an adventure.

Features & Benefits:

  • Designed to be compatible with the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet.
  • 20,000+ preset NPC combinations ready to go in less than a minute when you consider species, attribute, O.C.C., and level options! Many more with additional features and easy customization.
  • 15 inhuman Palladium Fantasy races.
  • 23 O.C.C.s, plus a few variations for certain O.C.C.s such as single and dual element Warlocks. Only the Druid, Summoner, Diabolist, and Alchemist are not included.
  • NPCs can be made from Level 1 through Level 15.
  • 300+ Wizard and Warlock spells programmed with quick stats.
  • 70+ psionics programmed with quick stats, plus options for Minor Psionics.
  • Skills, armor, weapons, spells, and psionics are programmed with predetermined selections.
  • Calculates the speed and distance NPCs can run and jump based on Attributes.
  • Calculates how much an NPC can lift, carry, and throw for humanoids, Giants, and Supernatural Beings.
  • NPCs can be further customized by changing their standard selections with additional options from Drop Down Lists, and keeping it book legal based on your selections.
  • $4.00 – Available on and – Created by Travis Guerrero.
  • Instructions on how to use the NPC sheet:
  • Tutorial Video (Part 1):
  • Tutorial Video (Part 2):

Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet at Palladium Fantasy Interactive NPC Sheet at DriveThruRPG

Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet

The Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet is a Microsoft Excel-based character management system. Packed with features and data collected from every official Palladium Fantasy sourcebook, this sheet saves you time and hassle with each character you create. Available now, directly from Palladium Books AND – this is a digital, online product only.

Features & Benefits:

  • The Main Character Sheet Page collects the important data from across multiple tabs and puts it in one place for quick and easy reference.
  • Separate sheets examine character construction (worktable), Skills, Magic, Psionics, and Combat in greater detail.
  • Built-in leveling system that calculates skill advancement for you!
  • Experience Tables for over 80 O.C.C.s already programmed.
  • Recognizes the percentages for nearly 150 skills, plus combat bonuses for over 20 Weapon Proficiencies and 7 Hand to Hand styles.
  • Calculates the speed and distance a character can run and jump based on character Attributes.
  • Also calculates how much a character can lift, carry, and throw for humanoids, Giants, and Supernatural Beings.
  • Add in your own Hand to Hand style, custom Skills, unique Weapon Proficiencies, and Experience Tables.
  • Estimated time to build a character reduced by 20% or more.
  • Instructions on how to use the sheet included, as well as a video walkthrough below.
  • Important Note: This character sheet is built to be used with Microsoft Excel 2010+ and it comes in .XLSX format. Opening this file in other spreadsheet programs is NOT guaranteed to work as intended.
  • Watch the Overview video here:

Palladium Fantasy Interactive Character Sheet at Palladium Fantasy Interactive Character Sheet at DriveThruRPG

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on

Still Hot! Rifts® Automated Character Sheet for EXCEL

The next step in character data collection! This EXCEL template provides automation to your Rifts® character creation process. Done in Microsoft Excel, this character template will allow you to build your character with substantial ease and speed. Ideal for the new gamer who doesn’t know all of the Palladium Books® rules just yet, it’s also a highly effective tool for Game Masters and advanced players alike who make multiple characters, NPCs or just like to min/max or theory craft characters between games.

  • Dice Roller: A simple dice roller is on the main page of the character sheet to help with character creation or in-game dice rolling needs.
  • Automated Attributes and Stat Block: All the bonuses and features from attributes are presented in a large stat block allowing you to easily see your bonus to save vs Psionics, Mind Control, etc. You can pick your strength type (Normal, Augmented, Robotic or Supernatural) to determine your carrying and lifting capacity and even your M.D. punch damage if your strength is high enough and of the right type.
  • Automated Combat Stats: The main page holds a section where you can pull up data for your various combat stats, from hand to hand abilities such as Strike, Parry, Dodge and Disarm, to W.P. bonuses including those of the W.P. Sharpshooting variety. This section draws upon all of your character’s selection of skills and abilities and even offers customization from odd O.C.C. or racial abilities.
  • Automated Psionics: All psionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 12: Psyscape™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected from a dropdown menu that then populates tables with the information on psionics for your character. Each psionic ability’s data including damage, M.D.C. and range also automatically increases based on the character’s level of experience.
  • Automated Spells: All Common Invocations, Necromancy, Ocean Magic and Biomancy spells (yes, all the Lemurian Biomancer spells too!) can be selected from a dropdown menu that then populates tables with the information on spells for your character. Each spell’s data including damage, M.D.C. and range also automatically increases based on the character’s level of experience.
  • Automated Skills: All skills from the Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected and then automatically add bonuses from prerequisites and related skills. Physical skills that provide bonuses also add those bonuses directly to attributes and combat stats. Bonuses that require dice rolls are denoted and can then be manually rolled and added to the character sheet. Custom percent bonuses such as O.C.C. bonuses can also be added to individual skills.
  • Automated Cybernetics & Bionics: All cybernetics and bionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition along with some favorites from other books can be selected from dropdown menus which then tabulate bonuses and add them to your combat stats. Prices also sum up so an enterprising Headhunter can keep track of his hardware and upgrades. Simple cybernetic body part diagrams even allow players to allocate the locations of their various cybernetic and bionic components.
  • Freeform O.C.C. and Racial Power Section: A section for non-standard powers, special O.C.C. or racial abilities allows the player to add custom skills and powers that can be linked to those features to draw upon the character’s level of experience, I.Q. bonus or other stats so powers grow as the character advances.
  • Character Building Section: On the main page of the document is a section to help you build your character, from customizing attributes, to adding non-standard bonuses from O.C.C. or racial abilities, to an optional point buy system for attributes.
  • Helpful Hints and Suggestions: Red triangular tabs appear throughout the document. Hovering over the red tab with the mouse cursor will reveal useful data from sourcebooks, hints, suggestions and other information, such as what a particular stat means, how it’s used in the game and what things can add bonuses or affect it. There is also a page with overview instructions on how to use the sheet, and a number of instructional videos will be posted via Palladium TV on the ins and outs of the character sheet. The first can be found here:
  • Portrait: A special sheet is set up so you can add an image to the document for a custom portrait for your character. That image is then displayed on the main page and is protected from accidental movement or deletion from the main page.
  • Password Protected: Several pages of the document are password protected so players won’t accidently delete formulas and ruin the character sheet’s automated features. The password is provided so players can customize the sheet to their liking then protect the sheet again so they don’t undo all their hard work.
  • Note: The file is best used in Microsoft Excel 2016 or above. Some data may be lost if not using Microsoft Excel, such as when using similar products like Open Office.
  • Available from AND – make those characters!

Rifts Automated Character Sheet at Rifts Automated Interactive Character Sheet at DriveThruRPG

Original Beyond the Supernatural RPG 1st Edition Foil Hardcover

NEW! “Original” Beyond the Supernatural RPG “Bonus” Edition Commemorative Hardcover, 1st Edition Rules – available now

Due to popular demand, we present the deluxe, commemorative, crimson foil hardcover of the Original Beyond the Supernatural RPG (1988); back in print for the first time in 25 years. The book is simply entitled “Beyond the Supernatural” in crimson foil stamping on faux leatherette, which seems to have caused a small bit of confusion, sorry. This is the “original” BTS RPG, first edition rules, plus bonus material. The book is gorgeous and a must for BTS fans. We will add “The Original” to the title with the next printing which, by the way, should make this print run a unique collector’s item.

  • Modern horror and adventure.
  • Dynamic red foil on a black faux leatherette hardcover.
  • The original, 1st Edition BTS rule book exactly as first published, except now as a deluxe hardcover.
  • 28 monsters, most of which can be converted to BTS-2 with some work.
  • Quick roll villain tables.
  • Random Encounter Tables.
  • Random Creature Creation Tables.
  • Weapons and equipment section.
  • 4 adventures, 2 adventure outlines, and countless adventure ideas.
  • Erick Wujcik’s “Victim Characters,” alternative rules for playing classic movie horror and splatter film horror.
  • Erick Wujcik’s Game Master Guide to Beyond the Supernatural and adventures.
  • 32 page “Bonus” adventure by Hendrik Härterich; Operation Minotaur from the pages of The Rifter®.
  • The Arcanist and magic spells. Please note, the magic and spells presented in BTS-1 are very different than how magic (and psionics) work in BTS-2, but offer background and are a fun read.
  • 9 O.C.C.s and psionic abilities. These characters and psionic abilities are different than BTS 2nd Edition and are not suitable for use for it without severe modification.
  • Note #1: BTS-1 is a very different book than BTS 2nd Edition, which makes it interesting and fun in its own right. This is the book that introduced the concept of ley lines, nexus points, places of magic, stone megaliths, doorways to other worlds and the supernatural. The concepts for magic in BTS-1 would become the foundation of magic in Rifts® and across most of the Palladium Megaverse®. It also provides a glimpse of what is to come in the Beyond Arcanum BTS-2 sourcebook.
  • Note #2: Conversion modifications are necessary to use BTS-1 monsters with Beyond the Supernatural, 2nd Edition. It is not directly compatible, but is jam-packed with ideas for creatures and adventures. Not to mention excellent tips for playing horror games and use of the notorious “victim characters” alternative game play.
  • 288 pages of terrifying fun – $55.00 retail – Cat. No. 699HC – Available now.

1st Edition Beyond the Supernatural Foil Hardcover at

Original Palladium Fantasy 1st Edition Foil Hardcover

BACK in STOCK! “Original” Palladium Fantasy RPG® “Bonus” Edition Commemorative Hardcover, 1st Edition – Available now

The ever popular Original Palladium Fantasy RPG® Commemorative Bonus Hardcover (first edition rules) is back in print and ready to ship. It is a deluxe, foil stamped edition that presents the original, First Edition Fantasy rules, expanded with the inclusion of the long out-of-print Arms of Nargash-Tor adventure sourcebook. The Original Fantasy 1st Edition includes Erick Wujcik’s popular Tombs of Gersidi adventure left out of the 2nd Edition rule book, all of the original illustrations, and the first Fantasy sourcebook. The cover is a recreation of the famous, red and black cover of the original RPG. Many people have fond memories of this book, hence it is selling out on a regular basis.

  • The complete, original RPG – the game that started Palladium Books.
  • First Edition rules are easily adaptable to current Fantasy titles.
  • Includes The Tombs of Gersidi adventure and setting (ancient vampires and dark magic) written by Erick Wujcik. Maps by Erick Wujcik. Easily adapted to current rules.
  • Depictions of Eastern, Western, Northern, and Old Kingdom coins.
  • Fan favorite artwork by Kevin Siembieda and Michael Kucharski.
  • The Arms of Nargash-Tor adventure sourcebook included as “bonus” material back in print for the first time in 35 years. Art by Kevin Siembieda.
  • Deluxe hardcover edition. Probably limited to fewer than 1,000 copies.
  • An artful recreation of the original cover with red foil stamping into a black faux leatherette hardcover.
  • 320 pages total with “bonus” material – $55 retail – Cat. No. 449HC – available now!

Original Palladium Fantasy 1st Edition Foil Hardcover

Creature Feature

Creature Feature – A Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook – available now

Creature Feature has been selling like crazy. It’s epic and much more than a monster book. It is filled with adventure, G.M. and player tips, anecdotes, rules clarifications, and more.

  • 15 supernatural creatures described in depth. Some are new. Some were pulled from the pages of The Rifter® but updated and expanded (many completely rewritten). All of them are dynamic, scary, and offer different horror adventure experiences.
  • Each creature offers adventure hooks and ideas for more.
  • The art of making and running monsters.
  • Creature encounter table and tips on making unique creatures.
  • Player paranormal investigator background table.
  • Game Master source material and tips for running modern horror.
  • More world setting and monster hunting lore.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • A full adventure and numerous adventure suggestions.
  • Paranormal encounter ideas, tips, advice, NPCs, and more.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw, and others.
  • 192 pages – $26.99 retail – Cat. No. 704 – Available now.

Creature Feature in the Palladium Online Store

Palladium needs G.M.s to run Gen Con 2023 Game Events

Palladium Books is looking for quality Game Masters to help us have a strong presence and help gamers discover the magic of Palladium’s many RPG settings. You can help us by running RPG events based on our RPGs (past and present). If you are thinking about running Palladium game events (it’s fun and a way to get free admission with a GM badge!), please decide soon and contact Jeff Ruiz via email.

Please help gamers discover Palladium’s RPG worlds by running game events at Gen Con. Palladium is on the move and we want to have a lot of game events at Gen Con for our many different settings: Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, After the Bomb®, Nightbane®, Dead Reign®, and all the rest, past and present (yes, that includes Robotech® and Rifts® Savage Worlds). Please reach out to us and coordinate with NMI (Jeff Ruiz) at the email address below, to have your games listed at Gen Con as part of the Palladium group.

nmi {at}

You can request Gen Con game event submission forms and send event descriptions to the email address above.

Advantages of coordination through Palladium as a group with ONE point of contact: Your games will be assigned to the same room location reserved for all Palladium games. That makes Palladium events easy to find for players and convenient for you. Participating Game Masters running 3 or more games at Gen Con get a free admission badge and other perks. Palladium Books provides the G.M. and players reward coupons for redemption at Palladium’s booth for substantial discounts on books to show our appreciation (G.M. coupon, Best Player coupon, and Gamer Participation coupons).

NMI, aka Jeff Ruiz, is Palladium Books’ experienced event coordinator (nmi {at} He will create a spreadsheet and submit your games and descriptions on your behalf. Palladium freelance writer Glen Evans will provide Game Master badges, information, coupons, etc., on site at Gen Con.

Gen Con Game Event Deadlines: Submit your game descriptions as soon as possible to guarantee they are listed both online and in the program book! The more eyeballs that see your game event listing and description, the more likely you are to SELL OUT the event tickets, and enjoy full participation at your event.

  • Early Event Submissions: January 8th – February 12th – do it for best results!
  • Standard Event Submissions: February 12th – March 11th, but the SOONER the better to guarantee full game attendance! Thanks.

We appreciate you working with us to help gamers experience the magic of Palladium Books and our many RPG worlds. The line up for Palladium creators at the Gen Con booth includes Kevin Siembieda (writer/game designer), Sean Owen Roberson (writer/game designer), Wayne Smith (editor/The Rifter®), Crystal Willard (sales), Glen Evans (writer), and a range of freelancers such as Mark Oberle, Mike Leonard, and others. Let’s make this Gen Con a great one that’s fun for everyone.

Necronomnomnom Apron Kickstarter by Red Duke Games

As you might have surmised, the NecronomApron is from our maniacal friends at Red Duke Games. These are the people who brought you the hugely popular Necronomnomnom Cthulhu Cookbook. The apron looks pretty cool and we’d say it is a must for the thousands of you who purchased and use the cookbook (in one demonic form or another). So what are you waiting for? Support Red Duke Games’ Kickstarter for a little supernatural fun.

  • A Culinary Cultist’s version of the Hooded Robe: A full apron with a comfortable and concealing hood.
  • One size fits most lifeforms, trimmed butcher style (the apron, not the lifeforms).
  • Hand Sewn – 2 pockets in the front – full apron with a hood.
  • Wrap-around straps can tie to the back or front.
  • Color: Dark Brown.
  • A new Kickstarter project by Red Duke Games. Check it out at the link below.

List of Palladium Books® RPG Hardcovers Available Now

Recent and Notable Palladium Products – a Megaverse® of adventure awaits you

  • NEW! Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet to help you create monsters and villains quickly. This Excel spreadsheet is available on and
  • NEW! “Original” Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG Commemorative “Bonus” Foil Hardcover (1st Edition rules) – described above.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition – A plausible modern horror setting unlike any other. One that makes sense and will challenge your role-playing skills. 14 Psychic Character Classes. 42 occupations for “ordinary” people, 100+ psychic abilities, including Fire Walker abilities, creatures of darkness, the Lazlo Agency, and more. All of these unlikely heroes stand against supernatural evil in a world of disbelievers who brand them as practitioners of fringe science and lunatics. Only your characters know the truth: supernatural evil is real and dangerous. Are you ready to join the battle? 256 pages – Cat. No. 700. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • Creature Feature™, a Beyond the Supernatural™, 2nd Edition Sourcebook – 15 new creatures, rules clarifications, player and Game Master tips, adventure and more – 192 pages – $26.99 retail – Cat. No. 704 – available now.
  • Rifts® Coalition Manhunters™ Sourcebook – 224 pages of Coalition data to blow your mind. 80+ new psionic abilities, 9 Manhunter psychic assassins, Psi-Ops thought police, Dog Boys, Kill Hounds, Coalition secrets, and more – 224 pages – Cat. No. 894.
  • The Rifter® #85 Annual – Rifts®, Fantasy, and many RPG settings – Cat. No. 185 – Also available as a bookmarked PDF book on DriveThruRPG where it has made the Top 10 Best Sellers List.
  • European Castles – 40+ real world castles from across Europe and their actual floor plans whenever available – for use with ANY game system – 48 pages – $10.99 – Cat. No. 410 – available now.
  • Exotic Weapons – 100+ strange and exotic weapons from around the globe – for use with ANY game system – 48 pages – $10.99 – Cat. No. 409 – available now.
  • The Compendium of Modern Weapons – 450+ real world weapons from around the globe – for use with ANY game system – 176 pages – Cat. No. 415.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition – A fantasy setting like no other, rich in history and inviting adventure. Not only are you able to play iconic fantasy heroes, but also characters such as the Mind Mage, Druid, Diabolist, Summoner and an array of nonhuman characters from Elves and Dwarves to Wolfen, Changelings, Kobolds, Orcs, Ogres, and many others. 25+ Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s), 14+ inhuman player races (more in sourcebooks), 300+ magic spells, 60 magical wards, 50 magic circles, 70+ psychic powers, dozens of magic items and potions, and so much more. 336 pages – Cat. No. 450. Also available as a hardcover edition. More than a dozen sourcebooks support this game line.
  • Lopan™ (Fantasy) Raw Preview – Cat. No. 476-RAW.
  • Land of the South Winds™ (Fantasy) Raw Preview – Cat. No. 477-RAW.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG, 2nd Edition – A hit super-hero RPG for 30+ years. Why? Because it enables you to create any type of comic book hero you can imagine. 101 super abilities plus a multitude of sub-powers within them, bonuses and special combat capabilities. 72 psychic powers and 100+ magic spells, plus enchanted weapons and objects that turn a person into a superhuman. Psychics, super-powered aliens, mutants, super soldiers, Mega-Heroes, mages, immortals, cyborgs, robots, power armor, weapon masters, and more. Plus a dozen sourcebooks provide you with hundreds of additional super abilities, hero categories, bad guys, and adventures. 352 pages for a complete RPG – Cat. No. 500. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • After the Bomb® RPG – Erick Wujcik’s mutant magnum opus. Create any mutant animal from a turtle to an elephant, animal psionics, animal powers, chimeras, and more. Use the mutants as modern world heroes, or play within the AtB post-apocalypse setting, Rifts®, or just about any setting. 224 pages – Cat. No. 503. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG – 40+ styles of martial arts, mystic abilities, spies, gadgets, and creating secret organizations. 176 pages – Cat. No. 525. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • Dead Reign® RPG – The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed! Can you survive? Play Post-Apocalyptic heroes or ordinary people. Part zombie game, part survival manual. All fun. A great beginner’s game. If you are looking for a zombie game that truly captures the feel of survival after the apocalypse and the nightmare of being stalked by zombies, Dead Reign® is it. Game mechanics are designed to create a real sense of escalating terror and dread when the zombies swarm. 224 pages – Cat. No. 230. Also available as a hardcover edition. Sourcebooks expand the world, player options, and adventure ideas as well as present new zombies and dangers.
  • Nightbane® RPG – Join the secret war against a demonic invasion most people do not even know has taken place. The demonic Nightlords, their evil Dopplegangers and other demon minions are quietly taking over the world, starting with the most powerful nations. You know it is happening because you are the Nightbane. You can see the true demonic form of these invaders, and you can stop them. The only wrinkle is you must turn into your monstrous supernatural form – your Morphus – to call upon your superhuman and magical powers. Oh, and the government is controlled by the Nightlords and their shape-changing demonic minions hunt the Nightbane. 224 pages – Cat. No. 730. Also available as a hardcover edition.
  • And more, like the Rifts® Ultimate Edition (and 90+ Rifts® sourcebooks), Rifts® Chaos Earth®, The Mechanoid Trilogy®, Systems Failure, Splicers®, RECON®, Phase World®, etc.

NEW on – Apocalypse Wow SALE and the New Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet

SALE! Apocalypse Wow – Palladium Books presents the Apocalypse Wow RPG Sale – 20+ apocalyptic titles that should get you heated up during these cold weeks of winter. Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, After the Bomb®, The Mechanoids®, Splicers® and more. Enjoy and be a survivor.

NEW! Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive NPC Sheet is a Microsoft Excel-based system for creating Non-Player Characters quickly and easily. Once you know the system, you can have NPCs up and ready in minutes! Great for making a quick NPC at the last moment, or saving time when designing the big bad of an adventure.

Features of Note:

  • Design compatible with the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet.
  • 20,000+ preset NPC combinations ready to go in less than a minute when you consider species, attribute, O.C.C., and level options! Many more with additional features and easy customization.
  • 15 nonhuman Palladium Fantasy races.
  • 23 O.C.C.s including single and dual element Warlocks.
  • NPCs can be made from Level 1 through Level 15.
  • 300+ Wizard and Warlock spells programmed with quick stats.
  • 70+ psionics programmed with quick stats, plus options for Minor Psionics.
  • Skills, armor, weapons, spells, and psionics are programmed with predetermined selections.
  • Calculates the speed and distance NPCs can run and jump based on Attributes.
  • Calculates how much NPCs can lift, carry, and throw for humanoids, Giants, and supernatural beings.
  • $4.00 – Available on and – Created by Travis Guerrero.

Also Available – FREE Creature Feature™ Preview provides you a glimpse of what you will find in this epic book. There also FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles. Those are just some of the 300+ Palladium RPG titles available as PDF books.

No other game company offers game worlds for so many different genres. Best of all, learn to play one Palladium RPG and you can play them all, because each uses the same basic core rules and combat. There are differences, but the fundamentals are the same. This also means you can bring characters, villains, monsters, powers, magic, weapons, gear, and adventure ideas from one setting into another or mash them together!

DriveThruRPG offers most of our 300+ Palladium RPG titles as PDF books, making it easy and inexpensive to try out one of our many games. Also check out the FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles.

FUN Podcast Adventures

Heroes Unlimited Christmas Special and the recent Cozy Caverns Beyond the Supernatural RPG adventure podcasts from the creative minds at These fun podcasts are created by Palladium fans like you.

Palladium Collectibles – at Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store

I am adding new collectibles and Palladium negatives over the next several weeks, so check ‘em out. Alex and I will try to post new items on a regular basis, so check in every week or so to see what’s new.

One-of-a-kind Palladium Books negatives (special and rare collectibles). Negatives are always very popular items at the Palladium Open House, Gen Con, and conventions, and are catching on as rare collectibles, unique in and of themselves. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar, 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black. We have been cutting them loose and making them available to you. I am only keeping a few dozen pages of negatives and a few complete books for myself, the rest are all being slowly offered to you, in no particular order.

  • Each is truly unique, attractive, and fun to have.
  • Own a piece of Palladium Books and RPG history you will treasure.
  • Each was used to print the very book you may have in your collection (1981-2004).
  • Each signed in silver ink by Kevin Siembieda, the founder and owner of Palladium Books. He is also the game designer and often the author or co-author of the book from which the negative originates. And some negatives bear his artwork.
  • Each signed negative comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.
  • Each signed negative is a one-of-a-kind work of art (on rare occasions, two-of-a-kind if a page or section of pages were replaced or a second edition was made) that resembles woodcut art, and a very dynamic conversation piece.
  • Each signed negative is on a white board inside a clear plastic bag.
  • Negatives looks fabulous matted or framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening. Each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Prices vary depending on the title, the art, and quality of the negative. Note: Many have scratches, or blemishes, and/or an opaque medium on the negative. Still, they look great and are a piece of RPG history. We recommend you carefully examine the photographs of each item to avoid disappointment.
  • We have been making the negatives available, in no particular order, for a number of years, and will continue to do so. However, cutting them loose, signing and bagging is a time consuming process.
  • Note: The negatives from the TMNT RPG, TMNT Adventures, and some Rifts® titles are already sold out. Moreover, the negatives from many titles were destroyed, so when you see one you like, get it when you can. Enjoy.

Original artMy eBay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Palladium books (they look awesome framed), and other Palladium memorabilia. Some are concept sketches, others are finished works of art, as well as a selection of prints and posters.

Other collectibles include art prints, posters, comic books, Palladium limited edition hardcovers, out of print items, signed books, one-of-a-kind proofreader copies, Star Wars toys, superhero action figures, and many other toys and items from my personal collection. Yeah, I used to be a crazy toy and art collector. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.

Closing Thoughts – Project Announcements and Master Project Status List

Hello there,

I’d like to chat with you about release dates and project announcements, as it has become a bit of a bugbear for some Palladium fans. We’re gonna fix that.

Project Announcements

In the past, Kevin was very open with fans about projects in the pipeline. Although Palladium has published many more books than it has canceled over the past four decades, some fans have gotten especially disappointed when an exciting project was canceled or delayed. And I get it, I am one of those fans.

When I joined Palladium as Kevin’s business partner in late 2021, we decided to revisit this policy. While we don’t want to keep our loyal fans in the dark about what is coming soon, we also don’t want to frustrate you with false hope of things that may not come to pass, or make you wait longer than you can bear.

In an effort to find a good middle ground, we’ve decided not to announce releases until manuscripts are in-hand and have been reviewed by us (Kevin and Sean) to confirm they are viable, or we are currently writing them ourselves. This is a big change in philosophy, so we appreciate your patience as we transition the flow of information. During this transition, we have kept you apprised of the status of our many announced projects, and will continue to do so, but over time you will continue to see this “window” of known future releases slowly shrink until it is down to just a handful of titles that are a comfortable few months (not years) away.

Canceled Manuscripts

While we are on the subject of announced titles, it wouldn’t be a problem getting people pumped up about future releases if all of them came into being very quickly and easily! But alas, writing books — especially good ones that people want to read — takes time and hard work. I’ve never had a book that was “easy” to finish, all of them have been an effort to bring across the finish line. That’s not bad, it’s just the nature of the beast. Unfortunately, that beast often slays well-intentioned authors, especially those inexperienced with completing the triathlon-like battle of creating a great manuscript.

That is to say, through no fault of the author, many books never come to pass for a variety of reasons: the muse wasn’t there (the concept never came together), family or life situations called the author away (including the passing of authors like Erick Wujcik), or the manuscript isn’t fit for commercial publication (it wouldn’t resonate with enough fans in our competitive marketplace and would be a financial loss for Palladium). When a book is canceled, we generally don’t publicly say why out of respect for those involved in the project. Just know that, just as Palladium is known for putting out great books that people still want on their bookshelf decades later, we also know when a manuscript won’t meet that expected level of quality.

New Releases

Since I’ve joined Palladium, Kevin and I have taken the necessary time to evaluate previously announced projects so that we can get you firm information on whether they will happen “soon™” or if we need to officially cancel them.

Our immediate priority has been to push the most developed projects across the finish line, to the printers, and into your hands. Even though I was sidelined with COVID for three months last year (yeah, it sucked) and have been doing double duty heading up the Rifts® for Savage Worlds product line, we delivered a few new releases to you in 2022:

Project Status Update

Back in the days of paper catalogs before the series of vacuum tubes known as the internet was created, many project cancellation notices were announced to little fanfare and quietly met the rubbish bin, while a project announcement mentioned in a book might be read anew twenty years later. To rectify this issue, we have created a master list of announced projects, organized by status, on our website’s new Project Status page.

There are three major categories:

  • Upcoming and Active Projects: This includes new releases, those in active production, and those in development (substantial work on manuscripts and art in progress). As I mentioned earlier, expect the number of “in development” titles to significantly decrease over the next couple of years.
  • On Hold: These projects have been announced in the past, and we really want to do them, but they aren’t on the block for imminent production. This category will be strategically whittled down over time as the “in development” queue clears out.
  • Officially Canceled: These projects aren’t going to happen. I know that isn’t fun to hear, but it’s the truth. In many cases, there was initially an exciting kernel of an idea but it ended up canceled for any number of reasons as I discussed above. If there was a manuscript submitted, we don’t think it is salvageable. Please come to peace with it. I genuinely hope this listing helps you find some closure.

As you can see from the page, we have some cool stuff in the pipeline and want you to know that we are making real progress towards bringing you long-awaited titles like Rifts® Antarctica, BTS Beyond Arcanum, BTS Tomes Grotesque, and some Palladium Fantasy zingers. Books take time, and good books can take even longer, but I hope this more detailed view of our current project status is as exciting for you as it is for me.

Oh, and as Kevin mentioned, some exciting projects not listed on the Project Status page are in development and may suddenly “pop up” when we are ready to announce them, so keep your eyes peeled.

As a lifelong Palladium fan, it is my number one goal to make sure all the cool new books that we want to read actually happen — in fact, you could say it’s my life’s goal at this point. A big part of achieving that goal is updating Palladium’s production tools and processes, which Kevin mentions often in the Weekly Update. Maybe even more important, is taking as many day-to-day business burdens off of Kevin’s shoulders as possible so that he can be free to create the many books that only he can write. As that comes to pass, we will make moves to ensure my time is also freed up to focus on pushing Palladium forward on all fronts into a new generation of awesomeness.

Thanks for your support. Kevin and I are enacting a carefully considered strategic plan. I hope you are enjoying the early fruits of that plan, and I think you will be quite pleased with the long-term results as well.

– Sean Owen Roberson, Creative Director

© 2023 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

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