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Bizantium and the Northern Islands™ – a Palladium Fantasy RPG® Sourcebook


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To the civilized world, Bizantium and the waters and lands around its are frightening. A realm of sea serpents, monsters, and barbarians. To the heroes and people who live there, it is a realm of adventure, beauty and opportunity.

One might consider Bizantium as the center of adventure and mystery in the North. Many are the myths of ancient gods, lost treasures and strange creatures. On the mainland, there are the Wolfen and their canine kin, the Kiridin barbarians, the turbulent Shadow Coast colonies, and all manner of monsters and secrets in the Northern Hinterlands and Great Northern Mountains. Living near the edge of the Sea of Despair and in the shadow of the Land of the Damned, sea monsters and danger are but a short voyage away and make all too frequent a visit to the Bizantium islands.

North of Bizantium is the Icy Ocean and Great Ice Shelf, places where only a handful of the bravest Bizantian sailors have ever set sail, and the rest of the world knows nothing about. For kingdoms in the south, only a few scholars have ever heard of the Great Ice Shelf or the cannibalistic Necromancers known as the Iceborn who make the frozen wasteland their home. Those who have heard tales of the land of ice and death are convinced they are nothing but the stuff of myth. Very soon, they will find out otherwise.

And these are but a few of the revelations presented in Bizantium and the Northern Islands™. Discover for yourself the wonders and horrors that await.

  • Waterchanter O.C.C. and 20+ magic spells new to the Fantasy setting.
  • Necromancy revisited. Many spells new to the Fantasy setting.
  • 90+ spells in all, including Ocean Magic for the Waterchanter, Necromancy and more.
  • Serpent Chaser, Bizantium Marine and other new character classes.
  • The Iceborn, their man-eating Raiders, Skinbinders and Sea Witches. A forgotten race of monsters who worship death, wield death magic, hunt humanoids, eat their flesh, and wear their skin. A villain you will love to hate.
  • The Iceborn’s Necroilus – massive vessels made from the remains of dead sea serpents and animated by Necromancy to prowl the seas.
  • Vengeful gods, monsters, Sea Serpents and Sea Monster creation tables.
  • The Seven Treasures touched by the Northern Gods, lost for centuries, waiting to be found.
  • New and old Bizantium ships including the Bireme, Ice Breaker and Battleship.
  • Bizantium as never before seen.
  • The Northern Islands described in new detail.
  • The Great Ice Shelf – a new continent to explore.
  • Bizantium’s origin, history, and mysteries revealed.
  • Bizantian society, culture, religion, magic and notable places.
  • People and places of note. Adventure hooks galore, and more.
  • Written by Glen Evans, Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda.
  • 192 pages – Cat. No. 474.
  • Check out the FREE Sneak Preview on!

Additional information

Weight 2.1 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 in
Book/Cover Type

PDF, Soft Cover


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