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Palladium Books® – Mini-Update – August 16, 2021

Palladium Books® – Mini-Update – August 16, 2021

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda


My Dear Friends and Customers. We are sending out this mini-Update to keep everyone in the loop. Michigan was hit pretty hard by storms last week. At home we had a few big branches come down, so did two of our neighbors, but we had power and so did the office. However, we did lose cable and the Internet which meant we could not process orders Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Internet and cable returned Friday night. A friend and her family, only a few miles away in Westland, did not see power restored until Sunday night, so we were very fortunate.

There were a lot of orders during this period – Rifts® 30th Anniversary and other hardcovers, as well as other Rifts® titles and a lot of HU2, Nightbane®, Dead Reign® and After the Bomb® lately – and I am happy to report they are all shipping out today. The warehouse team has gotten every one of them finished (as I write this USPS just picked up), but we do not want you wondering and worrying about where your order is. Give them an extra 2-3 days to arrive due to the storms here. The only exceptions are if you ordered one or both of the two new hardcovers, we are holding any order with those on it until we receive the new hardcovers – Nightbane® RPG Hardcover and Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG Hardcover, both of which contain bonus material and are at the printer. We have been told by our printer to expect them by the end of August.


Nightbane RPG Hardcover

COMING! Nightbane® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – 304 pages – $39.99 – Cat. No. 730HC – 60 extra pages of bonus material – available end of August.

Nightbane RPG Hardcover


Chaos Earth RPG Hardcover

COMING! Chaos Earth® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – 192 pages – $36.99 – Cat. No. 660HC – 30 extra pages of bonus material – available end of August.

Chaos Earth RPG Hardcover


Hardcovers available now:




Rifts Coalition Manhunters

UPDATE: Rifts® CS Manhunters – As stated in the last Weekly Update, it should be heading to the printer soon as well. Other than taking some time off to hit a couple of comic book stores (it was Free Comic Book Day) and cutting up two big tree branches, I spent most of the weekend working. Alex was here editing as I peeled off pages and he has been loving every word. “Great. It’s great stuff, Kev,” is a frequent and satisfying refrain. Also as noted, Rifts® CS Manhunters contains the most comprehensive information about the Coalition States, its citizens and society of any book yet published. You learn more about CS citizens, psychics, Emperor Prosek, bits of unknown CS history, Dog Boys, Kill Hounds, the Manhunters and their psychology, as well as insight about Emperor Prosek, the CS military, the Minion War, and the Seven Dangers Prophecy and the impact it had on the CS.

Moreover, the reason you have not seen a definitive, final page count, is because I’m trying to cram in as much as I can without going too crazy, but it may top out at 192 or 224 unless I cut some material and put it in another title. But I don’t think so.

Pre-Order Rifts CS Manhunters


Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

Everybody loves the Rifts® 30th Anniversary Commemorative which is why it is selling like crazy. And why not? This is the classic original Rifts® RPG advertised in Marvel Comics and played by a million plus gamers. One distributor said, “Kevin, I had forgotten just how cool the cover and art was for the original paperback version of Rifts®. Now in hardcover it looks amazing!!!”

A bunch of fans have gone crazy over the extra 32 pages in the back, one fan writing: “Hey all. My Rifts® 30th Anniversary copy arrived today and I’m EXTREMELY happy … This 30th Anniversary copy is beyond my expectations. The super-dark black ink, the spruced up cover and logo, the coated paper stock – a real value. Looking forward to introducing my son (who’s 10) to Rifts® this weekend using this book. Thanks again.”

A quick clarification about the Rifts® 30th hardcover – It is the “original” 1990, 256 page Rifts® RPG published as a color hardcover for the first time ever. We gave it the deluxe treatment with quality paper stock, incredible reproduction, impeccable color throughout, and an extra 32 pages of color and material; 288 pages total. The rules remain completely viable for use with ALL Rifts® World Books, Dimension Books, and sourcebooks. This is the earlier and somewhat simpler incarnation of the rules, yet it includes some text and art left out of the later Rifts® Ultimate Edition. The 376 page Rifts® Ultimate Edition is the newer, expanded edition that came later. Both are complete role-playing games that bring Rifts® to life and work with all source material.

Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover


Help Your Game Store Find Palladium Products! With game stores opening back up we are happy to report that our distributors are doing a good job at stocking our many titles. If your store is having trouble ordering Palladium titles, however, let them know that Alliance, Studio 2, and Universal Games (Canada) seem to be doing an especially good job keeping product in stock and available.

If your store continues to have trouble or they find getting product from their distributors is too slow, tell them they can buy wholesale from Palladium Books directly. We usually succeed at keeping 99% of all our titles in stock at all times. Stores can get our Retailer Terms by contacting Palladium via the Help Desk on our website or by telephone (734-721-2903). Thank you for your help on this front. Please keep spreading the word so we can all get stronger together.


2021 Rifter® Annual – Submissions Deadline is September 1, 2021

Apparently we have posted two different deadlines. My apologies for the confusion this has caused. If you missed the August 15 deadline, you still have till September 1, 2021 to submit. We most certainly appreciate those we have already received, but you still have till September 1. Thank you.

Are you a Palladium gamer who has cool ideas and think you are a decent writer? If so, consider writing an article, adventure, monsters, etc., for The Rifter® Annual. It is part sourcebook, part fanzine, part talent show, and a lot of fun written by fans like yourself. The pay is terrible but you get published, receive a couple copies of the book, a few bucks, and your name up in lights … um, in a printed book. Plus Kevin and Wayne see your work, which sometimes leads to you being invited to write “official” sourcebooks and material.

Artists, this goes for you too. We are always looking for new artists to consider, so do not hesitate to submit some samples or send us a link to your online art page. The Rifter is a good place to try out, especially if you are just getting started doing art on a professional or semi-professional level.

Please send us your submissions by September 1, 2021. We plan for it to be all new and a Christmas time release. With 8-12 week turnaround times from printers, we will need to submit the finished files to a printer by September in order to have it in time for Thanksgiving! So finish up your submissions and send them in for our consideration at your earliest convenience. Plus, whatever we like but cannot squeeze in this 192 page Annual, we will safe for the next Annual.

What we are looking for in written submissions: Adventures, monsters, villains, NPCs, new settings/locations, magic spells, magic items, super abilities, tech weapons, vehicles, gear, and all sorts of source material for ALL of our current settings. That includes settings such as Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited, After the Bomb®, Ninjas & Superspies, Beyond the Supernatural, Nightbane®, Splicers®, Rifts® Chaos Earth®, and, well any of them.

Material can be 2-5 pages, 6-12 pages, 15-30 pages, but please, not more than 30 pages for any one article. Please include the “Unsolicited Manuscript Form” with your submission. You can find it on the Palladium website under Questions & Resources – the Unsolicited Works Form. Send electronic submissions to rifter{at} and if you have questions, call Palladium at 734-721-2903.

In the alternative, you can mail us physical Rifter® submissions and the Unsolicited Manuscript Form (as well as letters and unsolicited sourcebook manuscripts, created entirely on speculation) to:

Palladium Books – The Rifter
39074 Webb Court
Westland, MI 48185

We can only publish a Rifter® Annual if we get enough new material. We would like to start editing and tweaking some of them right away, so do not hesitate to send them in as soon as you are ready. AND it is a great way to get on our radar as writers (and artists).


Nightbane RPG Hardcover

NEW! Nightbane® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Ships August 30

At first, people thought Dark Day – the day the sun did not rise anywhere on the planet – was the end of the world. When the sun rose again, everything looked the same, but it wasn’t. Some people have disappeared. Others seem different, darker, crueler, and the world seems more malevolent and dangerous.

Only the newly awakened Nightbane understand that governments and the authorities around the world are being quietly taken over by the sinister Nightlords and their Doppleganger minions. Demonic creatures from a mirror dimension filled with evil and dark magic. Only the Nightbane, born human but who learn they are something else, something more than human, and other creatures that live in the shadows such as vampires and Guardians, dare stand against the gathering darkness.

  • A role-playing game of modern horror, conspiracy, and self-discovery. A new genre we call superhero-horror.
  • You play the Nightbane®. Mostly young, seemingly ordinary people, who since Dark Day can transform into frightening or beautiful monsters blessed (or cursed) with superhuman powers and magic.
  • Nightbane® creation tables – each a different, horrific, human, or strangely beautiful being who wields powers they must learn to master or fall prey to the Nightlords and their demonic legions. Powers they can only unleash in the monstrous Morphus form.
  • Nightbane “Talents” are supernatural and magical abilities.
  • Nearly a dozen other player characters including the Sorcerer, Mystic, Vampire, Wampyre, Guardian and others.
  • Magic, psionic abilities, and supernatural powers.
  • Nightlords and their minions: the Hunters, Hounds, Hollow Men, etc.
  • Wicked Dopplegangers, mirror travel, magic, and more.
  • The hellish Nightlands™, madmen, and adventure ideas.
  • Compatible with Beyond the Supernatural™, and adaptable to Rift®, Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, and the entire Palladium Megaverse®.
  • 60 pages of “bonus” material gathered from The Rifter®.
  • 304 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 730HC. Also available as a 240 page softcover RPG ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 730).

Nightbane RPG Hardcover


Chaos Earth RPG Hardcover

NEW! Chaos Earth® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – ships August 30

The Great Cataclysm as it unfolds! The Golden Age of Science and human civilization is shattered with the return of magic and the Coming of the Rifts. Humanity struggles to survive against impossible odds as ley lines appear and Rifts tear open the fabric of space and time to unleash all manner of alien invaders, demonic horrors, and monsters. Natural disasters – storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tidal waves – topple cities and create panic and chaos on a global scale.

You play survivors or the heroes of NEMA (the Northern Eagle Military Alliance) as you battle against the elements, madness, the demonic, the alien, the monstrous, and the magical amidst the devastation. You are equipped with Chromium Guardsmen (Glitter Boys), Silver Eagles (SAMAS), and a host of giant robots, power armor and advanced technology, but is it enough to stand against a rising tide of enemies and invading horrors from other worlds?

You and other survivors are humanity’s last and only hope to survive the apocalypse that will become known as the Great Cataclysm. These are the heroes you play in an ever-changing, nightmare world that can only be described as Chaos Earth.

  • A complete RPG and the origins of Rifts® Earth.
  • Overview of the Great Cataclysm as it unfolds.
  • Introduction to NEMA and its weapons and resources.
  • 11 different character classes, including robot pilots, the Para-Arcane, Demon and Witch Hunters, Chromium Guardsmen & more.
  • Robots, power armor, vehicles, weapons, and equipment.
  • Monsters, chaos and adventure. Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 30 pages of “bonus” material gathered from The Rifter®.
  • 192 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 660HC. Also available as a 160 page softcover RPG ($20.95 retail – Cat. No. 660).

Chaos Earth RPG Hardcover


Thank you for your understanding and support. Great things are coming. Stay safe, hang tough, and keep those magnificent imaginations burning bright. And we will do the same.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer, Gamer, Friend


© 2021 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – August 12, 2021

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda

Hello, all. I hope everyone is taking care of themselves and each other and doing well. We are doing well and working away on all fronts. Before I forget, let me remind you that two new hardcover editions – Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG Hardcover and Nightbane® RPG Hardcover, both with bonus material, are at the printer. Both should ship around the end of August.

Chaos Earth RPG Hardcover

COMING! Chaos Earth® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – 192 pages – $36.99 – Cat. No. 660HC – 30 extra pages of bonus material – available end of August.

Chaos Earth RPG Hardcover

Nightbane RPG Hardcover

COMING! Nightbane® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – 304 pages – $39.99 – Cat. No. 730HC – 60 extra pages of bonus material – available end of August.

Nightbane RPG Hardcover

Rifts® CS Manhunters should be heading to print soon as well. I am hitting on all cylinders now and people on the inside are going crazy over this book. In fact, it has been pointed out to me by a number of people who have seen most of the book now, that Rifts® CS Manhunters contains the most comprehensive information about Coalition society of any book ever published. I’m talking about the people who live inside Chi-Town and other Coalition fortress cities, not the ‘Burbs.

Yes, this is your glimpse inside the Emerald City. I was too close to see it myself, but they are absolutely correct. You learn more about CS citizens, psychics, Emperor Prosek, bits of unknown CS history, Dog Boys, Kill Hounds, the Manhunters and their psychology, as well as insight about Emperor Prosek, the CS military, and the Minion War. And it is epic! I know it may sound weird for the writer to say he loves his own book, but I love this book – mainly because I know you will too. I say this looking at the material from your perspective, as if I were a player or G.M. and fan of Rifts. And when I do, it fills me with joy, because I know I have created something you will find a lot of use for. New ideas, new history, new psionics, new villains, and a ton of material for oodles of new adventures. Like I have said, our goal with upcoming books is to push the envelope and blow your minds. World building and RPG adventure taken up a notch.

Pre-Order Rifts CS Manhunters

Everybody loves the Rifts® 30th Anniversary Commemorative which is why it is selling like crazy. And why not? This is the classic original Rifts® RPG advertised in Marvel Comics and played by a million plus gamers.

Here is what one of our distributors wrote to me: “Kevin, I had forgotten just how cool the cover and art was for the original paperback version of Rifts®. Now in hardcover it looks amazing!!!”

And here is what one fan had to say: “Hey all. My Rifts® 30th Anniversary copy arrived today and I’m EXTREMELY happy. I have been hunting for a clean hardcover copy of the original Rifts® rules for a couple of years now. I had purchased a few ‘near mint’ and ‘like new’ copies of the Collector’s Edition from eBay and Amazon for a premium price, but always ended up returning them because they were not in the condition advertised.

“This 30th Anniversary copy is beyond my expectations. The super-dark black ink, the spruced up cover and logo, the coated paper stock – a real value. Looking forward to introducing my son (who’s 10) to Rifts® this weekend using this book. Thanks again. – K.A., July 28, 2021”

I must agree, the printing is exceptional whether it is color or black and white. And the 32 page color section with unseen art, the cover gallery and history of Palladium has left everyone smiling. I had several fans tell me the history and art made them excited to play again. All the tremendous, positive feedback about every aspect concerning the Rifts® 30th Anniversary Hardcover – from the production quality to the Palladium history and 32 pages in the back – has been very gratifying. I know Keith Parkinson and Erick Wujcik are smiling down on us about this book. Please keep the orders coming and spread the word.

A quick clarification about the Rifts® 30th hardcover – It is the “original” 1990, 256 page Rifts® RPG published as a hardcover for the first time ever. We gave it the deluxe treatment with quality paper stock, incredible reproduction, impeccable color throughout, and an extra 32 pages of color and material; 288 pages total. The rules remain completely viable for use with ALL Rifts® World Books, Dimension Books, and sourcebooks. This is the earlier and somewhat simpler incarnation of the rules, yet it includes some text and art left out of the later Rifts® Ultimate Edition.

The 376 page Rifts® Ultimate Edition is the newer, expanded edition that came later. Both are complete role-playing games that bring Rifts® to life, but they are NOT the same book. True collectors and the million plus fans of the original RPG, order this beautiful tribute for your bookshelf while you can. We do not know how long we will keep the Rifts® 30th Commemorative hardcover in print. If you’re looking for good memories and inside information, this is the book you are looking for. Thank you.

Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

Gamers are snapping up the Rifts® Automated Character Sheet in droves. Freelance writer Greg Diaczyk knocked this one out of the park, because it is selling like crazy. All I can say is check it out and start whipping up those characters. See full details in the Palladium store and below.

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on

Hardcovers available now:


Help Your Game Store Find Palladium Products! With game stores opening back up we are happy to report that our distributors are doing a good job at stocking our many titles. If your store is having trouble ordering Palladium titles, however, let them know that Alliance, Studio 2, and Universal Games (Canada) seem to be doing an especially good job keeping product in stock and available.

If your store continues to have trouble or they find getting product from their distributors is too slow, tell them they can buy wholesale from Palladium Books directly. We usually succeed at keeping 99% of all our titles in stock at all times. Stores can get our Retailer Terms by contacting Palladium via the Help Desk on our website or by telephone (734-721-2903). Thank you for your help on this front. Please keep spreading the word so we can all get stronger together.

COMING! Creature Feature, a Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook. Shooting for a September release. This is the next book I finish.

COMING! September 18 – Virtual Gen Con live chat with me, Kevin Siembieda. I’m not handling the scheduling for this Gen Con event, but I assume it is listed in the Gen Con schedule of events (or will be). I don’t think we or Gen Con are charging anything for this event. This will be a 3 hour chat focusing on three primary subjects we thought you would enjoy: Rifts®, Game Master Tips, and role-playing game design. I believe the chat will start sometime on Saturday, September 18 (late morning?). Matthew Yancik will be the chat coordinator. You can see my chat with Matt from earlier this year at the link below. There is also a link to one of my more recent interviews with Sean Owen Roberson about Rifts® Savage Worlds.

LOOK! Accepting Submissions for The Rifter® Annual (2021) – Deadline for submissions: September 1 2021. This is real and we want to release it this holiday season 2021, but only if we get enough submissions by September 1. Scheduled to be a Christmas 2021 release. Time for you to be bold and contribute. Show us what you’ve got. We want to see your ideas and are always looking for new, quality writers. Besides, it is fun to see your name in print. More details elsewhere in this Weekly Update.

MORE Creativity Coming to the Web. We are seeing a lot of fans starting new YouTube channels, podcasts, review and interview programs, and streaming of live games based on Palladium’s many RPG worlds. I wholeheartedly endorse and encourage all of it. An ever increasing number of gamers are being creative and supportive in the digital medium with free, fun material. And yes, you can create Palladium YouTube material, stream live role-playing games, do podcasts, etc. AND you can show covers or use artwork from our books for such fan fun endeavors. Please do not display or give away an entire book, but definitely feel free to use artwork and logos from our books to help present what you are doing. All we ask is you include a simple Copyright and Trademark statement like the following on EACH piece of artwork. It is important to use the © copyright symbol.

© Palladium Books Inc., all rights reserved. Rifts® (or whatever game line) is a Trademark of Palladium Books, Inc.

We also ask that you would be so kind as to direct your viewers to our website: where they can find our products. Likewise, please TELL US about your YouTube program, live game, podcast, etc. Include a link and we will happily plug you in one or more Weekly Updates and link to it on our own social media so people can find you. One big happy family of Palladium Books gaming maniacs. I know of several YouTube, etc., projects that will be cropping up in the weeks and months ahead, and even Carmen Bellaire and Big Wyll are talking about doing new video discussions and interviews about Palladium’s RPG books on their YouTube channel.

Nightbane RPG Hardcover

NEW! Nightbane® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Ships August 30

At first, people thought Dark Day – the day the sun did not rise anywhere on the planet – was the end of the world. When the sun rose again, everything looked the same, but it wasn’t. Some people have disappeared. Others seem different, darker, crueler, and the world seems more malevolent and dangerous.

Only the newly awakened Nightbane understand that governments and the authorities around the world are being quietly taken over by the sinister Nightlords and their Doppleganger minions. Demonic creatures from a mirror dimension filled with evil and dark magic. Only the Nightbane, born human but who learn they are something else, something more than human, and other creatures that live in the shadows such as vampires and Guardians, dare stand against the gathering darkness.

  • A role-playing game of modern horror, conspiracy, and self-discovery. A new genre we call superhero-horror.
  • You play the Nightbane®. Mostly young, seemingly ordinary people, who since Dark Day can transform into frightening or beautiful monsters blessed (or cursed) with superhuman powers and magic.
  • Nightbane® creation tables – each a different, horrific, human, or strangely beautiful being who wields powers they must learn to master or fall prey to the Nightlords and their demonic legions. Powers they can only unleash in the monstrous Morphus form.
  • Nightbane “Talents” are supernatural and magical abilities.
  • Nearly a dozen other player characters including the Sorcerer, Mystic, Vampire, Wampyre, Guardian and others.
  • Magic, psionic abilities, and supernatural powers.
  • Nightlords and their minions: the Hunters, Hounds, Hollow Men, etc.
  • Wicked Dopplegangers, mirror travel, magic, and more.
  • The hellish Nightlands™, madmen, and adventure ideas.
  • Compatible with Beyond the Supernatural™, and adaptable to Rift®, Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, and the entire Palladium Megaverse®.
  • 60 pages of “bonus” material gathered from The Rifter®.
  • 304 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 730HC. Also available as a 240 page softcover RPG ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 730).

Nightbane RPG Hardcover

Chaos Earth RPG Hardcover

NEW! Chaos Earth® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – ships August 30

The Great Cataclysm as it unfolds! The Golden Age of Science and human civilization is shattered with the return of magic and the Coming of the Rifts. Humanity struggles to survive against impossible odds as ley lines appear and Rifts tear open the fabric of space and time to unleash all manner of alien invaders, demonic horrors, and monsters. Natural disasters – storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tidal waves – topple cities and create panic and chaos on a global scale.

You play survivors or the heroes of NEMA (the Northern Eagle Military Alliance) as you battle against the elements, madness, the demonic, the alien, the monstrous, and the magical amidst the devastation. You are equipped with Chromium Guardsmen (Glitter Boys), Silver Eagles (SAMAS), and a host of giant robots, power armor and advanced technology, but is it enough to stand against a rising tide of enemies and invading horrors from other worlds?

You and other survivors are humanity’s last and only hope to survive the apocalypse that will become known as the Great Cataclysm. These are the heroes you play in an ever-changing, nightmare world that can only be described as Chaos Earth.

  • A complete RPG and the origins of Rifts® Earth.
  • Overview of the Great Cataclysm as it unfolds.
  • Introduction to NEMA and its weapons and resources.
  • 11 different character classes, including robot pilots, the Para-Arcane, Demon and Witch Hunters, Chromium Guardsmen & more.
  • Robots, power armor, vehicles, weapons, and equipment.
  • Monsters, chaos and adventure. Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 30 pages of “bonus” material gathered from The Rifter®.
  • 192 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 660HC. Also available as a 160 page softcover RPG ($20.95 retail – Cat. No. 660).

Chaos Earth RPG Hardcover

2021 Rifter® Annual – Submissions Wanted

Are you a Palladium gamer who has cool ideas and think you are a decent writer? If so, consider writing an article, adventure, monsters, etc., for The Rifter® Annual. It is part sourcebook, part fanzine, part talent show, and a lot of fun written by fans like yourself. The pay is terrible but you get published, receive a couple copies of the book, a few bucks, and your name up in lights … um, in a printed book. Plus Kevin and Wayne see your work, which sometimes leads to you being invited to write “official” sourcebooks and material.

Artists, this goes for you too. We are always looking for new artists to consider, so do not hesitate to submit some samples or send us a link to your online art page. The Rifter is a good place to try out, especially if you are just getting started doing art on a professional or semi-professional level.

Please send us your submissions by August 15, 2021. (Sooner is better!) We plan for it to be all new and a Christmas time release. With 8-12 week turnaround times from printers, we will need to submit the finished files to a printer by September in order to have it in time for Thanksgiving! So finish up your submissions and send them in for our consideration at your earliest convenience. Plus, whatever we like but cannot squeeze in this 192 page Annual, we will safe for the next Annual.

What we are looking for in written submissions: Adventures, monsters, villains, NPCS, new settings/locations, magic spells, magic items, super abilities, tech weapons, vehicles, gear, and all sorts of source material for ALL of our current settings. That includes settings such as Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited, After the Bomb®, Ninjas & Superspies, Beyond the Supernatural, Nightbane®, Splicers®, Rifts® Chaos Earth®, and, well any of them.

Material can be 2-5 pages, 6-12 pages, 15-30 pages, but please, not more than 30 pages for any one article. Please include the “Unsolicited Manuscript Form” with your submission. You can find it on the Palladium website under Questions & Resources – the Unsolicited Works Form. Send electronic submissions to rifter{at} and if you have questions, call Palladium at 734-721-2903.

In the alternative, you can mail us physical Rifter® submissions and the Unsolicited Manuscript Form (as well as letters and unsolicited sourcebook manuscripts, created entirely on speculation) to:

Palladium Books – The Rifter
39074 Webb Court
Westland, MI 48185

We can only publish a Rifter® Annual if we get enough new material. We would like to start editing and tweaking some of them by the beginning of August, so do not hesitate to send them in as soon as you are ready. AND it is a great way to get on our radar as writers (and artists).

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on

NEW! Rifts® Automated Character Sheet for EXCEL

The next step in character data collection! This EXCEL template provides automation to your Rifts® character creation process. Done in Microsoft Excel, this character template will allow you to build your character with substantial ease and speed. Ideal for the new gamer who doesn’t know all of the Palladium Books® rules just yet, it’s also a highly effective tool for Game Masters and advanced players alike who make multiple characters, NPCs or just like to min/max or theory craft characters between games.

  • Dice Roller: A simple dice roller is on the main page of the character sheet to help with character creation or in-game dice rolling needs.
  • Automated Attributes and Stat Block: All the bonuses and features from attributes are presented in a large stat block allowing you to easily see your bonus to save vs Psionics, Mind Control, etc. You can pick your strength type (Normal, Augmented, Robotic or Supernatural) to determine your carrying and lifting capacity and even your M.D. punch damage if your strength is high enough and of the right type.
  • Automated Combat Stats: The main page holds a section where you can pull up data for your various combat stats, from hand to hand abilities such as Strike, Parry, Dodge and Disarm, to W.P. bonuses including those of the W.P. Sharpshooting variety. This section draws upon all of your character’s selection of skills and abilities and even offers customization from odd O.C.C. or racial abilities.
  • Automated Psionics: All psionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 12: Psyscape™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected from a dropdown menu that then populates tables with the information on psionics for your character. Each psionic ability’s data including damage, M.D.C. and range also automatically increases based on the character’s level of experience.
  • Automated Spells: All Common Invocations, Necromancy, Ocean Magic and Biomancy spells (yes, all the Lemurian Biomancer spells too!) can be selected from a dropdown menu that then populates tables with the information on spells for your character. Each spell’s data including damage, M.D.C. and range also automatically increases based on the character’s level of experience.
  • Automated Skills: All skills from the Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected and then automatically add bonuses from prerequisites and related skills. Physical skills that provide bonuses also add those bonuses directly to attributes and combat stats. Bonuses that require dice rolls are denoted and can then be manually rolled and added to the character sheet. Custom percent bonuses such as O.C.C. bonuses can also be added to individual skills.
  • Automated Cybernetics & Bionics: All cybernetics and bionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition along with some favorites from other books can be selected from dropdown menus which then tabulate bonuses and add them to your combat stats. Prices also sum up so an enterprising Headhunter can keep track of his hardware and upgrades. Simple cybernetic body part diagrams even allow players to allocate the locations of their various cybernetic and bionic components.
  • Freeform O.C.C. and Racial Power Section: A section for non-standard powers, special O.C.C. or racial abilities allows the player to add custom skills and powers that can be linked to those features to draw upon the character’s level of experience, I.Q. bonus or other stats so powers grow as the character advances.
  • Character Building Section: On the main page of the document is a section to help you build your character, from customizing attributes, to adding non-standard bonuses from O.C.C. or racial abilities, to an optional point buy system for attributes.
  • Helpful Hints and Suggestions: Red triangular tabs appear throughout the document. Hovering over the red tab with the mouse cursor will reveal useful data from sourcebooks, hints, suggestions and other information, such as what a particular stat means, how it’s used in the game and what things can add bonuses or affect it. There is also a page with overview instructions on how to use the sheet, and a number of instructional videos will be posted via Palladium TV on the ins and outs of the character sheet. The first can be found here:
  • Portrait: A special sheet is set up so you can add an image to the document for a custom portrait for your character. That image is then displayed on the main page and is protected from accidental movement or deletion from the main page.
  • Password Protected: Several pages of the document are password protected so players won’t accidently delete formulas and ruin the character sheet’s automated features. The password is provided so players can customize the sheet to their liking then protect the sheet again so they don’t undo all their hard work.
  • Note: The file is best used in Microsoft EXCEL 2016 or above. Some data may be lost if not using Microsoft EXCEL, such as when using similar products like Open Office.
  • Available from AND – make them characters!

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on

Now Shipping

Rifts Notepad

NEW! Rifts® Notepad

A 5×7 inch notepad featuring the Rifts® logo and color art of the “Coalition Strike Force” print by Kevin Long across the top. It looks great on your desk or gaming table. Perfect for taking notes and feeling that Rifts vibe. Practical and fun.

  • 50 sheets per pad – $5.00 each – Cat. No. 2597 – available now.

Rifts Notepad on

NEW! 5 Gaming Pencils – 4 Rifts® Pencils and 1 Fantasy Pencil

Practical and fun conversation pieces that will make you the envy of your gaming group (at least until they buy their own). These pencils are different from the fan fave, Chi-Town ‘Burbs pencil of the past. Each new pencil is imprinted with much larger, bolder type, and a dynamic insignia image, and two change color! All are No. 2 pencils. These pencils and the notepad are some of the silly, little, fun things I hinted at as coming in past Updates.

Why do them? Because we all need fun things that make us smile and just feel good. And these pencils and the notepad do exactly that. Everyone here went crazy over them. I probably should not admit this, but I love glancing over and seeing them on my desk. They make me smile and feel like souvenirs I acquired on my dimensional travels. What a fan boy geek, right? But true all the same. I hope you enjoy them just as much. Note: In my opinion, the photos do not do them justice; not the same as holding one in your hand.

Rifts Coalition States Office of the Emperor Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: Coalition States – Office of the Emperor – $1.60 each – Cat. No. 2598 – available now. Black colored pencil, white printing, CS skull and lightning bolt insignia, pink eraser at the end. No. 2 pencil lead.

Rifts Colition States Office of the Emperor Pencil on

Rifts Lone Star Engineering the Future Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: Lone Star Complex – Engineering the Future – $1.60 each – Cat. No. 2599 – available now. Dark blue colored pencil, white printing, CS Lone Star skull in a star insignia, pink eraser at the end. No. 2 pencil lead.

Rifts Lone Star Pencil on

Rifts Chi-Town Library Knowledge is Power Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: Chi-Town Library – Knowledge is Power – $1.60 each – Cat. No. 2600 – available now. Yellow colored pencil, black printing, image of an open book/rising sun, pink eraser at the end. No. 2 pencil lead.

Rifts Chi-Town Library Knowledge is Power Pencil on

Rifts Lazlo Council of Learning Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: City of Lazlo – Council of Learning – $1.80 each – Cat. No. 2601 – available now. A “magic” pencil that changes color from powder blue to white. (The heat of your fingers and hand causes the color to change.) Black printing, roaring dragonhead insignia, black eraser at the end.

Rifts Lazlo Council of Learning Pencil on

Palladium Fantasy Library of Bletherad Pencil

Palladium Fantasy Pencil: Library of Bletherad – Your Source of Knowledge – $1.80 each – Cat. No. 2602 – available now. A “magic” pencil that changes color from green to yellow. (The heat of your fingers and hand causes the color to change.) Black printing with the Ward image for “Knowledge,” black eraser at the end.

Library of Bletherad Pencil on

Rifts Notepad and Five Pencil Set

Rifts® Notepad & 5 Pencil SET – $11.00 retail for the set – save $2.40 – Cat. No. 2603 – available now.

Rifts Lone Star Pencil on

Rifts Soft Touch Pen with Stylus

Rifts® Pen & Stylus – And don’t forget about the Rifts® Pen with Stylus for use with a smartphone – Rifts Logo and the words “Unleash your imagination” printed white on a navy blue ballpoint pen. Black ink. $5.00 each – Cat. No. 2586.

Rifts Pen with Stylus on

Rifts Poker Cards Deck One Full Color Rifts Poker Cards Deck Two Line Art

Rifts® Card Decks – it might be time to snag one or both of our Rifts® poker decks while you are at it. $11.99 each – Full Color Deck Cat. No. 2575; Black and White Art (color card backing, classic black and white art) Cat. No. 2576. See the complete description of each in the Palladium online store.

Rifts Full Color Poker Deck on

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

NEW! After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Available now

Create any type of intelligent, humanoid, mutant animal from a turtle or raccoon to an elephant or lion. The RPG presents stats for 100+ mutant animals, plus rules for creating any mutant animal you can imagine, and each sourcebook offers dozens more.

Play your mutant animals as super-heroes, vigilantes, or mutants on the run in the Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, Heroes of the Megaverse® or Skraypers™ settings. Or as mutants or monsters in Nightbane®. (You could make a mutant animal the Nightbane’s Morphus!) In Palladium Fantasy® your mutant animal could be one of the forgotten archaic races, a visitor from another world, a creation of magic, or a monster. In Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Phase World® and the Three Galaxies, The Mechanoids®, Aliens Unlimited™, Splicers® and similar RPGs, use the creation rules to make new D-Bees, aliens, mutants, or monsters. Or play in the AtB post-apocalyptic Earth setting that makes Planet of the Apes seem tame. Whatever the setting, playing anthropomorphic animal characters is a blast.

  • 100+ mutant animal stats included.
  • Mutant animal creation rules to mutate ANY animal.
  • 52 Mutant Animal Powers.
  • 33 Mutant Animal Psionic Powers.
  • New Animal Chimeras and their abilities.
  • New back story to the After the Bomb® world of mutants.
  • The post-apocalyptic Earth setting of “After the Bomb” is just one use for your mutant animal heroes.
  • A complete RPG written by Erick Wujcik. His last great work and a sometimes overlooked RPG masterpiece. These are the Mutant Animal Creation Rules you know and love taken to new heights.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Aliens Unlimited™, Nightbane®, N&S, Rifts® and any game setting where mutants or aliens are appropriate.
  • 72 pages of “bonus” material includes the original After the Bomb® sourcebook and Yucatan Adventures from the old Game Shield.
  • 296 pages (72 bonus pages) – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 503HC – now shipping. Also available as a 224 page softcover book ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 503).

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

Ninjas & Superspies RPG Hardcover

NEW! Ninjas & Superspies RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Available now

The Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG is the ultimate guide to martial arts with 40 different martial art forms and 48 mystic martial arts powers alone, but there is so much more. Asian combat skills accurately portrayed, each with its own unique fighting style, methods of attack and defense presented on an epic scale, complete with legendary mystic powers. Spies, Cyber Agents, Gadgeteers, secret organizations creation rules, secret identities, gimmick weapons and clothing, cyber-disguises, implants, and more. Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™ RPG and even Nightbane®, Rifts®, and other settings. A complete game PLUS 44 pages of bonus material gathered from The Rifter®.

  • 40+ types of hand to hand combat — effectively offering 40 types of martial arts character classes!
  • 17 Occupational Character Classes for spies, mercenaries, martial artists and special operatives.
  • 48 mystic martial art powers.
  • Dim Mak, Chi Mastery, the Arts of Invisibility and more.
  • Bionic implants, disguises, weapons, & equipment.
  • Secret identities, spy agencies, and creation rules for secret organizations.
  • Complete stand-alone RPG with skills, weapons, rules and guidelines for using other Palladium settings.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Rifts®, Rifts® China, and the entire Palladium Megaverse®!
  • 44 pages of “bonus” material gathered from The Rifter®.
  • 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 525HC – RPG by Erick Wujcik – now shipping. Also available as a 176 page softcover book ($22.99 retail – Cat. No. 525). And see Mystic China for an astonishing and fun sourcebook with more mystical martial arts abilities, magic, demons, immortals and more.

Ninjas and Superspies RPG Hardcover

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

NEW! Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover – The Zombie Apocalypse – available now

The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world.

Civilization crumbles in a matter of days as hundreds of millions of people die and rise as the walking dead. The hundreds of millions of people who fall to the zombies also rise to join the growing legions of undead. Then the world goes silent.

You are on your own. The army is MIA. There is no government. No law. No television, radio or Internet. No media, cell phones or communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets.

Death Cults have risen, promising protection from the walking dead.

Retro-Savages have forsaken technology and sacrifice the living to the zombies in hopes of bringing an end to the nightmare.

Brave human survivors refuse to lie down and die! They come from all walks of life. Their common goal: survival as they struggle to forge safe havens away from the cities, rescue other survivors and battle the walking dead without respite. For now at least, the planet belongs to the dead.

Dead Reign® is an excellent introductory game that is easy to learn, fast to play, and fun to read. If you are looking for a zombie game that truly captures the feel of survival after the apocalypse and the nightmare of being stalked by zombies, Dead Reign® is it. Game mechanics are designed to create a real sense of escalating terror and dread when the zombies swarm. Sourcebooks expand the world, player options, and adventure ideas as well as new zombies and dangers.

  • Six Apocalyptic Character Classes (O.C.C.) including the Reaper, Shepherd of the Damned, Hound Master, Apocalyptic Soldier, Scrounger and Ordinary People.
  • Seven types of zombies plus the Half-Living. (Sourcebooks offer many more.)
  • Secrets of the Dead: Everything you need to know about zombies and need to ask.
  • Death Cults, their Priests, power over zombies and goals.
  • Random tables galore and the fundamentals of survival.
  • Strong setting, world overview and many adventure ideas.
  • A complete role-playing game. 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 230HC – now shipping. Also available as a 224 page softcover RPG ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 230).

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

Rifts® RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

The “original,” 256 page Rifts® RPG from 1990 plus an extra 32 additional pages of color at the back of the book. This new section includes the history and people behind the making of Rifts®, a gallery of ALL Rifts® covers to date (160+ of them including those coming soon), never before seen concept art, other artwork and fun. Note: This is a different rule book than the expanded 376 page Rifts® Ultimate Edition (RUE), but the original remains completely compatible with RUE and all World Books and sourcebooks.

Rifts® merges science fiction with fantasy, horror, heroic adventure, and other genres in a thrilling and plausible setting that will set your imagination on fire. Travel the Rifts to any location on Earth, or leap across the dimensional divide to visit alien worlds and dimensions in a matter of seconds. And just as you can travel to other worlds, aliens and the monstrous travel to Earth and stalk the innocent.

Rifts® is a fusion of ideas, settings, genres, and characters unlike any game on the market. An endless Megaverse® of adventure™ in which if you can imagine it, you can play it. Are you up to the challenge?

The Rifts® Commemorative 30th Anniversary Hardcover is the original first edition Rifts® rule book (1990) that started a phenomenon. It is a complete RPG suitable for use with ALL existing Rifts® World Books, Sourcebooks, and Dimension Books. It is an earlier and somewhat simpler edition given the deluxe treatment. Expanded with bonus art, an additional 32 color pages, color end sheets, history about the making of Rifts®, notes, concept drawings, color concepts, photographs, and a gallery of every Rifts® cover published between 1990 and the end of 2021. The cover features the famous Keith Parkinson painting of the Splugorth Slave Barge. Provided to you due to popular demand.

  • The “original” Rifts® RPG (1990) back in print for the first time in 16 years.
  • Color cover of the famous Splugorth Slave Barge by Keith Parkinson.
  • A color gallery of 160+ Rifts® covers.
  • An extra 32 pages of color.
  • More comprehensive contents pages.
  • Concept art and pencil illustrations often with notes by the artist.
  • History of Rifts®, personal notes, commentary, and nostalgic material.
  • Color end sheets.
  • Countless memories, and loads of fun.
  • A simpler, earlier version of the core rules.
  • A complete role-playing game suitable for use with ALL existing Rifts® World Books, Sourcebooks, and Dimension Books.
  • Available in stores and from Palladium Books.
  • This is NOT the signed or numbered limited edition, but we are happy to sign copies at conventions and the Palladium Open House. The print run is likely to be limited to a few thousand copies.
  • 288 pages – $49.99 retail – Cat. No. 800HC30 – Available now. Also see the 376 page Rifts® Ultimate Edition RPG for the current Rifts® rule set.

Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

Other RPG Hardcovers Available Now:

Rifts Coalition Manhunters

UPDATE: Rifts® CS Manhunters – Bigger, Bolder, Epic

Somehow the Rifts® CS Manhunters sourcebook has become epic and grown in page count. I am nearing the finish line on this greatly expanded title which is now part Coalition States adventure sourcebook and part psionics sourcebook, with the psionic elements being in the limelight in a similar vein as the Rifts® Bionics Sourcebook was for bionics, only with an emphasis on how the Coalition States use psychics. There are revisits, clarifications, and expansions of some of the classic psionic abilities, and 50+ new psionic powers that are fun and intuitive. Only a handful are limited to the Manhunters. As for the CS Manhunters … I think they will quickly become the new villain you love to hate. In addition, the sourcebook provides insight about CS psychics, Dog Boys, Kill Hounds, Psi-Stalkers, the Minion War, CS citizens, and Emperor Prosek. I love this book and I’m confident you will too. I am trying to wrap this bad boy up for an August release!

Rifts® CS Manhunters presents dark secrets of the Coalition States involving CS psychics, the super secret Psi-Ops Division (the thought police of Emperor Prosek), and the deadly super-patriots that are the enigmatic CS Manhunters. Includes 50+ NEW psionic abilities with real punch, insight into the Dog Boys and Kill Hounds, meanings revealed about the Seven Dangers Prophecy (first introduced in Rifts® Sourcebook 2: The Mechanoids®), and gadgets and implants, and surprises. All of it building toward something epic.

  • New Coalition Psychic O.C.C.s.
  • 50+ new psionic abilities and revisits of some favorites.
  • CS Manhunter Divner and Precog.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Interrogator and Psi-Enforcer.
  • CS Manhunter Bursters and Zappers.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Healers and CS Slayers.
  • CS Manhunter Killhound and Dog Boy O.C.C.s.
  • CS Manhunter Mind Melters, the deadliest of them all.
  • CS Manhunter squads and special operations.
  • Secrets of Psi-Ops Division and insight about Coalition psychics.
  • Deciphering the Seven Dangers Prophecy.
  • The impact of the demon plagues unleashed by the Minion War.
  • Player Characters, NPCs, background info, adventure ideas, and more.
  • Page count is not yet finalized – retail price not yet determined – Cat. No. 894 – In production and nearing completion.

Pre-Order Rifts CS Manhunters

Creature Feature

UPDATE: Creature Feature, a Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook

This is going to be another fun adventure sourcebook. The manuscript will go into editing and rewrites as soon as I finish CS Manhunters and most of the artwork is done. Though I may add a few illustrations and already have artists lined up. Creature Feature™ builds on material that has appeared in various issues of The Rifter® but there is a ton of new material and information useful to both Game Masters and players.

  • A gallery of supernatural creatures. Some new. Some familiar, updated and expanded. All terrifying.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • Game Master source material and advice on rules, psychic abilities, proximity and threat levels, I.S.P. multipliers, and more.
  • Advice about running modern horror RPGs and using supernatural creatures in your games.
  • Lots of adventure ideas, including an updated and expanded full adventure, “The Squatter.”
  • New background and setting information for the BTS setting and a few surprises.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw and others.
  • 160-192 pages – $22.99 or $26.99 depending on final size – Cat. No. 704.

Pre-Order Creature Feature

Rifts Titan Robotics

UPDATE: Rifts® Titan Robotics

Here it is, the reveal of the new cover. I hope you like it. I love that it presents the iconic Titan Robotics Combat Robot with a new big gun that hints at what else awaits you inside the book. I also enjoy the combat scene, smoke, and haze of war. Like Northern Gun and the Manistique Imperium, Titan Robotics sells freely to adventurers, mercenaries, and anyone who has the cash. Hence, the owners of these big ‘bots clashing with Coalition Forces.

This is why I call Rifts® Titan Robotics™ a high-tech toy box filled with many new types of Titan Robotics power armors, giant robots, vehicles, weapons, and gear. Some are big bruisers while others are small and sleek. As fun as these new tech toys are, Rifts® Titan Robotics™ delves into the company’s many secrets, including ARCHIE-3’s plans and program to monitor and manipulate the outside world. Learn about Archie’s androids that run Titan Robotics and his current schemes and plans for the future. All of which provides fodder for adventure.

  • New Giant Robots.
  • New Power Armor, equipment and accessories.
  • 30+ power armors and robots, plus other equipment.
  • New weapons, gear and vehicles.
  • Titan Robotics Corporation and structure.
  • Archie’s secret kingdom and plans for the future.
  • New O.C.C.s and key Non-Player Characters (NPCs).
  • Android executives, security and much more.
  • Wellington Industries, campaign prompts and more.
  • Art by Walton, Cummings, Atkins, and others. Cover by Mike Majestic.
  • Written by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda.
  • 160-192 pages (tentative) – $22.99 retail (or $26.99) – Cat. No. 899.

Pre-Order Rifts Titan Robotics

Rifts Bestiary Volume Two

UPDATE: Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two

The second big, “monster book” reference for Rifts® of what we anticipate to be three volumes in the series, more if we decide to make ghosts, spirits and Entities and/or Creatures of Magic part of the Bestiary series. Much like Volume One, Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume Two collects 70-100 monsters and animals plus 12-24 new beasts found across Rifts North America. The anticipated page count is 224-256 pages.

All volumes of the Rifts® Bestiary™ series are a great resource for players and Game Masters alike. Each description is updated, expanded, and highly detailed to present players with exotic and alien creatures as pets, guardians and riding animals, as well as slobbering monsters to battle and fierce beasts for Game Masters to throw at their players. Designed to offer adventure ideas, offers notes on young, adult, male and female creatures, and all provide plenty of ways to enhance your characters and spice up adventures. Each is accompanied by a map that shows at a glance where the beast can be encountered. Ah, but in the presence of Rifts and magic means any of the creatures may appear anywhere in the world, so be on your toes.

  • Monsters and animals of Rifts North America organized into big, easy to use sourcebooks.
  • Updated and expanded descriptions and information for each existing monster.
  • Updated and uniform stat blocks.
  • New exotic creatures – predators, exotic riding animals, beasts of burden, alien horrors, giant insects, and more.
  • A map for every creature showing where it is found.
  • Easily adapted to any Palladium setting – Palladium Fantasy®, Chaos Earth®, Splicers®, Phase World®, the Three Galaxies™, The Mechanoids®, Heroes Unlimited™/Aliens Unlimited™, and others.
  • Basic S.D.C. stats included with each creature description.
  • Fully illustrated, with art by Charles Walton II, Ramon Perez, Robert Atkins, and many others. Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 256 pages each volume – $26.99 – Cat. No. 897 (Volume Two).

Pre-Order Rifts Bestiary Two – 300+ Palladium PDF products with new items coming soon – all using the same basic game system – learn one game and you can play them all

Coming to – Erick Wujcik’s very first RPG – Sector 57 (1980, self-published) – written by Erick (TMNT) Wujcik and illustrated by Kevin Siembieda. Yep, this is Erick’s and Kevin’s first collaboration. A self-contained science fiction, outer space RPG and adventure that requires your spacefarers to unravel clues and mysteries if you are to survive and lay claim to a derelict (or is it?) spaceship.

Coming to – Original RECON by Joe F. Martin (1982), RECON® Module One: Sayaret, RECON® Module Two: Hearts & Minds, and if we can swing it, San Succi, the big newspaper style module and maps. In addition to releasing these as individual PDF products, Palladium intends to collect and release them as a special, deluxe, hardcover RPG and sourcebook in September or October.

Palladium Books has settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Dead Reign® and Beyond the Supernatural), plus The Rifter® sourcebook series (by fans like you), novels, paper minis, and more.

Rifts® Novels: Duty’s Edge – The lone surviving soldier from a New German Republic Special Forces operation struggles to complete the mission on his own. A stand-alone Rifts® novel complete in itself. 236 pages, Cat. No. 308. The Cosmo-Knight and The Reckoning (Phase World®, the Three Galaxies, and Cosmo-Knights), the Rifts® trilogy of novels: Sonic Boom, Deception’s Web, and Treacherous Awakenings, as well as the Rifts® Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs (11 authors), Machinations of Doom (graphic novel by Ramon K. Perez), and Path of the Storm (a proposed Rifts® movie script) and 300+ other Palladium Books RPG titles.

Also available: Free Garden of the Gods™ (Fantasy) and Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume One Sneak Previews, and the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet: A Microsoft Excel-based character management system. Packed with features and data collected from every official Palladium Fantasy sourcebook to enable you to create Fantasy characters quickly (25 minutes!) and help you to update and manage them for years to come.

Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Three: Zombies, Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Two: Civilians and Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume One: Survivors. There are also paper miniatures for Heroes Unlimited™, Palladium Fantasy® and Rifts®. A new, up-to-date, PDF Palladium Books Catalog. Nightbane® Dark Designs™ sourcebook with 60 new Common Talents, 38 new Elite Talents, 18 new Morphus Tables, all other Morphus Tables collected and more. Systems Failure™ RPG, a 160 page RPG that deals with alien invasion and a post-apocalypse setting that is fun and dynamic. Civilization is on the verge of collapse when the so-called “bugs” invade and turn humans into zombie-like slaves. Monsters, heroes and fun. A complete RPG and setting. Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun™ Two: 256 pages of technology and fun. 30+ power armors, 30+ body armors, 15 combat vehicles, 45 vehicles (hovercycles, etc.), 10 robot haulers, the Robodome and more. Bizantium and the Northern Islands™: the northernmost part of the Known World, the Cold Born, Necromancy ships made from dead sea serpents, 15 creatures, Random Sea Monster Generator, and more. Rifts® Northern Gun™ One. This fan favorite might be thought of as the big book of giant robots – an in-depth look at Northern Gun, 70+ weapons, 27 robots, NG O.C.C.s, key people and places, and much more. Mysteries of Magic™ Book One: The Heart of Magic™ with Wizards, their Apprentices, nearly 60 new magic spells and remember, magic and monsters in the Fantasy RPG are easily adapted to Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, HU2 and other settings. Wolfen Empire™ Fantasy sourcebook, the Great Northern Wilderness and Killer Winters, 12 Wolfen Tribes, Wolfen military and society, 15+ creatures, 5 full adventures, 101 adventure ideas, random encounter tables, notable people, places, plus FREE Sneak Previews of The Rifter® #80, The Rifter® #81, The Rifter® #82, and more on

  • Rifts® is a genre-bending setting that combines science fiction, fantasy, horror, post-apocalypse survival, magic, and endless possibilities for adventure. Imagine a near perfect world of advanced technology 100 years in the future. Then imagine that world crashing down overnight in an apocalyptic upheaval not seen since the formation of the planet. A Great Cataclysm caused by the explosive return of magic. Now fast forward 300 years into the future where magic, dragons, and mythic gods coexist with cyborgs, giant robots and super-science rediscovered from humanity’s Golden Age as humans rise from a lengthy Dark Age. But they must contend with countless alien life forms, monsters, and supernatural horrors from beyond the Rifts.
  • Rifts® core titles we would suggest: Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts® Book of Magic, Rifts® Adventure Guide, D-Bees of North America™, Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign and Rifts® Sourcebook One. Note: The Rifts® RPG, 1st Edition and Rifts® Ultimate, 2nd Edition are both available.
  • 80+ Rifts® supplements, most of them available as PDFs with more coming. Where to start? Wherever sounds fun.
  • Rifts® Dimension Books™: Travel to alien worlds and dimensions via the Rifts for off-world adventure and intrigue.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG and sourcebook series (all). Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.
  • FREE Sneak Previews for Nightbane® Dark Designs™, Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans™, Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity, and many other previews as well as free and low cost items that we make available. All of it adds to the growing list of Rifts and other Palladium RPG game titles available as PDF books, cards and support. A new title should be added every week or two, so keep watching for them.
  • The Rifter® #1-84, ALL issues of The Rifter®. Each issue is a wealth of source material and ideas for 3-6 different Palladium game lines. Most are easily adapted to ANY Palladium game setting. Each issue a gem. 8,500 pages of source material and ideas for heroes, villains, monsters, magic, gear, and adventure.
  • Splicers® RPG is like Iron Man meets Game of Thrones with elements of Terminator – except this army of Iron Men are clad in living body armor and wield living, organic weapons and devices. Created in 2004 by writer and game designer Carmen Bellaire, Splicers® was nominated for an Inquest Gamer Magazine Fan Awards Game of the Year, and has since developed a rabid fan base. Science fiction and horror where humans are forced to use genetically engineered, living weapons and organic war machines to battle an insane Artificial Intelligence and her robot legions. Unlike anything you have ever played before!
  • Splicers®: I Am Legion™ Adventure Sourcebook: 6 new Great Houses, 4 new Host Armors, 6 new War Mounts, 19 new Bio-Weapons, 15 new killer machines, new Bio-Enhancements, Amalgam creation tables, Legion and a series of adventures that build into a small campaign, and more.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 1st Edition Rules and sourcebooks. A unique world of magic, monsters and heroes. Dozens of nonhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition Rules and many sourcebooks. The expanded world of high fantasy, magic, mystery and heroes of every variety. Includes the Mind Mage and psychic abilities, mages and spells, magic circles and symbols, men-at-arms, scoundrels and a wide range of inhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and many more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG first edition rule book and sourcebooks.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition rule book and sourcebooks. Create any type of superhuman you can desire and bring comic book adventures to life.
  • Dead Reign® RPG (Zombie Apocalypse). The dead have risen. It is the battle for survival in the zombie apocalypse, but this setting is much more than your typical zombie game. Play ordinary people or special characters better equipped to survive and hunt zombies. Many unusual types of zombies.
  • Dead Reign® Sourcebooks: 6 sourcebooks from Civilization Gone™ to Hell Followed™ (the latter features stats for 23 disasters, masked lunatics, 11 new zombies, 7 apocalyptic character classes, and more) are available.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 1st Edition Rules. Supernatural horror in the modern world. Play ordinary people, psychics, paranormal investigators or for something different: Victim Characters!
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition: The complete, revised core game, 14 character classes and 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, the Lazlo Agency, world setting and rules.
  • Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. An RPG setting we call superhero horror. Dark conspiracy, a secret, demon invasion starting with world leaders and law enforcement, and it is spreading. The player characters are the Nightbane®, reluctant superhumans who must turn into monsters themselves to unleash their powers and battle the evil that is clear only to them. A dark, sinister and challenging world of horror.
  • After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Planet of the Apes meets the X-Men! Animal creations, powers and more. Create any type of intelligent mutant animal you can imagine as friend or foe.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. James Bond meets Enter the Dragon. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, and super-spies with gadgets, gizmos and advanced weapons.
  • The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy RPG is a long time, cult favorite with a fatalistic world-view of humans vs aliens with superior technology.
  • The Palladium Weapon Series of real world weapons, armor and castles throughout history. Designed for use with ANY game system.
  • 200+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ Paper Miniatures – Two sets are now available!
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Paper Miniatures – Volumes #1-6 are available now. More are coming in the weeks ahead.
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Men at Arms – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Coalition Dead Boys – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Adventurers – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Practitioners of Magic (new) – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Extras (new) – $2.99
  • And more to come in the weeks ahead.

Palladium Collectibles, Negatives, Artwork, other Collectibles and Toys are always available in Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store along with other good things

My eBay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by Charles “Chuck” Walton, Kevin Long, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Rifts® and other Palladium RPG books (they look awesome framed!), rare Palladium collector hardcovers, signed books, other Palladium memorabilia, toys from my personal collection and other collectibles. Check every couple of weeks because we often post new stuff or offer a new sale. There is a sale on negatives starting today, in fact.

Other one-of-a-kind original artwork available by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton II (money goes to the artist), other artists, as well as collectible negatives, prints, limited edition hardcovers, proofreader copies, out of print items, Star Wars toys, Marvel toys and many other toys and collectibles from my personal collection. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.

Available now: One-of-a-kind book negatives. Negatives were very popular items at the Palladium Open House and people went crazy over them at Gen Con – including actor Joe Manganiello who scooped up a pile of TMNT negatives, while Palladium’s own Mark Oberle, Carmen Bellaire, Brandon Aten and a whole lot of Palladium gamers went for negatives from Rifts® New West, Lone Star and Free Quebec. Fun.

Negatives are unique and attractive, one-of-a-kind (on rare occasions two-of-a-kind if a page was replaced or a second edition was made) works of art that resemble woodcut art and are very dynamic conversation pieces. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black.

When our printer, McNaughton and Gunn, went completely digital, they asked if Palladium Books wanted the negs, otherwise they would be destroyed. Regrettably, I let a few dozen be destroyed, but the negatives of many books were sent to Palladium. They have sat in our warehouse for years until I started to offer them for sale. I have also started signing the negatives in silver and each comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Each negative comes on a white board inside a plastic magazine bag and looks fabulous framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening in a frame (each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches).

Closing Thoughts – The Fate of Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two

As I write this Wednesday, the sky has turned a scary black for 4:00 in the afternoon in August and the wind is furious. Assuming we do not get struck by a tornado or lose power for days, the future is bright for Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two and all the books in the pipeline.

  • Rifts® CS Manhunters is fabulous and almost done.
  • Beyond the Supernatural: Creature Feature is the next release and good stuff.
  • Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two will be every bit as good as Volume One.
  • Rifts® Titan Robotics will probably be released just before or right after Rifts® Bestiary Vol. Two.
  • Rifts® Antarctica – another title that will surprise and thrill you.
  • Rifts® The Disavowed – epic and surprising. Half written.
  • Rifts® CS Arsenal – more Coalition war machines, many designed to fight magical and supernatural enemies.
  • Rifts® Bestiary Volume Three will be every bit as good as Vol. 1 & 2.
  • Rifts® Lazlo – the first City-State of Lazlo World Book will be more than what you see in the Raw Preview, and the next 2 books in the series are being written right now!
  • The Rifter® Annual – are you sending in a submission?
  • Beyond the Supernatural: Beyond Arcanum – yes, promised for years but heavily on my mind. In fact, I have been making notes here and there for this book, writing little bits and lining up artists, but I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up that it is coming out later this year. Probably not.
  • Beyond the Supernatural: Tomes Grotesque – yes, also promised for years and heavily on my mind.
  • Chaos Earth® First Responders – I have a writer doing final rewrites and edits right now, and a cover and interior artist lined up, but I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up that it is coming out later this year. Maybe, maybe not.
  • Chaos Earth® Psychic Scream – in development, partially written.
  • Fantasy: Land of the Damned 3, The Bleakness – the final manuscript is in, so is some of the art, but I know I will want to add to it.
  • Fantasy: Land of the South Winds – a manuscript is in the final stages of writing.
  • Fantasy: Lopan – I just received the new draft just this past weekend.

These exciting titles and others are far from forgotten. In fact, I have been moving most of them along little by little over the past 18 months. Lining up freelance writers and editors and artists, and working on little bits and pieces of them as I can when I can. And these are just most of the titles you know about. We have more hardcovers in the pipelines and epic new projects in development. And I do mean epic.

This is in addition to running the company, dealing with all kinds of printing issues and shortages, building our social media presence, supporting other projects like Rifts for Savage Worlds, Fantasy Grounds, the Rifter® Annual, novels, character generators, and putting things in place for the future. And doing it all short-handed during a pandemic!

ALL of this takes time and emotional and physical energy. I have not had much of a life outside of Palladium Books these past 18 months, but that’s okay because I am working at building something wonderful for the near future and beyond. Short term books that will delight and long term plans that should last the ages even when I’m gone. (Not that I anticipate going anywhere for another couple of decades.) I have been feeling energized like I did back in the 1980s when my dream for Palladium Books and the Megaverse® was just starting to take off. I’m no twenty-something kid full of piss and vinegar and high hopes anymore, and yet these past several months I am feeling like one. As exciting things keep falling into place, my energy level keeps rising.

When are all the books listed above coming out? I don’t know exactly. Nor do I know the exact order of release yet, and I am not going to make any promises. But I am working hard to make them all a reality in the months ahead, so expect to see a lot of new books over the next 16-18 months. Books designed to wow and set your imaginations on fire. You got a glimpse of that with Garden of the Gods™. You’ll see it again in CS Manhunters™, Titan Robotics™, Rifts Antarctica™, and soooo much more.

Thank you for your understanding and support. You won’t be sorry. Great things are coming. Stay safe, hang tough, and keep those magnificent imaginations burning bright. And we will do the same.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer, Gamer, Friend

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Game Master Guide Hardcover – Available now

The Rifts® Game Master Guide™ hardcover is a massive, 352 page reference book with short stats and descriptions for every Rifts® robot, power armor, body armor, vehicle, weapon, gadget, skill, experience table, and map that appears in Rifts® World Books 1-23 and Sourcebooks 1-4, plus a bionics index, an O.C.C.s and R.C.C.s index, rules clarifications, combat examples, advice on how to run a game and more.

  • 500+ weapons.
  • 290 pieces of equipment.
  • 180+ vehicles.
  • 100+ suits of body armor.
  • 80+ suits of power armor.
  • 300+ skills, character and D-Bee index, dozens of maps, and more.
  • 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 845HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Book of Magic Hardcover – Available now

Nearly 1,000 magic spells and 400 magic weapons and devices from across Rifts Earth, plus magic tattoos, herbs, stones, and more. 352 pages of pure magic.

  • 900+ magic spells, Elemental Magic, Ley Line Magic, Temporal Magic, Necromancy, Nature Magic, Cloud Magic, Ocean Magic, Biomancy and more.
  • Plus Tattoo Magic, Stone Magic, Whalesongs, Conjuring, Nazca Lines.
  • 290+ Techno-Wizard weapons and items, including TW Bionics, Automatons, and Iron Juggernauts.
  • 80+ other magic items, Rune Weapons, Holy Weapons, Fetishes.
  • Bio-Wizard Weapons, the Bio-Borg, Symbiotes, and herbs.
  • Magic stones, talismans, magic items of Japan, and more.
  • Millennium Tree wands, staves and armor.
  • 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 848HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Adventure Guide Hardcover – Available now

Inside information to create and run RPG adventures: How to get started, building on ideas, character archetypes, tables for creating Rifts towns and cities, mercenary companies, traveling shows, and player created organizations, plus random Rift tables, information about the Chi-Town ‘Burbs, 32 ‘Burb adventure ideas, another 101 adventure hooks, and still more adventure ideas, and additional player and Game Master tips by Kevin Siembieda, Erick Wujcik, and Bill Coffin.

  • 150+ adventure ideas.
  • Game Master and player tips from Kevin Siembieda.
  • Adventure creation tips from Kevin Siembieda.
  • Why and how to use alignments by Kevin Siembieda.
  • Tricks of running a large group, G.M. tools, and more.
  • Additional Player and G.M. tips from Wujcik and Coffin.
  • Overview and info about the CS Chi-Town ‘Burbs.
  • 32 adventure ideas in the ‘Burbs.
  • Random Dimensional Rifts & other tables.
  • Tables for creating towns, merc companies, and traveling shows.
  • 192 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 849HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

HARDCOVER Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition – available now

A fantasy setting like no other, rich in history and inviting adventure. Not only are you able to play iconic fantasy heroes like the Wizard, Knight, Paladin, Ranger, Thief, Assassin, and others, but also characters such as the Mind Mage, Druid, Diabolist, Summoner and many others. Moreover, play an array of nonhuman characters from Elves and Dwarves to Wolfen, Changelings, Kobolds, Orcs, Ogres, and many others.

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo, hardcover.
  • 25+ Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s).
  • 14+ inhuman player races (more in sourcebooks).
  • 300+ magic spells.
  • 60 magical Wards. 50 magic circles.
  • Dozens of magic items potions and more.
  • 70+ psychic powers, the Mind Mage, and more.
  • Weapons, gear, demons and adventure ideas.
  • New sourcebooks like Land of the Damned 3, Lopan, and others are coming.
  • 336 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 450HC – available now.

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

HARDCOVER Heroes Unlimited RPG, 2nd Edition – available now

The Heroes Unlimited™ RPG has been a hit RPG for 30+ years because it enables you to create any type of comic book hero you can imagine. Make characters pulled right from any comic book you grew up with and love, or design your own league of extraordinary heroes.

If you seek comic book heroic adventure, Heroes Unlimited™ does the job on an epic scale. Plus a dozen sourcebooks provide you with more super abilities, hero categories, bad guys and adventures.

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo on the hardcover.
  • Create any type of hero you can imagine.
  • 101 super abilities plus a multitude of sub-powers within them, bonuses and special combat capabilities.
  • 100+ magic spells plus enchanted weapons and objects.
  • 72 psychic powers.
  • Enchanted weapons that instill super abilities.
  • Mega-Heroes and immortals.
  • Alien super beings.
  • Bionics and cyborgs.
  • Psionics and Psychics.
  • Robots and power armor.
  • Masters of magic, wizards and spell casters.
  • Mutants and Super Soldiers possessing super abilities.
  • Inventors, super-geniuses and super-vehicles.
  • Special Training: Martial arts, Sleuths, weapons, more.
  • Cover by comic book legend Jim Steranko.
  • Art by Ramon K. Perez, Paulo Parente, Mike Gustovich, and others.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 352 pages for a complete RPG – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 500HC – available now.

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

HARDCOVER Beyond the Supernatural RPG, 2nd Edition – Available now

Supernatural horror in the modern world that feels plausible and real. Your characters are the few who know the supernatural is real because they have experienced it face to face. Some are psychics, some are experts in the paranormal or the arcane, and others are ordinary people like you and me. Ordinary people who are never the same after their own close encounter. All of these unlikely heroes stand against supernatural evil in a world of disbelievers who brand them as practitioners of fringe science or lunatics. Only they know the truth: supernatural evil is real and dangerous. And someone has to take a stand to protect the innocent from supernatural evil in whatever hidden form it may take. Are you ready to join the battle?

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo, hardcover.
  • A plausible modern horror setting that makes sense and will challenge your role-playing skills.
  • 14 Psychic Character Classes.
  • 42 occupations for “ordinary” people.
  • 100+ psychic abilities, including Fire Walker abilities.
  • Creatures of darkness, the Lazlo Agency, and more.
  • New sourcebooks are coming soon.
  • 256 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 700HC – available now.

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

NEW! Miniature Releases – Available now

You have been asking about new miniatures and we are providing. All miniatures come in a plastic bag. The newest three are:

Classic Glitter Boy and Pilot Miniature Pack

Rifts® Glitter Boy™ & Pilot (original) Miniature Pack – 1st time available in resin – 28 mm resin – $19.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8001. Five Pieces: 1. Complete G.B. body and a small base, 2. right arm and Boom Gun, 3. backpack/thrusters, 4. ammo drum and belt, and 5. pilot. The ever-popular, classic Glitter Boy and Pilot (1993 RAFM) – now in resin for the first time (prior releases were pewter figures). Available now.

Classic Glitter Boy and Pilot Miniature Pack at

Rifts CS Firebreather Dead Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® CS Firebreather Dead Boy™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8047. Five pieces: 1. the body, 2. right arm and gun, 3. left arm, 4. antenna, 5. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts CS Firebreather Dead Boy 32mm Resin Miniature at

Rifts Juicer 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® Juicer™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8048. Three pieces: 1. the complete body, 2. crossed swords on the back that fit so snugly that you may not even need to glue it, 3. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Juicer 32mm Resin Miniature at

Rifts Glitter Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

And don’t forget about the Deluxe Rifts® Glitter Boy Resin Miniature – released in fall 2020 – 32 mm resin – $34.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8046 – a gorgeous, detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Glitter Boy 32mm Resin Miniature at

Rifts Duty's Edge Novel

Rifts® Novels – Available now

All Rifts® novels are available from the Palladium Books online store as physical books as well as PDFs from All are a fun read and highly recommended. Enjoy.

  • All novels are 5 x 8 inches in size unless otherwise indicated.
  • Page count and price varies.
  • Available as physical books from and as PDFs on
  • Rifts® Duty’s Edge is the story of a lone survivor of a New German Republic Special Forces operation who struggles to complete the mission on his own. A mission to destroy wicked monsters and cut off a vital line of support to the Gargoyle Empire. A mission that could save many lives. Of course, it is a journey that takes many twists and turns as one determined individual hopes to beat impossible odds. Set in the Middle East. 236 pages – $12.99 retail – Cat. No. 308 – the newest, stand alone novel.
  • Rifts® Sonic Boom™. Follow the exploits of a CS platoon sworn to protect humankind from all threats, be they aliens, dragons, masters of magic or fellow humans out for themselves.
  • Rifts® Deception’s Web™, the second novel in this trilogy, reveals a conspiracy within the Coalition military that could spell disaster for our protagonists. Note: Smaller size, 4 x 6 inches.
  • Rifts® Treacherous Awakenings™ is the pulse-pounding conclusion of the third novel in this epic trilogy by Adam Chilson.
  • Rifts Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs™. Rifts® short stories by 11 authors including Kevin Siembieda, Carl Gleba, Mark Oberle, Braden Campbell, Taylor White, Jason Richards, and others. Note: Slightly larger size, 6 x 9 inches.
  • Rifts® Machinations of Doom™ Graphic Novel & Sourcebook. The comic is by acclaimed Eisner Award winning artist Ramon K. Perez, source material by Siembieda and Perez. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Path of the Storm was a Rifts® movie script written on spec. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume One: The Cosmo-Knight. The adventures of Caleb Vulcan, newly minted Knight of the Cosmic Forge.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume Two: The Reckoning. The epic conclusion of the Hammer of the Forge story.

Rifts Novels on

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Whether you drink coffee, hot cocoa, soda-pop, or whatever your beverage of choice may be, this fun mug reminds you of your favorite pastime and that new possibilities exist with every roll of the dice.

The large, 16 ounce Gamer mug presents the word “Gamer” in a box with dice cascading down from above. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Freddie Williams II (art directed by Kevin Siembieda). The mug has an orange interior to add a nice splash of color.

  • A must for every proud gamer!
  • Dice and the word “Gamer” highlighted in a box.
  • Glossy black exterior with an orange interior.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2596 – available now.

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug at

Property of the Coalition States Mug

BACK IN STOCK! Property of the Coalition States 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Back due to popular demand! The iconic Property of the Coalition States and notorious CS Death’s Head insignia printed white on a glossy black, 16 ounce coffee mug, with a blood red interior for a splash of color. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Kevin Long (art directed by Kevin Siembieda).

  • The infamous words “Property of the Coalition States” and the notorious Death’s Head logo and lightning bolts (indicating CS special forces) in white.
  • Glossy black exterior with a blood red interior color.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2588 – available now.

Property of the Coalition States Mug at

Other Mugs Available Now

Everyone loves these mugs. Isn’t it time you started your collection? I like to use them to as a secret code to reflect my mood to those around me. To my thinking the Gamer mug means I’m feeling playful. Rifts® Property of the Coalition States: I’m a soldier in the trenches and working hard. Dead Reign®: Back off or I will eat you alive. Fantasy Dragon: My imagination is on fire. Rifts Logo: Feeling the infinite possibilities. Rifts® Titan Robotics: I’m feeling mighty. Of course, they represent something else to each of you or just represent one of your favorite games, like a normal person.

  • Rifts® Titan Robotics™ Mug A dynamic Titan robot and the Rifts® logo. Art by Steven Cummings. White on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2595 – available now.
  • Rifts® Logo Coffee Mug The famous Rifts® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Logo by Kevin Long. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2587 – available now.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Dragon Mug The famous red on black 3-headed hydra battling a knight from the iconic original Palladium Fantasy RPG cover. Art by Kevin Siembieda. Red on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with an attractive orange interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2589 – available now.
  • Dead Reign® (Zombie Attack) Mug A trio of hungry zombies and the Dead Reign® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blood red interior for a splash of color. Art by Steven Cummings. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2594 – available now.

© 2021 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – August 6, 2021

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda

At the printer! 2 new hardcover editionsNightbane® RPG Hardcover and Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG Hardcover. Both with bonus material.

Nightbane RPG Hardcover

COMING! Nightbane® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – 304 pages – $39.99 – Cat. No. 730HC – 60 extra pages of bonus material – available end of August.

Nightbane RPG Hardcover

Chaos Earth RPG Hardcover

COMING! Chaos Earth® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – 192 pages – $36.99 – Cat. No. 660HC – 30 extra pages of bonus material – available end of August.

Chaos Earth RPG Hardcover

Hardcovers available now:

Rifts® 30th Anniversary Commemorative is turning heads and making gamers happy. Here is what one fan had to say:

“Hey all. My Rifts® 30th Anniversary copy arrived today and I’m EXTREMELY happy. I have been hunting for a clean hardcover copy of the original Rifts® rules for a couple of years now. I had purchased a few ‘near mint’ and ‘like new’ copies of the Collector’s Edition from eBay and Amazon for a premium price, but always ended up returning them because they were not in the condition advertised.

“This 30th Anniversary copy is beyond my expectations. The super-dark black ink, the spruced up cover and logo, the coated paper stock – a real value. Looking forward to introducing my son (who’s 10) to Rifts® this weekend using this book. Thanks again. – K.A., July 28, 2021”

You are very welcome, K.A. I am delighted we exceeded your expectations. We truly love this special hardcover edition of the “Original” Rifts® RPG (1990) too. All the positive feedback about the reproduction, color, the rich, deep black art, and the 32 pages of additional art and history has been very gratifying. In fact, we have received many compliments telling us how the complete package along with the insightful history and gallery of covers makes this edition extra special. Which was our goal. Wayne and I worked hard to make the Rifts® 30th Anniversary Hardcover truly special and fun, so it is nice to know we get an A+ on this one. I know Keith Parkinson and Erick Wujcik are smiling down on us about this book.

A Clarification: The Rifts® 30th Anniversary hardcover is the “original” 1990, 256 page Rifts® RPG as it was originally published, but with deluxe paper and reproduction, impeccable color, and an extra 32 pages of color and material; 288 pages total. Those rules remain suitable for use with ALL Rifts® World Books, Dimension Books, and sourcebooks, but this is the earlier and somewhat simpler incarnation of the rules. The 376 page Rifts® Ultimate Edition is the newer, expanded edition that came later. Both are complete role-playing games that bring Rifts® to life, but they are NOT the same book. True collectors and the million plus fans of the original RPG are likely to want this beautiful tribute for their bookshelf. I have to say, we all felt deep love and nostalgia over this beautiful Rifts® 30th Commemorative hardcover, packed with good memories. We are pleased so many of you feel the same way about it.

Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover


UPDATE: Rifts® CS Manhunters nearing completion and it is freakin’ awesome. I have been going back and tweaking and adding material like crazy to really make it sing. When Matthew Clements, pitching in on editing, saw what is in the book, he was blown away, saying, “This book is a beast. There is so much more than anyone is expecting. I especially love the insight to CS society, the Manhunters, and the new psionics.”

Manhunters is everything it needs to be. Packed with a lot of new and diverse information that should make it another adventure generator involving the Coalition States, the ‘Burbs, Psi-Ops, the CS Manhunters, CS psychics, Dog Boys, Kill Hounds, the Minion War (see Megaverse® in Flames), and the Seven Dangers Prophecy (first appearing in Rifts® Sourcebook 2: The Mechanoids). Plus, it offers insights about the past events involving the Siege on Tolkeen, Emperor Prosek, CS society, and hints and tie-ins about the upcoming Rifts® The Disavowed and CS Arsenal books. Maintaining continuity with those other books added to the complexity and work required for CS Manhunters, but is so worth it.

Pre-Order Rifts CS Manhunters

COMING! Creature Feature, a Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook. Shooting for a September release. This is the next book I finish.

COMING! September 18 – Virtual Gen Con live chat with me, Kevin Siembieda. I’m not handling the scheduling for this Gen Con event, but I assume it is listed in the Gen Con schedule of events (or will be). I don’t think we or Gen Con are charging anything for this event. This will be a 3 hour chat focusing on three primary subjects we thought you would enjoy: Rifts®, Game Master Tips, and role-playing game design. I believe the chat will start sometime on Saturday, September 18 (late morning?). Matthew Yancik will be the chat coordinator. You can see my chat with Matt from earlier this year at the link below. There is also a link to one of my more recent interviews with Sean Owen Roberson about Rifts® Savage Worlds.

LOOK! Accepting Submissions for The Rifter® Annual (2021) – Deadline for submissions: September 1 2021. This is real and we want to release it this holiday season 2021, but only if we get enough submissions by September 1. Scheduled to be a Christmas 2021 release. Time for you to be bold and contribute. Show us what you’ve got. We want to see your ideas and are always looking for new, quality writers. Besides, it is fun to see your name in print. More details elsewhere in this Weekly Update.

MORE Creativity Coming to the Web. We are seeing a lot of fans starting new YouTube channels, podcasts, review and interview programs, and streaming of live games based on Palladium’s many RPG worlds. I wholeheartedly endorse and encourage all of it. An ever increasing number of gamers are being creative and supportive in the digital medium with free, fun material. And yes, you can create Palladium YouTube material, stream live role-playing games, do podcasts, etc. AND you can show covers or use artwork from our books for such fan fun endeavors. Please do not display or give away an entire book, but definitely feel free to use artwork and logos from our books to help present what you are doing. All we ask is you include a simple Copyright and Trademark statement like the following on EACH piece of artwork. It is important to use the © copyright symbol.

© Palladium Books Inc., all rights reserved. Rifts® (or whatever game line) is a Trademark of Palladium Books, Inc.

We also ask that you would be so kind as to direct your viewers to our website: where they can find our products. Likewise, please TELL US about your YouTube program, live game, podcast, etc. Include a link and we will happily plug you in one or more Weekly Updates and link to it on our own social media so people can find you. One big happy family of Palladium Books gaming maniacs. I know of several YouTube, etc., projects that will be cropping up in the weeks and months ahead, and even Carmen Bellaire and Big Wyll are talking about doing new video discussions and interviews about Palladium’s RPG books on their YouTube channel.

2021 Rifter® Annual – Submissions Wanted

Are you a Palladium gamer who has cool ideas and think you are a decent writer? If so, consider writing an article, adventure, monsters, etc., for The Rifter® Annual. It is part sourcebook, part fanzine, part talent show, and a lot of fun written by fans like yourself. The pay is terrible but you get published, receive a couple copies of the book, a few bucks, and your name up in lights … um, in a printed book. Plus Kevin and Wayne see your work, which sometimes leads to you being invited to write “official” sourcebooks and material.

Artists, this goes for you too. We are always looking for new artists to consider, so do not hesitate to submit some samples or send us a link to your online art page. The Rifter is a good place to try out, especially if you are just getting started doing art on a professional or semi-professional level.

Please send us your submissions by August 15, 2021. (Sooner is better!) We plan for it to be all new and a Christmas time release. With 8-12 week turnaround times from printers, we will need to submit the finished files to a printer by September in order to have it in time for Thanksgiving! So finish up your submissions and send them in for our consideration at your earliest convenience. Plus, whatever we like but cannot squeeze in this 192 page Annual, we will safe for the next Annual.

What we are looking for in written submissions: Adventures, monsters, villains, NPCS, new settings/locations, magic spells, magic items, super abilities, tech weapons, vehicles, gear, and all sorts of source material for ALL of our current settings. That includes settings such as Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited, After the Bomb®, Ninjas & Superspies, Beyond the Supernatural, Nightbane®, Splicers®, Rifts® Chaos Earth®, and, well any of them.

Material can be 2-5 pages, 6-12 pages, 15-30 pages, but please, not more than 30 pages for any one article. Please include the “Unsolicited Manuscript Form” with your submission. You can find it on the Palladium website under Questions & Resources – the Unsolicited Works Form. Send electronic submissions to rifter{at} and if you have questions, call Palladium at 734-721-2903.

In the alternative, you can mail us physical Rifter® submissions and the Unsolicited Manuscript Form (as well as letters and unsolicited sourcebook manuscripts, created entirely on speculation) to:

Palladium Books – The Rifter
39074 Webb Court
Westland, MI 48185

We can only publish a Rifter® Annual if we get enough new material. We would like to start editing and tweaking some of them by the beginning of August, so do not hesitate to send them in as soon as you are ready. AND it is a great way to get on our radar as writers (and artists).

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on

NEW! Rifts® Automated Character Sheet for EXCEL

The next step in character data collection! This EXCEL template provides automation to your Rifts® character creation process. Done in Microsoft Excel, this character template will allow you to build your character with substantial ease and speed. Ideal for the new gamer who doesn’t know all of the Palladium Books® rules just yet, it’s also a highly effective tool for Game Masters and advanced players alike who make multiple characters, NPCs or just like to min/max or theory craft characters between games.

  • Dice Roller: A simple dice roller is on the main page of the character sheet to help with character creation or in-game dice rolling needs.
  • Automated Attributes and Stat Block: All the bonuses and features from attributes are presented in a large stat block allowing you to easily see your bonus to save vs Psionics, Mind Control, etc. You can pick your strength type (Normal, Augmented, Robotic or Supernatural) to determine your carrying and lifting capacity and even your M.D. punch damage if your strength is high enough and of the right type.
  • Automated Combat Stats: The main page holds a section where you can pull up data for your various combat stats, from hand to hand abilities such as Strike, Parry, Dodge and Disarm, to W.P. bonuses including those of the W.P. Sharpshooting variety. This section draws upon all of your character’s selection of skills and abilities and even offers customization from odd O.C.C. or racial abilities.
  • Automated Psionics: All psionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 12: Psyscape™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected from a dropdown menu that then populates tables with the information on psionics for your character. Each psionic ability’s data including damage, M.D.C. and range also automatically increases based on the character’s level of experience.
  • Automated Spells: All Common Invocations, Necromancy, Ocean Magic and Biomancy spells (yes, all the Lemurian Biomancer spells too!) can be selected from a dropdown menu that then populates tables with the information on spells for your character. Each spell’s data including damage, M.D.C. and range also automatically increases based on the character’s level of experience.
  • Automated Skills: All skills from the Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected and then automatically add bonuses from prerequisites and related skills. Physical skills that provide bonuses also add those bonuses directly to attributes and combat stats. Bonuses that require dice rolls are denoted and can then be manually rolled and added to the character sheet. Custom percent bonuses such as O.C.C. bonuses can also be added to individual skills.
  • Automated Cybernetics & Bionics: All cybernetics and bionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition along with some favorites from other books can be selected from dropdown menus which then tabulate bonuses and add them to your combat stats. Prices also sum up so an enterprising Headhunter can keep track of his hardware and upgrades. Simple cybernetic body part diagrams even allow players to allocate the locations of their various cybernetic and bionic components.
  • Freeform O.C.C. and Racial Power Section: A section for non-standard powers, special O.C.C. or racial abilities allows the player to add custom skills and powers that can be linked to those features to draw upon the character’s level of experience, I.Q. bonus or other stats so powers grow as the character advances.
  • Character Building Section: On the main page of the document is a section to help you build your character, from customizing attributes, to adding non-standard bonuses from O.C.C. or racial abilities, to an optional point buy system for attributes.
  • Helpful Hints and Suggestions: Red triangular tabs appear throughout the document. Hovering over the red tab with the mouse cursor will reveal useful data from sourcebooks, hints, suggestions and other information, such as what a particular stat means, how it’s used in the game and what things can add bonuses or affect it. There is also a page with overview instructions on how to use the sheet, and a number of instructional videos will be posted via Palladium TV on the ins and outs of the character sheet. The first can be found here:
  • Portrait: A special sheet is set up so you can add an image to the document for a custom portrait for your character. That image is then displayed on the main page and is protected from accidental movement or deletion from the main page.
  • Password Protected: Several pages of the document are password protected so players won’t accidently delete formulas and ruin the character sheet’s automated features. The password is provided so players can customize the sheet to their liking then protect the sheet again so they don’t undo all their hard work.
  • Note: The file is best used in Microsoft EXCEL 2016 or above. Some data may be lost if not using Microsoft EXCEL, such as when using similar products like Open Office.
  • Available from AND – make them characters!

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on

Now Shipping

Rifts Notepad

NEW! Rifts® Notepad

A 5×7 inch notepad featuring the Rifts® logo and color art of the “Coalition Strike Force” print by Kevin Long across the top. It looks great on your desk or gaming table. Perfect for taking notes and feeling that Rifts vibe. Practical and fun.

  • 50 sheets per pad – $5.00 each – Cat. No. 2597 – available now.

Rifts Notepad on

NEW! 5 Gaming Pencils – 4 Rifts® Pencils and 1 Fantasy Pencil

Practical and fun conversation pieces that will make you the envy of your gaming group (at least until they buy their own). These pencils are different from the fan fave, Chi-Town ‘Burbs pencil of the past. Each new pencil is imprinted with much larger, bolder type, and a dynamic insignia image, and two change color! All are No. 2 pencils. These pencils and the notepad are some of the silly, little, fun things I hinted at as coming in past Updates.

Why do them? Because we all need fun things that make us smile and just feel good. And these pencils and the notepad do exactly that. Everyone here went crazy over them. I probably should not admit this, but I love glancing over and seeing them on my desk. They make me smile and feel like souvenirs I acquired on my dimensional travels. What a fan boy geek, right? But true all the same. I hope you enjoy them just as much. Note: In my opinion, the photos do not do them justice; not the same as holding one in your hand.

Rifts Coalition States Office of the Emperor Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: Coalition States – Office of the Emperor – $1.60 each – Cat. No. 2598 – available now. Black colored pencil, white printing, CS skull and lightning bolt insignia, pink eraser at the end. No. 2 pencil lead.

Rifts Colition States Office of the Emperor Pencil on

Rifts Lone Star Engineering the Future Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: Lone Star Complex – Engineering the Future – $1.60 each – Cat. No. 2599 – available now. Dark blue colored pencil, white printing, CS Lone Star skull in a star insignia, pink eraser at the end. No. 2 pencil lead.

Rifts Lone Star Pencil on

Rifts Chi-Town Library Knowledge is Power Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: Chi-Town Library – Knowledge is Power – $1.60 each – Cat. No. 2600 – available now. Yellow colored pencil, black printing, image of an open book/rising sun, pink eraser at the end. No. 2 pencil lead.

Rifts Chi-Town Library Knowledge is Power Pencil on

Rifts Lazlo Council of Learning Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: City of Lazlo – Council of Learning – $1.80 each – Cat. No. 2601 – available now. A “magic” pencil that changes color from powder blue to white. (The heat of your fingers and hand causes the color to change.) Black printing, roaring dragonhead insignia, black eraser at the end.

Rifts Lazlo Council of Learning Pencil on

Palladium Fantasy Library of Bletherad Pencil

Palladium Fantasy Pencil: Library of Bletherad – Your Source of Knowledge – $1.80 each – Cat. No. 2602 – available now. A “magic” pencil that changes color from green to yellow. (The heat of your fingers and hand causes the color to change.) Black printing with the Ward image for “Knowledge,” black eraser at the end.

Library of Bletherad Pencil on

Rifts Notepad and Five Pencil Set

Rifts® Notepad & 5 Pencil SET – $11.00 retail for the set – save $2.40 – Cat. No. 2603 – available now.

Rifts Lone Star Pencil on

Rifts Soft Touch Pen with Stylus

Rifts® Pen & Stylus – And don’t forget about the Rifts® Pen with Stylus for use with a smartphone – Rifts Logo and the words “Unleash your imagination” printed white on a navy blue ballpoint pen. Black ink. $5.00 each – Cat. No. 2586.

Rifts Pen with Stylus on

Rifts Poker Cards Deck One Full Color Rifts Poker Cards Deck Two Line Art

Rifts® Card Decks – it might be time to snag one or both of our Rifts® poker decks while you are at it. $11.99 each – Full Color Deck Cat. No. 2575; Black and White Art (color card backing, classic black and white art) Cat. No. 2576. See the complete description of each in the Palladium online store.

Rifts Full Color Poker Deck on

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

NEW! After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Available now

Create any type of intelligent, humanoid, mutant animal from a turtle or raccoon to an elephant or lion. The RPG presents stats for 100+ mutant animals, plus rules for creating any mutant animal you can imagine, and each sourcebook offers dozens more.

Play your mutant animals as super-heroes, vigilantes, or mutants on the run in the Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, Heroes of the Megaverse® or Skraypers™ settings. Or as mutants or monsters in Nightbane®. (You could make a mutant animal the Nightbane’s Morphus!) In Palladium Fantasy® your mutant animal could be one of the forgotten archaic races, a visitor from another world, a creation of magic, or a monster. In Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Phase World® and the Three Galaxies, The Mechanoids®, Aliens Unlimited™, Splicers® and similar RPGs, use the creation rules to make new D-Bees, aliens, mutants, or monsters. Or play in the AtB post-apocalyptic Earth setting that makes Planet of the Apes seem tame. Whatever the setting, playing anthropomorphic animal characters is a blast.

  • 100+ mutant animal stats included.
  • Mutant animal creation rules to mutate ANY animal.
  • 52 Mutant Animal Powers.
  • 33 Mutant Animal Psionic Powers.
  • New Animal Chimeras and their abilities.
  • New back story to the After the Bomb® world of mutants.
  • The post-apocalyptic Earth setting of “After the Bomb” is just one use for your mutant animal heroes.
  • A complete RPG written by Erick Wujcik. His last great work and a sometimes overlooked RPG masterpiece. These are the Mutant Animal Creation Rules you know and love taken to new heights.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Aliens Unlimited™, Nightbane®, N&S, Rifts® and any game setting where mutants or aliens are appropriate.
  • 72 pages of “bonus” material includes the original After the Bomb® sourcebook and Yucatan Adventures from the old Game Shield.
  • 296 pages (72 bonus pages) – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 503HC – now shipping. Also available as a 224 page softcover book ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 503).

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

Ninjas & Superspies RPG Hardcover

NEW! Ninjas & Superspies RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Available now

The Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG is the ultimate guide to martial arts with 40 different martial art forms and 48 mystic martial arts powers alone, but there is so much more. Asian combat skills accurately portrayed, each with its own unique fighting style, methods of attack and defense presented on an epic scale, complete with legendary mystic powers. Spies, Cyber Agents, Gadgeteers, secret organizations creation rules, secret identities, gimmick weapons and clothing, cyber-disguises, implants, and more. Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™ RPG and even Nightbane®, Rifts®, and other settings. A complete game PLUS 44 pages of bonus material gathered from The Rifter®.

  • 40+ types of hand to hand combat — effectively offering 40 types of martial arts character classes!
  • 17 Occupational Character Classes for spies, mercenaries, martial artists and special operatives.
  • 48 mystic martial art powers.
  • Dim Mak, Chi Mastery, the Arts of Invisibility and more.
  • Bionic implants, disguises, weapons, & equipment.
  • Secret identities, spy agencies, and creation rules for secret organizations.
  • Complete stand-alone RPG with skills, weapons, rules and guidelines for using other Palladium settings.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Rifts®, Rifts® China, and the entire Palladium Megaverse®!
  • 44 pages of “bonus” material gathered from The Rifter®.
  • 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 525HC – RPG by Erick Wujcik – now shipping. Also available as a 176 page softcover book ($22.99 retail – Cat. No. 525). And see Mystic China for an astonishing and fun sourcebook with more mystical martial arts abilities, magic, demons, immortals and more.

Ninjas and Superspies RPG Hardcover

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

NEW! Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover – The Zombie Apocalypse – available now

The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world.

Civilization crumbles in a matter of days as hundreds of millions of people die and rise as the walking dead. The hundreds of millions of people who fall to the zombies also rise to join the growing legions of undead. Then the world goes silent.

You are on your own. The army is MIA. There is no government. No law. No television, radio or Internet. No media, cell phones or communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets.

Death Cults have risen, promising protection from the walking dead.

Retro-Savages have forsaken technology and sacrifice the living to the zombies in hopes of bringing an end to the nightmare.

Brave human survivors refuse to lie down and die! They come from all walks of life. Their common goal: survival as they struggle to forge safe havens away from the cities, rescue other survivors and battle the walking dead without respite. For now at least, the planet belongs to the dead.

Dead Reign® is an excellent introductory game that is easy to learn, fast to play, and fun to read. If you are looking for a zombie game that truly captures the feel of survival after the apocalypse and the nightmare of being stalked by zombies, Dead Reign® is it. Game mechanics are designed to create a real sense of escalating terror and dread when the zombies swarm. Sourcebooks expand the world, player options, and adventure ideas as well as new zombies and dangers.

  • Six Apocalyptic Character Classes (O.C.C.) including the Reaper, Shepherd of the Damned, Hound Master, Apocalyptic Soldier, Scrounger and Ordinary People.
  • Seven types of zombies plus the Half-Living. (Sourcebooks offer many more.)
  • Secrets of the Dead: Everything you need to know about zombies and need to ask.
  • Death Cults, their Priests, power over zombies and goals.
  • Random tables galore and the fundamentals of survival.
  • Strong setting, world overview and many adventure ideas.
  • A complete role-playing game. 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 230HC – now shipping. Also available as a 224 page softcover RPG ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 230).

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

Rifts® RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

The “original,” 256 page Rifts® RPG from 1990 plus an extra 32 additional pages of color at the back of the book. This new section includes the history and people behind the making of Rifts®, a gallery of ALL Rifts® covers to date (160+ of them including those coming soon), never before seen concept art, other artwork and fun. Note: This is a different rule book than the expanded 376 page Rifts® Ultimate Edition (RUE), but the original remains completely compatible with RUE and all World Books and sourcebooks.

Rifts® merges science fiction with fantasy, horror, heroic adventure, and other genres in a thrilling and plausible setting that will set your imagination on fire. Travel the Rifts to any location on Earth, or leap across the dimensional divide to visit alien worlds and dimensions in a matter of seconds. And just as you can travel to other worlds, aliens and the monstrous travel to Earth and stalk the innocent.

Rifts® is a fusion of ideas, settings, genres, and characters unlike any game on the market. An endless Megaverse® of adventure™ in which if you can imagine it, you can play it. Are you up to the challenge?

The Rifts® Commemorative 30th Anniversary Hardcover is the original first edition Rifts® rule book (1990) that started a phenomenon. It is a complete RPG suitable for use with ALL existing Rifts® World Books, Sourcebooks, and Dimension Books. It is an earlier and somewhat simpler edition given the deluxe treatment. Expanded with bonus art, an additional 32 color pages, color end sheets, history about the making of Rifts®, notes, concept drawings, color concepts, photographs, and a gallery of every Rifts® cover published between 1990 and the end of 2021. The cover features the famous Keith Parkinson painting of the Splugorth Slave Barge. Provided to you due to popular demand.

  • The “original” Rifts® RPG (1990) back in print for the first time in 16 years.
  • Color cover of the famous Splugorth Slave Barge by Keith Parkinson.
  • A color gallery of 160+ Rifts® covers.
  • An extra 32 pages of color.
  • More comprehensive contents pages.
  • Concept art and pencil illustrations often with notes by the artist.
  • History of Rifts®, personal notes, commentary, and nostalgic material.
  • Color end sheets.
  • Countless memories, and loads of fun.
  • A simpler, earlier version of the core rules.
  • A complete role-playing game suitable for use with ALL existing Rifts® World Books, Sourcebooks, and Dimension Books.
  • Available in stores and from Palladium Books.
  • This is NOT the signed or numbered limited edition, but we are happy to sign copies at conventions and the Palladium Open House. The print run is likely to be limited to a few thousand copies.
  • 288 pages – $49.99 retail – Cat. No. 800HC30 – Available now. Also see the 376 page Rifts® Ultimate Edition RPG for the current Rifts® rule set.

Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

Other RPG Hardcovers Available Now:

Rifts Coalition Manhunters

UPDATE: Rifts® CS Manhunters – Bigger, Bolder, Epic

Somehow the Rifts® CS Manhunters sourcebook has become epic and grown in page count. I am nearing the finish line on this greatly expanded title which is now part Coalition States adventure sourcebook and part psionics sourcebook, with the psionic elements being in the limelight in a similar vein as the Rifts® Bionics Sourcebook was for bionics, only with an emphasis on how the Coalition States use psychics. There are revisits, clarifications, and expansions of some of the classic psionic abilities, and 50+ new psionic powers that are fun and intuitive. Only a handful are limited to the Manhunters. As for the CS Manhunters … I think they will quickly become the new villain you love to hate. In addition, the sourcebook provides insight about CS psychics, Dog Boys, Kill Hounds, Psi-Stalkers, the Minion War, CS citizens, and Emperor Prosek. I love this book and I’m confident you will too. I am trying to wrap this bad boy up for an August release!

Rifts® CS Manhunters presents dark secrets of the Coalition States involving CS psychics, the super secret Psi-Ops Division (the thought police of Emperor Prosek), and the deadly super-patriots that are the enigmatic CS Manhunters. Includes 50+ NEW psionic abilities with real punch, insight into the Dog Boys and Kill Hounds, meanings revealed about the Seven Dangers Prophecy (first introduced in Rifts® Sourcebook 2: The Mechanoids®), and gadgets and implants, and surprises. All of it building toward something epic.

  • New Coalition Psychic O.C.C.s.
  • 50+ new psionic abilities and revisits of some favorites.
  • CS Manhunter Divner and Precog.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Interrogator and Psi-Enforcer.
  • CS Manhunter Bursters and Zappers.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Healers and CS Slayers.
  • CS Manhunter Killhound and Dog Boy O.C.C.s.
  • CS Manhunter Mind Melters, the deadliest of them all.
  • CS Manhunter squads and special operations.
  • Secrets of Psi-Ops Division and insight about Coalition psychics.
  • Deciphering the Seven Dangers Prophecy.
  • The impact of the demon plagues unleashed by the Minion War.
  • Player Characters, NPCs, background info, adventure ideas, and more.
  • Page count is not yet finalized – retail price not yet determined – Cat. No. 894 – In production and nearing completion.

Pre-Order Rifts CS Manhunters

Creature Feature

UPDATE: Creature Feature, a Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook

This is going to be another fun adventure sourcebook. The manuscript will go into editing and rewrites as soon as I finish CS Manhunters and most of the artwork is done. Though I may add a few illustrations and already have artists lined up. Creature Feature™ builds on material that has appeared in various issues of The Rifter® but there is a ton of new material and information useful to both Game Masters and players.

  • A gallery of supernatural creatures. Some new. Some familiar, updated and expanded. All terrifying.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • Game Master source material and advice on rules, psychic abilities, proximity and threat levels, I.S.P. multipliers, and more.
  • Advice about running modern horror RPGs and using supernatural creatures in your games.
  • Lots of adventure ideas, including an updated and expanded full adventure, “The Squatter.”
  • New background and setting information for the BTS setting and a few surprises.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw and others.
  • 160-192 pages – $22.99 or $26.99 depending on final size – Cat. No. 704.

Pre-Order Creature Feature

Rifts Titan Robotics

UPDATE: Rifts® Titan Robotics

Here it is, the reveal of the new cover. I hope you like it. I love that it presents the iconic Titan Robotics Combat Robot with a new big gun that hints at what else awaits you inside the book. I also enjoy the combat scene, smoke, and haze of war. Like Northern Gun and the Manistique Imperium, Titan Robotics sells freely to adventurers, mercenaries, and anyone who has the cash. Hence, the owners of these big ‘bots clashing with Coalition Forces.

This is why I call Rifts® Titan Robotics™ a high-tech toy box filled with many new types of Titan Robotics power armors, giant robots, vehicles, weapons, and gear. Some are big bruisers while others are small and sleek. As fun as these new tech toys are, Rifts® Titan Robotics™ delves into the company’s many secrets, including ARCHIE-3’s plans and program to monitor and manipulate the outside world. Learn about Archie’s androids that run Titan Robotics and his current schemes and plans for the future. All of which provides fodder for adventure.

  • New Giant Robots.
  • New Power Armor, equipment and accessories.
  • 30+ power armors and robots, plus other equipment.
  • New weapons, gear and vehicles.
  • Titan Robotics Corporation and structure.
  • Archie’s secret kingdom and plans for the future.
  • New O.C.C.s and key Non-Player Characters (NPCs).
  • Android executives, security and much more.
  • Wellington Industries, campaign prompts and more.
  • Art by Walton, Cummings, Atkins, and others. Cover by Mike Majestic.
  • Written by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda.
  • 160-192 pages (tentative) – $22.99 retail (or $26.99) – Cat. No. 899.

Pre-Order Rifts Titan Robotics

Rifts Bestiary Volume Two

UPDATE: Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two

The second big, “monster book” reference for Rifts® of what we anticipate to be three volumes in the series, more if we decide to make ghosts, spirits and Entities and/or Creatures of Magic part of the Bestiary series. Much like Volume One, Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume Two collects 70-100 monsters and animals plus 12-24 new beasts found across Rifts North America. The anticipated page count is 224-256 pages.

All volumes of the Rifts® Bestiary™ series are a great resource for players and Game Masters alike. Each description is updated, expanded, and highly detailed to present players with exotic and alien creatures as pets, guardians and riding animals, as well as slobbering monsters to battle and fierce beasts for Game Masters to throw at their players. Designed to offer adventure ideas, offers notes on young, adult, male and female creatures, and all provide plenty of ways to enhance your characters and spice up adventures. Each is accompanied by a map that shows at a glance where the beast can be encountered. Ah, but in the presence of Rifts and magic means any of the creatures may appear anywhere in the world, so be on your toes.

  • Monsters and animals of Rifts North America organized into big, easy to use sourcebooks.
  • Updated and expanded descriptions and information for each existing monster.
  • Updated and uniform stat blocks.
  • New exotic creatures – predators, exotic riding animals, beasts of burden, alien horrors, giant insects, and more.
  • A map for every creature showing where it is found.
  • Easily adapted to any Palladium setting – Palladium Fantasy®, Chaos Earth®, Splicers®, Phase World®, the Three Galaxies™, The Mechanoids®, Heroes Unlimited™/Aliens Unlimited™, and others.
  • Basic S.D.C. stats included with each creature description.
  • Fully illustrated, with art by Charles Walton II, Ramon Perez, Robert Atkins, and many others. Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 256 pages each volume – $26.99 – Cat. No. 897 (Volume Two).

Pre-Order Rifts Bestiary Two – 300+ Palladium PDF products with new items coming soon – all using the same basic game system – learn one game and you can play them all

Coming to – Erick Wujcik’s very first RPG – Sector 57 (1980, self-published) – written by Erick (TMNT) Wujcik and illustrated by Kevin Siembieda. Yep, this is Erick’s and Kevin’s first collaboration. A self-contained science fiction, outer space RPG and adventure that requires your spacefarers to unravel clues and mysteries if you are to survive and lay claim to a derelict (or is it?) spaceship.

Coming to – Original RECON by Joe F. Martin (1982), RECON® Module One: Sayaret, RECON® Module Two: Hearts & Minds, and if we can swing it, San Succi, the big newspaper style module and maps. In addition to releasing these as individual PDF products, Palladium intends to collect and release them as a special, deluxe, hardcover RPG and sourcebook in September or October.

Palladium Books has settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Dead Reign® and Beyond the Supernatural), plus The Rifter® sourcebook series (by fans like you), novels, paper minis, and more.

Rifts® Novels: Duty’s Edge – The lone surviving soldier from a New German Republic Special Forces operation struggles to complete the mission on his own. A stand-alone Rifts® novel complete in itself. 236 pages, Cat. No. 308. The Cosmo-Knight and The Reckoning (Phase World®, the Three Galaxies, and Cosmo-Knights), the Rifts® trilogy of novels: Sonic Boom, Deception’s Web, and Treacherous Awakenings, as well as the Rifts® Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs (11 authors), Machinations of Doom (graphic novel by Ramon K. Perez), and Path of the Storm (a proposed Rifts® movie script) and 300+ other Palladium Books RPG titles.

Also available: Free Garden of the Gods™ (Fantasy) and Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume One Sneak Previews, and the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet: A Microsoft Excel-based character management system. Packed with features and data collected from every official Palladium Fantasy sourcebook to enable you to create Fantasy characters quickly (25 minutes!) and help you to update and manage them for years to come.

Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Three: Zombies, Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Two: Civilians and Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume One: Survivors. There are also paper miniatures for Heroes Unlimited™, Palladium Fantasy® and Rifts®. A new, up-to-date, PDF Palladium Books Catalog. Nightbane® Dark Designs™ sourcebook with 60 new Common Talents, 38 new Elite Talents, 18 new Morphus Tables, all other Morphus Tables collected and more. Systems Failure™ RPG, a 160 page RPG that deals with alien invasion and a post-apocalypse setting that is fun and dynamic. Civilization is on the verge of collapse when the so-called “bugs” invade and turn humans into zombie-like slaves. Monsters, heroes and fun. A complete RPG and setting. Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun™ Two: 256 pages of technology and fun. 30+ power armors, 30+ body armors, 15 combat vehicles, 45 vehicles (hovercycles, etc.), 10 robot haulers, the Robodome and more. Bizantium and the Northern Islands™: the northernmost part of the Known World, the Cold Born, Necromancy ships made from dead sea serpents, 15 creatures, Random Sea Monster Generator, and more. Rifts® Northern Gun™ One. This fan favorite might be thought of as the big book of giant robots – an in-depth look at Northern Gun, 70+ weapons, 27 robots, NG O.C.C.s, key people and places, and much more. Mysteries of Magic™ Book One: The Heart of Magic™ with Wizards, their Apprentices, nearly 60 new magic spells and remember, magic and monsters in the Fantasy RPG are easily adapted to Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, HU2 and other settings. Wolfen Empire™ Fantasy sourcebook, the Great Northern Wilderness and Killer Winters, 12 Wolfen Tribes, Wolfen military and society, 15+ creatures, 5 full adventures, 101 adventure ideas, random encounter tables, notable people, places, plus FREE Sneak Previews of The Rifter® #80, The Rifter® #81, The Rifter® #82, and more on

  • Rifts® is a genre-bending setting that combines science fiction, fantasy, horror, post-apocalypse survival, magic, and endless possibilities for adventure. Imagine a near perfect world of advanced technology 100 years in the future. Then imagine that world crashing down overnight in an apocalyptic upheaval not seen since the formation of the planet. A Great Cataclysm caused by the explosive return of magic. Now fast forward 300 years into the future where magic, dragons, and mythic gods coexist with cyborgs, giant robots and super-science rediscovered from humanity’s Golden Age as humans rise from a lengthy Dark Age. But they must contend with countless alien life forms, monsters, and supernatural horrors from beyond the Rifts.
  • Rifts® core titles we would suggest: Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts® Book of Magic, Rifts® Adventure Guide, D-Bees of North America™, Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign and Rifts® Sourcebook One. Note: The Rifts® RPG, 1st Edition and Rifts® Ultimate, 2nd Edition are both available.
  • 80+ Rifts® supplements, most of them available as PDFs with more coming. Where to start? Wherever sounds fun.
  • Rifts® Dimension Books™: Travel to alien worlds and dimensions via the Rifts for off-world adventure and intrigue.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG and sourcebook series (all). Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.
  • FREE Sneak Previews for Nightbane® Dark Designs™, Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans™, Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity, and many other previews as well as free and low cost items that we make available. All of it adds to the growing list of Rifts and other Palladium RPG game titles available as PDF books, cards and support. A new title should be added every week or two, so keep watching for them.
  • The Rifter® #1-84, ALL issues of The Rifter®. Each issue is a wealth of source material and ideas for 3-6 different Palladium game lines. Most are easily adapted to ANY Palladium game setting. Each issue a gem. 8,500 pages of source material and ideas for heroes, villains, monsters, magic, gear, and adventure.
  • Splicers® RPG is like Iron Man meets Game of Thrones with elements of Terminator – except this army of Iron Men are clad in living body armor and wield living, organic weapons and devices. Created in 2004 by writer and game designer Carmen Bellaire, Splicers® was nominated for an Inquest Gamer Magazine Fan Awards Game of the Year, and has since developed a rabid fan base. Science fiction and horror where humans are forced to use genetically engineered, living weapons and organic war machines to battle an insane Artificial Intelligence and her robot legions. Unlike anything you have ever played before!
  • Splicers®: I Am Legion™ Adventure Sourcebook: 6 new Great Houses, 4 new Host Armors, 6 new War Mounts, 19 new Bio-Weapons, 15 new killer machines, new Bio-Enhancements, Amalgam creation tables, Legion and a series of adventures that build into a small campaign, and more.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 1st Edition Rules and sourcebooks. A unique world of magic, monsters and heroes. Dozens of nonhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition Rules and many sourcebooks. The expanded world of high fantasy, magic, mystery and heroes of every variety. Includes the Mind Mage and psychic abilities, mages and spells, magic circles and symbols, men-at-arms, scoundrels and a wide range of inhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and many more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG first edition rule book and sourcebooks.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition rule book and sourcebooks. Create any type of superhuman you can desire and bring comic book adventures to life.
  • Dead Reign® RPG (Zombie Apocalypse). The dead have risen. It is the battle for survival in the zombie apocalypse, but this setting is much more than your typical zombie game. Play ordinary people or special characters better equipped to survive and hunt zombies. Many unusual types of zombies.
  • Dead Reign® Sourcebooks: 6 sourcebooks from Civilization Gone™ to Hell Followed™ (the latter features stats for 23 disasters, masked lunatics, 11 new zombies, 7 apocalyptic character classes, and more) are available.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 1st Edition Rules. Supernatural horror in the modern world. Play ordinary people, psychics, paranormal investigators or for something different: Victim Characters!
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition: The complete, revised core game, 14 character classes and 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, the Lazlo Agency, world setting and rules.
  • Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. An RPG setting we call superhero horror. Dark conspiracy, a secret, demon invasion starting with world leaders and law enforcement, and it is spreading. The player characters are the Nightbane®, reluctant superhumans who must turn into monsters themselves to unleash their powers and battle the evil that is clear only to them. A dark, sinister and challenging world of horror.
  • After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Planet of the Apes meets the X-Men! Animal creations, powers and more. Create any type of intelligent mutant animal you can imagine as friend or foe.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. James Bond meets Enter the Dragon. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, and super-spies with gadgets, gizmos and advanced weapons.
  • The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy RPG is a long time, cult favorite with a fatalistic world-view of humans vs aliens with superior technology.
  • The Palladium Weapon Series of real world weapons, armor and castles throughout history. Designed for use with ANY game system.
  • 200+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ Paper Miniatures – Two sets are now available!
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Paper Miniatures – Volumes #1-6 are available now. More are coming in the weeks ahead.
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Men at Arms – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Coalition Dead Boys – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Adventurers – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Practitioners of Magic (new) – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Extras (new) – $2.99
  • And more to come in the weeks ahead.

Palladium Collectibles, Negatives, Artwork, other Collectibles and Toys are always available in Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store along with other good things

My eBay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by Charles “Chuck” Walton, Kevin Long, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Rifts® and other Palladium RPG books (they look awesome framed!), rare Palladium collector hardcovers, signed books, other Palladium memorabilia, toys from my personal collection and other collectibles. Check every couple of weeks because we often post new stuff or offer a new sale. There is a sale on negatives starting today, in fact.

Other one-of-a-kind original artwork available by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton II (money goes to the artist), other artists, as well as collectible negatives, prints, limited edition hardcovers, proofreader copies, out of print items, Star Wars toys, Marvel toys and many other toys and collectibles from my personal collection. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.

Available now: One-of-a-kind book negatives. Negatives were very popular items at the Palladium Open House and people went crazy over them at Gen Con – including actor Joe Manganiello who scooped up a pile of TMNT negatives, while Palladium’s own Mark Oberle, Carmen Bellaire, Brandon Aten and a whole lot of Palladium gamers went for negatives from Rifts® New West, Lone Star and Free Quebec. Fun.

Negatives are unique and attractive, one-of-a-kind (on rare occasions two-of-a-kind if a page was replaced or a second edition was made) works of art that resemble woodcut art and are very dynamic conversation pieces. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black.

When our printer, McNaughton and Gunn, went completely digital, they asked if Palladium Books wanted the negs, otherwise they would be destroyed. Regrettably, I let a few dozen be destroyed, but the negatives of many books were sent to Palladium. They have sat in our warehouse for years until I started to offer them for sale. I have also started signing the negatives in silver and each comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Each negative comes on a white board inside a plastic magazine bag and looks fabulous framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening in a frame (each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches).

Closing Thoughts

We are working like crazy on many new book releases, but the ones we want out before Christmas are our priority. I have pulled in more writers, editors, and artists to get books ready for publication faster. Books that push the envelope and are packed with fun material that should exceed your expectations.

In addition to completely new books like CS Manhunters, we continue to release hardcover editions of your favorite RPGs and core rule books. As I mentioned at the start of this Update, the Nightbane® RPG Hardcover and Chaos Earth® RPG Hardcover are at the printer and should ship by the end of this month. All the hardcovers continue to sell well, so we’re glad you are enjoying them.

The other thing that has us very excited is the high caliber of talent that has been finding its way to us. That includes a number of fans streaming live games, making YouTube features, reviews and interviews, contributing to Palladium’s social media, and creating online and web-based materials. I love seeing other creative people extrapolating on our game worlds, especially when they are building on what is there and are loyal to that base material. And so much of what we are seeing is well done and very cool. Please keep up the great work. I find it very exciting and I love that we inspire so many people with our work. You would-be writers and game designers still have time to submit contributions to The Rifter® Annual to show off what you can do.

Stay safe, hang tough, and keep those magnificent imaginations burning bright.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer, Gamer, Friend

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Game Master Guide Hardcover – Available now

The Rifts® Game Master Guide™ hardcover is a massive, 352 page reference book with short stats and descriptions for every Rifts® robot, power armor, body armor, vehicle, weapon, gadget, skill, experience table, and map that appears in Rifts® World Books 1-23 and Sourcebooks 1-4, plus a bionics index, an O.C.C.s and R.C.C.s index, rules clarifications, combat examples, advice on how to run a game and more.

  • 500+ weapons.
  • 290 pieces of equipment.
  • 180+ vehicles.
  • 100+ suits of body armor.
  • 80+ suits of power armor.
  • 300+ skills, character and D-Bee index, dozens of maps, and more.
  • 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 845HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Book of Magic Hardcover – Available now

Nearly 1,000 magic spells and 400 magic weapons and devices from across Rifts Earth, plus magic tattoos, herbs, stones, and more. 352 pages of pure magic.

  • 900+ magic spells, Elemental Magic, Ley Line Magic, Temporal Magic, Necromancy, Nature Magic, Cloud Magic, Ocean Magic, Biomancy and more.
  • Plus Tattoo Magic, Stone Magic, Whalesongs, Conjuring, Nazca Lines.
  • 290+ Techno-Wizard weapons and items, including TW Bionics, Automatons, and Iron Juggernauts.
  • 80+ other magic items, Rune Weapons, Holy Weapons, Fetishes.
  • Bio-Wizard Weapons, the Bio-Borg, Symbiotes, and herbs.
  • Magic stones, talismans, magic items of Japan, and more.
  • Millennium Tree wands, staves and armor.
  • 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 848HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Adventure Guide Hardcover – Available now

Inside information to create and run RPG adventures: How to get started, building on ideas, character archetypes, tables for creating Rifts towns and cities, mercenary companies, traveling shows, and player created organizations, plus random Rift tables, information about the Chi-Town ‘Burbs, 32 ‘Burb adventure ideas, another 101 adventure hooks, and still more adventure ideas, and additional player and Game Master tips by Kevin Siembieda, Erick Wujcik, and Bill Coffin.

  • 150+ adventure ideas.
  • Game Master and player tips from Kevin Siembieda.
  • Adventure creation tips from Kevin Siembieda.
  • Why and how to use alignments by Kevin Siembieda.
  • Tricks of running a large group, G.M. tools, and more.
  • Additional Player and G.M. tips from Wujcik and Coffin.
  • Overview and info about the CS Chi-Town ‘Burbs.
  • 32 adventure ideas in the ‘Burbs.
  • Random Dimensional Rifts & other tables.
  • Tables for creating towns, merc companies, and traveling shows.
  • 192 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 849HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

HARDCOVER Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition – available now

A fantasy setting like no other, rich in history and inviting adventure. Not only are you able to play iconic fantasy heroes like the Wizard, Knight, Paladin, Ranger, Thief, Assassin, and others, but also characters such as the Mind Mage, Druid, Diabolist, Summoner and many others. Moreover, play an array of nonhuman characters from Elves and Dwarves to Wolfen, Changelings, Kobolds, Orcs, Ogres, and many others.

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo, hardcover.
  • 25+ Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s).
  • 14+ inhuman player races (more in sourcebooks).
  • 300+ magic spells.
  • 60 magical Wards. 50 magic circles.
  • Dozens of magic items potions and more.
  • 70+ psychic powers, the Mind Mage, and more.
  • Weapons, gear, demons and adventure ideas.
  • New sourcebooks like Land of the Damned 3, Lopan, and others are coming.
  • 336 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 450HC – available now.

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

HARDCOVER Heroes Unlimited RPG, 2nd Edition – available now

The Heroes Unlimited™ RPG has been a hit RPG for 30+ years because it enables you to create any type of comic book hero you can imagine. Make characters pulled right from any comic book you grew up with and love, or design your own league of extraordinary heroes.

If you seek comic book heroic adventure, Heroes Unlimited™ does the job on an epic scale. Plus a dozen sourcebooks provide you with more super abilities, hero categories, bad guys and adventures.

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo on the hardcover.
  • Create any type of hero you can imagine.
  • 101 super abilities plus a multitude of sub-powers within them, bonuses and special combat capabilities.
  • 100+ magic spells plus enchanted weapons and objects.
  • 72 psychic powers.
  • Enchanted weapons that instill super abilities.
  • Mega-Heroes and immortals.
  • Alien super beings.
  • Bionics and cyborgs.
  • Psionics and Psychics.
  • Robots and power armor.
  • Masters of magic, wizards and spell casters.
  • Mutants and Super Soldiers possessing super abilities.
  • Inventors, super-geniuses and super-vehicles.
  • Special Training: Martial arts, Sleuths, weapons, more.
  • Cover by comic book legend Jim Steranko.
  • Art by Ramon K. Perez, Paulo Parente, Mike Gustovich, and others.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 352 pages for a complete RPG – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 500HC – available now.

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

HARDCOVER Beyond the Supernatural RPG, 2nd Edition – Available now

Supernatural horror in the modern world that feels plausible and real. Your characters are the few who know the supernatural is real because they have experienced it face to face. Some are psychics, some are experts in the paranormal or the arcane, and others are ordinary people like you and me. Ordinary people who are never the same after their own close encounter. All of these unlikely heroes stand against supernatural evil in a world of disbelievers who brand them as practitioners of fringe science or lunatics. Only they know the truth: supernatural evil is real and dangerous. And someone has to take a stand to protect the innocent from supernatural evil in whatever hidden form it may take. Are you ready to join the battle?

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo, hardcover.
  • A plausible modern horror setting that makes sense and will challenge your role-playing skills.
  • 14 Psychic Character Classes.
  • 42 occupations for “ordinary” people.
  • 100+ psychic abilities, including Fire Walker abilities.
  • Creatures of darkness, the Lazlo Agency, and more.
  • New sourcebooks are coming soon.
  • 256 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 700HC – available now.

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

NEW! Miniature Releases – Available now

You have been asking about new miniatures and we are providing. All miniatures come in a plastic bag. The newest three are:

Classic Glitter Boy and Pilot Miniature Pack

Rifts® Glitter Boy™ & Pilot (original) Miniature Pack – 1st time available in resin – 28 mm resin – $19.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8001. Five Pieces: 1. Complete G.B. body and a small base, 2. right arm and Boom Gun, 3. backpack/thrusters, 4. ammo drum and belt, and 5. pilot. The ever-popular, classic Glitter Boy and Pilot (1993 RAFM) – now in resin for the first time (prior releases were pewter figures). Available now.

Classic Glitter Boy and Pilot Miniature Pack at

Rifts CS Firebreather Dead Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® CS Firebreather Dead Boy™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8047. Five pieces: 1. the body, 2. right arm and gun, 3. left arm, 4. antenna, 5. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts CS Firebreather Dead Boy 32mm Resin Miniature at

Rifts Juicer 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® Juicer™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8048. Three pieces: 1. the complete body, 2. crossed swords on the back that fit so snugly that you may not even need to glue it, 3. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Juicer 32mm Resin Miniature at

Rifts Glitter Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

And don’t forget about the Deluxe Rifts® Glitter Boy Resin Miniature – released in fall 2020 – 32 mm resin – $34.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8046 – a gorgeous, detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Glitter Boy 32mm Resin Miniature at

Rifts Duty's Edge Novel

Rifts® Novels – Available now

All Rifts® novels are available from the Palladium Books online store as physical books as well as PDFs from All are a fun read and highly recommended. Enjoy.

  • All novels are 5 x 8 inches in size unless otherwise indicated.
  • Page count and price varies.
  • Available as physical books from and as PDFs on
  • Rifts® Duty’s Edge is the story of a lone survivor of a New German Republic Special Forces operation who struggles to complete the mission on his own. A mission to destroy wicked monsters and cut off a vital line of support to the Gargoyle Empire. A mission that could save many lives. Of course, it is a journey that takes many twists and turns as one determined individual hopes to beat impossible odds. Set in the Middle East. 236 pages – $12.99 retail – Cat. No. 308 – the newest, stand alone novel.
  • Rifts® Sonic Boom™. Follow the exploits of a CS platoon sworn to protect humankind from all threats, be they aliens, dragons, masters of magic or fellow humans out for themselves.
  • Rifts® Deception’s Web™, the second novel in this trilogy, reveals a conspiracy within the Coalition military that could spell disaster for our protagonists. Note: Smaller size, 4 x 6 inches.
  • Rifts® Treacherous Awakenings™ is the pulse-pounding conclusion of the third novel in this epic trilogy by Adam Chilson.
  • Rifts Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs™. Rifts® short stories by 11 authors including Kevin Siembieda, Carl Gleba, Mark Oberle, Braden Campbell, Taylor White, Jason Richards, and others. Note: Slightly larger size, 6 x 9 inches.
  • Rifts® Machinations of Doom™ Graphic Novel & Sourcebook. The comic is by acclaimed Eisner Award winning artist Ramon K. Perez, source material by Siembieda and Perez. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Path of the Storm was a Rifts® movie script written on spec. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume One: The Cosmo-Knight. The adventures of Caleb Vulcan, newly minted Knight of the Cosmic Forge.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume Two: The Reckoning. The epic conclusion of the Hammer of the Forge story.

Rifts Novels on

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Whether you drink coffee, hot cocoa, soda-pop, or whatever your beverage of choice may be, this fun mug reminds you of your favorite pastime and that new possibilities exist with every roll of the dice.

The large, 16 ounce Gamer mug presents the word “Gamer” in a box with dice cascading down from above. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Freddie Williams II (art directed by Kevin Siembieda). The mug has an orange interior to add a nice splash of color.

  • A must for every proud gamer!
  • Dice and the word “Gamer” highlighted in a box.
  • Glossy black exterior with an orange interior.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2596 – available now.

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug at

Property of the Coalition States Mug

BACK IN STOCK! Property of the Coalition States 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Back due to popular demand! The iconic Property of the Coalition States and notorious CS Death’s Head insignia printed white on a glossy black, 16 ounce coffee mug, with a blood red interior for a splash of color. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Kevin Long (art directed by Kevin Siembieda).

  • The infamous words “Property of the Coalition States” and the notorious Death’s Head logo and lightning bolts (indicating CS special forces) in white.
  • Glossy black exterior with a blood red interior color.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2588 – available now.

Property of the Coalition States Mug at

Other Mugs Available Now

Everyone loves these mugs. Isn’t it time you started your collection? I like to use them to as a secret code to reflect my mood to those around me. To my thinking the Gamer mug means I’m feeling playful. Rifts® Property of the Coalition States: I’m a soldier in the trenches and working hard. Dead Reign®: Back off or I will eat you alive. Fantasy Dragon: My imagination is on fire. Rifts Logo: Feeling the infinite possibilities. Rifts® Titan Robotics: I’m feeling mighty. Of course, they represent something else to each of you or just represent one of your favorite games, like a normal person.

  • Rifts® Titan Robotics™ Mug A dynamic Titan robot and the Rifts® logo. Art by Steven Cummings. White on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2595 – available now.
  • Rifts® Logo Coffee Mug The famous Rifts® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Logo by Kevin Long. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2587 – available now.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Dragon Mug The famous red on black 3-headed hydra battling a knight from the iconic original Palladium Fantasy RPG cover. Art by Kevin Siembieda. Red on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with an attractive orange interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2589 – available now.
  • Dead Reign® (Zombie Attack) Mug A trio of hungry zombies and the Dead Reign® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blood red interior for a splash of color. Art by Steven Cummings. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2594 – available now.

© 2021 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – July 29, 2021

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda

Last Weekend of SALE! Do not miss the Christmas in July PDF Sale which ENDS Monday, August 2. Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, After the Bomb®, Beyond the Supernatural™, Nightbane®, Splicers®, The Rifter®, novels, and other Palladium Books’ PDF products are all on sale. Plus, there are hundreds of other RPG titles from other game companies also on sale. See complete details below or head right over to DriveThruRPG.

Palladium PDF titles on DriveThruRPG

People are going crazy over the new Rifts® Automated Character Sheet now available in the Palladium online store as well as on – you must check it out. Created by Palladium freelance writer and Game Master Greg Diaczyk. Start creating those Rifts® characters and enjoy.

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on

Gamers are really liking the new 5 pencils and Rifts® Notepad. What are you waiting for? See all the details below and in the online store.

Rifts Notepad and 5 Pencil Set on

At last, I have peeled off 76 manuscript pages of Rifts® CS Manhunters for final editing. I’m working to finish off another 30-45 pages today before I hand them to my editors. Getting near completion fast now.

Writers at work. I have been in contact with several freelance writers including Matthew Clements, Mark Oberle, Steven Dawes, and a couple of new guys, plus Glen Evans sent in a submission and Ian Herbert sent in a juicy Palladium Fantasy submission for The Rifter® Annual (deadline for submissions is September 1, so please get them in to us soon). We are working to get a multitude of books into your hands for Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Rifts® Chaos Earth®, and Beyond the Supernatural™. The first of which should be available soon with continuous releases over the next 18 months. Maybe a Heroes Unlimited™ book or two as well.

Some more artwork came in for Rifts® Antarctica recently and I could not have been more pleased. I need to assign art for a couple of Fantasy titles, Chaos Earth® First Responders, and a few others.

Hardcover love. Gamers cannot get enough of them, so do not forget about our recent hardcover releases. All selling very well. After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover and Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover, and Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover (The Zombie Apocalypse) are the most recent hardcover releases flying off our shelves. Chaos Earth® and Nightbane® are coming in August with “original” RECON®, Splicers® and more coming in the fall.


Hardcovers Coming in August:

  • Chaos Earth® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover
  • Nightbane® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover

Coming to – Erick Wujcik’s very first RPG – Sector 57 (1980, self-published) – written by Erick (TMNT) Wujcik and illustrated by Kevin Siembieda. Yep, this is Erick’s and Kevin’s first collaboration. A self-contained science fiction, outer space RPG and adventure that requires your spacefarers to unravel clues and mysteries if you are to survive and lay claim to a derelict (or is it?) spaceship.

Coming to – Original RECON by Joe F. Martin (1982), RECON® Module One: Sayaret, RECON® Module Two: Hearts & Minds, and if we can swing it, San Succi, the big newspaper style module and maps. In addition to releasing these as individual PDF products, Palladium intends to collect and release them as a special, deluxe, hardcover RPG and sourcebook in September or October.

COMING! Rifts® CS Manhunters. Shooting for an August release as I wrap this bad boy up.

COMING! Creature Feature, a Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook. Shooting for a September release.

COMING! September 18 – Virtual Gen Con live chat with me, Kevin Siembieda. I’m not handling the scheduling for this Gen Con event, but I assume it is listed in the Gen Con schedule of events (or will be). I don’t think we or Gen Con are charging anything for this event. This will be a 3 hour chat focusing on three primary subjects we thought you would enjoy: Rifts®, Game Master Tips, and role-playing game design. I believe the chat will start sometime on Saturday, September 18 (late morning?). Matthew Yancik will be the chat coordinator. You can see my chat with Matt from earlier this year at the link below. There is also a link to one of my more recent interviews with Sean Owen Roberson about Rifts® Savage Worlds.

COMING! Rifter® Annual (2021) – Deadline for submissions: September 1 2021. This is real and we want to release it this holiday season 2021, but only if we get enough submissions by September 1. Scheduled to be a Christmas 2021 release. Time for you to be bold and contribute. We want to see your ideas. Besides, it is fun to see your name in print. More details elsewhere in this Weekly Update.

Rifts Notepad

NEW! Rifts® Notepad

A 5×7 inch notepad featuring the Rifts® logo and color art of the “Coalition Strike Force” print by Kevin Long across the top. It looks great on your desk or gaming table. Perfect for taking notes and feeling that Rifts vibe. Practical and fun.

  • 50 sheets per pad – $5.00 each – Cat. No. 2597 – available now.

Rifts Notepad on

NEW! 5 Gaming Pencils – 4 Rifts® Pencils and 1 Fantasy Pencil

Practical and fun conversation pieces that will make you the envy of your gaming group (at least until they buy their own). These pencils are different from the fan fave, Chi-Town ‘Burbs pencil of the past. Each new pencil is imprinted with much larger, bolder type, and a dynamic insignia image, and two change color! All are No. 2 pencils. These pencils and the notepad are some of the silly, little, fun things I hinted at as coming in past Updates.

Why do them? Because we all need fun things that make us smile and just feel good. And these pencils and the notepad do exactly that. Everyone here went crazy over them. I probably should not admit this, but I love glancing over and seeing them on my desk. They make me smile and feel like souvenirs I acquired on my dimensional travels. What a fan boy geek, right? But true all the same. I hope you enjoy them just as much. Note: In my opinion, the photos do not do them justice; not the same as holding one in your hand.

Rifts Coalition States Office of the Emperor Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: Coalition States – Office of the Emperor – $1.60 each – Cat. No. 2598 – available now. Black colored pencil, white printing, CS skull and lightning bolt insignia, pink eraser at the end. No. 2 pencil lead.

Rifts Colition States Office of the Emperor Pencil on

Rifts Lone Star Engineering the Future Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: Lone Star Complex – Engineering the Future – $1.60 each – Cat. No. 2599 – available now. Dark blue colored pencil, white printing, CS Lone Star skull in a star insignia, pink eraser at the end. No. 2 pencil lead.

Rifts Lone Star Pencil on

Rifts Chi-Town Library Knowledge is Power Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: Chi-Town Library – Knowledge is Power – $1.60 each – Cat. No. 2600 – available now. Yellow colored pencil, black printing, image of an open book/rising sun, pink eraser at the end. No. 2 pencil lead.

Rifts Chi-Town Library Knowledge is Power Pencil on

Rifts Lazlo Council of Learning Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: City of Lazlo – Council of Learning – $1.80 each – Cat. No. 2601 – available now. A “magic” pencil that changes color from powder blue to white. (The heat of your fingers and hand causes the color to change.) Black printing, roaring dragonhead insignia, black eraser at the end.

Rifts Lazlo Council of Learning Pencil on

Palladium Fantasy Library of Bletherad Pencil

Palladium Fantasy Pencil: Library of Bletherad – Your Source of Knowledge – $1.80 each – Cat. No. 2602 – available now. A “magic” pencil that changes color from green to yellow. (The heat of your fingers and hand causes the color to change.) Black printing with the Ward image for “Knowledge,” black eraser at the end.

Library of Bletherad Pencil on

Rifts Notepad and Five Pencil Set

Rifts® Notepad & 5 Pencil SET – $11.00 retail for the set – save $2.40 – Cat. No. 2603 – available now.

Rifts Lone Star Pencil on

Rifts Soft Touch Pen with Stylus

Rifts® Pen & Stylus – And don’t forget about the Rifts® Pen with Stylus for use with a smartphone – Rifts Logo and the words “Unleash your imagination” printed white on a navy blue ballpoint pen. Black ink. $5.00 each – Cat. No. 2586.

Rifts Pen with Stylus on

Rifts Poker Cards Deck One Full Color Rifts Poker Cards Deck Two Line Art

Rifts® Card Decks – it might be time to snag one or both of our Rifts® poker decks while you are at it. $11.99 each – Full Color Deck Cat. No. 2575; Black and White Art (color card backing, classic black and white art) Cat. No. 2576. See the complete description of each in the Palladium online store.

Rifts Full Color Poker Deck on

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on

NEW! Rifts® Automated Character Sheet for EXCEL

The next step in character data collection! This EXCEL template provides automation to your Rifts® character creation process. Done in Microsoft Excel, this character template will allow you to build your character with substantial ease and speed. Ideal for the new gamer who doesn’t know all of the Palladium Books® rules just yet, it’s also a highly effective tool for Game Masters and advanced players alike who make multiple characters, NPCs or just like to min/max or theory craft characters between games.

  • Dice Roller: A simple dice roller is on the main page of the character sheet to help with character creation or in-game dice rolling needs.
  • Automated Attributes and Stat Block: All the bonuses and features from attributes are presented in a large stat block allowing you to easily see your bonus to save vs Psionics, Mind Control, etc. You can pick your strength type (Normal, Augmented, Robotic or Supernatural) to determine your carrying and lifting capacity and even your M.D. punch damage if your strength is high enough and of the right type.
  • Automated Combat Stats: The main page holds a section where you can pull up data for your various combat stats, from hand to hand abilities such as Strike, Parry, Dodge and Disarm, to W.P. bonuses including those of the W.P. Sharpshooting variety. This section draws upon all of your character’s selection of skills and abilities and even offers customization from odd O.C.C. or racial abilities.
  • Automated Psionics: All psionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 12: Psyscape™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected from a dropdown menu that then populates tables with the information on psionics for your character. Each psionic ability’s data including damage, M.D.C. and range also automatically increases based on the character’s level of experience.
  • Automated Spells: All Common Invocations, Necromancy, Ocean Magic and Biomancy spells (yes, all the Lemurian Biomancer spells too!) can be selected from a dropdown menu that then populates tables with the information on spells for your character. Each spell’s data including damage, M.D.C. and range also automatically increases based on the character’s level of experience.
  • Automated Skills: All skills from the Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected and then automatically add bonuses from prerequisites and related skills. Physical skills that provide bonuses also add those bonuses directly to attributes and combat stats. Bonuses that require dice rolls are denoted and can then be manually rolled and added to the character sheet. Custom percent bonuses such as O.C.C. bonuses can also be added to individual skills.
  • Automated Cybernetics & Bionics: All cybernetics and bionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition along with some favorites from other books can be selected from dropdown menus which then tabulate bonuses and add them to your combat stats. Prices also sum up so an enterprising Headhunter can keep track of his hardware and upgrades. Simple cybernetic body part diagrams even allow players to allocate the locations of their various cybernetic and bionic components.
  • Freeform O.C.C. and Racial Power Section: A section for non-standard powers, special O.C.C. or racial abilities allows the player to add custom skills and powers that can be linked to those features to draw upon the character’s level of experience, I.Q. bonus or other stats so powers grow as the character advances.
  • Character Building Section: On the main page of the document is a section to help you build your character, from customizing attributes, to adding non-standard bonuses from O.C.C. or racial abilities, to an optional point buy system for attributes.
  • Helpful Hints and Suggestions: Red triangular tabs appear throughout the document. Hovering over the red tab with the mouse cursor will reveal useful data from sourcebooks, hints, suggestions and other information, such as what a particular stat means, how it’s used in the game and what things can add bonuses or affect it. There is also a page with overview instructions on how to use the sheet, and a number of instructional videos will be posted via Palladium TV on the ins and outs of the character sheet. The first can be found here:
  • Portrait: A special sheet is set up so you can add an image to the document for a custom portrait for your character. That image is then displayed on the main page and is protected from accidental movement or deletion from the main page.
  • Password Protected: Several pages of the document are password protected so players won’t accidently delete formulas and ruin the character sheet’s automated features. The password is provided so players can customize the sheet to their liking then protect the sheet again so they don’t undo all their hard work.
  • Note: The file is best used in Microsoft EXCEL 2016 or above. Some data may be lost if not using Microsoft EXCEL, such as when using similar products like Open Office.
  • Available from AND – make them characters!

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on

Now Shipping

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

NEW! After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Available now

Create any type of intelligent, humanoid, mutant animal from a turtle or raccoon to an elephant or lion. The RPG presents stats for 100+ mutant animals, plus rules for creating any mutant animal you can imagine, and each sourcebook offers dozens more.

Play your mutant animals as super-heroes, vigilantes, or mutants on the run in the Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, Heroes of the Megaverse® or Skraypers™ settings. Or as mutants or monsters in Nightbane®. (You could make a mutant animal the Nightbane’s Morphus!) In Palladium Fantasy® your mutant animal could be one of the forgotten archaic races, a visitor from another world, a creation of magic, or a monster. In Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Phase World® and the Three Galaxies, The Mechanoids®, Aliens Unlimited™, Splicers® and similar RPGs, use the creation rules to make new D-Bees, aliens, mutants, or monsters. Or play in the AtB post-apocalyptic Earth setting that makes Planet of the Apes seem tame. Whatever the setting, playing anthropomorphic animal characters is a blast.

  • 100+ mutant animal stats included.
  • Mutant animal creation rules to mutate ANY animal.
  • 52 Mutant Animal Powers.
  • 33 Mutant Animal Psionic Powers.
  • New Animal Chimeras and their abilities.
  • New back story to the After the Bomb® world of mutants.
  • The post-apocalyptic Earth setting of “After the Bomb” is just one use for your mutant animal heroes.
  • A complete RPG written by Erick Wujcik. His last great work and a sometimes overlooked RPG masterpiece. These are the Mutant Animal Creation Rules you know and love taken to new heights.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Aliens Unlimited™, Nightbane®, N&S, Rifts® and any game setting where mutants or aliens are appropriate.
  • 72 pages of “bonus” material includes the original After the Bomb® sourcebook and Yucatan Adventures from the old Game Shield.
  • 296 pages (72 bonus pages) – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 503HC – now shipping. Also available as a 224 page softcover book ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 503).

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

Ninjas & Superspies RPG Hardcover

NEW! Ninjas & Superspies RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Available now

The Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG is the ultimate guide to martial arts with 40 different martial art forms and 48 mystic martial arts powers alone, but there is so much more. Asian combat skills accurately portrayed, each with its own unique fighting style, methods of attack and defense presented on an epic scale, complete with legendary mystic powers. Spies, Cyber Agents, Gadgeteers, secret organizations creation rules, secret identities, gimmick weapons and clothing, cyber-disguises, implants, and more. Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™ RPG and even Nightbane®, Rifts®, and other settings. A complete game PLUS 44 pages of bonus material gathered from The Rifter®.

  • 40+ types of hand to hand combat — effectively offering 40 types of martial arts character classes!
  • 17 Occupational Character Classes for spies, mercenaries, martial artists and special operatives.
  • 48 mystic martial art powers.
  • Dim Mak, Chi Mastery, the Arts of Invisibility and more.
  • Bionic implants, disguises, weapons, & equipment.
  • Secret identities, spy agencies, and creation rules for secret organizations.
  • Complete stand-alone RPG with skills, weapons, rules and guidelines for using other Palladium settings.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Rifts®, Rifts® China, and the entire Palladium Megaverse®!
  • 44 pages of “bonus” material gathered from The Rifter®.
  • 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 525HC – RPG by Erick Wujcik – now shipping. Also available as a 176 page softcover book ($22.99 retail – Cat. No. 525). And see Mystic China for an astonishing and fun sourcebook with more mystical martial arts abilities, magic, demons, immortals and more.

Ninjas and Superspies RPG Hardcover

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

NEW! Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover – The Zombie Apocalypse – available now

The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world.

Civilization crumbles in a matter of days as hundreds of millions of people die and rise as the walking dead. The hundreds of millions of people who fall to the zombies also rise to join the growing legions of undead. Then the world goes silent.

You are on your own. The army is MIA. There is no government. No law. No television, radio or Internet. No media, cell phones or communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets.

Death Cults have risen, promising protection from the walking dead.

Retro-Savages have forsaken technology and sacrifice the living to the zombies in hopes of bringing an end to the nightmare.

Brave human survivors refuse to lie down and die! They come from all walks of life. Their common goal: survival as they struggle to forge safe havens away from the cities, rescue other survivors and battle the walking dead without respite. For now at least, the planet belongs to the dead.

Dead Reign® is an excellent introductory game that is easy to learn, fast to play, and fun to read. If you are looking for a zombie game that truly captures the feel of survival after the apocalypse and the nightmare of being stalked by zombies, Dead Reign® is it. Game mechanics are designed to create a real sense of escalating terror and dread when the zombies swarm. Sourcebooks expand the world, player options, and adventure ideas as well as new zombies and dangers.

  • Six Apocalyptic Character Classes (O.C.C.) including the Reaper, Shepherd of the Damned, Hound Master, Apocalyptic Soldier, Scrounger and Ordinary People.
  • Seven types of zombies plus the Half-Living. (Sourcebooks offer many more.)
  • Secrets of the Dead: Everything you need to know about zombies and need to ask.
  • Death Cults, their Priests, power over zombies and goals.
  • Random tables galore and the fundamentals of survival.
  • Strong setting, world overview and many adventure ideas.
  • A complete role-playing game. 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 230HC – now shipping. Also available as a 224 page softcover RPG ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 230).

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

Rifts® RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

The “original,” 256 page Rifts® RPG from 1990 plus an extra 32 additional pages of color at the back of the book. This new section includes the history and people behind the making of Rifts®, a gallery of ALL Rifts® covers to date (160+ of them including those coming soon), never before seen concept art, other artwork and fun. Note: This is a different rule book than the expanded 376 page Rifts® Ultimate Edition (RUE), but the original remains completely compatible with RUE and all World Books and sourcebooks.

Rifts® merges science fiction with fantasy, horror, heroic adventure, and other genres in a thrilling and plausible setting that will set your imagination on fire. Travel the Rifts to any location on Earth, or leap across the dimensional divide to visit alien worlds and dimensions in a matter of seconds. And just as you can travel to other worlds, aliens and the monstrous travel to Earth and stalk the innocent.

Rifts® is a fusion of ideas, settings, genres, and characters unlike any game on the market. An endless Megaverse® of adventure™ in which if you can imagine it, you can play it. Are you up to the challenge?

The Rifts® Commemorative 30th Anniversary Hardcover is the original first edition Rifts® rule book (1990) that started a phenomenon. It is a complete RPG suitable for use with ALL existing Rifts® World Books, Sourcebooks, and Dimension Books. It is an earlier and somewhat simpler edition given the deluxe treatment. Expanded with bonus art, an additional 32 color pages, color end sheets, history about the making of Rifts®, notes, concept drawings, color concepts, photographs, and a gallery of every Rifts® cover published between 1990 and the end of 2021. The cover features the famous Keith Parkinson painting of the Splugorth Slave Barge. Provided to you due to popular demand.

  • The “original” Rifts® RPG (1990) back in print for the first time in 16 years.
  • Color cover of the famous Splugorth Slave Barge by Keith Parkinson.
  • A color gallery of 160+ Rifts® covers.
  • An extra 32 pages of color.
  • More comprehensive contents pages.
  • Concept art and pencil illustrations often with notes by the artist.
  • History of Rifts®, personal notes, commentary, and nostalgic material.
  • Color end sheets.
  • Countless memories, and loads of fun.
  • A simpler, earlier version of the core rules.
  • A complete role-playing game suitable for use with ALL existing Rifts® World Books, Sourcebooks, and Dimension Books.
  • Available in stores and from Palladium Books.
  • This is NOT the signed or numbered limited edition, but we are happy to sign copies at conventions and the Palladium Open House. The print run is likely to be limited to a few thousand copies.
  • 288 pages – $49.99 retail – Cat. No. 800HC30 – Available now. Also see the 376 page Rifts® Ultimate Edition RPG for the current Rifts® rule set.

Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

Rifts® 30th Anniversary “Gold” Hardcover SOLD OUT, but a few available in Kevin’s Ebay store

I have made a half-dozen “Printer Proofs” available in my Ebay store – Kevin’s Toys Art & Collectibles – ALL are signed by me and available staff, and have a dragonhead drawing just like the “numbered” Gold Editions. Identical to the signed and numbered editions except it says “Printer Proof” instead of having a number. Printer Proofs are for Palladium staff, charity auctions, the 2022 POH, and gifts for select Palladium support personnel. With the 200 Signed and Numbered copies sold out in three weeks from the date of its arrival, this Gold Edition is an instant collectible. Get the Printer Proofs while you still can. Sold on a first come, first served basis.

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Game Master Guide Hardcover – Available now

The Rifts® Game Master Guide™ hardcover is a massive, 352 page reference book with short stats and descriptions for every Rifts® robot, power armor, body armor, vehicle, weapon, gadget, skill, experience table, and map that appears in Rifts® World Books 1-23 and Sourcebooks 1-4, plus a bionics index, an O.C.C.s and R.C.C.s index, rules clarifications, combat examples, advice on how to run a game and more.

  • 500+ weapons.
  • 290 pieces of equipment.
  • 180+ vehicles.
  • 100+ suits of body armor.
  • 80+ suits of power armor.
  • 300+ skills, character and D-Bee index, dozens of maps, and more.
  • 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 845HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Book of Magic Hardcover – Available now

Nearly 1,000 magic spells and 400 magic weapons and devices from across Rifts Earth, plus magic tattoos, herbs, stones, and more. 352 pages of pure magic.

  • 900+ magic spells, Elemental Magic, Ley Line Magic, Temporal Magic, Necromancy, Nature Magic, Cloud Magic, Ocean Magic, Biomancy and more.
  • Plus Tattoo Magic, Stone Magic, Whalesongs, Conjuring, Nazca Lines.
  • 290+ Techno-Wizard weapons and items, including TW Bionics, Automatons, and Iron Juggernauts.
  • 80+ other magic items, Rune Weapons, Holy Weapons, Fetishes.
  • Bio-Wizard Weapons, the Bio-Borg, Symbiotes, and herbs.
  • Magic stones, talismans, magic items of Japan, and more.
  • Millennium Tree wands, staves and armor.
  • 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 848HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Adventure Guide Hardcover – Available now

Inside information to create and run RPG adventures: How to get started, building on ideas, character archetypes, tables for creating Rifts towns and cities, mercenary companies, traveling shows, and player created organizations, plus random Rift tables, information about the Chi-Town ‘Burbs, 32 ‘Burb adventure ideas, another 101 adventure hooks, and still more adventure ideas, and additional player and Game Master tips by Kevin Siembieda, Erick Wujcik, and Bill Coffin.

  • 150+ adventure ideas.
  • Game Master and player tips from Kevin Siembieda.
  • Adventure creation tips from Kevin Siembieda.
  • Why and how to use alignments by Kevin Siembieda.
  • Tricks of running a large group, G.M. tools, and more.
  • Additional Player and G.M. tips from Wujcik and Coffin.
  • Overview and info about the CS Chi-Town ‘Burbs.
  • 32 adventure ideas in the ‘Burbs.
  • Random Dimensional Rifts & other tables.
  • Tables for creating towns, merc companies, and traveling shows.
  • 192 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 849HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

HARDCOVER Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition – available now

A fantasy setting like no other, rich in history and inviting adventure. Not only are you able to play iconic fantasy heroes like the Wizard, Knight, Paladin, Ranger, Thief, Assassin, and others, but also characters such as the Mind Mage, Druid, Diabolist, Summoner and many others. Moreover, play an array of nonhuman characters from Elves and Dwarves to Wolfen, Changelings, Kobolds, Orcs, Ogres, and many others.

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo, hardcover.
  • 25+ Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s).
  • 14+ inhuman player races (more in sourcebooks).
  • 300+ magic spells.
  • 60 magical Wards. 50 magic circles.
  • Dozens of magic items potions and more.
  • 70+ psychic powers, the Mind Mage, and more.
  • Weapons, gear, demons and adventure ideas.
  • New sourcebooks like Land of the Damned 3, Lopan, and others are coming.
  • 336 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 450HC – available now.

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

HARDCOVER Heroes Unlimited RPG, 2nd Edition – available now

The Heroes Unlimited™ RPG has been a hit RPG for 30+ years because it enables you to create any type of comic book hero you can imagine. Make characters pulled right from any comic book you grew up with and love, or design your own league of extraordinary heroes.

If you seek comic book heroic adventure, Heroes Unlimited™ does the job on an epic scale. Plus a dozen sourcebooks provide you with more super abilities, hero categories, bad guys and adventures.

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo on the hardcover.
  • Create any type of hero you can imagine.
  • 101 super abilities plus a multitude of sub-powers within them, bonuses and special combat capabilities.
  • 100+ magic spells plus enchanted weapons and objects.
  • 72 psychic powers.
  • Enchanted weapons that instill super abilities.
  • Mega-Heroes and immortals.
  • Alien super beings.
  • Bionics and cyborgs.
  • Psionics and Psychics.
  • Robots and power armor.
  • Masters of magic, wizards and spell casters.
  • Mutants and Super Soldiers possessing super abilities.
  • Inventors, super-geniuses and super-vehicles.
  • Special Training: Martial arts, Sleuths, weapons, more.
  • Cover by comic book legend Jim Steranko.
  • Art by Ramon K. Perez, Paulo Parente, Mike Gustovich, and others.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 352 pages for a complete RPG – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 500HC – available now.

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

HARDCOVER Beyond the Supernatural RPG, 2nd Edition – Available now

Supernatural horror in the modern world that feels plausible and real. Your characters are the few who know the supernatural is real because they have experienced it face to face. Some are psychics, some are experts in the paranormal or the arcane, and others are ordinary people like you and me. Ordinary people who are never the same after their own close encounter. All of these unlikely heroes stand against supernatural evil in a world of disbelievers who brand them as practitioners of fringe science or lunatics. Only they know the truth: supernatural evil is real and dangerous. And someone has to take a stand to protect the innocent from supernatural evil in whatever hidden form it may take. Are you ready to join the battle?

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo, hardcover.
  • A plausible modern horror setting that makes sense and will challenge your role-playing skills.
  • 14 Psychic Character Classes.
  • 42 occupations for “ordinary” people.
  • 100+ psychic abilities, including Fire Walker abilities.
  • Creatures of darkness, the Lazlo Agency, and more.
  • New sourcebooks are coming soon.
  • 256 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 700HC – available now.

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

2021 Rifter® Annual – Submissions Wanted

Are you a Palladium gamer who has cool ideas and think you are a decent writer? If so, consider writing an article, adventure, monsters, etc., for The Rifter® Annual. It is part sourcebook, part fanzine, part talent show, and a lot of fun written by fans like yourself. The pay is terrible but you get published, receive a couple copies of the book, a few bucks, and your name up in lights … um, in a printed book. Plus Kevin and Wayne see your work, which sometimes leads to you being invited to write “official” sourcebooks and material.

Artists, this goes for you too. We are always looking for new artists to consider, so do not hesitate to submit some samples or send us a link to your online art page. The Rifter is a good place to try out, especially if you are just getting started doing art on a professional or semi-professional level.

Please send us your submissions by August 15, 2021. (Sooner is better!) We plan for it to be all new and a Christmas time release. With 8-12 week turnaround times from printers, we will need to submit the finished files to a printer by September in order to have it in time for Thanksgiving! So finish up your submissions and send them in for our consideration at your earliest convenience. Plus, whatever we like but cannot squeeze in this 192 page Annual, we will safe for the next Annual.

What we are looking for in written submissions: Adventures, monsters, villains, NPCS, new settings/locations, magic spells, magic items, super abilities, tech weapons, vehicles, gear, and all sorts of source material for ALL of our current settings. That includes settings such as Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited, After the Bomb®, Ninjas & Superspies, Beyond the Supernatural, Nightbane®, Splicers®, Rifts® Chaos Earth®, and, well any of them.

Material can be 2-5 pages, 6-12 pages, 15-30 pages, but please, not more than 30 pages for any one article. Please include the “Unsolicited Manuscript Form” with your submission. You can find it on the Palladium website under Questions & Resources – the Unsolicited Works Form. Send electronic submissions to rifter{at} and if you have questions, call Palladium at 734-721-2903.

In the alternative, you can mail us physical Rifter® submissions and the Unsolicited Manuscript Form (as well as letters and unsolicited sourcebook manuscripts, created entirely on speculation) to:

Palladium Books – The Rifter
39074 Webb Court
Westland, MI 48185

We can only publish a Rifter® Annual if we get enough new material. We would like to start editing and tweaking some of them by the beginning of August, so do not hesitate to send them in as soon as you are ready. AND it is a great way to get on our radar as writers (and artists).

Rifts Coalition Manhunters

UPDATE: Rifts® CS Manhunters – Bigger, Bolder, Epic

Somehow the Rifts® CS Manhunters sourcebook has become epic and grown in page count. I am nearing the finish line on this greatly expanded title which is now part Coalition States adventure sourcebook and part psionics sourcebook, with the psionic elements being in the limelight in a similar vein as the Rifts® Bionics Sourcebook was for bionics, only with an emphasis on how the Coalition States use psychics. There are revisits, clarifications, and expansions of some of the classic psionic abilities, and 50+ new psionic powers that are fun and intuitive. Only a handful are limited to the Manhunters. As for the CS Manhunters … I think they will quickly become the new villain you love to hate. In addition, the sourcebook provides insight about CS psychics, Dog Boys, Kill Hounds, Psi-Stalkers, the Minion War, CS citizens, and Emperor Prosek. I love this book and I’m confident you will too. I am trying to wrap this bad boy up for an August release!

Rifts® CS Manhunters presents dark secrets of the Coalition States involving CS psychics, the super secret Psi-Ops Division (the thought police of Emperor Prosek), and the deadly super-patriots that are the enigmatic CS Manhunters. Includes 50+ NEW psionic abilities with real punch, insight into the Dog Boys and Kill Hounds, meanings revealed about the Seven Dangers Prophecy (first introduced in Rifts® Sourcebook 2: The Mechanoids®), and gadgets and implants, and surprises. All of it building toward something epic.

  • New Coalition Psychic O.C.C.s.
  • 50+ new psionic abilities and revisits of some favorites.
  • CS Manhunter Divner and Precog.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Interrogator and Psi-Enforcer.
  • CS Manhunter Bursters and Zappers.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Healers and CS Slayers.
  • CS Manhunter Killhound and Dog Boy O.C.C.s.
  • CS Manhunter Mind Melters, the deadliest of them all.
  • CS Manhunter squads and special operations.
  • Secrets of Psi-Ops Division and insight about Coalition psychics.
  • Deciphering the Seven Dangers Prophecy.
  • The impact of the demon plagues unleashed by the Minion War.
  • Player Characters, NPCs, background info, adventure ideas, and more.
  • Page count is not yet finalized – retail price not yet determined – Cat. No. 894 – In production and nearing completion.

Pre-Order Rifts CS Manhunters

Creature Feature

UPDATE: Creature Feature, a Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook

This is going to be another fun adventure sourcebook. The manuscript will go into editing and rewrites as soon as I finish CS Manhunters and most of the artwork is done. Though I may add a few illustrations and already have artists lined up. Creature Feature™ builds on material that has appeared in various issues of The Rifter® but there is a ton of new material and information useful to both Game Masters and players.

  • A gallery of supernatural creatures. Some new. Some familiar, updated and expanded. All terrifying.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • Game Master source material and advice on rules, psychic abilities, proximity and threat levels, I.S.P. multipliers, and more.
  • Advice about running modern horror RPGs and using supernatural creatures in your games.
  • Lots of adventure ideas, including an updated and expanded full adventure, “The Squatter.”
  • New background and setting information for the BTS setting and a few surprises.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw and others.
  • 160-192 pages – $22.99 or $26.99 depending on final size – Cat. No. 704.

Pre-Order Creature Feature

Rifts Titan Robotics

UPDATE: Rifts® Titan Robotics

Here it is, the reveal of the new cover. I hope you like it. I love that it presents the iconic Titan Robotics Combat Robot with a new big gun that hints at what else awaits you inside the book. I also enjoy the combat scene, smoke, and haze of war. Like Northern Gun and the Manistique Imperium, Titan Robotics sells freely to adventurers, mercenaries, and anyone who has the cash. Hence, the owners of these big ‘bots clashing with Coalition Forces.

This is why I call Rifts® Titan Robotics™ a high-tech toy box filled with many new types of Titan Robotics power armors, giant robots, vehicles, weapons, and gear. Some are big bruisers while others are small and sleek. As fun as these new tech toys are, Rifts® Titan Robotics™ delves into the company’s many secrets, including ARCHIE-3’s plans and program to monitor and manipulate the outside world. Learn about Archie’s androids that run Titan Robotics and his current schemes and plans for the future. All of which provides fodder for adventure.

  • New Giant Robots.
  • New Power Armor, equipment and accessories.
  • 30+ power armors and robots, plus other equipment.
  • New weapons, gear and vehicles.
  • Titan Robotics Corporation and structure.
  • Archie’s secret kingdom and plans for the future.
  • New O.C.C.s and key Non-Player Characters (NPCs).
  • Android executives, security and much more.
  • Wellington Industries, campaign prompts and more.
  • Art by Walton, Cummings, Atkins, and others. Cover by Mike Majestic.
  • Written by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda.
  • 160-192 pages (tentative) – $22.99 retail (or $26.99) – Cat. No. 899.

Pre-Order Rifts Titan Robotics

Rifts Bestiary Volume Two

UPDATE: Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two

The second big, “monster book” reference for Rifts® of what we anticipate to be three volumes in the series, more if we decide to make ghosts, spirits and Entities and/or Creatures of Magic part of the Bestiary series. Much like Volume One, Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume Two collects 70-100 monsters and animals plus 12-24 new beasts found across Rifts North America. The anticipated page count is 224-256 pages.

All volumes of the Rifts® Bestiary™ series are a great resource for players and Game Masters alike. Each description is updated, expanded, and highly detailed to present players with exotic and alien creatures as pets, guardians and riding animals, as well as slobbering monsters to battle and fierce beasts for Game Masters to throw at their players. Designed to offer adventure ideas, offers notes on young, adult, male and female creatures, and all provide plenty of ways to enhance your characters and spice up adventures. Each is accompanied by a map that shows at a glance where the beast can be encountered. Ah, but in the presence of Rifts and magic means any of the creatures may appear anywhere in the world, so be on your toes.

  • Monsters and animals of Rifts North America organized into big, easy to use sourcebooks.
  • Updated and expanded descriptions and information for each existing monster.
  • Updated and uniform stat blocks.
  • New exotic creatures – predators, exotic riding animals, beasts of burden, alien horrors, giant insects, and more.
  • A map for every creature showing where it is found.
  • Easily adapted to any Palladium setting – Palladium Fantasy®, Chaos Earth®, Splicers®, Phase World®, the Three Galaxies™, The Mechanoids®, Heroes Unlimited™/Aliens Unlimited™, and others.
  • Basic S.D.C. stats included with each creature description.
  • Fully illustrated, with art by Charles Walton II, Ramon Perez, Robert Atkins, and many others. Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 256 pages each volume – $26.99 – Cat. No. 897 (Volume Two).

Pre-Order Rifts Bestiary Two

FINAL WEEKEND of Big Sale – now thru Monday! Christmas in July Sale – ends Tuesday morning, August 3, 2021

This is your chance to get PDFs for Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies,™ After the Bomb®, Beyond the Supernatural™, Nightbane®, Splicers®, The Rifter®, novels, and other Palladium Books’ PDF products on sale through the weekend. Plus, there are hundreds of other RPG titles from other game companies also on sale. See complete details below or head right over to DriveThruRPG. But it all ENDS Tuesday morning, August 3.

Expand your collection of PDF Palladium titles, get titles that are no longer in print, acquire back issues of The Rifter®, try new game settings, and explore a Megaverse® of RPG worlds and adventure unlike anything offered by any other RPG company.

In addition to most of Palladium Books’ products, there are hundreds of other game company titles on sale. Everything from Palladium Fantasy and Dungeons & Dragons® to Rifts® and Traveller.

Palladium PDF titles on DriveThruRPG

Palladium Books has settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Dead Reign® and Beyond the Supernatural), plus The Rifter® sourcebook series (by fans like you), novels, paper minis, and more.

Rifts® Novels: Duty’s Edge – The lone surviving soldier from a New German Republic Special Forces operation struggles to complete the mission on his own. A stand-alone Rifts® novel complete in itself. 236 pages, Cat. No. 308. The Cosmo-Knight and The Reckoning (Phase World®, the Three Galaxies, and Cosmo-Knights), the Rifts® trilogy of novels: Sonic Boom, Deception’s Web, and Treacherous Awakenings, as well as the Rifts® Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs (11 authors), Machinations of Doom (graphic novel by Ramon K. Perez), and Path of the Storm (a proposed Rifts® movie script) and 300+ other Palladium Books RPG titles.

Also available: Free Garden of the Gods™ (Fantasy) and Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume One Sneak Previews, and the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet: A Microsoft Excel-based character management system. Packed with features and data collected from every official Palladium Fantasy sourcebook to enable you to create Fantasy characters quickly (25 minutes!) and help you to update and manage them for years to come.

Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Three: Zombies, Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Two: Civilians and Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume One: Survivors. There are also paper miniatures for Heroes Unlimited™, Palladium Fantasy® and Rifts®. A new, up-to-date, PDF Palladium Books Catalog. Nightbane® Dark Designs™ sourcebook with 60 new Common Talents, 38 new Elite Talents, 18 new Morphus Tables, all other Morphus Tables collected and more. Systems Failure™ RPG, a 160 page RPG that deals with alien invasion and a post-apocalypse setting that is fun and dynamic. Civilization is on the verge of collapse when the so-called “bugs” invade and turn humans into zombie-like slaves. Monsters, heroes and fun. A complete RPG and setting. Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun™ Two: 256 pages of technology and fun. 30+ power armors, 30+ body armors, 15 combat vehicles, 45 vehicles (hovercycles, etc.), 10 robot haulers, the Robodome and more. Bizantium and the Northern Islands™: the northernmost part of the Known World, the Cold Born, Necromancy ships made from dead sea serpents, 15 creatures, Random Sea Monster Generator, and more. Rifts® Northern Gun™ One. This fan favorite might be thought of as the big book of giant robots – an in-depth look at Northern Gun, 70+ weapons, 27 robots, NG O.C.C.s, key people and places, and much more. Mysteries of Magic™ Book One: The Heart of Magic™ with Wizards, their Apprentices, nearly 60 new magic spells and remember, magic and monsters in the Fantasy RPG are easily adapted to Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, HU2 and other settings. Wolfen Empire™ Fantasy sourcebook, the Great Northern Wilderness and Killer Winters, 12 Wolfen Tribes, Wolfen military and society, 15+ creatures, 5 full adventures, 101 adventure ideas, random encounter tables, notable people, places, plus FREE Sneak Previews of The Rifter® #80, The Rifter® #81, The Rifter® #82, and more on

  • Rifts® is a genre-bending setting that combines science fiction, fantasy, horror, post-apocalypse survival, magic, and endless possibilities for adventure. Imagine a near perfect world of advanced technology 100 years in the future. Then imagine that world crashing down overnight in an apocalyptic upheaval not seen since the formation of the planet. A Great Cataclysm caused by the explosive return of magic. Now fast forward 300 years into the future where magic, dragons, and mythic gods coexist with cyborgs, giant robots and super-science rediscovered from humanity’s Golden Age as humans rise from a lengthy Dark Age. But they must contend with countless alien life forms, monsters, and supernatural horrors from beyond the Rifts.
  • Rifts® core titles we would suggest: Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts® Book of Magic, Rifts® Adventure Guide, D-Bees of North America™, Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign and Rifts® Sourcebook One. Note: The Rifts® RPG, 1st Edition and Rifts® Ultimate, 2nd Edition are both available.
  • 80+ Rifts® supplements, most of them available as PDFs with more coming. Where to start? Wherever sounds fun.
  • Rifts® Dimension Books™: Travel to alien worlds and dimensions via the Rifts for off-world adventure and intrigue.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG and sourcebook series (all). Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.
  • FREE Sneak Previews for Nightbane® Dark Designs™, Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans™, Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity, and many other previews as well as free and low cost items that we make available. All of it adds to the growing list of Rifts and other Palladium RPG game titles available as PDF books, cards and support. A new title should be added every week or two, so keep watching for them.
  • The Rifter® #1-84, ALL issues of The Rifter®. Each issue is a wealth of source material and ideas for 3-6 different Palladium game lines. Most are easily adapted to ANY Palladium game setting. Each issue a gem. 8,500 pages of source material and ideas for heroes, villains, monsters, magic, gear, and adventure.
  • Splicers® RPG is like Iron Man meets Game of Thrones with elements of Terminator – except this army of Iron Men are clad in living body armor and wield living, organic weapons and devices. Created in 2004 by writer and game designer Carmen Bellaire, Splicers® was nominated for an Inquest Gamer Magazine Fan Awards Game of the Year, and has since developed a rabid fan base. Science fiction and horror where humans are forced to use genetically engineered, living weapons and organic war machines to battle an insane Artificial Intelligence and her robot legions. Unlike anything you have ever played before!
  • Splicers®: I Am Legion™ Adventure Sourcebook: 6 new Great Houses, 4 new Host Armors, 6 new War Mounts, 19 new Bio-Weapons, 15 new killer machines, new Bio-Enhancements, Amalgam creation tables, Legion and a series of adventures that build into a small campaign, and more.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 1st Edition Rules and sourcebooks. A unique world of magic, monsters and heroes. Dozens of nonhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition Rules and many sourcebooks. The expanded world of high fantasy, magic, mystery and heroes of every variety. Includes the Mind Mage and psychic abilities, mages and spells, magic circles and symbols, men-at-arms, scoundrels and a wide range of inhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and many more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG first edition rule book and sourcebooks.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition rule book and sourcebooks. Create any type of superhuman you can desire and bring comic book adventures to life.
  • Dead Reign® RPG (Zombie Apocalypse). The dead have risen. It is the battle for survival in the zombie apocalypse, but this setting is much more than your typical zombie game. Play ordinary people or special characters better equipped to survive and hunt zombies. Many unusual types of zombies.
  • Dead Reign® Sourcebooks: 6 sourcebooks from Civilization Gone™ to Hell Followed™ (the latter features stats for 23 disasters, masked lunatics, 11 new zombies, 7 apocalyptic character classes, and more) are available.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 1st Edition Rules. Supernatural horror in the modern world. Play ordinary people, psychics, paranormal investigators or for something different: Victim Characters!
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition: The complete, revised core game, 14 character classes and 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, the Lazlo Agency, world setting and rules.
  • Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. An RPG setting we call superhero horror. Dark conspiracy, a secret, demon invasion starting with world leaders and law enforcement, and it is spreading. The player characters are the Nightbane®, reluctant superhumans who must turn into monsters themselves to unleash their powers and battle the evil that is clear only to them. A dark, sinister and challenging world of horror.
  • After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Planet of the Apes meets the X-Men! Animal creations, powers and more. Create any type of intelligent mutant animal you can imagine as friend or foe.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. James Bond meets Enter the Dragon. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, and super-spies with gadgets, gizmos and advanced weapons.
  • The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy RPG is a long time, cult favorite with a fatalistic world-view of humans vs aliens with superior technology.
  • The Palladium Weapon Series of real world weapons, armor and castles throughout history. Designed for use with ANY game system.
  • 200+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ Paper Miniatures – Two sets are now available!
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Paper Miniatures – Volumes #1-6 are available now. More are coming in the weeks ahead.
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Men at Arms – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Coalition Dead Boys – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Adventurers – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Practitioners of Magic (new) – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Extras (new) – $2.99
  • And more to come in the weeks ahead.

Palladium Collectibles, Negatives, Artwork, other Collectibles and Toys are always available in Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store along with other good things

My eBay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by Charles “Chuck” Walton, Kevin Long, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Rifts® and other Palladium RPG books (they look awesome framed!), rare Palladium collector hardcovers, signed books, other Palladium memorabilia, toys from my personal collection and other collectibles. Check every couple of weeks because we often post new stuff or offer a new sale. There is a sale on negatives starting today, in fact.

Other one-of-a-kind original artwork available by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton II (money goes to the artist), other artists, as well as collectible negatives, prints, limited edition hardcovers, proofreader copies, out of print items, Star Wars toys, Marvel toys and many other toys and collectibles from my personal collection. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.

Available now: One-of-a-kind book negatives. Negatives were very popular items at the Palladium Open House and people went crazy over them at Gen Con – including actor Joe Manganiello who scooped up a pile of TMNT negatives, while Palladium’s own Mark Oberle, Carmen Bellaire, Brandon Aten and a whole lot of Palladium gamers went for negatives from Rifts® New West, Lone Star and Free Quebec. Fun.

Negatives are unique and attractive, one-of-a-kind (on rare occasions two-of-a-kind if a page was replaced or a second edition was made) works of art that resemble woodcut art and are very dynamic conversation pieces. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black.

When our printer, McNaughton and Gunn, went completely digital, they asked if Palladium Books wanted the negs, otherwise they would be destroyed. Regrettably, I let a few dozen be destroyed, but the negatives of many books were sent to Palladium. They have sat in our warehouse for years until I started to offer them for sale. I have also started signing the negatives in silver and each comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Each negative comes on a white board inside a plastic magazine bag and looks fabulous framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening in a frame (each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches).

Closing Thoughts – It’s all good

I hope you are all doing well and getting to enjoy the summer. I worry about all of you every time I see news about rising Covid-19 numbers. We are doing fine here and I hope you are too. For those of you concerned about the safety of the vaccine, the Palladium staff have all gotten vaccinated back in April and I can report none of us had severe symptoms nor any side-effects of which we are aware.

Personally, I felt the risk of the many possible long-term Covid-19 symptoms/damage outweighed the risk of the possible vaccine side effects. I know people who now suffer from long-term Covid-19 issues. One young friend suffers from chronic fatigue, another friend from brain fog, another from shortness of breath. Other lingering symptoms include autoimmune conditions, lasting depression and mood changes, heart conditions, neurological issues, sleep impairment, respiratory conditions, permanent partial or total loss of smell, and other debilitating chronic conditions that can last months or years! Doctors don’t know how long yet and it varies with the individual. All of the friends I mentioned have been dealing with their long-term Covid-19 issues for more than a year now. I have too many big plans for Palladium to risk getting sick, let alone contract something long-term. So please, weigh the facts and take care of yourself and your loved ones the best you can.

Meanwhile, there is nothing but excitement at Palladium Books. I have freelance writers editing and writing away, and a half-dozen artists are chomping at the bit for their next assignment. I have been feeling very creative myself as I work feverishly on finishing several new books. I have also been putting into place big plans for increasing Palladium’s output of new book releases. We are focused on the books you have been waiting for, while getting the new batches of books into various stages of development.

On top of that we are continuing to expand our social media (our thanks to the many websites, fans, and creators working on things to be released now and in the future in conjunction with Palladium TV and other social media efforts), work to develop Rifts® and other RPG material for Fantasy Grounds has gotten “off the ground” (pun intended), there are one or two web-based character generators in development (thank you guys, you know who you are), and folks are loving the new Rifts® Automated Character Sheet by Greg Diaczyk (now available on the Palladium Books website AND DriveThruRPG). And there is more in development and being explored in other venues. Most of these wonderful fans/writers/programmers/friends are working on these projects on speculation and to help Palladium Books without any guarantee of getting paid a dime. My heartfelt thanks to each and every one of them for the generosity and love for Palladium’s many game settings.

As you can see there is a lot going on behind the scenes. In fact, that’s just half of it. The rest is under wraps for the time being, but let me tell you, there is never a dull moment around here. I am busy all the time working to make good things happen. Things that will only make your Palladium Books gaming experience and more enjoyable and expansive. And yes, that includes new book releases, coming soon. You would think I’d be exhausted, but I am energized and excited.

So for now, enjoy that Christmas in July DriveThruRPG sale before it ends on Monday, snag some of those PDFs, as well as a few sourcebooks, pencils, notepads, hardcovers and novels you have been meaning to get from Palladium, and game on!

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer, Gamer, Friend

NEW! Miniature Releases – Available now

You have been asking about new miniatures and we are providing. All miniatures come in a plastic bag. The newest three are:

Classic Glitter Boy and Pilot Miniature Pack

Rifts® Glitter Boy™ & Pilot (original) Miniature Pack – 1st time available in resin – 28 mm resin – $19.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8001. Five Pieces: 1. Complete G.B. body and a small base, 2. right arm and Boom Gun, 3. backpack/thrusters, 4. ammo drum and belt, and 5. pilot. The ever-popular, classic Glitter Boy and Pilot (1993 RAFM) – now in resin for the first time (prior releases were pewter figures). Available now.

Classic Glitter Boy and Pilot Miniature Pack at

Rifts CS Firebreather Dead Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® CS Firebreather Dead Boy™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8047. Five pieces: 1. the body, 2. right arm and gun, 3. left arm, 4. antenna, 5. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts CS Firebreather Dead Boy 32mm Resin Miniature at

Rifts Juicer 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® Juicer™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8048. Three pieces: 1. the complete body, 2. crossed swords on the back that fit so snugly that you may not even need to glue it, 3. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Juicer 32mm Resin Miniature at

Rifts Glitter Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

And don’t forget about the Deluxe Rifts® Glitter Boy Resin Miniature – released in fall 2020 – 32 mm resin – $34.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8046 – a gorgeous, detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Glitter Boy 32mm Resin Miniature at

Rifts Duty's Edge Novel

Rifts® Novels – Available now

All Rifts® novels are available from the Palladium Books online store as physical books as well as PDFs from All are a fun read and highly recommended. Enjoy.

  • All novels are 5 x 8 inches in size unless otherwise indicated.
  • Page count and price varies.
  • Available as physical books from and as PDFs on
  • Rifts® Duty’s Edge is the story of a lone survivor of a New German Republic Special Forces operation who struggles to complete the mission on his own. A mission to destroy wicked monsters and cut off a vital line of support to the Gargoyle Empire. A mission that could save many lives. Of course, it is a journey that takes many twists and turns as one determined individual hopes to beat impossible odds. Set in the Middle East. 236 pages – $12.99 retail – Cat. No. 308 – the newest, stand alone novel.
  • Rifts® Sonic Boom™. Follow the exploits of a CS platoon sworn to protect humankind from all threats, be they aliens, dragons, masters of magic or fellow humans out for themselves.
  • Rifts® Deception’s Web™, the second novel in this trilogy, reveals a conspiracy within the Coalition military that could spell disaster for our protagonists. Note: Smaller size, 4 x 6 inches.
  • Rifts® Treacherous Awakenings™ is the pulse-pounding conclusion of the third novel in this epic trilogy by Adam Chilson.
  • Rifts Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs™. Rifts® short stories by 11 authors including Kevin Siembieda, Carl Gleba, Mark Oberle, Braden Campbell, Taylor White, Jason Richards, and others. Note: Slightly larger size, 6 x 9 inches.
  • Rifts® Machinations of Doom™ Graphic Novel & Sourcebook. The comic is by acclaimed Eisner Award winning artist Ramon K. Perez, source material by Siembieda and Perez. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Path of the Storm was a Rifts® movie script written on spec. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume One: The Cosmo-Knight. The adventures of Caleb Vulcan, newly minted Knight of the Cosmic Forge.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume Two: The Reckoning. The epic conclusion of the Hammer of the Forge story.

Rifts Novels on

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Whether you drink coffee, hot cocoa, soda-pop, or whatever your beverage of choice may be, this fun mug reminds you of your favorite pastime and that new possibilities exist with every roll of the dice.

The large, 16 ounce Gamer mug presents the word “Gamer” in a box with dice cascading down from above. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Freddie Williams II (art directed by Kevin Siembieda). The mug has an orange interior to add a nice splash of color.

  • A must for every proud gamer!
  • Dice and the word “Gamer” highlighted in a box.
  • Glossy black exterior with an orange interior.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2596 – available now.

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug at

Property of the Coalition States Mug

BACK IN STOCK! Property of the Coalition States 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Back due to popular demand! The iconic Property of the Coalition States and notorious CS Death’s Head insignia printed white on a glossy black, 16 ounce coffee mug, with a blood red interior for a splash of color. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Kevin Long (art directed by Kevin Siembieda).

  • The infamous words “Property of the Coalition States” and the notorious Death’s Head logo and lightning bolts (indicating CS special forces) in white.
  • Glossy black exterior with a blood red interior color.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2588 – available now.

Property of the Coalition States Mug at

Other Mugs Available Now

Everyone loves these mugs. Isn’t it time you started your collection? I like to use them to as a secret code to reflect my mood to those around me. To my thinking the Gamer mug means I’m feeling playful. Rifts® Property of the Coalition States: I’m a soldier in the trenches and working hard. Dead Reign®: Back off or I will eat you alive. Fantasy Dragon: My imagination is on fire. Rifts Logo: Feeling the infinite possibilities. Rifts® Titan Robotics: I’m feeling mighty. Of course, they represent something else to each of you or just represent one of your favorite games, like a normal person.

  • Rifts® Titan Robotics™ Mug A dynamic Titan robot and the Rifts® logo. Art by Steven Cummings. White on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2595 – available now.
  • Rifts® Logo Coffee Mug The famous Rifts® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Logo by Kevin Long. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2587 – available now.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Dragon Mug The famous red on black 3-headed hydra battling a knight from the iconic original Palladium Fantasy RPG cover. Art by Kevin Siembieda. Red on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with an attractive orange interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2589 – available now.
  • Dead Reign® (Zombie Attack) Mug A trio of hungry zombies and the Dead Reign® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blood red interior for a splash of color. Art by Steven Cummings. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2594 – available now.

© 2021 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – July 22, 2021

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda

Are you ready for some fun? I sure am.

So for your enjoyment, I present to you information about a big PDF Sale, Rifts® Automated Character Sheet, fun updates about upcoming hardcovers and new releases, and fun projects in the works and behind the scenes. There is a lot of it, so enjoy.

SALE! Christmas in July PDF Sale. In addition to most of Palladium Books’ PDF products on sale, there are hundreds of other RPG titles from other game companies also on sale. See complete details below or head right over to DriveThruRPG.

3 Recent Hardcover RPGs! After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover and Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover, and Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover (The Zombie Apocalypse) are the most recent hardcover releases flying off our shelves. Other available hardcovers include:

Hardcovers Coming in August

  • Chaos Earth® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover
  • Nightbane® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover

Hardcovers in Development (September or October):

  • Splicers® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover
  • “Original” RECON RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – This is the original RECON RPG and sourcebooks, written and created by Joe Martin, all printed under one cover. These have been out of print for 30 years! We may also make them available as individual PDF books on DriveThruRPG.

Hardcovers Under Consideration:

  • The Rifter® Omnibus Hardcover Collection – In which we would gather 3-4 issues per hardcover and release them in a series.
  • Deluxe, Revised RECON® RPG including Advanced RECON® by Erick Wujcik and Matthew Balent.
  • Rifts® Conversion Book Hardcovers 1, 2, and 3.
  • What else? We need your input to know which other titles or collections of titles you want from us, if any, for us to consider. Help.

NEW way to make Rifts® characters fast! The Rifts® Excel-Based “Automated Character Sheet” – created by Palladium freelance writer Greg Diaczyk. It has been a pet project he has been working on in his spare time for a number of years. It is pretty darn cool, comprehensive, and a fast way to create characters, so check it out. Currently available on – see the full description elsewhere in this Update.

In addition to this, people are working on Rifts® material for Fantasy Grounds and Palladium has someone developing a “web-based” Rifts® character generator as well. It is many months from completion, but it is looking great. More about the web-based project in the weeks and months ahead.

NEW! Rifts® 5×7 inch Notepad – one of the fun, little products I hinted at as coming in previous Updates. See all the details below and in the online store.

NEW! 5 crazy, fun pencils – 4 Rifts® pencils AND one Fantasy pencil (Library of Bletherad). They are some of the fun, silly products I have hinted at as coming. They are superior to the fan fave, Chi-Town ‘Burbs pencil of the past. Each with much larger, bolder type and a dynamic insignia image. See all the details below and in the online store.

NEWS behind the scenes! Some of what has been interfering with our release schedule, besides continuing pandemic issues such as supply chain issues, rising costs, printer delays, and being understaffed, is that I have been busy rebuilding Palladium Books. I am working to make us faster, stronger, and in the near future, bigger. That has included meetings with the bank, business partners, and UPS, declining inquiries to purchase Palladium (not on your life), recruiting new freelance writers and artists, and putting together a 5-year business plan that if all goes well, will rock your world.

I am currently neck deep in the final leg of writing for Rifts® CS Manhunters, but I am not alone. I have writers working on three new Palladium Fantasy RPG® titles, NOT INCLUDING manuscripts you already know about such as Land of the Damned, Lopan, and Forgotten People, and I have people working on contributions to The Rifter® Annual (we need more). I also have Steve Dawes working on Beyond the Supernatural titles and I have been working, here and there, on Beyond Arcanum and Tomes Grotesque as I can. We also have plans for Heroes Unlimited.

Scouting, recruiting, and lining up new artists has turned up some excellent new talent we know you will enjoy. You will start to see many of them in upcoming releases very soon along with your favorites.

As for Rifts®, the following titles are in the pipeline: Rifts® CS Manhunters, Titan Robotics, Rifts® Bestiary Volumes 2 & 3, Rifts® Antarctica (more epic and wild than you know), Rifts® Lazlo (probably 3 titles), The Disavowed, CS Arsenal, and titles I am probably forgetting. Rifts® Chaos Earth® has First Responders and Psychic Scream waiting for completion.

COMING! Rifts® CS Manhunters. I am nearing the finish line on this greatly expanded sourcebook. It has become part Coalition States adventure sourcebook and part psionics sourcebook. There are revisits, clarifications, and expansions of some of the classic psionic abilities and 50+ new psionics that are fun and intuitive. As for the CS Manhunters … I think they will quickly become new favorite villains you will love to hate. In addition, this sourcebooks offers insight about CS psychics, Dog Boys, Kill Hounds, the Minion War, and Emperor Prosek. I love this book. It took me a while to get to this point, but it is epic. Now I am working hard to make this bad boy an August release!

COMING! Creature Feature for Beyond the Supernatural will follow Manhunters, and then Titan Robotics and Rifts® Bestiary Volume 2, not necessarily in that order.

COMING! September 18 – Virtual Gen Con live chat with me, Kevin Siembieda. I’m not handling the scheduling for this Gen Con event, but I assume it is listed in the Gen Con schedule of events (or will be). I don’t think we or Gen Con are charging anything for this event. This will be a 3 hour chat focusing on three primary subjects we thought you would enjoy: Rifts®, Game Master Tips, and role-playing game design. I believe the chat will start sometime on Saturday, September 18 (late morning?). Matthew Yancik will be the chat coordinator. You can see my chat with Matt from earlier this year at the link below. There is also a link to one of my more recent interviews with Sean Owen Roberson about Rifts® Savage Worlds.

COMING! Rifter® Annual (2021). This is real and we want to release it this holiday season 2021, but only if we get enough submissions by September 1. Scheduled to be a Christmas 2021 release. Time for you to be bold and contribute. We want to see your ideas. Besides, it is fun to see your name in print. More details elsewhere in this Weekly Update.

Rifts Notepad

NEW! Rifts® Notepad

A 5×7 inch notepad featuring the Rifts® logo and color art of the “Coalition Strike Force” print by Kevin Long across the top. It looks great on your desk or gaming table. Perfect for taking notes and feeling that Rifts vibe. Practical and fun.

  • 50 sheets per pad – $5.00 each – Cat. No. 2597 – available now.

NEW! 5 Gaming Pencils – 4 Rifts® Pencils and 1 Fantasy Pencil

Practical and fun conversation pieces that will make you the envy of your gaming group (at least until they buy their own). These pencils are different from the fan fave, Chi-Town ‘Burbs pencil of the past. Each new pencil is imprinted with much larger, bolder type, and a dynamic insignia image, and two change color! All are No. 2 pencils. These pencils and the notepad are some of the silly, little, fun things I hinted at as coming in past Updates.

Why do them? Because we all need fun things that make us smile and just feel good. And these pencils and the notepad do exactly that. Everyone here went crazy over them. I probably should not admit this, but I love glancing over and seeing them on my desk. They make me smile and feel like souvenirs I acquired on my dimensional travels. What a fan boy geek, right? But true all the same. I hope you enjoy them just as much. Note: In my opinion, the photos do not do them justice; not the same as holding one in your hand.

Rifts Coalition States Office of the Emperor Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: Coalition States – Office of the Emperor – $1.60 each – Cat. No. 2598 – available now. Black colored pencil, white printing, CS skull and lightning bolt insignia, pink eraser at the end. No. 2 pencil lead.

Rifts Lone Star Engineering the Future Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: Lone Star Complex – Engineering the Future – $1.60 each – Cat. No. 2599 – available now. Dark blue colored pencil, white printing, CS Lone Star skull in a star insignia, pink eraser at the end. No. 2 pencil lead.

Rifts Chi-Town Library Knowledge is Power Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: Chi-Town Library – Knowledge is Power – $1.60 each – Cat. No. 2600 – available now. Yellow colored pencil, black printing, image of an open book/rising sun, pink eraser at the end. No. 2 pencil lead.

Rifts Lazlo Council of Learning Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: City of Lazlo – Council of Learning – $1.80 each – Cat. No. 2601 – available now. A “magic” pencil that changes color from powder blue to white. (The heat of your fingers and hand causes the color to change.) Black printing, roaring dragonhead insignia, black eraser at the end.

Palladium Fantasy Library of Bletherad Pencil

Palladium Fantasy Pencil: Library of Bletherad – Your Source of Knowledge – $1.80 each – Cat. No. 2602 – available now. A “magic” pencil that changes color from green to yellow. (The heat of your fingers and hand causes the color to change.) Black printing with the Ward image for “Knowledge,” black eraser at the end.

Rifts Notepad and Five Pencil Set

Rifts® Notepad & 5 Pencil SET – $11.00 retail for the set – save $2.40 – Cat. No. 2603 – available now.

Rifts Soft Touch Pen with Stylus

Rifts® Pen & Stylus – And don’t forget about the Rifts® Pen with Stylus for use with a smartphone – Rifts Logo and the words “Unleash your imagination” printed white on a navy blue ballpoint pen. Black ink. $5.00 each – Cat. No. 2586.

Rifts Poker Cards Deck One Full Color Rifts Poker Cards Deck Two Line Art

Rifts® Card Decks – it might be time to snag one or both of our Rifts® poker decks while you are at it. $11.99 each – Full Color Deck Cat. No. 2575; Black and White Art (color card backing, classic black and white art) Cat. No. 2576. See the complete description of each in the Palladium online store.

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on DriveThruRPG

NEW! Rifts® Automated Character Sheet for EXCEL

The next step in character data collection! This EXCEL template provides automation to your Rifts® character creation process. Done in Microsoft Excel, this character template will allow you to build your character with substantial ease and speed. Ideal for the new gamer who doesn’t know all of the Palladium Books® rules just yet, it’s also a highly effective tool for Game Masters and advanced players alike who make multiple characters, NPCs or just like to min/max or theory craft characters between games.

  • Dice Roller: A simple dice roller is on the main page of the character sheet to help with character creation or in-game dice rolling needs.
  • Automated Attributes and Stat Block: All the bonuses and features from attributes are presented in a large stat block allowing you to easily see your bonus to save vs Psionics, Mind Control, etc. You can pick your strength type (Normal, Augmented, Robotic or Supernatural) to determine your carrying and lifting capacity and even your M.D. punch damage if your strength is high enough and of the right type.
  • Automated Combat Stats: The main page holds a section where you can pull up data for your various combat stats, from hand to hand abilities such as Strike, Parry, Dodge and Disarm, to W.P. bonuses including those of the W.P. Sharpshooting variety. This section draws upon all of your character’s selection of skills and abilities and even offers customization from odd O.C.C. or racial abilities.
  • Automated Psionics: All psionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 12: Psyscape™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected from a dropdown menu that then populates tables with the information on psionics for your character. Each psionic ability’s data including damage, M.D.C. and range also automatically increases based on the character’s level of experience.
  • Automated Spells: All Common Invocations, Necromancy, Ocean Magic and Biomancy spells (yes, all the Lemurian Biomancer spells too!) can be selected from a dropdown menu that then populates tables with the information on spells for your character. Each spell’s data including damage, M.D.C. and range also automatically increases based on the character’s level of experience.
  • Automated Skills: All skills from the Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected and then automatically add bonuses from prerequisites and related skills. Physical skills that provide bonuses also add those bonuses directly to attributes and combat stats. Bonuses that require dice rolls are denoted and can then be manually rolled and added to the character sheet. Custom percent bonuses such as O.C.C. bonuses can also be added to individual skills.
  • Automated Cybernetics & Bionics: All cybernetics and bionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition along with some favorites from other books can be selected from dropdown menus which then tabulate bonuses and add them to your combat stats. Prices also sum up so an enterprising Headhunter can keep track of his hardware and upgrades. Simple cybernetic body part diagrams even allow players to allocate the locations of their various cybernetic and bionic components.
  • Freeform O.C.C. and Racial Power Section: A section for non-standard powers, special O.C.C. or racial abilities allows the player to add custom skills and powers that can be linked to those features to draw upon the character’s level of experience, I.Q. bonus or other stats so powers grow as the character advances.
  • Character Building Section: On the main page of the document is a section to help you build your character, from customizing attributes, to adding non-standard bonuses from O.C.C. or racial abilities, to an optional point buy system for attributes.
  • Helpful Hints and Suggestions: Red triangular tabs appear throughout the document. Hovering over the red tab with the mouse cursor will reveal useful data from sourcebooks, hints, suggestions and other information, such as what a particular stat means, how it’s used in the game and what things can add bonuses or affect it. There is also a page with overview instructions on how to use the sheet, and a number of instructional videos will be posted via Palladium TV on the ins and outs of the character sheet. The first can be found here:
  • Portrait: A special sheet is set up so you can add an image to the document for a custom portrait for your character. That image is then displayed on the main page and is protected from accidental movement or deletion from the main page.
  • Password Protected: Several pages of the document are password protected so players won’t accidently delete formulas and ruin the character sheet’s automated features. The password is provided so players can customize the sheet to their liking then protect the sheet again so they don’t undo all their hard work.
  • Note: The file is best used in Microsoft EXCEL 2016 or above. Some data may be lost if not using Microsoft EXCEL, such as when using similar products like Open Office.
  • Currently available on for $6.00 – game on!

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on DriveThruRPG

Now Shipping

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

NEW! After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Available now

Create any type of intelligent, humanoid, mutant animal from a turtle or raccoon to an elephant or lion. The RPG presents stats for 100+ mutant animals, plus rules for creating any mutant animal you can imagine, and each sourcebook offers dozens more.

Play your mutant animals as super-heroes, vigilantes, or mutants on the run in the Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, Heroes of the Megaverse® or Skraypers™ settings. Or as mutants or monsters in Nightbane®. (You could make a mutant animal the Nightbane’s Morphus!) In Palladium Fantasy® your mutant animal could be one of the forgotten archaic races, a visitor from another world, a creation of magic, or a monster. In Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Phase World® and the Three Galaxies, The Mechanoids®, Aliens Unlimited™, Splicers® and similar RPGs, use the creation rules to make new D-Bees, aliens, mutants, or monsters. Or play in the AtB post-apocalyptic Earth setting that makes Planet of the Apes seem tame. Whatever the setting, playing anthropomorphic animal characters is a blast.

  • 100+ mutant animal stats included.
  • Mutant animal creation rules to mutate ANY animal.
  • 52 Mutant Animal Powers.
  • 33 Mutant Animal Psionic Powers.
  • New Animal Chimeras and their abilities.
  • New back story to the After the Bomb® world of mutants.
  • The post-apocalyptic Earth setting of “After the Bomb” is just one use for your mutant animal heroes.
  • A complete RPG written by Erick Wujcik. His last great work and a sometimes overlooked RPG masterpiece. These are the Mutant Animal Creation Rules you know and love taken to new heights.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Aliens Unlimited™, Nightbane®, N&S, Rifts® and any game setting where mutants or aliens are appropriate.
  • 72 pages of “bonus” material includes the original After the Bomb® sourcebook and Yucatan Adventures from the old Game Shield.
  • 296 pages (72 bonus pages) – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 503HC – now shipping. Also available as a 224 page softcover book ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 503).

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

Ninjas & Superspies RPG Hardcover

NEW! Ninjas & Superspies RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Available now

The Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG is the ultimate guide to martial arts with 40 different martial art forms and 48 mystic martial arts powers alone, but there is so much more. Asian combat skills accurately portrayed, each with its own unique fighting style, methods of attack and defense presented on an epic scale, complete with legendary mystic powers. Spies, Cyber Agents, Gadgeteers, secret organizations creation rules, secret identities, gimmick weapons and clothing, cyber-disguises, implants, and more. Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™ RPG and even Nightbane®, Rifts®, and other settings. A complete game PLUS 44 pages of bonus material gathered from The Rifter®.

  • 40+ types of hand to hand combat — effectively offering 40 types of martial arts character classes!
  • 17 Occupational Character Classes for spies, mercenaries, martial artists and special operatives.
  • 48 mystic martial art powers.
  • Dim Mak, Chi Mastery, the Arts of Invisibility and more.
  • Bionic implants, disguises, weapons, & equipment.
  • Secret identities, spy agencies, and creation rules for secret organizations.
  • Complete stand-alone RPG with skills, weapons, rules and guidelines for using other Palladium settings.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Rifts®, Rifts® China, and the entire Palladium Megaverse®!
  • 44 pages of “bonus” material gathered from The Rifter®.
  • 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 525HC – RPG by Erick Wujcik – now shipping. Also available as a 176 page softcover book ($22.99 retail – Cat. No. 525). And see Mystic China for an astonishing and fun sourcebook with more mystical martial arts abilities, magic, demons, immortals and more.

Ninjas and Superspies RPG Hardcover

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

NEW! Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover – The Zombie Apocalypse – available now

The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world.

Civilization crumbles in a matter of days as hundreds of millions of people die and rise as the walking dead. The hundreds of millions of people who fall to the zombies also rise to join the growing legions of undead. Then the world goes silent.

You are on your own. The army is MIA. There is no government. No law. No television, radio or Internet. No media, cell phones or communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets.

Death Cults have risen, promising protection from the walking dead.

Retro-Savages have forsaken technology and sacrifice the living to the zombies in hopes of bringing an end to the nightmare.

Brave human survivors refuse to lie down and die! They come from all walks of life. Their common goal: survival as they struggle to forge safe havens away from the cities, rescue other survivors and battle the walking dead without respite. For now at least, the planet belongs to the dead.

Dead Reign® is an excellent introductory game that is easy to learn, fast to play, and fun to read. If you are looking for a zombie game that truly captures the feel of survival after the apocalypse and the nightmare of being stalked by zombies, Dead Reign® is it. Game mechanics are designed to create a real sense of escalating terror and dread when the zombies swarm. Sourcebooks expand the world, player options, and adventure ideas as well as new zombies and dangers.

  • Six Apocalyptic Character Classes (O.C.C.) including the Reaper, Shepherd of the Damned, Hound Master, Apocalyptic Soldier, Scrounger and Ordinary People.
  • Seven types of zombies plus the Half-Living. (Sourcebooks offer many more.)
  • Secrets of the Dead: Everything you need to know about zombies and need to ask.
  • Death Cults, their Priests, power over zombies and goals.
  • Random tables galore and the fundamentals of survival.
  • Strong setting, world overview and many adventure ideas.
  • A complete role-playing game. 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 230HC – now shipping. Also available as a 224 page softcover RPG ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 230).

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

Rifts® merges science fiction with fantasy, horror, heroic adventure, and other genres in a thrilling and plausible setting that will set your imagination on fire. Travel the Rifts to any location on Earth, or leap across the dimensional divide to visit alien worlds and dimensions in a matter of seconds. And just as you can travel to other worlds, aliens and the monstrous travel to Earth and stalk the innocent.

Rifts® is a fusion of ideas, settings, genres, and characters unlike any game on the market. An endless Megaverse® of adventure™ in which if you can imagine it, you can play it. Are you up to the challenge?

The Rifts® Commemorative 30th Anniversary Hardcover is the original first edition Rifts® rule book (1990) that started a phenomenon. It is a complete RPG suitable for use with ALL existing Rifts® World Books, Sourcebooks, and Dimension Books. It is an earlier and somewhat simpler edition given the deluxe treatment. Expanded with bonus art, an additional 32 color pages, color end sheets, history about the making of Rifts®, notes, concept drawings, color concepts, photographs, and a gallery of every Rifts® cover published between 1990 and the end of 2021. The cover features the famous Keith Parkinson painting of the Splugorth Slave Barge. Provided to you due to popular demand.

  • Back in print for the first time in 16 years.
  • Color cover of the famous Splugorth Slave Barge by Keith Parkinson.
  • A color gallery of 160+ Rifts® covers.
  • An extra 32 pages of color.
  • More comprehensive contents pages.
  • Concept art and pencil illustrations often with notes by the artist.
  • History of Rifts®, personal notes, commentary, and nostalgic material.
  • Color end sheets.
  • Countless memories, and loads of fun.
  • A simpler, earlier version of the core rules.
  • A complete role-playing game suitable for use with ALL existing Rifts® World Books, Sourcebooks, and Dimension Books.
  • Available in stores and from Palladium Books.
  • This is NOT the signed or numbered limited edition, but we are happy to sign copies at conventions and the Palladium Open House. The print run is likely to be limited to a few thousand copies.
  • 288 pages – $49.99 retail – Cat. No. 800HC30 – Available now. Also see Rifts® Ultimate Edition RPG.

Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

Rifts® 30th Anniversary “Gold” Hardcover SOLD OUT, but …

I have made a half-dozen “Printer Proofs” available in my Ebay store – Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles – ALL are signed by me and available staff, and have a dragonhead drawing just like the “numbered” Gold Editions. Identical to the signed and numbered editions except it says “Printer Proof” instead of having a number. Printer Proofs are for Palladium staff, charity auctions, the 2022 POH, and gifts for select Palladium support personnel. With the 200 Signed and Numbered copies sold out in three weeks from the date of its arrival, this Gold Edition is an instant collectible. Get the Printer Proofs while you still can. Sold on a first come, first served basis.

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Game Master Guide Hardcover – Available now

The Rifts® Game Master Guide™ hardcover is a massive, 352 page reference book with short stats and descriptions for every Rifts® robot, power armor, body armor, vehicle, weapon, gadget, skill, experience table, and map that appears in Rifts® World Books 1-23 and Sourcebooks 1-4, plus a bionics index, an O.C.C.s and R.C.C.s index, rules clarifications, combat examples, advice on how to run a game and more.

  • 500+ weapons.
  • 290 pieces of equipment.
  • 180+ vehicles.
  • 100+ suits of body armor.
  • 80+ suits of power armor.
  • 300+ skills, character and D-Bee index, dozens of maps, and more.
  • 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 845HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Book of Magic Hardcover – Available now

Nearly 1,000 magic spells and 400 magic weapons and devices from across Rifts Earth, plus magic tattoos, herbs, stones, and more. 352 pages of pure magic.

  • 900+ magic spells, Elemental Magic, Ley Line Magic, Temporal Magic, Necromancy, Nature Magic, Cloud Magic, Ocean Magic, Biomancy and more.
  • Plus Tattoo Magic, Stone Magic, Whalesongs, Conjuring, Nazca Lines.
  • 290+ Techno-Wizard weapons and items, including TW Bionics, Automatons, and Iron Juggernauts.
  • 80+ other magic items, Rune Weapons, Holy Weapons, Fetishes.
  • Bio-Wizard Weapons, the Bio-Borg, Symbiotes, and herbs.
  • Magic stones, talismans, magic items of Japan, and more.
  • Millennium Tree wands, staves and armor.
  • 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 848HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Adventure Guide Hardcover – Available now

Inside information to create and run RPG adventures: How to get started, building on ideas, character archetypes, tables for creating Rifts towns and cities, mercenary companies, traveling shows, and player created organizations, plus random Rift tables, information about the Chi-Town ‘Burbs, 32 ‘Burb adventure ideas, another 101 adventure hooks, and still more adventure ideas, and additional player and Game Master tips by Kevin Siembieda, Erick Wujcik, and Bill Coffin.

  • 150+ adventure ideas.
  • Game Master and player tips from Kevin Siembieda.
  • Adventure creation tips from Kevin Siembieda.
  • Why and how to use alignments by Kevin Siembieda.
  • Tricks of running a large group, G.M. tools, and more.
  • Additional Player and G.M. tips from Wujcik and Coffin.
  • Overview and info about the CS Chi-Town ‘Burbs.
  • 32 adventure ideas in the ‘Burbs.
  • Random Dimensional Rifts & other tables.
  • Tables for creating towns, merc companies, and traveling shows.
  • 192 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 849HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

HARDCOVER Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition – available now

A fantasy setting like no other, rich in history and inviting adventure. Not only are you able to play iconic fantasy heroes like the Wizard, Knight, Paladin, Ranger, Thief, Assassin, and others, but also characters such as the Mind Mage, Druid, Diabolist, Summoner and many others. Moreover, play an array of nonhuman characters from Elves and Dwarves to Wolfen, Changelings, Kobolds, Orcs, Ogres, and many others.

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo, hardcover.
  • 25+ Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s).
  • 14+ inhuman player races (more in sourcebooks).
  • 300+ magic spells.
  • 60 magical Wards. 50 magic circles.
  • Dozens of magic items potions and more.
  • 70+ psychic powers, the Mind Mage, and more.
  • Weapons, gear, demons and adventure ideas.
  • New sourcebooks like Land of the Damned 3, Lopan, and others are coming.
  • 336 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 450HC – available now.

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

HARDCOVER Heroes Unlimited RPG, 2nd Edition – available now

The Heroes Unlimited™ RPG has been a hit RPG for 30+ years because it enables you to create any type of comic book hero you can imagine. Make characters pulled right from any comic book you grew up with and love, or design your own league of extraordinary heroes.

If you seek comic book heroic adventure, Heroes Unlimited™ does the job on an epic scale. Plus a dozen sourcebooks provide you with more super abilities, hero categories, bad guys and adventures.

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo on the hardcover.
  • Create any type of hero you can imagine.
  • 101 super abilities plus a multitude of sub-powers within them, bonuses and special combat capabilities.
  • 100+ magic spells plus enchanted weapons and objects.
  • 72 psychic powers.
  • Enchanted weapons that instill super abilities.
  • Mega-Heroes and immortals.
  • Alien super beings.
  • Bionics and cyborgs.
  • Psionics and Psychics.
  • Robots and power armor.
  • Masters of magic, wizards and spell casters.
  • Mutants and Super Soldiers possessing super abilities.
  • Inventors, super-geniuses and super-vehicles.
  • Special Training: Martial arts, Sleuths, weapons, more.
  • Cover by comic book legend Jim Steranko.
  • Art by Ramon K. Perez, Paulo Parente, Mike Gustovich, and others.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 352 pages for a complete RPG – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 500HC – available now.

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

HARDCOVER Beyond the Supernatural RPG, 2nd Edition – Available now

Supernatural horror in the modern world that feels plausible and real. Your characters are the few who know the supernatural is real because they have experienced it face to face. Some are psychics, some are experts in the paranormal or the arcane, and others are ordinary people like you and me. Ordinary people who are never the same after their own close encounter. All of these unlikely heroes stand against supernatural evil in a world of disbelievers who brand them as practitioners of fringe science or lunatics. Only they know the truth: supernatural evil is real and dangerous. And someone has to take a stand to protect the innocent from supernatural evil in whatever hidden form it may take. Are you ready to join the battle?

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo, hardcover.
  • A plausible modern horror setting that makes sense and will challenge your role-playing skills.
  • 14 Psychic Character Classes.
  • 42 occupations for “ordinary” people.
  • 100+ psychic abilities, including Fire Walker abilities.
  • Creatures of darkness, the Lazlo Agency, and more.
  • New sourcebooks are coming soon.
  • 256 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 700HC – available now.

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

2021 Rifter® Annual – Submissions Wanted

Are you a Palladium gamer who has cool ideas and think you are a decent writer? If so, consider writing an article, adventure, monsters, etc., for The Rifter® Annual. It is part sourcebook, part fanzine, part talent show, and a lot of fun written by fans like yourself. The pay is terrible but you get published, receive a couple copies of the book, a few bucks, and your name up in lights … um, in a printed book. Plus Kevin and Wayne see your work, which sometimes leads to you being invited to write “official” sourcebooks and material.

Artists, this goes for you too. We are always looking for new artists to consider, so do not hesitate to submit some samples or send us a link to your online art page. The Rifter is a good place to try out, especially if you are just getting started doing art on a professional or semi-professional level.

Please send us your submissions by August 15, 2021. (Sooner is better!) We plan for it to be all new and a Christmas time release. With 8-12 week turnaround times from printers, we will need to submit the finished files to a printer by September in order to have it in time for Thanksgiving! So finish up your submissions and send them in for our consideration at your earliest convenience. Plus, whatever we like but cannot squeeze in this 192 page Annual, we will safe for the next Annual.

What we are looking for in written submissions: Adventures, monsters, villains, NPCS, new settings/locations, magic spells, magic items, super abilities, tech weapons, vehicles, gear, and all sorts of source material for ALL of our current settings. That includes settings such as Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited, After the Bomb®, Ninjas & Superspies, Beyond the Supernatural, Nightbane®, Splicers®, Rifts® Chaos Earth®, and, well any of them.

Material can be 2-5 pages, 6-12 pages, 15-30 pages, but please, not more than 30 pages for any one article. Please include the “Unsolicited Manuscript Form” with your submission. You can find it on the Palladium website under Questions & Resources – the Unsolicited Works Form. Send electronic submissions to rifter{at} and if you have questions, call Palladium at 734-721-2903.

In the alternative, you can mail us physical Rifter® submissions and the Unsolicited Manuscript Form (as well as letters and unsolicited sourcebook manuscripts, created entirely on speculation) to:

Palladium Books – The Rifter
39074 Webb Court
Westland, MI 48185

We can only publish a Rifter® Annual if we get enough new material. We would like to start editing and tweaking some of them by the beginning of August, so do not hesitate to send them in as soon as you are ready. AND it is a great way to get on our radar as writers (and artists).

Rifts Coalition Manhunters

UPDATE: Rifts® CS Manhunters – Bigger, Bolder, Epic

Somehow the Rifts® CS Manhunters sourcebook has become epic and grown in page count. I am nearing the finish line on this greatly expanded title which is now part Coalition States adventure sourcebook and part psionics sourcebook, with the psionic elements being in the limelight in a similar vein as the Rifts® Bionics Sourcebook was for bionics, only with an emphasis on how the Coalition States use psychics. There are revisits, clarifications, and expansions of some of the classic psionic abilities, and 50+ new psionic powers that are fun and intuitive. Only a handful are limited to the Manhunters. As for the CS Manhunters … I think they will quickly become the new villain you love to hate. In addition, the sourcebook provides insight about CS psychics, Dog Boys, Kill Hounds, Psi-Stalkers, the Minion War, CS citizens, and Emperor Prosek. I love this book and I’m confident you will too. I am trying to wrap this bad boy up for an August release!

Rifts® CS Manhunters presents dark secrets of the Coalition States involving CS psychics, the super secret Psi-Ops Division (the thought police of Emperor Prosek), and the deadly super-patriots that are the enigmatic CS Manhunters. Includes 50+ NEW psionic abilities with real punch, insight into the Dog Boys and Kill Hounds, meanings revealed about the Seven Dangers Prophecy (first introduced in Rifts® Sourcebook 2: The Mechanoids®), and gadgets and implants, and surprises. All of it building toward something epic.

  • New Coalition Psychic O.C.C.s.
  • 50+ new psionic abilities and revisits of some favorites.
  • CS Manhunter Divner and Precog.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Interrogator and Psi-Enforcer.
  • CS Manhunter Bursters and Zappers.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Healers and CS Slayers.
  • CS Manhunter Killhound and Dog Boy O.C.C.s.
  • CS Manhunter Mind Melters, the deadliest of them all.
  • CS Manhunter squads and special operations.
  • Secrets of Psi-Ops Division and insight about Coalition psychics.
  • Deciphering the Seven Dangers Prophecy.
  • The impact of the demon plagues unleashed by the Minion War.
  • Player Characters, NPCs, background info, adventure ideas, and more.
  • Page count is not yet finalized – retail price not yet determined – Cat. No. 894 – In production and nearing completion.

Pre-Order Rifts CS Manhunters

Creature Feature

UPDATE: Creature Feature, a Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook

This is going to be another fun adventure sourcebook. The manuscript will go into editing and rewrites as soon as I finish CS Manhunters and most of the artwork is done. Though I may add a few illustrations and already have artists lined up. Creature Feature™ builds on material that has appeared in various issues of The Rifter® but there is a ton of new material and information useful to both Game Masters and players.

  • A gallery of supernatural creatures. Some new. Some familiar, updated and expanded. All terrifying.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • Game Master source material and advice on rules, psychic abilities, proximity and threat levels, I.S.P. multipliers, and more.
  • Advice about running modern horror RPGs and using supernatural creatures in your games.
  • Lots of adventure ideas, including an updated and expanded full adventure, “The Squatter.”
  • New background and setting information for the BTS setting and a few surprises.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw and others.
  • 160-192 pages – $22.99 or $26.99 depending on final size – Cat. No. 704.

Pre-Order Creature Feature

Rifts Titan Robotics

UPDATE: Rifts® Titan Robotics

Here it is, the reveal of the new cover. I hope you like it. I love that it presents the iconic Titan Robotics Combat Robot with a new big gun that hints at what else awaits you inside the book. I also enjoy the combat scene, smoke, and haze of war. Like Northern Gun and the Manistique Imperium, Titan Robotics sells freely to adventurers, mercenaries, and anyone who has the cash. Hence, the owners of these big ‘bots clashing with Coalition Forces.

This is why I call Rifts® Titan Robotics™ a high-tech toy box filled with many new types of Titan Robotics power armors, giant robots, vehicles, weapons, and gear. Some are big bruisers while others are small and sleek. As fun as these new tech toys are, Rifts® Titan Robotics™ delves into the company’s many secrets, including ARCHIE-3’s plans and program to monitor and manipulate the outside world. Learn about Archie’s androids that run Titan Robotics and his current schemes and plans for the future. All of which provides fodder for adventure.

  • New Giant Robots.
  • New Power Armor, equipment and accessories.
  • 30+ power armors and robots, plus other equipment.
  • New weapons, gear and vehicles.
  • Titan Robotics Corporation and structure.
  • Archie’s secret kingdom and plans for the future.
  • New O.C.C.s and key Non-Player Characters (NPCs).
  • Android executives, security and much more.
  • Wellington Industries, campaign prompts and more.
  • Art by Walton, Cummings, Atkins, and others. Cover by Mike Majestic.
  • Written by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda.
  • 160-192 pages (tentative) – $22.99 retail (or $26.99) – Cat. No. 899.

Pre-Order Rifts Titan Robotics

Rifts Bestiary Volume Two

UPDATE: Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two

The second big, “monster book” reference for Rifts® of what we anticipate to be three volumes in the series, more if we decide to make ghosts, spirits and Entities and/or Creatures of Magic part of the Bestiary series. Much like Volume One, Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume Two collects 70-100 monsters and animals plus 12-24 new beasts found across Rifts North America. The anticipated page count is 224-256 pages.

All volumes of the Rifts® Bestiary™ series are a great resource for players and Game Masters alike. Each description is updated, expanded, and highly detailed to present players with exotic and alien creatures as pets, guardians and riding animals, as well as slobbering monsters to battle and fierce beasts for Game Masters to throw at their players. Designed to offer adventure ideas, offers notes on young, adult, male and female creatures, and all provide plenty of ways to enhance your characters and spice up adventures. Each is accompanied by a map that shows at a glance where the beast can be encountered. Ah, but in the presence of Rifts and magic means any of the creatures may appear anywhere in the world, so be on your toes.

  • Monsters and animals of Rifts North America organized into big, easy to use sourcebooks.
  • Updated and expanded descriptions and information for each existing monster.
  • Updated and uniform stat blocks.
  • New exotic creatures – predators, exotic riding animals, beasts of burden, alien horrors, giant insects, and more.
  • A map for every creature showing where it is found.
  • Easily adapted to any Palladium setting – Palladium Fantasy®, Chaos Earth®, Splicers®, Phase World®, the Three Galaxies™, The Mechanoids®, Heroes Unlimited™/Aliens Unlimited™, and others.
  • Basic S.D.C. stats included with each creature description.
  • Fully illustrated, with art by Charles Walton II, Ramon Perez, Robert Atkins, and many others. Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 256 pages each volume – $26.99 – Cat. No. 897 (Volume Two).

Pre-Order Rifts Bestiary Two

Big SALE! Christmas in July Sale – Hundreds of Palladium PDF products on sale – learn one Palladium game and you can play them all

This is your chance to expand your collection of PDF Palladium titles, get titles that are no longer in print, acquire issues of The Rifter®, try new game settings, and explore a Megaverse® of RPG worlds and adventure unlike anything offered any other RPG company.

In addition to most of Palladium Books’ products, there are hundreds of other game company titles on sale. Everything from Palladium Fantasy and Dungeons & Dragons® to Rifts® and Traveller.

Palladium PDF titles on DriveThruRPG

Palladium Books has settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Dead Reign® and Beyond the Supernatural), plus The Rifter® sourcebook series (by fans like you), novels, paper minis, and more.

Rifts® Novels: Duty’s Edge – The lone surviving soldier from a New German Republic Special Forces operation struggles to complete the mission on his own. A stand-alone Rifts® novel complete in itself. 236 pages, Cat. No. 308. The Cosmo-Knight and The Reckoning (Phase World®, the Three Galaxies, and Cosmo-Knights), the Rifts® trilogy of novels: Sonic Boom, Deception’s Web, and Treacherous Awakenings, as well as the Rifts® Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs (11 authors), Machinations of Doom (graphic novel by Ramon K. Perez), and Path of the Storm (a proposed Rifts® movie script) and 300+ other Palladium Books RPG titles.

Also available: Free Garden of the Gods™ (Fantasy) and Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume One Sneak Previews, and the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet: A Microsoft Excel-based character management system. Packed with features and data collected from every official Palladium Fantasy sourcebook to enable you to create Fantasy characters quickly (25 minutes!) and help you to update and manage them for years to come.

Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Three: Zombies, Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Two: Civilians and Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume One: Survivors. There are also paper miniatures for Heroes Unlimited™, Palladium Fantasy® and Rifts®. A new, up-to-date, PDF Palladium Books Catalog. Nightbane® Dark Designs™ sourcebook with 60 new Common Talents, 38 new Elite Talents, 18 new Morphus Tables, all other Morphus Tables collected and more. Systems Failure™ RPG, a 160 page RPG that deals with alien invasion and a post-apocalypse setting that is fun and dynamic. Civilization is on the verge of collapse when the so-called “bugs” invade and turn humans into zombie-like slaves. Monsters, heroes and fun. A complete RPG and setting. Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun™ Two: 256 pages of technology and fun. 30+ power armors, 30+ body armors, 15 combat vehicles, 45 vehicles (hovercycles, etc.), 10 robot haulers, the Robodome and more. Bizantium and the Northern Islands™: the northernmost part of the Known World, the Cold Born, Necromancy ships made from dead sea serpents, 15 creatures, Random Sea Monster Generator, and more. Rifts® Northern Gun™ One. This fan favorite might be thought of as the big book of giant robots – an in-depth look at Northern Gun, 70+ weapons, 27 robots, NG O.C.C.s, key people and places, and much more. Mysteries of Magic™ Book One: The Heart of Magic™ with Wizards, their Apprentices, nearly 60 new magic spells and remember, magic and monsters in the Fantasy RPG are easily adapted to Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, HU2 and other settings. Wolfen Empire™ Fantasy sourcebook, the Great Northern Wilderness and Killer Winters, 12 Wolfen Tribes, Wolfen military and society, 15+ creatures, 5 full adventures, 101 adventure ideas, random encounter tables, notable people, places, plus FREE Sneak Previews of The Rifter® #80, The Rifter® #81, The Rifter® #82, and more on

  • Rifts® is a genre-bending setting that combines science fiction, fantasy, horror, post-apocalypse survival, magic, and endless possibilities for adventure. Imagine a near perfect world of advanced technology 100 years in the future. Then imagine that world crashing down overnight in an apocalyptic upheaval not seen since the formation of the planet. A Great Cataclysm caused by the explosive return of magic. Now fast forward 300 years into the future where magic, dragons, and mythic gods coexist with cyborgs, giant robots and super-science rediscovered from humanity’s Golden Age as humans rise from a lengthy Dark Age. But they must contend with countless alien life forms, monsters, and supernatural horrors from beyond the Rifts.
  • Rifts® core titles we would suggest: Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts® Book of Magic, Rifts® Adventure Guide, D-Bees of North America™, Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign and Rifts® Sourcebook One. Note: The Rifts® RPG, 1st Edition and Rifts® Ultimate, 2nd Edition are both available.
  • 80+ Rifts® supplements, most of them available as PDFs with more coming. Where to start? Wherever sounds fun.
  • Rifts® Dimension Books™: Travel to alien worlds and dimensions via the Rifts for off-world adventure and intrigue.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG and sourcebook series (all). Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.
  • FREE Sneak Previews for Nightbane® Dark Designs™, Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans™, Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity, and many other previews as well as free and low cost items that we make available. All of it adds to the growing list of Rifts and other Palladium RPG game titles available as PDF books, cards and support. A new title should be added every week or two, so keep watching for them.
  • The Rifter® #1-84, ALL issues of The Rifter®. Each issue is a wealth of source material and ideas for 3-6 different Palladium game lines. Most are easily adapted to ANY Palladium game setting. Each issue a gem. 8,500 pages of source material and ideas for heroes, villains, monsters, magic, gear, and adventure.
  • Splicers® RPG is like Iron Man meets Game of Thrones with elements of Terminator – except this army of Iron Men are clad in living body armor and wield living, organic weapons and devices. Created in 2004 by writer and game designer Carmen Bellaire, Splicers® was nominated for an Inquest Gamer Magazine Fan Awards Game of the Year, and has since developed a rabid fan base. Science fiction and horror where humans are forced to use genetically engineered, living weapons and organic war machines to battle an insane Artificial Intelligence and her robot legions. Unlike anything you have ever played before!
  • Splicers®: I Am Legion™ Adventure Sourcebook: 6 new Great Houses, 4 new Host Armors, 6 new War Mounts, 19 new Bio-Weapons, 15 new killer machines, new Bio-Enhancements, Amalgam creation tables, Legion and a series of adventures that build into a small campaign, and more.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 1st Edition Rules and sourcebooks. A unique world of magic, monsters and heroes. Dozens of nonhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition Rules and many sourcebooks. The expanded world of high fantasy, magic, mystery and heroes of every variety. Includes the Mind Mage and psychic abilities, mages and spells, magic circles and symbols, men-at-arms, scoundrels and a wide range of inhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and many more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG first edition rule book and sourcebooks.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition rule book and sourcebooks. Create any type of superhuman you can desire and bring comic book adventures to life.
  • Dead Reign® RPG (Zombie Apocalypse). The dead have risen. It is the battle for survival in the zombie apocalypse, but this setting is much more than your typical zombie game. Play ordinary people or special characters better equipped to survive and hunt zombies. Many unusual types of zombies.
  • Dead Reign® Sourcebooks: 6 sourcebooks from Civilization Gone™ to Hell Followed™ (the latter features stats for 23 disasters, masked lunatics, 11 new zombies, 7 apocalyptic character classes, and more) are available.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 1st Edition Rules. Supernatural horror in the modern world. Play ordinary people, psychics, paranormal investigators or for something different: Victim Characters!
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition: The complete, revised core game, 14 character classes and 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, the Lazlo Agency, world setting and rules.
  • Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. An RPG setting we call superhero horror. Dark conspiracy, a secret, demon invasion starting with world leaders and law enforcement, and it is spreading. The player characters are the Nightbane®, reluctant superhumans who must turn into monsters themselves to unleash their powers and battle the evil that is clear only to them. A dark, sinister and challenging world of horror.
  • After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Planet of the Apes meets the X-Men! Animal creations, powers and more. Create any type of intelligent mutant animal you can imagine as friend or foe.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. James Bond meets Enter the Dragon. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, and super-spies with gadgets, gizmos and advanced weapons.
  • The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy RPG is a long time, cult favorite with a fatalistic world-view of humans vs aliens with superior technology.
  • The Palladium Weapon Series of real world weapons, armor and castles throughout history. Designed for use with ANY game system.
  • 200+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ Paper Miniatures – Two sets are now available!
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Paper Miniatures – Volumes #1-6 are available now. More are coming in the weeks ahead.
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Men at Arms – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Coalition Dead Boys – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Adventurers – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Practitioners of Magic (new) – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Extras (new) – $2.99
  • And more to come in the weeks ahead.

Palladium Collectibles, Negatives, Artwork, other Collectibles and Toys are always available in Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store along with other good things

My eBay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by Charles “Chuck” Walton, Kevin Long, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Rifts® and other Palladium RPG books (they look awesome framed!), rare Palladium collector hardcovers, signed books, other Palladium memorabilia, toys from my personal collection and other collectibles. Check every couple of weeks because we often post new stuff or offer a new sale. There is a sale on negatives starting today, in fact.

Other one-of-a-kind original artwork available by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton II (money goes to the artist), other artists, as well as collectible negatives, prints, limited edition hardcovers, proofreader copies, out of print items, Star Wars toys, Marvel toys and many other toys and collectibles from my personal collection. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.

Available now: One-of-a-kind book negatives. Negatives were very popular items at the Palladium Open House and people went crazy over them at Gen Con – including actor Joe Manganiello who scooped up a pile of TMNT negatives, while Palladium’s own Mark Oberle, Carmen Bellaire, Brandon Aten and a whole lot of Palladium gamers went for negatives from Rifts® New West, Lone Star and Free Quebec. Fun.

Negatives are unique and attractive, one-of-a-kind (on rare occasions two-of-a-kind if a page was replaced or a second edition was made) works of art that resemble woodcut art and are very dynamic conversation pieces. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black.

When our printer, McNaughton and Gunn, went completely digital, they asked if Palladium Books wanted the negs, otherwise they would be destroyed. Regrettably, I let a few dozen be destroyed, but the negatives of many books were sent to Palladium. They have sat in our warehouse for years until I started to offer them for sale. I have also started signing the negatives in silver and each comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Each negative comes on a white board inside a plastic magazine bag and looks fabulous framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening in a frame (each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches).

Closing Thoughts – Ready for some fun?

I asked that question in the opening of this Update, because I am sure ready for some fun.

A few days ago I realized I had slid into a dark mind set. I found myself watching more news again (bad because it is all gloom and doom and politics). I found myself worrying about the pandemic. Worrying about the world at large. Worrying about Palladium. Worrying about sales. Worrying about release dates and printer delays and being behind deadline. Worrying about art and special projects, and … well, all kinds of stuff. Oddly, despite all this, I was writing well. Great even, as writing was my escape.

Then, out of the blue, someone said to me, “You need to follow your heart. Be playful and have fun. You are most creative when you’re having fun.”

Bingo! A thunderbolt wake up call. Absolutely right. That is my mantra to every writer and artist who does work for Palladium. I had recently told a couple of different freelance writers to make sure they had fun when writing. To let themselves be excited by their material as if they were the player and Game Master themselves. If they were having fun and excited about what they were creating, so would the reader. I told them to trust their gut (or follow their hearts), build upon the foundation that is already there, and have fun. If they were having fun their joy and excitement would come through in their writing.

I recommend you do the same. No, I’m not suggesting you write for Palladium, though we are looking for submissions to The Rifter® Annual (hint, hint). I’m talking about finding moments of fun in your everyday life. Push away the troubling junk you have little control over and focus, first, on the things you can control, and second, the things that are fun and bring you joy.

Find time to do the stuff that feels good. That puts a smile on your face and pushes the depressing garbage out of your head and heart. That could mean running role-playing games and adventures with friends and family, reading new releases (they are coming), re-reading old favorite RPG titles (I guarantee there are details and ideas you have overlooked or forgotten. I know I have, and I write most of this stuff! lol), give old villains and characters and settings a new approach or twist, try new ideas, go outside for a walk, hit a park or swimming pool, call or get together with the people you care about, and do other fun things. Despite what the media, internet, and doomsayers may have to say, the world is not ending next week and life is, for most of us, good. So don’t worry, be happy! Yes, I stole that last part from a song, but it was true when that song was first released and it is true now.

Don’t worry, be happy. I have been happy writing and creating new stuff for you. And I’m happy to have you all in my life. I am back to focusing on the things I have control over and trying to have a little fun. Last weekend I went to the Plymouth Art Fair, bought two new T-shirts and a really cool wallet. I also took a walk in a park and bought two of my favorite meals from two of my favorite restaurants. I have recently made time to speak with a few friends I had been missing, enjoyed a visit with a pal from California, drank in a few glorious morning walks this week, and delighted watching the antics of the zillion squirrels, the feral cats, and the deer that have been visiting our home every morning this summer. Not only that, but I have been trying to leave work a bit earlier (10 hour days will have to do) so I can spend some time with Kathy and relax in front of the TV or a book. Please do the same. Life is too short. Have fun. Enjoy the people and pastimes and good things that make you smile and bring you joy. You know what else? It makes me happy that our games and products are among the things that make you happy. Awesome! Feels like good karma and synchronicity.

Luckily for you, I’m a crazy worldbuilder, so writing new books and creating new realms of adventure is my idea of fun! And I have been having a blast with the CS Manhunters sourcebook. I have been making all kinds of tweaks and rewrites to define the Manhunters and really make them sing. Plus, I have been adding all kinds of nice, little touches and fun ideas that are bringing it all together. And that makes me excited and wanting to write all the more. I am thrilled with this book now.

To help you find some fun, I recommend snapping up some Palladium RPG hardcovers or that wonderful Rifts® 30th Anniversary Hardcover so many people are loving. I know the cover, end sheets and the extra 32 pages of color, unseen artwork, cover gallery, and inside history behind the making of Rifts® is fun that makes every Rifts®/Palladium fan smile. And what about those new, crazy pencils and Rifts® notepad, or the Rifts® novels, or prints, and especially DriveThruRPG’s Christmas in July Sale? I think almost every single Palladium PDF item on DriveThru is on sale for the next week or so. And not just our books, but hundreds of products from many game companies. That sounds like something fun and enjoyable to me. In the meanwhile, we will be finishing up sourcebooks and other products for your enjoyment. Game on and be happy.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer, Gamer, Friend

NEW! Miniature Releases – Available now

You have been asking about new miniatures and we are providing. All miniatures come in a plastic bag. The newest three are:

Classic Glitter Boy and Pilot Miniature Pack

Rifts® Glitter Boy™ & Pilot (original) Miniature Pack – 1st time available in resin – 28 mm resin – $19.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8001. Five Pieces: 1. Complete G.B. body and a small base, 2. right arm and Boom Gun, 3. backpack/thrusters, 4. ammo drum and belt, and 5. pilot. The ever-popular, classic Glitter Boy and Pilot (1993 RAFM) – now in resin for the first time (prior releases were pewter figures). Available now.

Rifts CS Firebreather Dead Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® CS Firebreather Dead Boy™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8047. Five pieces: 1. the body, 2. right arm and gun, 3. left arm, 4. antenna, 5. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Juicer 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® Juicer™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8048. Three pieces: 1. the complete body, 2. crossed swords on the back that fit so snugly that you may not even need to glue it, 3. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Glitter Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

And don’t forget about the Deluxe Rifts® Glitter Boy Resin Miniature – released in fall 2020 – 32 mm resin – $34.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8046 – a gorgeous, detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Duty's Edge Novel

Rifts® Novels – Available now

All Rifts® novels are available from the Palladium Books online store as physical books as well as PDFs from All are a fun read and highly recommended. Enjoy.

  • All novels are 5 x 8 inches in size unless otherwise indicated.
  • Page count and price varies.
  • Available as physical books from and as PDFs on
  • Rifts® Duty’s Edge is the story of a lone survivor of a New German Republic Special Forces operation who struggles to complete the mission on his own. A mission to destroy wicked monsters and cut off a vital line of support to the Gargoyle Empire. A mission that could save many lives. Of course, it is a journey that takes many twists and turns as one determined individual hopes to beat impossible odds. Set in the Middle East. 236 pages – $12.99 retail – Cat. No. 308 – the newest, stand alone novel.
  • Rifts® Sonic Boom™. Follow the exploits of a CS platoon sworn to protect humankind from all threats, be they aliens, dragons, masters of magic or fellow humans out for themselves.
  • Rifts® Deception’s Web™, the second novel in this trilogy, reveals a conspiracy within the Coalition military that could spell disaster for our protagonists. Note: Smaller size, 4 x 6 inches.
  • Rifts® Treacherous Awakenings™ is the pulse-pounding conclusion of the third novel in this epic trilogy by Adam Chilson.
  • Rifts Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs™. Rifts® short stories by 11 authors including Kevin Siembieda, Carl Gleba, Mark Oberle, Braden Campbell, Taylor White, Jason Richards, and others. Note: Slightly larger size, 6 x 9 inches.
  • Rifts® Machinations of Doom™ Graphic Novel & Sourcebook. The comic is by acclaimed Eisner Award winning artist Ramon K. Perez, source material by Siembieda and Perez. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Path of the Storm was a Rifts® movie script written on spec. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume One: The Cosmo-Knight. The adventures of Caleb Vulcan, newly minted Knight of the Cosmic Forge.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume Two: The Reckoning. The epic conclusion of the Hammer of the Forge story.

Rifts Novels on

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Whether you drink coffee, hot cocoa, soda-pop, or whatever your beverage of choice may be, this fun mug reminds you of your favorite pastime and that new possibilities exist with every roll of the dice.

The large, 16 ounce Gamer mug presents the word “Gamer” in a box with dice cascading down from above. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Freddie Williams II (art directed by Kevin Siembieda). The mug has an orange interior to add a nice splash of color.

  • A must for every proud gamer!
  • Dice and the word “Gamer” highlighted in a box.
  • Glossy black exterior with an orange interior.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2596 – available now.

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug at

Property of the Coalition States Mug

BACK IN STOCK! Property of the Coalition States 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Back due to popular demand! The iconic Property of the Coalition States and notorious CS Death’s Head insignia printed white on a glossy black, 16 ounce coffee mug, with a blood red interior for a splash of color. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Kevin Long (art directed by Kevin Siembieda).

  • The infamous words “Property of the Coalition States” and the notorious Death’s Head logo and lightning bolts (indicating CS special forces) in white.
  • Glossy black exterior with a blood red interior color.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2588 – available now.

Property of the Coalition States Mug at

Other Mugs Available Now

Everyone loves these mugs. Isn’t it time you started your collection? I like to use them to as a secret code to reflect my mood to those around me. To my thinking the Gamer mug means I’m feeling playful. Rifts® Property of the Coalition States: I’m a soldier in the trenches and working hard. Dead Reign®: Back off or I will eat you alive. Fantasy Dragon: My imagination is on fire. Rifts Logo: Feeling the infinite possibilities. Rifts® Titan Robotics: I’m feeling mighty. Of course, they represent something else to each of you or just represent one of your favorite games, like a normal person.

  • Rifts® Titan Robotics™ Mug A dynamic Titan robot and the Rifts® logo. Art by Steven Cummings. White on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2595 – available now.
  • Rifts® Logo Coffee Mug The famous Rifts® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Logo by Kevin Long. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2587 – available now.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Dragon Mug The famous red on black 3-headed hydra battling a knight from the iconic original Palladium Fantasy RPG cover. Art by Kevin Siembieda. Red on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with an attractive orange interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2589 – available now.
  • Dead Reign® (Zombie Attack) Mug A trio of hungry zombies and the Dead Reign® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blood red interior for a splash of color. Art by Steven Cummings. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2594 – available now.

© 2021 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – July 15, 2021

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda

I hope everyone is surviving this wild summer. Parts of the country are sizzling with heat, others are on fire, others are underwater, drenched by storms or being bowled over by powerful winds. All of it has been wild. Michigan is has experienced a smorgasbord of it all scattered across the state. Where Palladium is located we are having one of the hottest summers on record with the warmest overnight lows ever for the month of July. Which means little relief from the heat and a mild drought broken up by torrential downpours that cause some flooding. Overall, we are doing well and we hope you can say the same. You are important and valued by us so please hang tough and find relief and enjoyment wherever you can.

I find I am experiencing a love-hate relationship with the printing industry. Every time there is an “unexpected” delay or our print schedule gets screwed up, I want to scream at somebody. Then I remember they are overwhelmed and struggling with their own challenges, so I need to keep my cool and be grateful for the printing partners we have. Still it makes me angry when we hit our deadline, I get assurances the books will ship on time, I add a week or two to the time line as a safety net, I check in twice a week to make sure they are on track, and we still experience additional delays or problems. Just last week we were assured our latest hardcover books were on the way to us. Sure enough, the delivery truck arrives and joy fills our hearts. Then disbelief and disappointment. There are only two of the four hardcover books we ordered. No prior notice of this. No explanation about why or when the missing titles might arrive. It is maddening.

Apparently the whole schedule of releases we submitted has become a jumbled mess at the printer. Their solution, to send us everything over the next week. While that plays havoc with our cash flow, I would rather have the books now than to continue playing this crazy guessing game. Of course, not all printers are like that, but these guys, sheesh. If their print quality wasn’t so nice and their prices so good I would be hunting for someone else. But ALL the printers are experiencing problems. One notified us there are delays because they cannot get the paper they need. Another can’t find enough people to man a night shift. No wonder my hair turned white. Hah. I cannot actually blame them for that seeing how my hair had gone silver then white years ago. That’s okay, us platinum blondes have more fun. It’s true.

UPDATE! Rifts® CS Manhunters. I hope I am not jinxing myself, but I have actually managed to enjoy two solid, 8 hour days of writing in a row on Rifts® Manhunters. Good stuff, too. I expect to peel off 50 manuscript pages for editing later this afternoon, and another 30-40 in a day or two. The flippin’ book is finally coming together very nicely.

I am working hard to get Rifts® CS Manhunters and BTS Creature Feature into your hands over the next 6-8 weeks. Then dive into Rifts® Bestiary Volume 2 while bouncing back and forth from it and Titan Robotics. I also want to get a couple of Palladium Fantasy RPG sourcebooks and Rifts® Antarctica in your hands by Christmas. We are rockin’ n’ rolling on all fronts. In the meantime, see what else is new.

NEW! Rifts® 5×7 inch Notepad – one of the fun, little products I hinted at as coming in previous Updates. See all the details below and in the online store.

NEW! 4 Rifts® Pencils AND one Fantasy Pencil – more of the silly, little fun products I have hinted at as coming. They are different than the fan fave, Chi-Town ‘Burbs pencil of the past. Each with much larger, bolder type and a dynamic insignia image. See all the details below and in the online store.

NEW! Rifts® Excel-Based Automated Character Sheet – You requested it and now you have one. Palladium freelance writer Greg Diaczyk had been working on this Automated Rifts® character sheet in his spare time for a number of years. He used his extra time at home during the pandemic to finish it up, play-test it, and make an instructional video. It looks pretty cool and is fairly comprehensive and fast, so check it out. Currently available on – see the full description elsewhere in this Update. Btw, we have someone developing a “web-based” Rifts® character generator as well. It is many months from completion, but it is looking great. More about that project in the weeks and months ahead.

After the Bomb® RPG Adventure Podcast: We are enjoying it and you may too. Moreover, these fun-loving maniacs are talking about possibly doing podcasts for 2-3 other Palladium game settings.

AtB Schedule: Biweekly (episodes released every other Friday).


Twitter: @realplaypod

Two interviews you might enjoy, listed below, in order of most recent:

Kevin and Sean talk Rifts for Savage Worlds —

Siembieda and Yancik —

Coming! Virtual Gen Con live chat. I will be doing a 2 or 3 hour “live” online chat for Gen Con with Matthew Yancik coordinating the event. I know that’s two months away, but I wanted to mention it while it was on my mind. It should be fun. Splitting it between three different subjects: Rifts, Game Master Tips, and Game Design Tips. There will be a short 5-10 minute break between them and I am happy to answer your questions. I think the chat will take place sometime on Saturday, September 18. More details as we get closer.

The first Rifter® Annual (2021) is real and on the 2021 schedule, but only if we get enough submissions by September 1. Scheduled to be a Christmas 2021 release. Time for you to be bold and contribute. We want to see your ideas. Besides, it is fun to see your name in print. More details elsewhere in this Weekly Update.

A Kickstarter you might enjoy. Our friend Sarah Orr Aten has a Kickstarter: The Chaos Within, going for her latest fantasy novel. It is the continuing saga of the key character introduced in her first novel, The World Between, so if you enjoyed it, you will enjoy this one. Check it out at:

Available Now! After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover, Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover, and Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover – The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed! Folks are eating these up and love the “Bonus” material. See the complete description of each below and in the Palladium online store.

BACK IN STOCK! Rifts® 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover (color cover). This exquisite reprint of the original 1990 RPG as a bonus hardcover with 32 extra pages of color, the history of Rifts, a color gallery of all Rifts® covers to date, unpublished art and color end sheets (288 pages, $49.99 retail, Cat. No. 800HC30), has been selling like crazy and sold out before our delayed, second shipment arrived. We said it would be available the week of July 19, and it looks like it will be. We have been told by the printer the Rifts® 30th Anniversary Hardcover shipped out to Palladium yesterday so we should get it on Friday. See the complete description below and in the Palladium online store.

Rifts Notepad

NEW! Rifts® Notepad

A 5×7 inch notepad featuring the Rifts® logo and color art of the “Coalition Strike Force” print by Kevin Long across the top. It looks great on your desk or gaming table. Perfect for taking notes and feeling that Rifts vibe. Practical and fun.

  • 50 sheets per pad – $5.00 each – Cat. No. 2597 – available now.

NEW! 5 Gaming Pencils, 4 Rifts® Pencils and one Fantasy Pencil

Practical and fun conversation pieces that will make you the envy of your gaming group (at least until they buy their own). These pencils are different from the fan fave, Chi-Town ‘Burbs pencil of the past. Each new pencil is imprinted with much larger, bolder type, and a dynamic insignia image, and two change color! All are No. 2 pencils. These pencils and the notepad are some of the silly, little, fun things I hinted at as coming in past Updates.

Why do them? Because we all need fun things that make us smile and just feel good. And these pencils and the notepad do exactly that. Everyone here went crazy over them. I probably should not admit this, but I love glancing over and seeing them on my desk. They make me smile and feel like souvenirs I acquired on my dimensional travels. What a fan boy geek, right? But true all the same. I hope you enjoy them just as much. Note: In my opinion, the photos do not do them justice; not the same as holding one in your hand.

Rifts Coalition States Office of the Emperor Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: Coalition States – Office of the Emperor – $1.60 each – Cat. No. 2598 – available now. Black colored pencil, white printing, CS skull and lightning bolt insignia, pink eraser at the end. No. 2 pencil lead.

Rifts Lone Star Engineering the Future Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: Lone Star Complex – Engineering the Future – $1.60 each – Cat. No. 2599 – available now. Dark blue colored pencil, white printing, CS Lone Star skull in a star insignia, pink eraser at the end. No. 2 pencil lead.

Rifts Chi-Town Library Knowledge is Power Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: Chi-Town Library – Knowledge is Power – $1.60 each – Cat. No. 2600 – available now. Yellow colored pencil, black printing, image of an open book/rising sun, pink eraser at the end. No. 2 pencil lead.

Rifts Lazlo Council of Learning Pencil

Rifts® Pencil: City of Lazlo – Council of Learning – $1.80 each – Cat. No. 2601 – available now. A “magic” pencil that changes color from powder blue to white. (The heat of your fingers and hand causes the color to change.) Black printing, roaring dragonhead insignia, black eraser at the end.

Palladium Fantasy Library of Bletherad Pencil

Palladium Fantasy Pencil: Library of Bletherad – Your Source of Knowledge – $1.80 each – Cat. No. 2602 – available now. A “magic” pencil that changes color from green to yellow. (The heat of your fingers and hand causes the color to change.) Black printing with the Ward image for “Knowledge,” black eraser at the end.

Rifts Notepad and Five Pencil Set

Rifts® Notepad & 5 Pencil SET – $11.00 retail for the set – save $2.40 – Cat. No. 2603 – available now.

Rifts Soft Touch Pen with Stylus

Rifts® Pen & Stylus – And don’t forget about the Rifts® Pen with Stylus for use with a smartphone – Rifts Logo and the words “Unleash your imagination” printed white on a navy blue ballpoint pen. Black ink. $5.00 each – Cat. No. 2586.

Rifts Poker Cards Deck One Full Color Rifts Poker Cards Deck Two Line Art

Rifts® Card Decks – it might be time to snag one or both of our Rifts® poker decks while you are at it. $11.99 each – Full Color Deck Cat. No. 2575; Black and White Art (color card backing, classic black and white art) Cat. No. 2576. See the complete description of each in the Palladium online store.

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on DriveThruRPG

NEW! Rifts® Automated Character Sheet for EXCEL

The next step in character data collection! This EXCEL template provides automation to your Rifts® character creation process. Done in Microsoft Excel, this character template will allow you to build your character with substantial ease and speed. Ideal for the new gamer who doesn’t know all of the Palladium Books® rules just yet, it’s also a highly effective tool for Game Masters and advanced players alike who make multiple characters, NPCs or just like to min/max or theory craft characters between games.

  • Dice Roller: A simple dice roller is on the main page of the character sheet to help with character creation or in-game dice rolling needs.
  • Automated Attributes and Stat Block: All the bonuses and features from attributes are presented in a large stat block allowing you to easily see your bonus to save vs Psionics, Mind Control, etc. You can pick your strength type (Normal, Augmented, Robotic or Supernatural) to determine your carrying and lifting capacity and even your M.D. punch damage if your strength is high enough and of the right type.
  • Automated Combat Stats: The main page holds a section where you can pull up data for your various combat stats, from hand to hand abilities such as Strike, Parry, Dodge and Disarm, to W.P. bonuses including those of the W.P. Sharpshooting variety. This section draws upon all of your character’s selection of skills and abilities and even offers customization from odd O.C.C. or racial abilities.
  • Automated Psionics: All psionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 12: Psyscape™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected from a dropdown menu that then populates tables with the information on psionics for your character. Each psionic ability’s data including damage, M.D.C. and range also automatically increases based on the character’s level of experience.
  • Automated Spells: All Common Invocations, Necromancy, Ocean Magic and Biomancy spells (yes, all the Lemurian Biomancer spells too!) can be selected from a dropdown menu that then populates tables with the information on spells for your character. Each spell’s data including damage, M.D.C. and range also automatically increases based on the character’s level of experience.
  • Automated Skills: All skills from the Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® World Book 25: China 2 – Heroes of the Celestial Court™ and Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria can be selected and then automatically add bonuses from prerequisites and related skills. Physical skills that provide bonuses also add those bonuses directly to attributes and combat stats. Bonuses that require dice rolls are denoted and can then be manually rolled and added to the character sheet. Custom percent bonuses such as O.C.C. bonuses can also be added to individual skills.
  • Automated Cybernetics & Bionics: All cybernetics and bionics from Rifts® Ultimate Edition along with some favorites from other books can be selected from dropdown menus which then tabulate bonuses and add them to your combat stats. Prices also sum up so an enterprising Headhunter can keep track of his hardware and upgrades. Simple cybernetic body part diagrams even allow players to allocate the locations of their various cybernetic and bionic components.
  • Freeform O.C.C. and Racial Power Section: A section for non-standard powers, special O.C.C. or racial abilities allows the player to add custom skills and powers that can be linked to those features to draw upon the character’s level of experience, I.Q. bonus or other stats so powers grow as the character advances.
  • Character Building Section: On the main page of the document is a section to help you build your character, from customizing attributes, to adding non-standard bonuses from O.C.C. or racial abilities, to an optional point buy system for attributes.
  • Helpful Hints and Suggestions: Red triangular tabs appear throughout the document. Hovering over the red tab with the mouse cursor will reveal useful data from sourcebooks, hints, suggestions and other information, such as what a particular stat means, how it’s used in the game and what things can add bonuses or affect it. There is also a page with overview instructions on how to use the sheet, and a number of instructional videos will be posted via Palladium TV on the ins and outs of the character sheet. The first can be found here:
  • Portrait: A special sheet is set up so you can add an image to the document for a custom portrait for your character. That image is then displayed on the main page and is protected from accidental movement or deletion from the main page.
  • Password Protected: Several pages of the document are password protected so players won’t accidently delete formulas and ruin the character sheet’s automated features. The password is provided so players can customize the sheet to their liking then protect the sheet again so they don’t undo all their hard work.
  • Note: The file is best used in Microsoft EXCEL 2016 or above. Some data may be lost if not using Microsoft EXCEL, such as when using similar products like Open Office.
  • Currently available on for $6.00 – game on!

Rifts Automated Character Sheet on DriveThruRPG

Now Shipping

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

NEW! After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Available now

Create any type of intelligent, humanoid, mutant animal from a turtle or raccoon to an elephant or lion. The RPG presents stats for 100+ mutant animals, plus rules for creating any mutant animal you can imagine, and each sourcebook offers dozens more.

Play your mutant animals as super-heroes, vigilantes, or mutants on the run in the Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, Heroes of the Megaverse® or Skraypers™ settings. Or as mutants or monsters in Nightbane®. (You could make a mutant animal the Nightbane’s Morphus!) In Palladium Fantasy® your mutant animal could be one of the forgotten archaic races, a visitor from another world, a creation of magic, or a monster. In Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Phase World® and the Three Galaxies, The Mechanoids®, Aliens Unlimited™, Splicers® and similar RPGs, use the creation rules to make new D-Bees, aliens, mutants, or monsters. Or play in the AtB post-apocalyptic Earth setting that makes Planet of the Apes seem tame. Whatever the setting, playing anthropomorphic animal characters is a blast.

  • 100+ mutant animal stats included.
  • Mutant animal creation rules to mutate ANY animal.
  • 52 Mutant Animal Powers.
  • 33 Mutant Animal Psionic Powers.
  • New Animal Chimeras and their abilities.
  • New back story to the After the Bomb® world of mutants.
  • The post-apocalyptic Earth setting of “After the Bomb” is just one use for your mutant animal heroes.
  • A complete RPG written by Erick Wujcik. His last great work and a sometimes overlooked RPG masterpiece. These are the Mutant Animal Creation Rules you know and love taken to new heights.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Aliens Unlimited™, Nightbane®, N&S, Rifts® and any game setting where mutants or aliens are appropriate.
  • 72 pages of “bonus” material includes the original After the Bomb® sourcebook and Yucatan Adventures from the old Game Shield.
  • 296 pages (72 bonus pages) – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 503HC – now shipping. Also available as a 224 page softcover book ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 503).

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

Ninjas & Superspies RPG Hardcover

NEW! Ninjas & Superspies RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Available now

The Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG is the ultimate guide to martial arts with 40 different martial art forms and 48 mystic martial arts powers alone, but there is so much more. Asian combat skills accurately portrayed, each with its own unique fighting style, methods of attack and defense presented on an epic scale, complete with legendary mystic powers. Spies, Cyber Agents, Gadgeteers, secret organizations creation rules, secret identities, gimmick weapons and clothing, cyber-disguises, implants, and more. Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™ RPG and even Nightbane®, Rifts®, and other settings. A complete game PLUS 44 pages of bonus material gathered from The Rifter®.

  • 40+ types of hand to hand combat — effectively offering 40 types of martial arts character classes!
  • 17 Occupational Character Classes for spies, mercenaries, martial artists and special operatives.
  • 48 mystic martial art powers.
  • Dim Mak, Chi Mastery, the Arts of Invisibility and more.
  • Bionic implants, disguises, weapons, & equipment.
  • Secret identities, spy agencies, and creation rules for secret organizations.
  • Complete stand-alone RPG with skills, weapons, rules and guidelines for using other Palladium settings.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Rifts®, Rifts® China, and the entire Palladium Megaverse®!
  • 44 pages of “bonus” material gathered from The Rifter®.
  • 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 525HC – RPG by Erick Wujcik – now shipping. Also available as a 176 page softcover book ($22.99 retail – Cat. No. 525). And see Mystic China for an astonishing and fun sourcebook with more mystical martial arts abilities, magic, demons, immortals and more.

Ninjas and Superspies RPG Hardcover

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

NEW! Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover – The Zombie Apocalypse – available now

The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world.

Civilization crumbles in a matter of days as hundreds of millions of people die and rise as the walking dead. The hundreds of millions of people who fall to the zombies also rise to join the growing legions of undead. Then the world goes silent.

You are on your own. The army is MIA. There is no government. No law. No television, radio or Internet. No media, cell phones or communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets.

Death Cults have risen, promising protection from the walking dead.

Retro-Savages have forsaken technology and sacrifice the living to the zombies in hopes of bringing an end to the nightmare.

Brave human survivors refuse to lie down and die! They come from all walks of life. Their common goal: survival as they struggle to forge safe havens away from the cities, rescue other survivors and battle the walking dead without respite. For now at least, the planet belongs to the dead.

Dead Reign® is an excellent introductory game that is easy to learn, fast to play, and fun to read. If you are looking for a zombie game that truly captures the feel of survival after the apocalypse and the nightmare of being stalked by zombies, Dead Reign® is it. Game mechanics are designed to create a real sense of escalating terror and dread when the zombies swarm. Sourcebooks expand the world, player options, and adventure ideas as well as new zombies and dangers.

  • Six Apocalyptic Character Classes (O.C.C.) including the Reaper, Shepherd of the Damned, Hound Master, Apocalyptic Soldier, Scrounger and Ordinary People.
  • Seven types of zombies plus the Half-Living. (Sourcebooks offer many more.)
  • Secrets of the Dead: Everything you need to know about zombies and need to ask.
  • Death Cults, their Priests, power over zombies and goals.
  • Random tables galore and the fundamentals of survival.
  • Strong setting, world overview and many adventure ideas.
  • A complete role-playing game. 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 230HC – now shipping. Also available as a 224 page softcover RPG ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 230).

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

Rifts® merges science fiction with fantasy, horror, heroic adventure, and other genres in a thrilling and plausible setting that will set your imagination on fire. Travel the Rifts to any location on Earth, or leap across the dimensional divide to visit alien worlds and dimensions in a matter of seconds. And just as you can travel to other worlds, aliens and the monstrous travel to Earth and stalk the innocent.

Rifts® is a fusion of ideas, settings, genres, and characters unlike any game on the market. An endless Megaverse® of adventure™ in which if you can imagine it, you can play it. Are you up to the challenge?

The Rifts® Commemorative 30th Anniversary Hardcover is the original first edition Rifts® rule book (1990) that started a phenomenon. It is a complete RPG suitable for use with ALL existing Rifts® World Books, Sourcebooks, and Dimension Books. It is an earlier and somewhat simpler edition given the deluxe treatment. Expanded with bonus art, an additional 32 color pages, color end sheets, history about the making of Rifts®, notes, concept drawings, color concepts, photographs, and a gallery of every Rifts® cover published between 1990 and the end of 2021. The cover features the famous Keith Parkinson painting of the Splugorth Slave Barge. Provided to you due to popular demand.

  • Back in print for the first time in 16 years.
  • Color cover of the famous Splugorth Slave Barge by Keith Parkinson.
  • A color gallery of 160+ Rifts® covers.
  • An extra 32 pages of color.
  • More comprehensive contents pages.
  • Concept art and pencil illustrations often with notes by the artist.
  • History of Rifts®, personal notes, commentary, and nostalgic material.
  • Color end sheets.
  • Countless memories, and loads of fun.
  • A simpler, earlier version of the core rules.
  • A complete role-playing game suitable for use with ALL existing Rifts® World Books, Sourcebooks, and Dimension Books.
  • Available in stores and from Palladium Books.
  • This is NOT the signed or numbered limited edition, but we are happy to sign copies at conventions and the Palladium Open House. The print run is likely to be limited to a few thousand copies.
  • 288 pages – $49.99 retail – Cat. No. 800HC30 – Available now. Also see Rifts® Ultimate Edition RPG.

Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

Rifts® 30th Anniversary “Gold” Hardcover SOLD OUT, but …

I have made a half-dozen “Printer Proofs” available in my Ebay store – Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles – ALL are signed by me and available staff, and have a dragonhead drawing just like the “numbered” Gold Editions. Identical to the signed and numbered editions except it says “Printer Proof” instead of having a number. Printer Proofs are for Palladium staff, charity auctions, the 2022 POH, and gifts for select Palladium support personnel. With the 200 Signed and Numbered copies sold out in three weeks from the date of its arrival, this Gold Edition is an instant collectible. Get the Printer Proofs while you still can. Sold on a first come, first served basis.

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Game Master Guide Hardcover – Available now

The Rifts® Game Master Guide™ hardcover is a massive, 352 page reference book with short stats and descriptions for every Rifts® robot, power armor, body armor, vehicle, weapon, gadget, skill, experience table, and map that appears in Rifts® World Books 1-23 and Sourcebooks 1-4, plus a bionics index, an O.C.C.s and R.C.C.s index, rules clarifications, combat examples, advice on how to run a game and more.

  • 500+ weapons.
  • 290 pieces of equipment.
  • 180+ vehicles.
  • 100+ suits of body armor.
  • 80+ suits of power armor.
  • 300+ skills, character and D-Bee index, dozens of maps, and more.
  • 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 845HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Book of Magic Hardcover – Available now

Nearly 1,000 magic spells and 400 magic weapons and devices from across Rifts Earth, plus magic tattoos, herbs, stones, and more. 352 pages of pure magic.

  • 900+ magic spells, Elemental Magic, Ley Line Magic, Temporal Magic, Necromancy, Nature Magic, Cloud Magic, Ocean Magic, Biomancy and more.
  • Plus Tattoo Magic, Stone Magic, Whalesongs, Conjuring, Nazca Lines.
  • 290+ Techno-Wizard weapons and items, including TW Bionics, Automatons, and Iron Juggernauts.
  • 80+ other magic items, Rune Weapons, Holy Weapons, Fetishes.
  • Bio-Wizard Weapons, the Bio-Borg, Symbiotes, and herbs.
  • Magic stones, talismans, magic items of Japan, and more.
  • Millennium Tree wands, staves and armor.
  • 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 848HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Adventure Guide Hardcover – Available now

Inside information to create and run RPG adventures: How to get started, building on ideas, character archetypes, tables for creating Rifts towns and cities, mercenary companies, traveling shows, and player created organizations, plus random Rift tables, information about the Chi-Town ‘Burbs, 32 ‘Burb adventure ideas, another 101 adventure hooks, and still more adventure ideas, and additional player and Game Master tips by Kevin Siembieda, Erick Wujcik, and Bill Coffin.

  • 150+ adventure ideas.
  • Game Master and player tips from Kevin Siembieda.
  • Adventure creation tips from Kevin Siembieda.
  • Why and how to use alignments by Kevin Siembieda.
  • Tricks of running a large group, G.M. tools, and more.
  • Additional Player and G.M. tips from Wujcik and Coffin.
  • Overview and info about the CS Chi-Town ‘Burbs.
  • 32 adventure ideas in the ‘Burbs.
  • Random Dimensional Rifts & other tables.
  • Tables for creating towns, merc companies, and traveling shows.
  • 192 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 849HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

HARDCOVER Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition – available now

A fantasy setting like no other, rich in history and inviting adventure. Not only are you able to play iconic fantasy heroes like the Wizard, Knight, Paladin, Ranger, Thief, Assassin, and others, but also characters such as the Mind Mage, Druid, Diabolist, Summoner and many others. Moreover, play an array of nonhuman characters from Elves and Dwarves to Wolfen, Changelings, Kobolds, Orcs, Ogres, and many others.

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo, hardcover.
  • 25+ Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s).
  • 14+ inhuman player races (more in sourcebooks).
  • 300+ magic spells.
  • 60 magical Wards. 50 magic circles.
  • Dozens of magic items potions and more.
  • 70+ psychic powers, the Mind Mage, and more.
  • Weapons, gear, demons and adventure ideas.
  • New sourcebooks like Land of the Damned 3, Lopan, and others are coming.
  • 336 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 450HC – available now.

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

HARDCOVER Heroes Unlimited RPG, 2nd Edition – available now

The Heroes Unlimited™ RPG has been a hit RPG for 30+ years because it enables you to create any type of comic book hero you can imagine. Make characters pulled right from any comic book you grew up with and love, or design your own league of extraordinary heroes.

If you seek comic book heroic adventure, Heroes Unlimited™ does the job on an epic scale. Plus a dozen sourcebooks provide you with more super abilities, hero categories, bad guys and adventures.

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo on the hardcover.
  • Create any type of hero you can imagine.
  • 101 super abilities plus a multitude of sub-powers within them, bonuses and special combat capabilities.
  • 100+ magic spells plus enchanted weapons and objects.
  • 72 psychic powers.
  • Enchanted weapons that instill super abilities.
  • Mega-Heroes and immortals.
  • Alien super beings.
  • Bionics and cyborgs.
  • Psionics and Psychics.
  • Robots and power armor.
  • Masters of magic, wizards and spell casters.
  • Mutants and Super Soldiers possessing super abilities.
  • Inventors, super-geniuses and super-vehicles.
  • Special Training: Martial arts, Sleuths, weapons, more.
  • Cover by comic book legend Jim Steranko.
  • Art by Ramon K. Perez, Paulo Parente, Mike Gustovich, and others.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 352 pages for a complete RPG – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 500HC – available now.

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

HARDCOVER Beyond the Supernatural RPG, 2nd Edition – Available now

Supernatural horror in the modern world that feels plausible and real. Your characters are the few who know the supernatural is real because they have experienced it face to face. Some are psychics, some are experts in the paranormal or the arcane, and others are ordinary people like you and me. Ordinary people who are never the same after their own close encounter. All of these unlikely heroes stand against supernatural evil in a world of disbelievers who brand them as practitioners of fringe science or lunatics. Only they know the truth: supernatural evil is real and dangerous. And someone has to take a stand to protect the innocent from supernatural evil in whatever hidden form it may take. Are you ready to join the battle?

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo, hardcover.
  • A plausible modern horror setting that makes sense and will challenge your role-playing skills.
  • 14 Psychic Character Classes.
  • 42 occupations for “ordinary” people.
  • 100+ psychic abilities, including Fire Walker abilities.
  • Creatures of darkness, the Lazlo Agency, and more.
  • New sourcebooks are coming soon.
  • 256 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 700HC – available now.

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

2021 Rifter® Annual – Submissions Wanted

Are you a Palladium gamer who has cool ideas and think you are a decent writer? If so, consider writing an article, adventure, monsters, etc., for The Rifter® Annual. It is part sourcebook, part fanzine, part talent show, and a lot of fun written by fans like yourself. The pay is terrible but you get published, receive a couple copies of the book, a few bucks, and your name up in lights … um, in a printed book. Plus Kevin and Wayne see your work, which sometimes leads to you being invited to write “official” sourcebooks and material.

Artists, this goes for you too. We are always looking for new artists to consider, so do not hesitate to submit some samples or send us a link to your online art page. The Rifter is a good place to try out, especially if you are just getting started doing art on a professional or semi-professional level.

Please send us your submissions by August 15, 2021. (Sooner is better!) We plan for it to be all new and a Christmas time release. With 8-12 week turnaround times from printers, we will need to submit the finished files to a printer by September in order to have it in time for Thanksgiving! So finish up your submissions and send them in for our consideration at your earliest convenience. Plus, whatever we like but cannot squeeze in this 192 page Annual, we will safe for the next Annual.

What we are looking for in written submissions: Adventures, monsters, villains, NPCS, new settings/locations, magic spells, magic items, super abilities, tech weapons, vehicles, gear, and all sorts of source material for ALL of our current settings. That includes settings such as Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited, After the Bomb®, Ninjas & Superspies, Beyond the Supernatural, Nightbane®, Splicers®, Rifts® Chaos Earth®, and, well any of them.

Material can be 2-5 pages, 6-12 pages, 15-30 pages, but please, not more than 30 pages for any one article. Please include the “Unsolicited Manuscript Form” with your submission. You can find it on the Palladium website under Questions & Resources – the Unsolicited Works Form. Send electronic submissions to rifter{at} and if you have questions, call Palladium at 734-721-2903.

In the alternative, you can mail us physical Rifter® submissions and the Unsolicited Manuscript Form (as well as letters and unsolicited sourcebook manuscripts, created entirely on speculation) to:

Palladium Books – The Rifter
39074 Webb Court
Westland, MI 48185

We can only publish a Rifter® Annual if we get enough new material. We would like to start editing and tweaking some of them by the beginning of August, so do not hesitate to send them in as soon as you are ready. AND it is a great way to get on our radar as writers (and artists).

Rifts Coalition Manhunters

UPDATE: Rifts® CS Manhunters

I have been working on this fun sourcebook whenever I can and it is looking great. With several hardcovers and reprints at the printer, and the Rifts® 30th Anniversary Hardcovers shipping, my plate is now cleared up for writing.

Rifts® CS Manhunters presents dark secrets of the Coalition States involving CS psychics, the super secret Psi-Ops Division (the thought police of Emperor Prosek), and the deadly super-patriots that are the enigmatic CS Manhunters. Includes 50+ NEW psionic abilities with real punch, insight into the Dog Boys and Kill Hounds, meanings revealed about the Seven Dangers Prophecy (first introduced in Rifts® Sourcebook 2: The Mechanoids®), and gadgets and implants, and surprises. All of it building toward something epic.

  • New Coalition Psychic O.C.C.s.
  • 50+ new psionic abilities and revisits of some favorites.
  • CS Manhunter Divner and Precog.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Interrogator and Psi-Enforcer.
  • CS Manhunter Bursters and Zappers.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Healers and CS Slayers.
  • CS Manhunter Killhound and Dog Boy O.C.C.s.
  • CS Manhunter Mind Melters, the deadliest of them all.
  • CS Manhunter squads and special operations.
  • Secrets of Psi-Ops Division and insight about Coalition psychics.
  • Deciphering the Seven Dangers Prophecy.
  • The impact of the demon plagues unleashed by the Minion War.
  • Player Characters, NPCS, background info, adventure ideas, and more.
  • 96-128 pages – $18.99 retail – Cat. No. 894 – In production and nearing completion.

Pre-Order Rifts CS Manhunters

Creature Feature

UPDATE: Creature Feature, a Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook

This is going to be another fun adventure sourcebook. The manuscript will go into editing and rewrites as soon as I finish CS Manhunters and most of the artwork is done. Though I may add a few illustrations and already have artists lined up. Creature Feature™ builds on material that has appeared in various issues of The Rifter® but there is a ton of new material and information useful to both Game Masters and players.

  • A gallery of supernatural creatures. Some new. Some familiar, updated and expanded. All terrifying.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • Game Master source material and advice on rules, psychic abilities, proximity and threat levels, I.S.P. multipliers, and more.
  • Advice about running modern horror RPGs and using supernatural creatures in your games.
  • Lots of adventure ideas, including an updated and expanded full adventure, “The Squatter.”
  • New background and setting information for the BTS setting and a few surprises.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw and others.
  • 160-192 pages – $22.99 or $26.99 depending on final size – Cat. No. 704.

Pre-Order Creature Feature

Rifts Titan Robotics

UPDATE: Rifts® Titan Robotics

Here it is, the reveal of the new cover. I hope you like it. I love that it presents the iconic Titan Robotics Combat Robot with a new big gun that hints at what else awaits you inside the book. I also enjoy the combat scene, smoke, and haze of war. Like Northern Gun and the Manistique Imperium, Titan Robotics sells freely to adventurers, mercenaries, and anyone who has the cash. Hence, the owners of these big ‘bots clashing with Coalition Forces.

This is why I call Rifts® Titan Robotics™ a high-tech toy box filled with many new types of Titan Robotics power armors, giant robots, vehicles, weapons, and gear. Some are big bruisers while others are small and sleek. As fun as these new tech toys are, Rifts® Titan Robotics™ delves into the company’s many secrets, including ARCHIE-3’s plans and program to monitor and manipulate the outside world. Learn about Archie’s androids that run Titan Robotics and his current schemes and plans for the future. All of which provides fodder for adventure.

  • New Giant Robots.
  • New Power Armor, equipment and accessories.
  • 30+ power armors and robots, plus other equipment.
  • New weapons, gear and vehicles.
  • Titan Robotics Corporation and structure.
  • Archie’s secret kingdom and plans for the future.
  • New O.C.C.s and key Non-Player Characters (NPCs).
  • Android executives, security and much more.
  • Wellington Industries, campaign prompts and more.
  • Art by Walton, Cummings, Atkins, and others. Cover by Mike Majestic.
  • Written by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda.
  • 160-192 pages (tentative) – $22.99 retail (or $26.99) – Cat. No. 899.

Pre-Order Rifts Titan Robotics

Rifts Bestiary Volume Two

UPDATE: Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two

The second big, “monster book” reference for Rifts® of what we anticipate to be three volumes in the series, more if we decide to make ghosts, spirits and Entities and/or Creatures of Magic part of the Bestiary series. Much like Volume One, Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume Two collects 70-100 monsters and animals plus 12-24 new beasts found across Rifts North America. The anticipated page count is 224-256 pages.

All volumes of the Rifts® Bestiary™ series are a great resource for players and Game Masters alike. Each description is updated, expanded, and highly detailed to present players with exotic and alien creatures as pets, guardians and riding animals, as well as slobbering monsters to battle and fierce beasts for Game Masters to throw at their players. Designed to offer adventure ideas, offers notes on young, adult, male and female creatures, and all provide plenty of ways to enhance your characters and spice up adventures. Each is accompanied by a map that shows at a glance where the beast can be encountered. Ah, but in the presence of Rifts and magic means any of the creatures may appear anywhere in the world, so be on your toes.

  • Monsters and animals of Rifts North America organized into big, easy to use sourcebooks.
  • Updated and expanded descriptions and information for each existing monster.
  • Updated and uniform stat blocks.
  • New exotic creatures – predators, exotic riding animals, beasts of burden, alien horrors, giant insects, and more.
  • A map for every creature showing where it is found.
  • Easily adapted to any Palladium setting – Palladium Fantasy®, Chaos Earth®, Splicers®, Phase World®, the Three Galaxies™, The Mechanoids®, Heroes Unlimited™/Aliens Unlimited™, and others.
  • Basic S.D.C. stats included with each creature description.
  • Fully illustrated, with art by Charles Walton II, Ramon Perez, Robert Atkins, and many others. Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 256 pages each volume – $26.99 – Cat. No. 897 (Volume Two).

Pre-Order Rifts Bestiary Two – Your RPG resource for 300+ PDF products – all using the same basic game system – learn one game and you can play them all

And we have settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Dead Reign® and Beyond the Supernatural), plus The Rifter® sourcebook series (by fans like you), novels, paper minis, and more.

Rifts® Novels: Duty’s Edge – The lone surviving soldier from a New German Republic Special Forces operation struggles to complete the mission on his own. A stand-alone Rifts® novel complete in itself. 236 pages, Cat. No. 308. The Cosmo-Knight and The Reckoning (Phase World®, the Three Galaxies, and Cosmo-Knights), the Rifts® trilogy of novels: Sonic Boom, Deception’s Web, and Treacherous Awakenings, as well as the Rifts® Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs (11 authors), Machinations of Doom (graphic novel by Ramon K. Perez), and Path of the Storm (a proposed Rifts® movie script) and 300+ other Palladium Books RPG titles.

Also available: Free Garden of the Gods™ (Fantasy) and Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume One Sneak Previews, and the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet: A Microsoft Excel-based character management system. Packed with features and data collected from every official Palladium Fantasy sourcebook to enable you to create Fantasy characters quickly (25 minutes!) and help you to update and manage them for years to come.

Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Three: Zombies, Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Two: Civilians and Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume One: Survivors. There are also paper miniatures for Heroes Unlimited™, Palladium Fantasy® and Rifts®. A new, up-to-date, PDF Palladium Books Catalog. Nightbane® Dark Designs™ sourcebook with 60 new Common Talents, 38 new Elite Talents, 18 new Morphus Tables, all other Morphus Tables collected and more. Systems Failure™ RPG, a 160 page RPG that deals with alien invasion and a post-apocalypse setting that is fun and dynamic. Civilization is on the verge of collapse when the so-called “bugs” invade and turn humans into zombie-like slaves. Monsters, heroes and fun. A complete RPG and setting. Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun™ Two: 256 pages of technology and fun. 30+ power armors, 30+ body armors, 15 combat vehicles, 45 vehicles (hovercycles, etc.), 10 robot haulers, the Robodome and more. Bizantium and the Northern Islands™: the northernmost part of the Known World, the Cold Born, Necromancy ships made from dead sea serpents, 15 creatures, Random Sea Monster Generator, and more. Rifts® Northern Gun™ One. This fan favorite might be thought of as the big book of giant robots – an in-depth look at Northern Gun, 70+ weapons, 27 robots, NG O.C.C.s, key people and places, and much more. Mysteries of Magic™ Book One: The Heart of Magic™ with Wizards, their Apprentices, nearly 60 new magic spells and remember, magic and monsters in the Fantasy RPG are easily adapted to Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, HU2 and other settings. Wolfen Empire™ Fantasy sourcebook, the Great Northern Wilderness and Killer Winters, 12 Wolfen Tribes, Wolfen military and society, 15+ creatures, 5 full adventures, 101 adventure ideas, random encounter tables, notable people, places, plus FREE Sneak Previews of The Rifter® #80, The Rifter® #81, The Rifter® #82, and more on

  • Rifts® is a genre-bending setting that combines science fiction, fantasy, horror, post-apocalypse survival, magic, and endless possibilities for adventure. Imagine a near perfect world of advanced technology 100 years in the future. Then imagine that world crashing down overnight in an apocalyptic upheaval not seen since the formation of the planet. A Great Cataclysm caused by the explosive return of magic. Now fast forward 300 years into the future where magic, dragons, and mythic gods coexist with cyborgs, giant robots and super-science rediscovered from humanity’s Golden Age as humans rise from a lengthy Dark Age. But they must contend with countless alien life forms, monsters, and supernatural horrors from beyond the Rifts.
  • Rifts® core titles we would suggest: Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts® Book of Magic, Rifts® Adventure Guide, D-Bees of North America™, Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign and Rifts® Sourcebook One. Note: The Rifts® RPG, 1st Edition and Rifts® Ultimate, 2nd Edition are both available.
  • 80+ Rifts® supplements, most of them available as PDFs with more coming. Where to start? Wherever sounds fun.
  • Rifts® Dimension Books™: Travel to alien worlds and dimensions via the Rifts for off-world adventure and intrigue.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG and sourcebook series (all). Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.
  • FREE Sneak Previews for Nightbane® Dark Designs™, Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans™, Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity, and many other previews as well as free and low cost items that we make available. All of it adds to the growing list of Rifts and other Palladium RPG game titles available as PDF books, cards and support. A new title should be added every week or two, so keep watching for them.
  • The Rifter® #1-84, ALL issues of The Rifter®. Each issue is a wealth of source material and ideas for 3-6 different Palladium game lines. Most are easily adapted to ANY Palladium game setting. Each issue a gem. 8,500 pages of source material and ideas for heroes, villains, monsters, magic, gear, and adventure.
  • Splicers® RPG is like Iron Man meets Game of Thrones with elements of Terminator – except this army of Iron Men are clad in living body armor and wield living, organic weapons and devices. Created in 2004 by writer and game designer Carmen Bellaire, Splicers® was nominated for an Inquest Gamer Magazine Fan Awards Game of the Year, and has since developed a rabid fan base. Science fiction and horror where humans are forced to use genetically engineered, living weapons and organic war machines to battle an insane Artificial Intelligence and her robot legions. Unlike anything you have ever played before!
  • Splicers®: I Am Legion™ Adventure Sourcebook: 6 new Great Houses, 4 new Host Armors, 6 new War Mounts, 19 new Bio-Weapons, 15 new killer machines, new Bio-Enhancements, Amalgam creation tables, Legion and a series of adventures that build into a small campaign, and more.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 1st Edition Rules and sourcebooks. A unique world of magic, monsters and heroes. Dozens of nonhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition Rules and many sourcebooks. The expanded world of high fantasy, magic, mystery and heroes of every variety. Includes the Mind Mage and psychic abilities, mages and spells, magic circles and symbols, men-at-arms, scoundrels and a wide range of inhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and many more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG first edition rule book and sourcebooks.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition rule book and sourcebooks. Create any type of superhuman you can desire and bring comic book adventures to life.
  • Dead Reign® RPG (Zombie Apocalypse). The dead have risen. It is the battle for survival in the zombie apocalypse, but this setting is much more than your typical zombie game. Play ordinary people or special characters better equipped to survive and hunt zombies. Many unusual types of zombies.
  • Dead Reign® Sourcebooks: 6 sourcebooks from Civilization Gone™ to Hell Followed™ (the latter features stats for 23 disasters, masked lunatics, 11 new zombies, 7 apocalyptic character classes, and more) are available.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 1st Edition Rules. Supernatural horror in the modern world. Play ordinary people, psychics, paranormal investigators or for something different: Victim Characters!
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition: The complete, revised core game, 14 character classes and 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, the Lazlo Agency, world setting and rules.
  • Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. An RPG setting we call superhero horror. Dark conspiracy, a secret, demon invasion starting with world leaders and law enforcement, and it is spreading. The player characters are the Nightbane®, reluctant superhumans who must turn into monsters themselves to unleash their powers and battle the evil that is clear only to them. A dark, sinister and challenging world of horror.
  • After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Planet of the Apes meets the X-Men! Animal creations, powers and more. Create any type of intelligent mutant animal you can imagine as friend or foe.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. James Bond meets Enter the Dragon. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, and super-spies with gadgets, gizmos and advanced weapons.
  • The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy RPG is a long time, cult favorite with a fatalistic world-view of humans vs aliens with superior technology.
  • The Palladium Weapon Series of real world weapons, armor and castles throughout history. Designed for use with ANY game system.
  • 200+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ Paper Miniatures – Two sets are now available!
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Paper Miniatures – Volumes #1-6 are available now. More are coming in the weeks ahead.
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Men at Arms – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Coalition Dead Boys – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Adventurers – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Practitioners of Magic (new) – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Extras (new) – $2.99
  • And more to come in the weeks ahead.

Palladium Collectibles, Negatives, Artwork, other Collectibles and Toys are always available in Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store along with other good things

My eBay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by Charles “Chuck” Walton, Kevin Long, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Rifts® and other Palladium RPG books (they look awesome framed!), rare Palladium collector hardcovers, signed books, other Palladium memorabilia, toys from my personal collection and other collectibles. Check every couple of weeks because we often post new stuff or offer a new sale. There is a sale on negatives starting today, in fact.

Other one-of-a-kind original artwork available by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton II (money goes to the artist), other artists, as well as collectible negatives, prints, limited edition hardcovers, proofreader copies, out of print items, Star Wars toys, Marvel toys and many other toys and collectibles from my personal collection. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.

Available now: One-of-a-kind book negatives. Negatives were very popular items at the Palladium Open House and people went crazy over them at Gen Con – including actor Joe Manganiello who scooped up a pile of TMNT negatives, while Palladium’s own Mark Oberle, Carmen Bellaire, Brandon Aten and a whole lot of Palladium gamers went for negatives from Rifts® New West, Lone Star and Free Quebec. Fun.

Negatives are unique and attractive, one-of-a-kind (on rare occasions two-of-a-kind if a page was replaced or a second edition was made) works of art that resemble woodcut art and are very dynamic conversation pieces. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black.

When our printer, McNaughton and Gunn, went completely digital, they asked if Palladium Books wanted the negs, otherwise they would be destroyed. Regrettably, I let a few dozen be destroyed, but the negatives of many books were sent to Palladium. They have sat in our warehouse for years until I started to offer them for sale. I have also started signing the negatives in silver and each comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Each negative comes on a white board inside a plastic magazine bag and looks fabulous framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening in a frame (each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches).

Closing Thoughts – The power of positive thinking

Alex was teasing me recently and reminded me about a post in which the person wrote, “Does anyone else find Siembieda’s sense of optimism a little scary?”

Trust me, I’m not always happiness and light. Far from it. I can be an intense guy, but even when I’m grumpy, tired, or angry, I remain an optimist. I have learned that nothing of value comes from wallowing in despair and feeling sorry for yourself. I find it better to examine the situation, keep moving, think outside the box and develop solutions and workarounds for the challenges you are facing. When things were bad some years ago, a dear friend told me he had every confidence in me to turn things around because I was too stubborn to fail. I took that as a compliment. Don’t get me wrong, I make mistakes and have my failures, but I try to learn from them to avoid ever making that mistake again.

When the challenges of the pandemic loomed large they didn’t paralyze me or plunge me into depression, they energized me. Kicked me into overdrive. Made me reexamine our situation, reorganize, and try new things. Recruit new freelancers and make new dreams.

As I have said before, I also derive energy, positivity and creativity from YOU: our friends, fans, and customers. You are important to us and what you have to say matters. You have been there throughout the pandemic helping us with positive words of encouragement, constructive comments and helpful suggestions. Not to mention vital purchases of products. I try to respond in kind with Closing Thoughts and suggestions on how to stay sane and survive this stinking pandemic and all the baggage that comes with it. To escape by playing games and reaching out to friends and fellow gamers. You responded with more kind words and encouragement which makes me feel more positive and motivated.

Thanks to each other, you and I knew we were not alone. That like-minded people had our backs. People – friends – who genuinely cared. That realization feels good and is comforting. It makes us stronger and more confident. It is a beautiful example of a positive symbiotic relationship and synchronicity of action. I love it. I feed on it. I let it wash over me and nurture me. And I sure hope my words do the same for you and our games give you an avenue of escape and respite even if it is just for a few hours.

Never forget that no matter how bad things get, you are not alone. You have friends and family that care about you. Not just your own friends and family, but you are also a part of the big, beautiful, Palladium family. No matter how bad things get, do not lose sight of the beauty and goodness in the world, because it is still there when you stop and look for it. The friends, the love, and little pleasures that bring us joy (like games) are our salvation. Call it the face of God, natural wonder, good karma, the power of love, or whatever makes sense to you, but it is there. It connects all of us to the human experience. It is real. It matters. And it makes a difference. You make a difference.

We human beings are resourceful as hell. We survive and adapt. Learn and change. We find joy and happiness even during the dark times because to give in to the darkness only leads to sorrow and doom. Please continue to hang tough, be smart, take care of yourselves, and find the things that bring you joy, and hold on to them and to the people who matter to you. And if you can spare it, maybe extend a little of that good will and kindness to a stranger.

It is why I have continued to randomly sign books and send out my dragonhead sketch with a few words throughout the course of the last year and a half. It’s why I write these Closing Thoughts, because if they make you smile or help at all, even in the smallest of ways, that’s awesome. During these trying times I try not to lash out. I try to be patient and considerate and kind. Because a little kindness, a few positive words, can change a person’s entire day. Each little, seemingly minuscule kindness, adds up. Every smile generated is a small triumph. A moment of light and joy amidst the gathering darkness.

I learned optimism from my valiant, beautiful mother as she waged a war against one cancer or another for 20 odd years. Somehow she always found time for other people. She always had a kind word for them, embraced their company and made them feel good about themselves. I think it helped her forget her own fear and painful struggles – at least for a little while. She taught me through her words and actions that what matters most in life are the people you love and the things that bring you joy. Erick Wujcik and my Dad, Hank, confirmed those two simple truths before they passed, as have others in my life. Thank you for bring me joy and for letting me share my imagination and worlds with you.

So yeah, we all face our personal challenges and struggles, but if we let people in, we do so with an army of friends and supporters at our side. I welcome all of you as my army of friends and supporters. I want you by my side. I embrace you and thank you for the love you send and the strength you lend me. It gives me wings and fuels my creativity. You will see the power of that friendship, kindness, and global family unity over the next few years as Palladium rises to new heights. Thanks, in part, to you.

So stay frosty, enjoy the hardcover books, the back stock titles, the Rifts® character generator, the new product, upcoming new book releases, upcoming sales, and surprises. Find release and friendship and joy in gaming and with your families and friends. Unleash your imaginations and be grateful to be alive. I am every day. But then I’m blessed with astonishing friends and acquaintances and marvelous fans like you. Live long and prosper.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer, Gamer, Friend

NEW! Miniature Releases – Available now

You have been asking about new miniatures and we are providing. All miniatures come in a plastic bag. The newest three are:

Classic Glitter Boy and Pilot Miniature Pack

Rifts® Glitter Boy™ & Pilot (original) Miniature Pack – 1st time available in resin – 28 mm resin – $19.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8001. Five Pieces: 1. Complete G.B. body and a small base, 2. right arm and Boom Gun, 3. backpack/thrusters, 4. ammo drum and belt, and 5. pilot. The ever-popular, classic Glitter Boy and Pilot (1993 RAFM) – now in resin for the first time (prior releases were pewter figures). Available now.

Rifts CS Firebreather Dead Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® CS Firebreather Dead Boy™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8047. Five pieces: 1. the body, 2. right arm and gun, 3. left arm, 4. antenna, 5. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Juicer 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® Juicer™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8048. Three pieces: 1. the complete body, 2. crossed swords on the back that fit so snugly that you may not even need to glue it, 3. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Glitter Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

And don’t forget about the Deluxe Rifts® Glitter Boy Resin Miniature – released in fall 2020 – 32 mm resin – $34.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8046 – a gorgeous, detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Duty's Edge Novel

Rifts® Novels – Available now

All Rifts® novels are available from the Palladium Books online store as physical books as well as PDFs from All are a fun read and highly recommended. Enjoy.

  • All novels are 5 x 8 inches in size unless otherwise indicated.
  • Page count and price varies.
  • Available as physical books from and as PDFs on
  • Rifts® Duty’s Edge is the story of a lone survivor of a New German Republic Special Forces operation who struggles to complete the mission on his own. A mission to destroy wicked monsters and cut off a vital line of support to the Gargoyle Empire. A mission that could save many lives. Of course, it is a journey that takes many twists and turns as one determined individual hopes to beat impossible odds. Set in the Middle East. 236 pages – $12.99 retail – Cat. No. 308 – the newest, stand alone novel.
  • Rifts® Sonic Boom™. Follow the exploits of a CS platoon sworn to protect humankind from all threats, be they aliens, dragons, masters of magic or fellow humans out for themselves.
  • Rifts® Deception’s Web™, the second novel in this trilogy, reveals a conspiracy within the Coalition military that could spell disaster for our protagonists. Note: Smaller size, 4 x 6 inches.
  • Rifts® Treacherous Awakenings™ is the pulse-pounding conclusion of the third novel in this epic trilogy by Adam Chilson.
  • Rifts Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs™. Rifts® short stories by 11 authors including Kevin Siembieda, Carl Gleba, Mark Oberle, Braden Campbell, Taylor White, Jason Richards, and others. Note: Slightly larger size, 6 x 9 inches.
  • Rifts® Machinations of Doom™ Graphic Novel & Sourcebook. The comic is by acclaimed Eisner Award winning artist Ramon K. Perez, source material by Siembieda and Perez. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Path of the Storm was a Rifts® movie script written on spec. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume One: The Cosmo-Knight. The adventures of Caleb Vulcan, newly minted Knight of the Cosmic Forge.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume Two: The Reckoning. The epic conclusion of the Hammer of the Forge story.

Rifts Novels on

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Whether you drink coffee, hot cocoa, soda-pop, or whatever your beverage of choice may be, this fun mug reminds you of your favorite pastime and that new possibilities exist with every roll of the dice.

The large, 16 ounce Gamer mug presents the word “Gamer” in a box with dice cascading down from above. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Freddie Williams II (art directed by Kevin Siembieda). The mug has an orange interior to add a nice splash of color.

  • A must for every proud gamer!
  • Dice and the word “Gamer” highlighted in a box.
  • Glossy black exterior with an orange interior.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2596 – available now.

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug at

Property of the Coalition States Mug

BACK IN STOCK! Property of the Coalition States 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Back due to popular demand! The iconic Property of the Coalition States and notorious CS Death’s Head insignia printed white on a glossy black, 16 ounce coffee mug, with a blood red interior for a splash of color. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Kevin Long (art directed by Kevin Siembieda).

  • The infamous words “Property of the Coalition States” and the notorious Death’s Head logo and lightning bolts (indicating CS special forces) in white.
  • Glossy black exterior with a blood red interior color.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2588 – available now.

Property of the Coalition States Mug at

Other Mugs Available Now

Everyone loves these mugs. Isn’t it time you started your collection? I like to use them to as a secret code to reflect my mood to those around me. To my thinking the Gamer mug means I’m feeling playful. Rifts® Property of the Coalition States: I’m a soldier in the trenches and working hard. Dead Reign®: Back off or I will eat you alive. Fantasy Dragon: My imagination is on fire. Rifts Logo: Feeling the infinite possibilities. Rifts® Titan Robotics: I’m feeling mighty. Of course, they represent something else to each of you or just represent one of your favorite games, like a normal person.

  • Rifts® Titan Robotics™ Mug A dynamic Titan robot and the Rifts® logo. Art by Steven Cummings. White on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2595 – available now.
  • Rifts® Logo Coffee Mug The famous Rifts® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Logo by Kevin Long. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2587 – available now.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Dragon Mug The famous red on black 3-headed hydra battling a knight from the iconic original Palladium Fantasy RPG cover. Art by Kevin Siembieda. Red on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with an attractive orange interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2589 – available now.
  • Dead Reign® (Zombie Attack) Mug A trio of hungry zombies and the Dead Reign® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blood red interior for a splash of color. Art by Steven Cummings. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2594 – available now.

© 2021 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – July 9, 2021

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda

I hope many of you were able to enjoy a long, Independence Day weekend and have a little fun with friends and family. (You can see my view on our current state of affairs in Closing Thoughts.) I took the opportunity to squeeze in a couple days of quality writing without interruption.

How about that Rifts® Atlantis Rising Kickstarter by Pinnacle Entertainment? It rocked and saw a ton of support. Congrats to Sean, Shane, and everyone involved at Pinnacle. In conjunction with it I did a couple of fun video interviews with Sean Owen Roberson that people have been enjoying. You can grab a peek at two interviews, listed below, in order of most recent:

Kevin and Sean talk Rifts for Savage Worlds —

Siembieda and Yancik —

And here is a new RPG Podcast of After the Bomb® adventures for your listening consideration. We are enjoying it and these fun-loving maniacs are talking about possibly doing podcasts for 2-3 other Palladium game settings.

Schedule: Biweekly (episodes release every other Friday).


Twitter: @realplaypod

Coming! Virtual Gen Con live chat. While we are on the subject, I will be doing a 2 or 3 hour “live” online chat for Gen Con with Matthew Yancik coordinating the event. I know that’s two months away, but I wanted to mention it while it was on my mind. It should be fun. Splitting it between three different subjects: Rifts, Game Master Tips, and Game Design Tips. There will be a short 5-10 minute break between them and I am happy to answer your questions. I think the chat will take place sometime on Saturday, September 18. More details as we get closer.

The first Rifter® Annual (2021) is real and on the 2021 schedule, but only if we get enough submissions by September 1. Scheduled to be a Christmas 2021 release. Time for you to be bold and contribute. We want to see your ideas. Besides, it is fun to see your name in print. More details elsewhere in this Weekly Update.

A Kickstarter you might enjoy. Our friend Sarah Orr Aten has a Kickstarter: The Chaos Within going for her latest fantasy novel. It is the continuing saga of the key character introduced in her first novel The World Between, so if you enjoyed it, you will enjoy this one. Check it out at

NEW! Now shipping, the latest 3 RPG Hardcovers. After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover, Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover, and Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover – The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed! See the complete description of each below and in the Palladium online store.

TEMPORARILY Out of Stock – Rifts® 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover (color cover). This exquisite reprint of the original 1990 RPG as a bonus hardcover with 32 extra pages of color, the history of Rifts, a color gallery of all Rifts® covers to date, unpublished art and color endsheets (288 pages, $49.99 retail, Cat. No. 800HC30), has been selling like crazy. As I write this, the last copy has sold. Thankfully our next shipment is scheduled to arrive the week of July 19. So the Rifts® Anniversary Hardcover should only be out of print for about one week. I have confirmed this with the printer. See the complete description of each below and in the Palladium online store.

BACK IN STOCK! 5 hot selling hardcovers (Plus Nightbane® Shadows of Light). The following hardcover titles quickly sold out – The Palladium Fantasy RPG® twice – but they are back in stock and ready for you to order.

  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Hardcover – 336 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 450HC – available now. (The softcover edition is also available for $28.99 retail, Cat. No. 450.)
  • Rifts® Game Master Guide – 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 845HC – available now. (The softcover edition is also available for $28.99 retail, Cat. No. 845.)
  • Rifts® Book of Magic – 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 848HC – available now. (The softcover edition is also available for $28.99 retail, Cat. No. 848.)
  • Rifts® Adventure Guide – 192 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 849HC – available now. (The softcover edition is also available for $26.99 retail, Cat. No. 849.)
  • Rifts® Ultimate Edition Hardcover! Available now. 352 pages – $44.99 retail – Cat. No. 800HC – and as fun as ever. Isn’t it time to get Rifting? See the full description below and in the Palladium online store.
  • Nightbane® Shadows of Light™ sourcebook – 160 pages – $22.99 retail – Cat. No. 734 – available now.

Now Shipping

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

NEW! After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Available now

Create any type of intelligent, humanoid, mutant animal from a turtle or raccoon to an elephant or lion. The RPG presents stats for 100+ mutant animals, plus rules for creating any mutant animal you can imagine, and each sourcebook offers dozens more.

Play your mutant animals as super-heroes, vigilantes, or mutants on the run in the Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, Heroes of the Megaverse® or Skraypers™ settings. Or as mutants or monsters in Nightbane®. (You could make a mutant animal the Nightbane’s Morphus!) In Palladium Fantasy® your mutant animal could be one of the forgotten archaic races, a visitor from another world, a creation of magic, or a monster. In Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Phase World® and the Three Galaxies, The Mechanoids®, Aliens Unlimited™, Splicers® and similar RPGs, use the creation rules to make new D-Bees, aliens, mutants, or monsters. Or play in the AtB post-apocalyptic Earth setting that makes Planet of the Apes seem tame. Whatever the setting, playing anthropomorphic animal characters is a blast.

  • 100+ mutant animal stats included.
  • Mutant animal creation rules to mutate ANY animal.
  • 52 Mutant Animal Powers.
  • 33 Mutant Animal Psionic Powers.
  • New Animal Chimeras and their abilities.
  • New back story to the After the Bomb® world of mutants.
  • The post-apocalyptic Earth setting of “After the Bomb” is just one use for your mutant animal heroes.
  • A complete RPG written by Erick Wujcik. His last great work and a sometimes overlooked RPG masterpiece. These are the Mutant Animal Creation Rules you know and love taken to new heights.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Aliens Unlimited™, Nightbane®, N&S, Rifts® and any game setting where mutants or aliens are appropriate.
  • 72 pages of “bonus” material includes the original After the Bomb® sourcebook and Yucatan Adventures from the old Game Shield.
  • 296 pages (72 bonus pages) – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 503HC – now shipping. Also available as a 224 page softcover book ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 503).

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

Ninjas & Superspies RPG Hardcover

NEW! Ninjas & Superspies RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Available now

The Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG is the ultimate guide to martial arts with 40 different martial art forms and 48 mystic martial arts powers alone, but there is so much more. Asian combat skills accurately portrayed, each with its own unique fighting style, methods of attack and defense presented on an epic scale, complete with legendary mystic powers. Spies, Cyber Agents, Gadgeteers, secret organizations creation rules, secret identities, gimmick weapons and clothing, cyber-disguises, implants, and more. Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™ RPG and even Nightbane®, Rifts®, and other settings. A complete game PLUS 44 pages of bonus material gathered from The Rifter®.

  • 40+ types of hand to hand combat — effectively offering 40 types of martial arts character classes!
  • 17 Occupational Character Classes for spies, mercenaries, martial artists and special operatives.
  • 48 mystic martial art powers.
  • Dim Mak, Chi Mastery, the Arts of Invisibility and more.
  • Bionic implants, disguises, weapons, & equipment.
  • Secret identities, spy agencies, and creation rules for secret organizations.
  • Complete stand-alone RPG with skills, weapons, rules and guidelines for using other Palladium settings.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Rifts®, Rifts® China, and the entire Palladium Megaverse®!
  • 44 pages of “bonus” material gathered from The Rifter®.
  • 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 525HC – RPG by Erick Wujcik – now shipping. Also available as a 176 page softcover book ($22.99 retail – Cat. No. 525). And see Mystic China for an astonishing and fun sourcebook with more mystical martial arts abilities, magic, demons, immortals and more.

Ninjas and Superspies RPG Hardcover

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

NEW! Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover – The Zombie Apocalypse – available now

The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world.

Civilization crumbles in a matter of days as hundreds of millions of people die and rise as the walking dead. The hundreds of millions of people who fall to the zombies also rise to join the growing legions of undead. Then the world goes silent.

You are on your own. The army is MIA. There is no government. No law. No television, radio or Internet. No media, cell phones or communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets.

Death Cults have risen, promising protection from the walking dead.

Retro-Savages have forsaken technology and sacrifice the living to the zombies in hopes of bringing an end to the nightmare.

Brave human survivors refuse to lie down and die! They come from all walks of life. Their common goal: survival as they struggle to forge safe havens away from the cities, rescue other survivors and battle the walking dead without respite. For now at least, the planet belongs to the dead.

Dead Reign® is an excellent introductory game that is easy to learn, fast to play, and fun to read. If you are looking for a zombie game that truly captures the feel of survival after the apocalypse and the nightmare of being stalked by zombies, Dead Reign® is it. Game mechanics are designed to create a real sense of escalating terror and dread when the zombies swarm. Sourcebooks expand the world, player options, and adventure ideas as well as new zombies and dangers.

  • Six Apocalyptic Character Classes (O.C.C.) including the Reaper, Shepherd of the Damned, Hound Master, Apocalyptic Soldier, Scrounger and Ordinary People.
  • Seven types of zombies plus the Half-Living. (Sourcebooks offer many more.)
  • Secrets of the Dead: Everything you need to know about zombies and need to ask.
  • Death Cults, their Priests, power over zombies and goals.
  • Random tables galore and the fundamentals of survival.
  • Strong setting, world overview and many adventure ideas.
  • A complete role-playing game. 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 230HC – now shipping. Also available as a 224 page softcover RPG ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 230).

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

Rifts® merges science fiction with fantasy, horror, heroic adventure, and other genres in a thrilling and plausible setting that will set your imagination on fire. Travel the Rifts to any location on Earth, or leap across the dimensional divide to visit alien worlds and dimensions in a matter of seconds. And just as you can travel to other worlds, aliens and the monstrous travel to Earth and stalk the innocent.

Rifts® is a fusion of ideas, settings, genres, and characters unlike any game on the market. An endless Megaverse® of adventure™ in which if you can imagine it, you can play it. Are you up to the challenge?

The Rifts® Commemorative 30th Anniversary Hardcover is the original first edition Rifts® rule book (1990) that started a phenomenon. It is a complete RPG suitable for use with ALL existing Rifts® World Books, Sourcebooks, and Dimension Books. It is an earlier and somewhat simpler edition given the deluxe treatment. Expanded with bonus art, an additional 32 color pages, color end sheets, history about the making of Rifts®, notes, concept drawings, color concepts, photographs, and a gallery of every Rifts® cover published between 1990 and the end of 2021. The cover features the famous Keith Parkinson painting of the Splugorth Slave Barge. Provided to you due to popular demand.

  • Back in print for the first time in 16 years.
  • Color cover of the famous Splugorth Slave Barge by Keith Parkinson.
  • A color gallery of 160+ Rifts® covers.
  • An extra 32 pages of color.
  • More comprehensive contents pages.
  • Concept art and pencil illustrations often with notes by the artist.
  • History of Rifts®, personal notes, commentary, and nostalgic material.
  • Color end sheets.
  • Countless memories, and loads of fun.
  • A simpler, earlier version of the core rules.
  • A complete role-playing game suitable for use with ALL existing Rifts® World Books, Sourcebooks, and Dimension Books.
  • Available in stores and from Palladium Books.
  • This is NOT the signed or numbered limited edition, but we are happy to sign copies at conventions and the Palladium Open House. The print run is likely to be limited to a few thousand copies.
  • 288 pages – $49.99 retail – Cat. No. 800HC30 – Available now. Also see Rifts® Ultimate Edition RPG.

Original Rifts RPG 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

Rifts® 30th Anniversary “Gold” Hardcover SOLD OUT, but …

I have made a half-dozen “Printer Proofs” available in my Ebay store – Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles – ALL are signed by me and available staff, and have a dragonhead drawing just like the “numbered” Gold Editions. Identical to the signed and numbered editions except it says “Printer Proof” instead of having a number. Printer Proofs are for Palladium staff, charity auctions, the 2022 POH, and gifts for select Palladium support personnel. With the 200 Signed and Numbered copies sold out in three weeks from the date of its arrival, this Gold Edition is an instant collectible. Get the Printer Proofs while you still can. Sold on a first come, first served basis.

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Game Master Guide Hardcover – Available now

The Rifts® Game Master Guide™ hardcover is a massive, 352 page reference book with short stats and descriptions for every Rifts® robot, power armor, body armor, vehicle, weapon, gadget, skill, experience table, and map that appears in Rifts® World Books 1-23 and Sourcebooks 1-4, plus a bionics index, an O.C.C.s and R.C.C.s index, rules clarifications, combat examples, advice on how to run a game and more.

  • 500+ weapons.
  • 290 pieces of equipment.
  • 180+ vehicles.
  • 100+ suits of body armor.
  • 80+ suits of power armor.
  • 300+ skills, character and D-Bee index, dozens of maps, and more.
  • 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 845HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Book of Magic Hardcover – Available now

Nearly 1,000 magic spells and 400 magic weapons and devices from across Rifts Earth, plus magic tattoos, herbs, stones, and more. 352 pages of pure magic.

  • 900+ magic spells, Elemental Magic, Ley Line Magic, Temporal Magic, Necromancy, Nature Magic, Cloud Magic, Ocean Magic, Biomancy and more.
  • Plus Tattoo Magic, Stone Magic, Whalesongs, Conjuring, Nazca Lines.
  • 290+ Techno-Wizard weapons and items, including TW Bionics, Automatons, and Iron Juggernauts.
  • 80+ other magic items, Rune Weapons, Holy Weapons, Fetishes.
  • Bio-Wizard Weapons, the Bio-Borg, Symbiotes, and herbs.
  • Magic stones, talismans, magic items of Japan, and more.
  • Millennium Tree wands, staves and armor.
  • 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 848HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

NEW! Rifts® Adventure Guide Hardcover – Available now

Inside information to create and run RPG adventures: How to get started, building on ideas, character archetypes, tables for creating Rifts towns and cities, mercenary companies, traveling shows, and player created organizations, plus random Rift tables, information about the Chi-Town ‘Burbs, 32 ‘Burb adventure ideas, another 101 adventure hooks, and still more adventure ideas, and additional player and Game Master tips by Kevin Siembieda, Erick Wujcik, and Bill Coffin.

  • 150+ adventure ideas.
  • Game Master and player tips from Kevin Siembieda.
  • Adventure creation tips from Kevin Siembieda.
  • Why and how to use alignments by Kevin Siembieda.
  • Tricks of running a large group, G.M. tools, and more.
  • Additional Player and G.M. tips from Wujcik and Coffin.
  • Overview and info about the CS Chi-Town ‘Burbs.
  • 32 adventure ideas in the ‘Burbs.
  • Random Dimensional Rifts & other tables.
  • Tables for creating towns, merc companies, and traveling shows.
  • 192 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 849HC – available now. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

HARDCOVER Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition – available now

A fantasy setting like no other, rich in history and inviting adventure. Not only are you able to play iconic fantasy heroes like the Wizard, Knight, Paladin, Ranger, Thief, Assassin, and others, but also characters such as the Mind Mage, Druid, Diabolist, Summoner and many others. Moreover, play an array of nonhuman characters from Elves and Dwarves to Wolfen, Changelings, Kobolds, Orcs, Ogres, and many others.

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo, hardcover.
  • 25+ Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s).
  • 14+ inhuman player races (more in sourcebooks).
  • 300+ magic spells.
  • 60 magical Wards. 50 magic circles.
  • Dozens of magic items potions and more.
  • 70+ psychic powers, the Mind Mage, and more.
  • Weapons, gear, demons and adventure ideas.
  • New sourcebooks like Land of the Damned 3, Lopan, and others are coming.
  • 336 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 450HC – available now.

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

HARDCOVER Heroes Unlimited RPG, 2nd Edition – available now

The Heroes Unlimited™ RPG has been a hit RPG for 30+ years because it enables you to create any type of comic book hero you can imagine. Make characters pulled right from any comic book you grew up with and love, or design your own league of extraordinary heroes.

If you seek comic book heroic adventure, Heroes Unlimited™ does the job on an epic scale. Plus a dozen sourcebooks provide you with more super abilities, hero categories, bad guys and adventures.

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo on the hardcover.
  • Create any type of hero you can imagine.
  • 101 super abilities plus a multitude of sub-powers within them, bonuses and special combat capabilities.
  • 100+ magic spells plus enchanted weapons and objects.
  • 72 psychic powers.
  • Enchanted weapons that instill super abilities.
  • Mega-Heroes and immortals.
  • Alien super beings.
  • Bionics and cyborgs.
  • Psionics and Psychics.
  • Robots and power armor.
  • Masters of magic, wizards and spell casters.
  • Mutants and Super Soldiers possessing super abilities.
  • Inventors, super-geniuses and super-vehicles.
  • Special Training: Martial arts, Sleuths, weapons, more.
  • Cover by comic book legend Jim Steranko.
  • Art by Ramon K. Perez, Paulo Parente, Mike Gustovich, and others.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 352 pages for a complete RPG – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 500HC – available now.

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

HARDCOVER Beyond the Supernatural RPG, 2nd Edition – Available now

Supernatural horror in the modern world that feels plausible and real. Your characters are the few who know the supernatural is real because they have experienced it face to face. Some are psychics, some are experts in the paranormal or the arcane, and others are ordinary people like you and me. Ordinary people who are never the same after their own close encounter. All of these unlikely heroes stand against supernatural evil in a world of disbelievers who brand them as practitioners of fringe science or lunatics. Only they know the truth: supernatural evil is real and dangerous. And someone has to take a stand to protect the innocent from supernatural evil in whatever hidden form it may take. Are you ready to join the battle?

  • The hardcover is exactly the same as the softcover edition.
  • Color cover, same art, variant logo, hardcover.
  • A plausible modern horror setting that makes sense and will challenge your role-playing skills.
  • 14 Psychic Character Classes.
  • 42 occupations for “ordinary” people.
  • 100+ psychic abilities, including Fire Walker abilities.
  • Creatures of darkness, the Lazlo Agency, and more.
  • New sourcebooks are coming soon.
  • 256 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 700HC – available now.

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

2021 Rifter® Annual – Submissions Wanted

Are you a Palladium gamer who has cool ideas and think you are a decent writer? If so, consider writing an article, adventure, monsters, etc., for The Rifter® Annual. It is part sourcebook, part fanzine, part talent show, and a lot of fun written by fans like yourself. The pay is terrible but you get published, receive a couple copies of the book, a few bucks, and your name up in lights … um, in a printed book. Plus Kevin and Wayne see your work, which sometimes leads to you being invited to write “official” sourcebooks and material.

Artists, this goes for you too. We are always looking for new artists to consider, so do not hesitate to submit some samples or send us a link to your online art page. The Rifter is a good place to try out, especially if you are just getting started doing art on a professional or semi-professional level.

Please send us your submissions by August 15, 2021. (Sooner is better!) We plan for it to be all new and a Christmas time release. With 8-12 week turnaround times from printers, we will need to submit the finished files to a printer by September in order to have it in time for Thanksgiving! So finish up your submissions and send them in for our consideration at your earliest convenience. Plus, whatever we like but cannot squeeze in this 192 page Annual, we will safe for the next Annual.

What we are looking for in written submissions: Adventures, monsters, villains, NPCS, new settings/locations, magic spells, magic items, super abilities, tech weapons, vehicles, gear, and all sorts of source material for ALL of our current settings. That includes settings such as Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited, After the Bomb®, Ninjas & Superspies, Beyond the Supernatural, Nightbane®, Splicers®, Rifts® Chaos Earth®, and, well any of them.

Material can be 2-5 pages, 6-12 pages, 15-30 pages, but please, not more than 30 pages for any one article. Please include the “Unsolicited Manuscript Form” with your submission. You can find it on the Palladium website under Questions & Resources – the Unsolicited Works Form. Send electronic submissions to rifter{at} and if you have questions, call Palladium at 734-721-2903.

In the alternative, you can mail us physical Rifter® submissions and the Unsolicited Manuscript Form (as well as letters and unsolicited sourcebook manuscripts, created entirely on speculation) to:

Palladium Books – The Rifter
39074 Webb Court
Westland, MI 48185

We can only publish a Rifter® Annual if we get enough new material. We would like to start editing and tweaking some of them by the beginning of August, so do not hesitate to send them in as soon as you are ready. AND it is a great way to get on our radar as writers (and artists).

Rifts Coalition Manhunters

UPDATE: Rifts® CS Manhunters

I have been working on this fun sourcebook whenever I can and it is looking great. With several hardcovers and reprints at the printer, and the Rifts® 30th Anniversary Hardcovers shipping, my plate is now cleared up for writing.

Rifts® CS Manhunters presents dark secrets of the Coalition States involving CS psychics, the super secret Psi-Ops Division (the thought police of Emperor Prosek), and the deadly super-patriots that are the enigmatic CS Manhunters. Includes 50+ NEW psionic abilities with real punch, insight into the Dog Boys and Kill Hounds, meanings revealed about the Seven Dangers Prophecy (first introduced in Rifts® Sourcebook 2: The Mechanoids®), and gadgets and implants, and surprises. All of it building toward something epic.

  • New Coalition Psychic O.C.C.s.
  • 50+ new psionic abilities and revisits of some favorites.
  • CS Manhunter Divner and Precog.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Interrogator and Psi-Enforcer.
  • CS Manhunter Bursters and Zappers.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Healers and CS Slayers.
  • CS Manhunter Killhound and Dog Boy O.C.C.s.
  • CS Manhunter Mind Melters, the deadliest of them all.
  • CS Manhunter squads and special operations.
  • Secrets of Psi-Ops Division and insight about Coalition psychics.
  • Deciphering the Seven Dangers Prophecy.
  • The impact of the demon plagues unleashed by the Minion War.
  • Player Characters, NPCS, background info, adventure ideas, and more.
  • 96-128 pages – $18.99 retail – Cat. No. 894 – In production and nearing completion.

Pre-Order Rifts CS Manhunters

Creature Feature

UPDATE: Creature Feature, a Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook

This is going to be another fun adventure sourcebook. The manuscript will go into editing and rewrites as soon as I finish CS Manhunters and most of the artwork is done. Though I may add a few illustrations and already have artists lined up. Creature Feature™ builds on material that has appeared in various issues of The Rifter® but there is a ton of new material and information useful to both Game Masters and players.

  • A gallery of supernatural creatures. Some new. Some familiar, updated and expanded. All terrifying.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • Game Master source material and advice on rules, psychic abilities, proximity and threat levels, I.S.P. multipliers, and more.
  • Advice about running modern horror RPGs and using supernatural creatures in your games.
  • Lots of adventure ideas, including an updated and expanded full adventure, “The Squatter.”
  • New background and setting information for the BTS setting and a few surprises.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw and others.
  • 160-192 pages – $22.99 or $26.99 depending on final size – Cat. No. 704.

Pre-Order Creature Feature

Rifts Titan Robotics

UPDATE: Rifts® Titan Robotics

Here it is, the reveal of the new cover. I hope you like it. I love that it presents the iconic Titan Robotics Combat Robot with a new big gun that hints at what else awaits you inside the book. I also enjoy the combat scene, smoke, and haze of war. Like Northern Gun and the Manistique Imperium, Titan Robotics sells freely to adventurers, mercenaries, and anyone who has the cash. Hence, the owners of these big ‘bots clashing with Coalition Forces.

This is why I call Rifts® Titan Robotics™ a high-tech toy box filled with many new types of Titan Robotics power armors, giant robots, vehicles, weapons, and gear. Some are big bruisers while others are small and sleek. As fun as these new tech toys are, Rifts® Titan Robotics™ delves into the company’s many secrets, including ARCHIE-3’s plans and program to monitor and manipulate the outside world. Learn about Archie’s androids that run Titan Robotics and his current schemes and plans for the future. All of which provides fodder for adventure.

  • New Giant Robots.
  • New Power Armor, equipment and accessories.
  • 30+ power armors and robots, plus other equipment.
  • New weapons, gear and vehicles.
  • Titan Robotics Corporation and structure.
  • Archie’s secret kingdom and plans for the future.
  • New O.C.C.s and key Non-Player Characters (NPCs).
  • Android executives, security and much more.
  • Wellington Industries, campaign prompts and more.
  • Art by Walton, Cummings, Atkins, and others. Cover by Mike Majestic.
  • Written by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda.
  • 160-192 pages (tentative) – $22.99 retail (or $26.99) – Cat. No. 899.

Pre-Order Rifts Titan Robotics

Rifts Bestiary Volume Two

UPDATE: Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two

The second big, “monster book” reference for Rifts® of what we anticipate to be three volumes in the series, more if we decide to make ghosts, spirits and Entities and/or Creatures of Magic part of the Bestiary series. Much like Volume One, Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume Two collects 70-100 monsters and animals plus 12-24 new beasts found across Rifts North America. The anticipated page count is 224-256 pages.

All volumes of the Rifts® Bestiary™ series are a great resource for players and Game Masters alike. Each description is updated, expanded, and highly detailed to present players with exotic and alien creatures as pets, guardians and riding animals, as well as slobbering monsters to battle and fierce beasts for Game Masters to throw at their players. Designed to offer adventure ideas, offers notes on young, adult, male and female creatures, and all provide plenty of ways to enhance your characters and spice up adventures. Each is accompanied by a map that shows at a glance where the beast can be encountered. Ah, but in the presence of Rifts and magic means any of the creatures may appear anywhere in the world, so be on your toes.

  • Monsters and animals of Rifts North America organized into big, easy to use sourcebooks.
  • Updated and expanded descriptions and information for each existing monster.
  • Updated and uniform stat blocks.
  • New exotic creatures – predators, exotic riding animals, beasts of burden, alien horrors, giant insects, and more.
  • A map for every creature showing where it is found.
  • Easily adapted to any Palladium setting – Palladium Fantasy®, Chaos Earth®, Splicers®, Phase World®, the Three Galaxies™, The Mechanoids®, Heroes Unlimited™/Aliens Unlimited™, and others.
  • Basic S.D.C. stats included with each creature description.
  • Fully illustrated, with art by Charles Walton II, Ramon Perez, Robert Atkins, and many others. Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 256 pages each volume – $26.99 – Cat. No. 897 (Volume Two).

Pre-Order Rifts Bestiary Two – Your RPG resource for 300+ PDF products – all using the same basic game system – learn one game and you can play them all

And we have settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Dead Reign® and Beyond the Supernatural), plus The Rifter® sourcebook series (by fans like you), novels, paper minis, and more.

Rifts® Novels: Duty’s Edge – The lone surviving soldier from a New German Republic Special Forces operation struggles to complete the mission on his own. A stand-alone Rifts® novel complete in itself. 236 pages, Cat. No. 308. The Cosmo-Knight and The Reckoning (Phase World®, the Three Galaxies, and Cosmo-Knights), the Rifts® trilogy of novels: Sonic Boom, Deception’s Web, and Treacherous Awakenings, as well as the Rifts® Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs (11 authors), Machinations of Doom (graphic novel by Ramon K. Perez), and Path of the Storm (a proposed Rifts® movie script) and 300+ other Palladium Books RPG titles.

Also available: Free Garden of the Gods™ (Fantasy) and Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume One Sneak Previews, and the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet: A Microsoft Excel-based character management system. Packed with features and data collected from every official Palladium Fantasy sourcebook to enable you to create Fantasy characters quickly (25 minutes!) and help you to update and manage them for years to come.

Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Three: Zombies, Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Two: Civilians and Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume One: Survivors. There are also paper miniatures for Heroes Unlimited™, Palladium Fantasy® and Rifts®. A new, up-to-date, PDF Palladium Books Catalog. Nightbane® Dark Designs™ sourcebook with 60 new Common Talents, 38 new Elite Talents, 18 new Morphus Tables, all other Morphus Tables collected and more. Systems Failure™ RPG, a 160 page RPG that deals with alien invasion and a post-apocalypse setting that is fun and dynamic. Civilization is on the verge of collapse when the so-called “bugs” invade and turn humans into zombie-like slaves. Monsters, heroes and fun. A complete RPG and setting. Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun™ Two: 256 pages of technology and fun. 30+ power armors, 30+ body armors, 15 combat vehicles, 45 vehicles (hovercycles, etc.), 10 robot haulers, the Robodome and more. Bizantium and the Northern Islands™: the northernmost part of the Known World, the Cold Born, Necromancy ships made from dead sea serpents, 15 creatures, Random Sea Monster Generator, and more. Rifts® Northern Gun™ One. This fan favorite might be thought of as the big book of giant robots – an in-depth look at Northern Gun, 70+ weapons, 27 robots, NG O.C.C.s, key people and places, and much more. Mysteries of Magic™ Book One: The Heart of Magic™ with Wizards, their Apprentices, nearly 60 new magic spells and remember, magic and monsters in the Fantasy RPG are easily adapted to Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, HU2 and other settings. Wolfen Empire™ Fantasy sourcebook, the Great Northern Wilderness and Killer Winters, 12 Wolfen Tribes, Wolfen military and society, 15+ creatures, 5 full adventures, 101 adventure ideas, random encounter tables, notable people, places, plus FREE Sneak Previews of The Rifter® #80, The Rifter® #81, The Rifter® #82, and more on

  • Rifts® is a genre-bending setting that combines science fiction, fantasy, horror, post-apocalypse survival, magic, and endless possibilities for adventure. Imagine a near perfect world of advanced technology 100 years in the future. Then imagine that world crashing down overnight in an apocalyptic upheaval not seen since the formation of the planet. A Great Cataclysm caused by the explosive return of magic. Now fast forward 300 years into the future where magic, dragons, and mythic gods coexist with cyborgs, giant robots and super-science rediscovered from humanity’s Golden Age as humans rise from a lengthy Dark Age. But they must contend with countless alien life forms, monsters, and supernatural horrors from beyond the Rifts.
  • Rifts® core titles we would suggest: Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts® Book of Magic, Rifts® Adventure Guide, D-Bees of North America™, Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign and Rifts® Sourcebook One. Note: The Rifts® RPG, 1st Edition and Rifts® Ultimate, 2nd Edition are both available.
  • 80+ Rifts® supplements, most of them available as PDFs with more coming. Where to start? Wherever sounds fun.
  • Rifts® Dimension Books™: Travel to alien worlds and dimensions via the Rifts for off-world adventure and intrigue.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG and sourcebook series (all). Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.
  • FREE Sneak Previews for Nightbane® Dark Designs™, Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans™, Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity, and many other previews as well as free and low cost items that we make available. All of it adds to the growing list of Rifts and other Palladium RPG game titles available as PDF books, cards and support. A new title should be added every week or two, so keep watching for them.
  • The Rifter® #1-84, ALL issues of The Rifter®. Each issue is a wealth of source material and ideas for 3-6 different Palladium game lines. Most are easily adapted to ANY Palladium game setting. Each issue a gem. 8,500 pages of source material and ideas for heroes, villains, monsters, magic, gear, and adventure.
  • Splicers® RPG is like Iron Man meets Game of Thrones with elements of Terminator – except this army of Iron Men are clad in living body armor and wield living, organic weapons and devices. Created in 2004 by writer and game designer Carmen Bellaire, Splicers® was nominated for an Inquest Gamer Magazine Fan Awards Game of the Year, and has since developed a rabid fan base. Science fiction and horror where humans are forced to use genetically engineered, living weapons and organic war machines to battle an insane Artificial Intelligence and her robot legions. Unlike anything you have ever played before!
  • Splicers®: I Am Legion™ Adventure Sourcebook: 6 new Great Houses, 4 new Host Armors, 6 new War Mounts, 19 new Bio-Weapons, 15 new killer machines, new Bio-Enhancements, Amalgam creation tables, Legion and a series of adventures that build into a small campaign, and more.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 1st Edition Rules and sourcebooks. A unique world of magic, monsters and heroes. Dozens of nonhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition Rules and many sourcebooks. The expanded world of high fantasy, magic, mystery and heroes of every variety. Includes the Mind Mage and psychic abilities, mages and spells, magic circles and symbols, men-at-arms, scoundrels and a wide range of inhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and many more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG first edition rule book and sourcebooks.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition rule book and sourcebooks. Create any type of superhuman you can desire and bring comic book adventures to life.
  • Dead Reign® RPG (Zombie Apocalypse). The dead have risen. It is the battle for survival in the zombie apocalypse, but this setting is much more than your typical zombie game. Play ordinary people or special characters better equipped to survive and hunt zombies. Many unusual types of zombies.
  • Dead Reign® Sourcebooks: 6 sourcebooks from Civilization Gone™ to Hell Followed™ (the latter features stats for 23 disasters, masked lunatics, 11 new zombies, 7 apocalyptic character classes, and more) are available.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 1st Edition Rules. Supernatural horror in the modern world. Play ordinary people, psychics, paranormal investigators or for something different: Victim Characters!
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition: The complete, revised core game, 14 character classes and 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, the Lazlo Agency, world setting and rules.
  • Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. An RPG setting we call superhero horror. Dark conspiracy, a secret, demon invasion starting with world leaders and law enforcement, and it is spreading. The player characters are the Nightbane®, reluctant superhumans who must turn into monsters themselves to unleash their powers and battle the evil that is clear only to them. A dark, sinister and challenging world of horror.
  • After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Planet of the Apes meets the X-Men! Animal creations, powers and more. Create any type of intelligent mutant animal you can imagine as friend or foe.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. James Bond meets Enter the Dragon. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, and super-spies with gadgets, gizmos and advanced weapons.
  • The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy RPG is a long time, cult favorite with a fatalistic world-view of humans vs aliens with superior technology.
  • The Palladium Weapon Series of real world weapons, armor and castles throughout history. Designed for use with ANY game system.
  • 200+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ Paper Miniatures – Two sets are now available!
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Paper Miniatures – Volumes #1-6 are available now. More are coming in the weeks ahead.
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Men at Arms – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Coalition Dead Boys – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Adventurers – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Practitioners of Magic (new) – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Extras (new) – $2.99
  • And more to come in the weeks ahead.

Palladium Collectibles, Negatives, Artwork, other Collectibles and Toys are always available in Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store along with other good things

My eBay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by Charles “Chuck” Walton, Kevin Long, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Rifts® and other Palladium RPG books (they look awesome framed!), rare Palladium collector hardcovers, signed books, other Palladium memorabilia, toys from my personal collection and other collectibles. Check every couple of weeks because we often post new stuff or offer a new sale. There is a sale on negatives starting today, in fact.

Other one-of-a-kind original artwork available by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton II (money goes to the artist), other artists, as well as collectible negatives, prints, limited edition hardcovers, proofreader copies, out of print items, Star Wars toys, Marvel toys and many other toys and collectibles from my personal collection. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.

Available now: One-of-a-kind book negatives. Negatives were very popular items at the Palladium Open House and people went crazy over them at Gen Con – including actor Joe Manganiello who scooped up a pile of TMNT negatives, while Palladium’s own Mark Oberle, Carmen Bellaire, Brandon Aten and a whole lot of Palladium gamers went for negatives from Rifts® New West, Lone Star and Free Quebec. Fun.

Negatives are unique and attractive, one-of-a-kind (on rare occasions two-of-a-kind if a page was replaced or a second edition was made) works of art that resemble woodcut art and are very dynamic conversation pieces. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black.

When our printer, McNaughton and Gunn, went completely digital, they asked if Palladium Books wanted the negs, otherwise they would be destroyed. Regrettably, I let a few dozen be destroyed, but the negatives of many books were sent to Palladium. They have sat in our warehouse for years until I started to offer them for sale. I have also started signing the negatives in silver and each comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Each negative comes on a white board inside a plastic magazine bag and looks fabulous framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening in a frame (each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches).

Closing Thoughts

I don’t know about you, but the post-pandemic world does not seem any less crazy than the last year. The cost of everything seems to be going up, most businesses are short-handed and a bit overwhelmed, and emotions remain raw. I know people who are getting divorced, selling their home and moving, losing their old job, starting new jobs, closing stores, opening stores … so much still seems to be chaotic. Our world in a state of transition. Nothing is quite the same. It makes me feel like we are living in our Nightbane® setting after Dark Day. Most everything looks the same, but it is not the same. Everything is subtly (and sometimes not so subtly) different. And it takes some time to get used to.

I can tell you that Palladium is certainly going through a state of transition. Though it leaves us all feeling a little overwhelmed and constantly busy, our transition is for the better as we strive to strengthen our foundation and build toward the future. In fact, I think most of us are feeling energized by the challenges we have faced. I know I am. I feel motivated to do bigger and better games and to be a positive force in world. I feel sharp and at the top of my game as we push the envelope. We are exploring new ideas and new directions that we hope will blow your minds and provide you with a new sense of wonder and adventure avenues for our games.

Most days here at Palladium go by in a flash. By the end of the day I am often tuckered out and ready to go home. Yet even when I’m tired, it is a good tired with a sense of accomplishment. The next morning I am excited to go to work. I only wish I had more time for writing. When I do write, especially lately, it is good stuff. Our many projects feel like a new beginning, particularly the releases you don’t know about yet. I had still been randomly signing a lot of books, but I need to stop or cut back greatly as it breaks up my day and takes more time than you might think. Time I need for writing.

Please do not give in to frustration and stress in the post-pandemic world. Do something nice for yourself every now and then. Even little things like buying a favorite meal or dessert or that book or game you have been wanting. You deserve it. Or reach out to a friend or family member for a chat, take a walk, sit down and enjoy a sunset or a nice cool day (if we see one again any time soon). It all helps. Don’t forget you always have role-playing games to escape into for a while in order to forget your troubles. And never forget that you are part of the Palladium family and never alone.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer, Gamer, Friend

NEW! Miniature Releases – Available now

You have been asking about new miniatures and we are providing. All miniatures come in a plastic bag. The newest three are:

Classic Glitter Boy and Pilot Miniature Pack

Rifts® Glitter Boy™ & Pilot (original) Miniature Pack – 1st time available in resin – 28 mm resin – $19.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8001. Five Pieces: 1. Complete G.B. body and a small base, 2. right arm and Boom Gun, 3. backpack/thrusters, 4. ammo drum and belt, and 5. pilot. The ever-popular, classic Glitter Boy and Pilot (1993 RAFM) – now in resin for the first time (prior releases were pewter figures). Available now.

Rifts CS Firebreather Dead Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® CS Firebreather Dead Boy™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8047. Five pieces: 1. the body, 2. right arm and gun, 3. left arm, 4. antenna, 5. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Juicer 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® Juicer™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8048. Three pieces: 1. the complete body, 2. crossed swords on the back that fit so snugly that you may not even need to glue it, 3. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Glitter Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

And don’t forget about the Deluxe Rifts® Glitter Boy Resin Miniature – released in fall 2020 – 32 mm resin – $34.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8046 – a gorgeous, detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Duty's Edge Novel

Rifts® Novels – Available now

All Rifts® novels are available from the Palladium Books online store as physical books as well as PDFs from All are a fun read and highly recommended. Enjoy.

  • All novels are 5 x 8 inches in size unless otherwise indicated.
  • Page count and price varies.
  • Available as physical books from and as PDFs on
  • Rifts® Duty’s Edge is the story of a lone survivor of a New German Republic Special Forces operation who struggles to complete the mission on his own. A mission to destroy wicked monsters and cut off a vital line of support to the Gargoyle Empire. A mission that could save many lives. Of course, it is a journey that takes many twists and turns as one determined individual hopes to beat impossible odds. Set in the Middle East. 236 pages – $12.99 retail – Cat. No. 308 – the newest, stand alone novel.
  • Rifts® Sonic Boom™. Follow the exploits of a CS platoon sworn to protect humankind from all threats, be they aliens, dragons, masters of magic or fellow humans out for themselves.
  • Rifts® Deception’s Web™, the second novel in this trilogy, reveals a conspiracy within the Coalition military that could spell disaster for our protagonists. Note: Smaller size, 4 x 6 inches.
  • Rifts® Treacherous Awakenings™ is the pulse-pounding conclusion of the third novel in this epic trilogy by Adam Chilson.
  • Rifts Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs™. Rifts® short stories by 11 authors including Kevin Siembieda, Carl Gleba, Mark Oberle, Braden Campbell, Taylor White, Jason Richards, and others. Note: Slightly larger size, 6 x 9 inches.
  • Rifts® Machinations of Doom™ Graphic Novel & Sourcebook. The comic is by acclaimed Eisner Award winning artist Ramon K. Perez, source material by Siembieda and Perez. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Path of the Storm was a Rifts® movie script written on spec. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume One: The Cosmo-Knight. The adventures of Caleb Vulcan, newly minted Knight of the Cosmic Forge.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume Two: The Reckoning. The epic conclusion of the Hammer of the Forge story.

Rifts Novels on

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Whether you drink coffee, hot cocoa, soda-pop, or whatever your beverage of choice may be, this fun mug reminds you of your favorite pastime and that new possibilities exist with every roll of the dice.

The large, 16 ounce Gamer mug presents the word “Gamer” in a box with dice cascading down from above. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Freddie Williams II (art directed by Kevin Siembieda). The mug has an orange interior to add a nice splash of color.

  • A must for every proud gamer!
  • Dice and the word “Gamer” highlighted in a box.
  • Glossy black exterior with an orange interior.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2596 – available now.

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug at

Property of the Coalition States Mug

BACK IN STOCK! Property of the Coalition States 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Back due to popular demand! The iconic Property of the Coalition States and notorious CS Death’s Head insignia printed white on a glossy black, 16 ounce coffee mug, with a blood red interior for a splash of color. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Kevin Long (art directed by Kevin Siembieda).

  • The infamous words “Property of the Coalition States” and the notorious Death’s Head logo and lightning bolts (indicating CS special forces) in white.
  • Glossy black exterior with a blood red interior color.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2588 – available now.

Property of the Coalition States Mug at

Other Mugs Available Now

Everyone loves these mugs. Isn’t it time you started your collection? I like to use them to as a secret code to reflect my mood to those around me. To my thinking the Gamer mug means I’m feeling playful. Rifts® Property of the Coalition States: I’m a soldier in the trenches and working hard. Dead Reign®: Back off or I will eat you alive. Fantasy Dragon: My imagination is on fire. Rifts Logo: Feeling the infinite possibilities. Rifts® Titan Robotics: I’m feeling mighty. Of course, they represent something else to each of you or just represent one of your favorite games, like a normal person.

  • Rifts® Titan Robotics™ Mug A dynamic Titan robot and the Rifts® logo. Art by Steven Cummings. White on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2595 – available now.
  • Rifts® Logo Coffee Mug The famous Rifts® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Logo by Kevin Long. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2587 – available now.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Dragon Mug The famous red on black 3-headed hydra battling a knight from the iconic original Palladium Fantasy RPG cover. Art by Kevin Siembieda. Red on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with an attractive orange interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2589 – available now.
  • Dead Reign® (Zombie Attack) Mug A trio of hungry zombies and the Dead Reign® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blood red interior for a splash of color. Art by Steven Cummings. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2594 – available now.

© 2021 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – July 1, 2021

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda

Happy Independence Day to all of our fellow Americans. And a belated, Happy Canada Day (earlier this week) to our friends in Canada. I imagine most of you have plans for the 4th of July weekend, so enjoy a safe, fun weekend.

There is a lot of news in this Update, including a small online sale with a few crazy sale prices (at least Wayne thought so), the three new hardcovers are shipping (AtB, N&S and DR), the Rifts® 30th “Gold” edition has sold out, but the equally beautiful and somewhat limited Rifts® 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover (color cover) is available and is just as nice, plus there is a new interview with me and Sean Roberson, and other good stuff. Read on and learn all.

NEW! Now shipping, the latest 3 RPG Hardcovers. After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover, Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover, and Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover – The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed! See the complete description of each below and in the Palladium online store.

SOLD OUT! Rifts® 30th Anniversary “Gold” Hardcover. Limited to only 200 copies plus some printer proofs (mostly for staff), it sold out in three weeks from the date of its arrival to the Palladium warehouse. Making it an instant collectible!

LIMITED! “Printer Proof” Rifts® 30th Anniversary Gold Hardcover. I have made a half-dozen Printer Proofs available in my Ebay store – Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles – ALL are signed by me, Kevin Siembieda, and available staff, and have a dragonhead drawing just like the “numbered” Gold editions, only it says Printer Proof instead of having a number. Available at a bit higher price on a first come, first served basis. I will try to make a few more available at Christmas time, but most of the Printer Proofs are for Palladium staff, charity auctions, the 2022 POH, and as gifts for select Palladium support personnel.

STILL AVAILABLE and selling fast – Rifts® 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover with color Keith Parkinson cover painting. Probably under 2,000 copies, the Rifts® 30th Anniversary Hardcover is just as gorgeous and coveted as the Gold. It is not signed and numbered, but you can get all the autographs you want at the 2022 Palladium Open House, Gen Con, and other conventions. (Cat. No. 800HC30, $49.99 retail. This is the “original” Rifts RPG from 1990 with an extra 32 pages of color, Palladium history, a gallery of every Rifts® cover to date, concept art, and features the iconic Keith Parkinson Splugorth Slave Barge painting on the cover.) I love this Rifts® 30th Anniversary Hardcover for all the never before seen concept art, history, gallery of covers, and the Keith Parkinson cover. The original RPG holds a lot of memories and sentimental value for me. Enjoy. See the full description below and in the Palladium online store.

Rifts 30th Anniversary Commemorative Hardcover

BACK IN STOCK! Rifts® Ultimate Edition Hardcover! Available now. 352 pages – $44.99 retail – Cat. No. 800HC – and as fun as ever. Isn’t it time to get Rifting? See the full description below and in the Palladium online store.

Rifts Ultimate Edition

BACK IN STOCK! Nightbane® Shadows of Light sourcebook, and Century Station, and Weapons & Assassins. We are doing our best at keeping all our titles in stock. And when they are not we are trying to make sure they are unavailable for only a short few weeks.

NEW! Another interview with me (Kevin Siembieda) and Sean Owen Roberson (Rifts® Savage Worlds) can be seen on the Palladium Books YouTube channel. This one talks about adapting Rifts® to the Savage Worlds game system and how the Savage Rifts® adventures, maps, settings, and virtual tabletop assets can be used in any Rifts® campaign regardless of the rules. Enjoy.

Plus here are links for two other, recent, fun interviews:

Siembieda and Roberson —

Siembieda and Yanick —

REMINDER: Pinnacle’s Rifts® Atlantis Rising Kickstarter ENDS in 5 days – 9 PM Eastern on Tuesday, July 6. The adventures, maps, and virtual tabletop assets like pawns/tokens can be used by Palladium Rifts players as well as PEG’s. See more details below.

The Rifter® Annual is on the schedule. Provided we get enough submissions by September 1, it will be a Christmas 2021 release. You can find all the details elsewhere in this Update. Time to be bold and submit. Come on, it is fun to see your name in print.

SALE! 4th of July Summer Reading Sale

Wednesday’s DriveThru Deal of the Day inspired this short sale all about reading, adventure, and imagination. I hope it will serve as inspiration for adventures at your own gaming table. After all, there is no reason the heroes, villains, monsters, locations, and story elements cannot be dropped into your own games. This is especially easy with Rifts® Path of the Storm and Rifts® Machinations of Doom. But why couldn’t you stat out the characters, villains, heroes, conflicts, and settings that appear in the Rifts® Anthology and Rifts® Novels and have them find their way into your games? Just food for thought. Enjoy the sale, fun reads and discounts, some quite steep.

  • Rifts® Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs. A fun romp centered around the Chi-Town ‘Burbs and various characters, situations, and intrigue. 11 Authors including Kevin Siembieda, Carl Gleba, Mark Oberle, Taylor White, Braden Campbell, Jason Richards and others. 13 Rifts® short stories set in the Chi-Town ‘Burbs. Cat. No. 304. Only $3.99 now thru July 6. Enjoy.
  • Rifts® Machinations of Doom™ Graphic Novel & Sourcebook. The comic is by acclaimed Eisner Award winning artist Ramon K. Perez, and has source material with stats for all characters and monsters by Siembieda and Perez. Cat. No. 871. Only $7.99 now thru July 6.
  • Rifts® Path of the Storm was a Rifts® movie script written on spec. Easily adapted for the basis of a fun mini-campaign complete with RPG character stats for NPCs. Use the characters in the story or substitute your own player characters. The latter may change the outcome of this story and lead to new adventures. Cat. No. 305. Only $7.99 now thru July 6.
  • Rifts® and the Megaverse®, the Art of John Zeleznik because every picture tells a story. Seriously, Game Masters, how is this for a fun creation idea? Pick one or a few illustrations – whether concept drawings, sketches, or finished covers – and build a story and adventure around the character(s) and/or scene that is depicted for whichever setting you are currently playing. I find this approach to be a challenging but surprisingly fun and rewarding way to create and develop adventures. Set your imaginations free, have fun, and cut loose. Cat. No. 2510. Only $7.99 now thru July 6.
  • Future Visions, the Art of Charles Walton. Same as Rifts® and the Megaverse® above, because every picture tells a story. Many different stories in different settings if you can imagine it. Give it a try. Cat. No. 2562. Only $7.99 now thru July 6.
  • Rifts® Sonic Boom™ Novel. Follow the exploits of a CS platoon sworn to protect humankind from all threats, be they aliens, dragons, masters of magic or fellow humans out for themselves. Cat. No. 301. Only $11.19 now thru July 6.
  • Rifts® Deception’s Web™, the second novel in this trilogy, reveals a conspiracy within the Coalition military that could spell disaster for our protagonists. Cat. No. 302. Only $7.96 now thru July 6.
  • Rifts® Treacherous Awakenings™ is the pulse-pounding conclusion and the third novel in this epic trilogy by Adam Chilson. Cat. No. 303. Only $12.79 now thru July 6.
  • Rifts® Duty’s Edge Novel – A Triax soldier’s adventure in the Middle East. A lone survivor who struggles to complete his mission. Cat. No. 308. Only $10.39 now thru July 6.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume One: The Cosmo-Knight. The adventures of Caleb Vulcan, newly minted Knight of the Cosmic Forge. Epic fun. Cat. No. 306. Only $11.19 now thru July 6.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume Two: The Reckoning. The epic conclusion of the Hammer of the Forge story. Cat. No. 307. Only $11.99 now thru July 6.

All are on sale as physical books from now thru Tuesday, July 6, 2021.

Savage Worlds Rifts Atlantis Kickstarter coming June 22

LAST 5 Days – Rifts® Atlantis Rising Savage Worlds® Kickstarter – by Pinnacle Entertainment Group (PEG) – Ends July 5, 2021

Shrouded by the Demon Seas, birthplace of an ancient and wondrous civilization, and now host to a bizarre cosmic evil: Rifts Atlantis is a destination like no other!

Learn the secrets of the True Atlanteans and their powerful tattoos, explore enigmatic pyramids which first opened Earth to the Megaverse®, survive the wrath of monsters from the depths, and fight back against chthonic horrors bent on terror and subjugation!

The world of Savage Rifts® Atlantis has arisen and is waiting for you on Kickstarter. Unlock the 192 page sourcebook (with new Iconic Frameworks, MARS packages, and Races), an army of pawns for your game table, an alluring poster map, and more! Adventures, maps, 109 P.A. updates, pawns/tokens/virtual assets, ideas, and paraphernalia suitable for use in ANY Rifts® game. Explore the Megaverse®.

Explore the mysteries of Atlantis and undersea realms for Rifts® for Savage Worlds right now on Kickstarter! By Pinnacle Entertainment Group.

Now Shipping

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

NEW! After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Available now

Create any type of intelligent, humanoid, mutant animal from a turtle or raccoon to an elephant or lion. The RPG presents stats for 100+ mutant animals, plus rules for creating any mutant animal you can imagine, and each sourcebook offers dozens more.

Play your mutant animals as super-heroes, vigilantes, or mutants on the run in the Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, Heroes of the Megaverse® or Skraypers™ settings. Or as mutants or monsters in Nightbane®. (You could make a mutant animal the Nightbane’s Morphus!) In Palladium Fantasy® your mutant animal could be one of the forgotten archaic races, a visitor from another world, a creation of magic, or a monster. In Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Phase World® and the Three Galaxies, The Mechanoids®, Aliens Unlimited™, Splicers® and similar RPGs, use the creation rules to make new D-Bees, aliens, mutants, or monsters. Or play in the AtB post-apocalyptic Earth setting that makes Planet of the Apes seem tame. Whatever the setting, playing anthropomorphic animal characters is a blast.

  • 100+ mutant animal stats included.
  • Mutant animal creation rules to mutate ANY animal.
  • 52 Mutant Animal Powers.
  • 33 Mutant Animal Psionic Powers.
  • New Animal Chimeras and their abilities.
  • New back story to the After the Bomb® world of mutants.
  • The post-apocalyptic Earth setting of “After the Bomb” is just one use for your mutant animal heroes.
  • A complete RPG written by Erick Wujcik. His last great work and a sometimes overlooked RPG masterpiece. These are the Mutant Animal Creation Rules you know and love taken to new heights.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Aliens Unlimited™, Nightbane®, N&S, Rifts® and any game setting where mutants or aliens are appropriate.
  • 72 pages of “bonus” material includes the original After the Bomb® sourcebook and Yucatan Adventures from the old Game Shield.
  • 296 pages (72 bonus pages) – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 503HC – now shipping. Also available as a 224 page softcover book ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 503).

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

Ninjas & Superspies RPG Hardcover

NEW! Ninjas & Superspies RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Available now

The Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG is the ultimate guide to martial arts with 40 different martial art forms and 48 mystic martial arts powers alone, but there is so much more. Asian combat skills accurately portrayed, each with its own unique fighting style, methods of attack and defense presented on an epic scale, complete with legendary mystic powers. Spies, Cyber Agents, Gadgeteers, secret organizations creation rules, secret identities, gimmick weapons and clothing, cyber-disguises, implants, and more. Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™ RPG and even Nightbane®, Rifts®, and other settings. A complete game PLUS 44 pages of bonus material gathered from The Rifter®.

  • 40+ types of hand to hand combat — effectively offering 40 types of martial arts character classes!
  • 17 Occupational Character Classes for spies, mercenaries, martial artists and special operatives.
  • 48 mystic martial art powers.
  • Dim Mak, Chi Mastery, the Arts of Invisibility and more.
  • Bionic implants, disguises, weapons, & equipment.
  • Secret identities, spy agencies, creation rules for secret organizations.
  • Complete stand-alone RPG with skills, weapons, rules and guidelines for using other Palladium settings.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Rifts®, Rifts® China, and the entire Palladium Megaverse®!
  • 44 pages of “bonus” material gathered from The Rifter®.
  • 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 525HC – RPG by Erick Wujcik – now shipping. Also available as a 176 page softcover book ($22.99 retail – Cat. No. 525.) And see Mystic China (currently on sale) for an astonishing and fun sourcebook with more mystical martial arts abilities, magic, demons, immortals and more.

Ninjas and Superspies RPG Hardcover

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

NEW! Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover – The Zombie Apocalypse – available now

The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world.

Civilization crumbles in a matter of days as hundreds of millions of people die and rise as the walking dead. The hundreds of millions of people who fall to the zombies also rise to join the growing legions of undead. Then the world goes silent.

You are on your own. The army is MIA. There is no government. No law. No television, radio or Internet. No media, cell phones or communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets.

Death Cults have risen, promising protection from the walking dead.

Retro-Savages have forsaken technology and sacrifice the living to the zombies in hopes of bringing an end to the nightmare.

Brave human survivors refuse to lie down and die! They come from all walks of life. Their common goal: survival as they struggle to forge safe havens away from the cities, rescue other survivors and battle the walking dead without respite. For now at least, the planet belongs to the dead.

Dead Reign® is an excellent introductory game that is easy to learn, fast to play, and fun to read. If you are looking for a zombie game that truly captures the feel of survival after the apocalypse and the nightmare of being stalked by zombies, Dead Reign® is it. Game mechanics are designed to create a real sense of escalating terror and dread when the zombies swarm. Sourcebooks expand the world, player options, and adventure ideas as well as new zombies and dangers.

  • Six Apocalyptic Character Classes (O.C.C.) including the Reaper, Shepherd of the Damned, Hound Master, Apocalyptic Soldier, Scrounger and Ordinary People.
  • Seven types of zombies plus the Half-Living. (Sourcebooks offer many more.)
  • Secrets of the Dead: Everything you need to know about zombies and need to ask.
  • Death Cults, their Priests, power over zombies and goals.
  • Random tables galore and the fundamentals of survival.
  • Strong setting, world overview and many adventure ideas.
  • A complete role-playing game. 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 230HC – now shipping. Also available as a 224 page softcover RPG ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 230).

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

Rifts Ultimate Edition

BACK in STOCK – Rifts® Ultimate Edition – available now

Rifts® Ultimate Edition provides gamers with everything you need to start playing. Just add some dice, players, and a heaping helping of imagination and you are ready to explore a realm of adventure unlike anything on the RPG market. No other RPG blends science fiction, fantasy, horror, and post-apocalyptic adventure with demons and aliens, robots and cyborgs, magic and the supernatural in such a plausible and dynamic way. A setting that lets you play any type and style of game you can imagine. Not to mention hundreds of different alien, supernatural, magical, and other beings available as player characters. All of it set on a post-apocalyptic Earth that is both familiar and as alien as a thousand different planets.

  • There has never been another RPG quite like Rifts®.
  • 376 page hardcover, 24 pages of color – $44.99 retail – Cat. No. 800HC – now available.

Rifts Ultimate Edition

Other Core Rule Books now available as hardcovers

Due to popular demand we have been making select core rule books available as both hardcover and softcover editions and gamers are loving them. All feature a sturdy, color hardcover, color endsheets, and the RPGs and core titles you know and love. The following six titles have been selling like crazy.

Available now:

Back in stock soon: We had plenty of the following books until a few distributors snatched them all up! They should be back in stock soon. People are enjoying these hardcovers.

ALL back in stock soon.

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition Hardcover – Temporarily out of stock, but only for a week or two. You can still order now but will not ship until it is back from the printer (soon).

A fantasy setting like no other, rich in history and inviting adventure. Not only are you able to play iconic fantasy heroes, but also characters such as the Mind Mage, Druid, Diabolist, Summoner, and an array of nonhuman characters from Elves and Dwarves to Wolfen, Changelings, Kobolds, Orcs, Ogres, and many others. 25+ Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s), 14+ inhuman player races (more in sourcebooks), 300+ magic spells, 60 magical wards, 50 magic circles, 70+ psychic powers, dozens of magic items, potions, Rune Weapons, and so much more. 336 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 450HC – back in stock soon. Also available as a softcover edition.

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Heroes Unlimited™ RPG, 2nd Edition Hardcover – available now – and has been a hit RPG for 30+ years. Why? Because it enables you to create any type of comic book hero you can imagine. 101 super abilities plus a multitude of sub-powers within them, bonuses and special combat capabilities. 72 psychic powers and 100+ magic spells, plus enchanted weapons and objects that turn a person into a superhuman. Psychics, super-powered aliens, mutants, super soldiers, Mega-Heroes, mages, immortals, cyborgs, robots, power armor, weapon masters, and more. Plus a dozen sourcebooks provide you with hundreds of additional super abilities, hero categories, bad guys, and adventures. 352 pages for a complete RPG – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 500HC – available now. Also available as a softcover edition.

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition Hardcover – A plausible modern horror setting unlike any other. One that makes sense and will challenge your role-playing skills. 14 Psychic Character Classes. 42 occupations for “ordinary” people, 100+ psychic abilities, including Fire Walker abilities, creatures of darkness, the Lazlo Agency, and more. All of these unlikely heroes stand against supernatural evil in a world of disbelievers who brand them as practitioners of fringe science and lunatics. Only your characters know the truth: supernatural evil is real and dangerous. Are you ready to join the battle? 256 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 700HC – available now. New sourcebooks are coming soon. Also available as a softcover edition.

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

Rifts® Game Master Guide™ Hardcover – available the week of July 12. 500+ weapons, 290 pieces of equipment, 180+ vehicles, 100+ suits of body armor. 80+ suits of power armor, 300+ skills, character and D-Bee index, dozens of maps, and more. 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 845HC – available the week of July 12. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

Rifts® Book of Magic™ Hardcover – available the week of July 12. Nearly 1,000 magic spells, 400 magic weapons and devices from across Rifts Earth, plus magic tattoos, herbs, stones, automatons, Iron Juggernauts, Rune Weapons, Bio-Wizard weapons, talismans, and more. 352 pages of pure magic – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 848HC – available the week of July 12. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

Rifts® Adventure Guide™ Hardcover – available the week of July 12. 150+ adventure ideas, Game Master and player tips from Kevin Siembieda, Erick Wujcik and Bill Coffin, adventure creation, how to use alignments, tricks of running a large group, G.M. tools, overview and info about the CS Chi-Town ‘Burbs. Tables for creating towns, merc companies, and traveling shows and more. 192 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 849HC – available the week of July 12. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

2021 Rifter® Annual – Submissions Wanted

Are you a Palladium gamer who has cool ideas and think you are a decent writer? If so, consider writing an article, adventure, monsters, etc., for The Rifter® Annual. It is part sourcebook, part fanzine, part talent show, and a lot of fun written by fans like yourself. The pay is terrible but you get published, receive a couple copies of the book, a few bucks, and your name up in lights … um, in a printed book. Plus Kevin and Wayne see your work, which sometimes leads to you being invited to write “official” sourcebooks and material.

Artists, this goes for you too. We are always looking for new artists to consider, so do not hesitate to submit some samples or send us a link to your online art page. The Rifter is a good place to try out, especially if you are just getting started doing art on a professional or semi-professional level.

Please send us your submissions by August 15, 2021. (Sooner is better!) We plan for it to be all new and a Christmas time release. With 8-12 week turnaround times from printers, we will need to submit the finished files to a printer by September in order to have it in time for Thanksgiving! So finish up your submissions and send them in for our consideration at your earliest convenience. Plus, whatever we like but cannot squeeze in this 192 page Annual, we will safe for the next Annual.

What we are looking for in written submissions: Adventures, monsters, villains, NPCS, new settings/locations, magic spells, magic items, super abilities, tech weapons, vehicles, gear, and all sorts of source material for ALL of our current settings. That includes settings such as Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited, After the Bomb®, Ninjas & Superspies, Beyond the Supernatural, Nightbane®, Splicers®, Rifts® Chaos Earth®, and, well any of them.

Material can be 2-5 pages, 6-12 pages, 15-30 pages, but please, not more than 30 pages for any one article. Please include the “Unsolicited Manuscript Form” with your submission. You can find it on the Palladium website under Questions & Resources – the Unsolicited Works Form. Send electronic submissions to rifter{at} and if you have questions, call Palladium at 734-721-2903.

In the alternative, you can mail us physical Rifter® submissions and the Unsolicited Manuscript Form (as well as letters and unsolicited sourcebook manuscripts, created entirely on speculation) to:

Palladium Books – The Rifter
39074 Webb Court
Westland, MI 48185

We can only publish a Rifter® Annual if we get enough new material. We would like to start editing and tweaking some of them by the beginning of August, so do not hesitate to send them in as soon as you are ready. AND it is a great way to get on our radar as writers (and artists).

Rifts Coalition Manhunters

UPDATE: Rifts® CS Manhunters

I have been working on this fun sourcebook whenever I can and it is looking great. With several hardcovers and reprints at the printer, and the Rifts® 30th Anniversary Hardcovers shipping, my plate is now cleared up for writing.

Rifts® CS Manhunters presents dark secrets of the Coalition States involving CS psychics, the super secret Psi-Ops Division (the thought police of Emperor Prosek), and the deadly super-patriots that are the enigmatic CS Manhunters. Includes 50+ NEW psionic abilities with real punch, insight into the Dog Boys and Kill Hounds, meanings revealed about the Seven Dangers Prophecy (first introduced in Rifts® Sourcebook 2: The Mechanoids®), and gadgets and implants, and surprises. All of it building toward something epic.

  • New Coalition Psychic O.C.C.s.
  • 50+ new psionic abilities and revisits of some favorites.
  • CS Manhunter Divner and Precog.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Interrogator and Psi-Enforcer.
  • CS Manhunter Bursters and Zappers.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Healers and CS Slayers.
  • CS Manhunter Killhound and Dog Boy O.C.C.s.
  • CS Manhunter Mind Melters, the deadliest of them all.
  • CS Manhunter squads and special operations.
  • Secrets of Psi-Ops Division and insight about Coalition psychics.
  • Deciphering the Seven Dangers Prophecy.
  • The impact of the demon plagues unleashed by the Minion War.
  • Player Characters, NPCS, background info, adventure ideas, and more.
  • 96-128 pages – $18.99 retail – Cat. No. 894 – In production and nearing completion.

Pre-Order Rifts CS Manhunters

Creature Feature

UPDATE: Creature Feature, a Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook

This is going to be another fun adventure sourcebook. The manuscript will go into editing and rewrites as soon as I finish CS Manhunters and most of the artwork is done. Though I may add a few illustrations and already have artists lined up. Creature Feature™ builds on material that has appeared in various issues of The Rifter® but there is a ton of new material and information useful to both Game Masters and players.

  • A gallery of supernatural creatures. Some new. Some familiar, updated and expanded. All terrifying.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • Game Master source material and advice on rules, psychic abilities, proximity and threat levels, I.S.P. multipliers, and more.
  • Advice about running modern horror RPGs and using supernatural creatures in your games.
  • Lots of adventure ideas, including an updated and expanded full adventure, “The Squatter.”
  • New background and setting information for the BTS setting and a few surprises.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw and others.
  • 160-192 pages – $22.99 or $26.99 depending on final size – Cat. No. 704.

Pre-Order Creature Feature

Rifts Titan Robotics

UPDATE: Rifts® Titan Robotics

Here it is, the reveal of the new cover. I hope you like it. I love that it presents the iconic Titan Robotics Combat Robot with a new big gun that hints at what else awaits you inside the book. I also enjoy the combat scene, smoke, and haze of war. Like Northern Gun and the Manistique Imperium, Titan Robotics sells freely to adventurers, mercenaries, and anyone who has the cash. Hence, the owners of these big ‘bots clashing with Coalition Forces.

This is why I call Rifts® Titan Robotics™ a high-tech toy box filled with many new types of Titan Robotics power armors, giant robots, vehicles, weapons, and gear. Some are big bruisers while others are small and sleek. As fun as these new tech toys are, Rifts® Titan Robotics™ delves into the company’s many secrets, including ARCHIE-3’s plans and program to monitor and manipulate the outside world. Learn about Archie’s androids that run Titan Robotics and his current schemes and plans for the future. All of which provides fodder for adventure.

  • New Giant Robots.
  • New Power Armor, equipment and accessories.
  • 30+ power armors and robots, plus other equipment.
  • New weapons, gear and vehicles.
  • Titan Robotics Corporation and structure.
  • Archie’s secret kingdom and plans for the future.
  • New O.C.C.s and key Non-Player Characters (NPCs).
  • Android executives, security and much more.
  • Wellington Industries, campaign prompts and more.
  • Art by Walton, Cummings, Atkins, and others. Cover by Mike Majestic.
  • Written by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda.
  • 160-192 pages (tentative) – $22.99 retail (or $26.99) – Cat. No. 899.

Pre-Order Rifts Titan Robotics

Rifts Bestiary Volume Two

UPDATE: Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two

The second big, “monster book” reference for Rifts® of what we anticipate to be three volumes in the series, more if we decide to make ghosts, spirits and Entities and/or Creatures of Magic part of the Bestiary series. Much like Volume One, Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume Two collects 70-100 monsters and animals plus 12-24 new beasts found across Rifts North America. The anticipated page count is 224-256 pages.

All volumes of the Rifts® Bestiary™ series are a great resource for players and Game Masters alike. Each description is updated, expanded, and highly detailed to present players with exotic and alien creatures as pets, guardians and riding animals, as well as slobbering monsters to battle and fierce beasts for Game Masters to throw at their players. Designed to offer adventure ideas, offers notes on young, adult, male and female creatures, and all provide plenty of ways to enhance your characters and spice up adventures. Each is accompanied by a map that shows at a glance where the beast can be encountered. Ah, but in the presence of Rifts and magic means any of the creatures may appear anywhere in the world, so be on your toes.

  • Monsters and animals of Rifts North America organized into big, easy to use sourcebooks.
  • Updated and expanded descriptions and information for each existing monster.
  • Updated and uniform stat blocks.
  • New exotic creatures – predators, exotic riding animals, beasts of burden, alien horrors, giant insects, and more.
  • A map for every creature showing where it is found.
  • Easily adapted to any Palladium setting – Palladium Fantasy®, Chaos Earth®, Splicers®, Phase World®, the Three Galaxies™, The Mechanoids®, Heroes Unlimited™/Aliens Unlimited™, and others.
  • Basic S.D.C. stats included with each creature description.
  • Fully illustrated, with art by Charles Walton II, Ramon Perez, Robert Atkins, and many others. Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 256 pages each volume – $26.99 – Cat. No. 897 (Volume Two).

Pre-Order Rifts Bestiary Two – Your RPG resource for 300+ PDF products – all using the same basic game system – learn one game and you can play them all

And we have settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Dead Reign® and Beyond the Supernatural), plus The Rifter® sourcebook series (by fans like you), novels, paper minis, and more.

Rifts® Novels: Duty’s Edge – The lone surviving soldier from a New German Republic Special Forces operation struggles to complete the mission on his own. A stand-alone Rifts® novel complete in itself. 236 pages, Cat. No. 308. The Cosmo-Knight and The Reckoning (Phase World®, the Three Galaxies, and Cosmo-Knights), the Rifts® trilogy of novels: Sonic Boom, Deception’s Web, and Treacherous Awakenings, as well as the Rifts® Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs (11 authors), Machinations of Doom (graphic novel by Ramon K. Perez), and Path of the Storm (a proposed Rifts® movie script) and 300+ other Palladium Books RPG titles.

Also available: Free Garden of the Gods™ (Fantasy) and Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume One Sneak Previews, and the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet: A Microsoft Excel-based character management system. Packed with features and data collected from every official Palladium Fantasy sourcebook to enable you to create Fantasy characters quickly (25 minutes!) and help you to update and manage them for years to come.

Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Three: Zombies, Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Two: Civilians and Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume One: Survivors. There are also paper miniatures for Heroes Unlimited™, Palladium Fantasy® and Rifts®. A new, up-to-date, PDF Palladium Books Catalog. Nightbane® Dark Designs™ sourcebook with 60 new Common Talents, 38 new Elite Talents, 18 new Morphus Tables, all other Morphus Tables collected and more. Systems Failure™ RPG, a 160 page RPG that deals with alien invasion and a post-apocalypse setting that is fun and dynamic. Civilization is on the verge of collapse when the so-called “bugs” invade and turn humans into zombie-like slaves. Monsters, heroes and fun. A complete RPG and setting. Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun™ Two: 256 pages of technology and fun. 30+ power armors, 30+ body armors, 15 combat vehicles, 45 vehicles (hovercycles, etc.), 10 robot haulers, the Robodome and more. Bizantium and the Northern Islands™: the northernmost part of the Known World, the Cold Born, Necromancy ships made from dead sea serpents, 15 creatures, Random Sea Monster Generator, and more. Rifts® Northern Gun™ One. This fan favorite might be thought of as the big book of giant robots – an in-depth look at Northern Gun, 70+ weapons, 27 robots, NG O.C.C.s, key people and places, and much more. Mysteries of Magic™ Book One: The Heart of Magic™ with Wizards, their Apprentices, nearly 60 new magic spells and remember, magic and monsters in the Fantasy RPG are easily adapted to Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, HU2 and other settings. Wolfen Empire™ Fantasy sourcebook, the Great Northern Wilderness and Killer Winters, 12 Wolfen Tribes, Wolfen military and society, 15+ creatures, 5 full adventures, 101 adventure ideas, random encounter tables, notable people, places, plus FREE Sneak Previews of The Rifter® #80, The Rifter® #81, The Rifter® #82, and more on

  • Rifts® is a genre-bending setting that combines science fiction, fantasy, horror, post-apocalypse survival, magic, and endless possibilities for adventure. Imagine a near perfect world of advanced technology 100 years in the future. Then imagine that world crashing down overnight in an apocalyptic upheaval not seen since the formation of the planet. A Great Cataclysm caused by the explosive return of magic. Now fast forward 300 years into the future where magic, dragons, and mythic gods coexist with cyborgs, giant robots and super-science rediscovered from humanity’s Golden Age as humans rise from a lengthy Dark Age. But they must contend with countless alien life forms, monsters, and supernatural horrors from beyond the Rifts.
  • Rifts® core titles we would suggest: Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts® Book of Magic, Rifts® Adventure Guide, D-Bees of North America™, Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign and Rifts® Sourcebook One. Note: The Rifts® RPG, 1st Edition and Rifts® Ultimate, 2nd Edition are both available.
  • 80+ Rifts® supplements, most of them available as PDFs with more coming. Where to start? Wherever sounds fun.
  • Rifts® Dimension Books™: Travel to alien worlds and dimensions via the Rifts for off-world adventure and intrigue.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG and sourcebook series (all). Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.
  • FREE Sneak Previews for Nightbane® Dark Designs™, Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans™, Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity, and many other previews as well as free and low cost items that we make available. All of it adds to the growing list of Rifts and other Palladium RPG game titles available as PDF books, cards and support. A new title should be added every week or two, so keep watching for them.
  • The Rifter® #1-84, ALL issues of The Rifter®. Each issue is a wealth of source material and ideas for 3-6 different Palladium game lines. Most are easily adapted to ANY Palladium game setting. Each issue a gem. 8,500 pages of source material and ideas for heroes, villains, monsters, magic, gear, and adventure.
  • Splicers® RPG is like Iron Man meets Game of Thrones with elements of Terminator – except this army of Iron Men are clad in living body armor and wield living, organic weapons and devices. Created in 2004 by writer and game designer Carmen Bellaire, Splicers® was nominated for an Inquest Gamer Magazine Fan Awards Game of the Year, and has since developed a rabid fan base. Science fiction and horror where humans are forced to use genetically engineered, living weapons and organic war machines to battle an insane Artificial Intelligence and her robot legions. Unlike anything you have ever played before!
  • Splicers®: I Am Legion™ Adventure Sourcebook: 6 new Great Houses, 4 new Host Armors, 6 new War Mounts, 19 new Bio-Weapons, 15 new killer machines, new Bio-Enhancements, Amalgam creation tables, Legion and a series of adventures that build into a small campaign, and more.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 1st Edition Rules and sourcebooks. A unique world of magic, monsters and heroes. Dozens of nonhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition Rules and many sourcebooks. The expanded world of high fantasy, magic, mystery and heroes of every variety. Includes the Mind Mage and psychic abilities, mages and spells, magic circles and symbols, men-at-arms, scoundrels and a wide range of inhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and many more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG first edition rule book and sourcebooks.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition rule book and sourcebooks. Create any type of superhuman you can desire and bring comic book adventures to life.
  • Dead Reign® RPG (Zombie Apocalypse). The dead have risen. It is the battle for survival in the zombie apocalypse, but this setting is much more than your typical zombie game. Play ordinary people or special characters better equipped to survive and hunt zombies. Many unusual types of zombies.
  • Dead Reign® Sourcebooks: 6 sourcebooks from Civilization Gone™ to Hell Followed™ (the latter features stats for 23 disasters, masked lunatics, 11 new zombies, 7 apocalyptic character classes, and more) are available.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 1st Edition Rules. Supernatural horror in the modern world. Play ordinary people, psychics, paranormal investigators or for something different: Victim Characters!
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition: The complete, revised core game, 14 character classes and 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, the Lazlo Agency, world setting and rules.
  • Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. An RPG setting we call superhero horror. Dark conspiracy, a secret, demon invasion starting with world leaders and law enforcement, and it is spreading. The player characters are the Nightbane®, reluctant superhumans who must turn into monsters themselves to unleash their powers and battle the evil that is clear only to them. A dark, sinister and challenging world of horror.
  • After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Planet of the Apes meets the X-Men! Animal creations, powers and more. Create any type of intelligent mutant animal you can imagine as friend or foe.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. James Bond meets Enter the Dragon. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, and super-spies with gadgets, gizmos and advanced weapons.
  • The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy RPG is a long time, cult favorite with a fatalistic world-view of humans vs aliens with superior technology.
  • The Palladium Weapon Series of real world weapons, armor and castles throughout history. Designed for use with ANY game system.
  • 200+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ Paper Miniatures – Two sets are now available!
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Paper Miniatures – Volumes #1-6 are available now. More are coming in the weeks ahead.
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Men at Arms – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Coalition Dead Boys – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Adventurers – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Practitioners of Magic (new) – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Extras (new) – $2.99
  • And more to come in the weeks ahead.

Palladium Collectibles, Negatives, Artwork, other Collectibles and Toys are always available in Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store along with other good things

My eBay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by Charles “Chuck” Walton, Kevin Long, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Rifts® and other Palladium RPG books (they look awesome framed!), rare Palladium collector hardcovers, signed books, other Palladium memorabilia, toys from my personal collection and other collectibles. Check every couple of weeks because we often post new stuff or offer a new sale. There is a sale on negatives starting today, in fact.

Other one-of-a-kind original artwork available by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton II (money goes to the artist), other artists, as well as collectible negatives, prints, limited edition hardcovers, proofreader copies, out of print items, Star Wars toys, Marvel toys and many other toys and collectibles from my personal collection. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.

Available now: One-of-a-kind book negatives. Negatives were very popular items at the Palladium Open House and people went crazy over them at Gen Con – including actor Joe Manganiello who scooped up a pile of TMNT negatives, while Palladium’s own Mark Oberle, Carmen Bellaire, Brandon Aten and a whole lot of Palladium gamers went for negatives from Rifts® New West, Lone Star and Free Quebec. Fun.

Negatives are unique and attractive, one-of-a-kind (on rare occasions two-of-a-kind if a page was replaced or a second edition was made) works of art that resemble woodcut art and are very dynamic conversation pieces. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black.

When our printer, McNaughton and Gunn, went completely digital, they asked if Palladium Books wanted the negs, otherwise they would be destroyed. Regrettably, I let a few dozen be destroyed, but the negatives of many books were sent to Palladium. They have sat in our warehouse for years until I started to offer them for sale. I have also started signing the negatives in silver and each comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Each negative comes on a white board inside a plastic magazine bag and looks fabulous framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening in a frame (each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches).

Closing Thoughts

Our hearts go out to those of you who have suffered flood damage from the recent string of rain and storms. Michigan, especially the Metro Detroit area was hit pretty hard. I heard 1,000 waterlogged vehicles were stranded on the highways and streets across Metro Detroit. In fact, a lot of the areas where I once lived or Palladium was located in the past, were all flooded. I-94 and Lonyo was underwater for a few days. So was much of Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, and my old stomping grounds in Detroit. Wild.

Thankfully, we did not experience flooding around the current Palladium Books offices nor the homes of our staff members. My thanks to those of you who reached out to me to check to see if we were okay. I have experienced minor flood/water damage in the past and it is an awful thing to have to deal with. You feel helpless and defeated. Those of you who may have been affected by flooding, please stay strong and positive. The rest of us should count our blessings and try to appreciate everything we have this holiday weekend.

Have a nice time with friends and families. Enjoy our sale and other sales, fun in the sun, and barbecues, and take a peek at that Savage Rifts® Kickstarter before it is gone. Otherwise, please be safe and game on.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer, Gamer, Friend

NEW! Miniature Releases – Available now

You have been asking about new miniatures and we are providing. All miniatures come in a plastic bag. The newest three are:

Classic Glitter Boy and Pilot Miniature Pack

Rifts® Glitter Boy™ & Pilot (original) Miniature Pack – 1st time available in resin – 28 mm resin – $19.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8001. Five Pieces: 1. Complete G.B. body and a small base, 2. right arm and Boom Gun, 3. backpack/thrusters, 4. ammo drum and belt, and 5. pilot. The ever-popular, classic Glitter Boy and Pilot (1993 RAFM) – now in resin for the first time (prior releases were pewter figures). Available now.

Rifts CS Firebreather Dead Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® CS Firebreather Dead Boy™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8047. Five pieces: 1. the body, 2. right arm and gun, 3. left arm, 4. antenna, 5. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Juicer 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® Juicer™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8048. Three pieces: 1. the complete body, 2. crossed swords on the back that fit so snugly that you may not even need to glue it, 3. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Glitter Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

And don’t forget about the Deluxe Rifts® Glitter Boy Resin Miniature – released in fall 2020 – 32 mm resin – $34.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8046 – a gorgeous, detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Duty's Edge Novel

Rifts® Novels – Available now

All Rifts® novels are available from the Palladium Books online store as physical books as well as PDFs from All are a fun read and highly recommended. Enjoy.

  • All novels are 5 x 8 inches in size unless otherwise indicated.
  • Page count and price varies.
  • Available as physical books from and as PDFs on
  • Rifts® Duty’s Edge is the story of a lone survivor of a New German Republic Special Forces operation who struggles to complete the mission on his own. A mission to destroy wicked monsters and cut off a vital line of support to the Gargoyle Empire. A mission that could save many lives. Of course, it is a journey that takes many twists and turns as one determined individual hopes to beat impossible odds. Set in the Middle East. 236 pages – $12.99 retail – Cat. No. 308 – the newest, stand alone novel.
  • Rifts® Sonic Boom™. Follow the exploits of a CS platoon sworn to protect humankind from all threats, be they aliens, dragons, masters of magic or fellow humans out for themselves.
  • Rifts® Deception’s Web™, the second novel in this trilogy, reveals a conspiracy within the Coalition military that could spell disaster for our protagonists. Note: Smaller size, 4 x 6 inches.
  • Rifts® Treacherous Awakenings™ is the pulse-pounding conclusion of the third novel in this epic trilogy by Adam Chilson.
  • Rifts Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs™. Rifts® short stories by 11 authors including Kevin Siembieda, Carl Gleba, Mark Oberle, Braden Campbell, Taylor White, Jason Richards, and others. Note: Slightly larger size, 6 x 9 inches.
  • Rifts® Machinations of Doom™ Graphic Novel & Sourcebook. The comic is by acclaimed Eisner Award winning artist Ramon K. Perez, source material by Siembieda and Perez. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Path of the Storm was a Rifts® movie script written on spec. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume One: The Cosmo-Knight. The adventures of Caleb Vulcan, newly minted Knight of the Cosmic Forge.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume Two: The Reckoning. The epic conclusion of the Hammer of the Forge story.

Rifts Novels on

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Whether you drink coffee, hot cocoa, soda-pop, or whatever your beverage of choice may be, this fun mug reminds you of your favorite pastime and that new possibilities exist with every roll of the dice.

The large, 16 ounce Gamer mug presents the word “Gamer” in a box with dice cascading down from above. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Freddie Williams II (art directed by Kevin Siembieda). The mug has an orange interior to add a nice splash of color.

  • A must for every proud gamer!
  • Dice and the word “Gamer” highlighted in a box.
  • Glossy black exterior with an orange interior.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2596 – available now.

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug at

Property of the Coalition States Mug

BACK IN STOCK! Property of the Coalition States 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Back due to popular demand! The iconic Property of the Coalition States and notorious CS Death’s Head insignia printed white on a glossy black, 16 ounce coffee mug, with a blood red interior for a splash of color. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Kevin Long (art directed by Kevin Siembieda).

  • The infamous words “Property of the Coalition States” and the notorious Death’s Head logo and lightning bolts (indicating CS special forces) in white.
  • Glossy black exterior with a blood red interior color.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2588 – available now.

Property of the Coalition States Mug at

Other Mugs Available Now

Everyone loves these mugs. Isn’t it time you started your collection? I like to use them to as a secret code to reflect my mood to those around me. To my thinking the Gamer mug means I’m feeling playful. Rifts® Property of the Coalition States: I’m a soldier in the trenches and working hard. Dead Reign®: Back off or I will eat you alive. Fantasy Dragon: My imagination is on fire. Rifts Logo: Feeling the infinite possibilities. Rifts® Titan Robotics: I’m feeling mighty. Of course, they represent something else to each of you or just represent one of your favorite games, like a normal person.

  • Rifts® Titan Robotics™ Mug A dynamic Titan robot and the Rifts® logo. Art by Steven Cummings. White on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2595 – available now.
  • Rifts® Logo Coffee Mug The famous Rifts® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Logo by Kevin Long. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2587 – available now.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Dragon Mug The famous red on black 3-headed hydra battling a knight from the iconic original Palladium Fantasy RPG cover. Art by Kevin Siembieda. Red on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with an attractive orange interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2589 – available now.
  • Dead Reign® (Zombie Attack) Mug A trio of hungry zombies and the Dead Reign® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blood red interior for a splash of color. Art by Steven Cummings. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2594 – available now.

© 2021 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – June 24, 2021

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda

This week has been very different from last week. All sorts of things have been going on with us – game interviews, shipping and receiving, chopping up downed trees, talking with friends, etc. I spoke to numerous friends and family on Sunday and enjoyed a pleasant Father’s Day. Then, around midnight on Sunday, a storm blew in and knocked out our power by dropping a huge tree branch on top of the transformer in our backyard! It also knocked down wires across the street. Happily, power was restored by Monday evening. Much sooner than the utility company had originally projected. That meant, however, Sunday night orders could not be processed until Tuesday morning and shipped on Wednesday along with Monday and Tuesday orders. We apologize for the brief delay.

The storm also had me and Wayne taking the chainsaw to fallen branches the size of medium trees on Tuesday. That included a couple of dead trees at the office. What fun.

Despite this unexpected turn of events and some distressing news regarding a few friends, I have been in the zone writing. What follows are updates and news on several fronts.

Fewer than 25 copies of the Signed and Numbered Rifts® 30th Anniversary “Gold” Commemorative hardcover remain available! (Cat. No. 8000HC30, $75.00 retail, with an extra 38 color pages, limited to 200 signed and numbered copies.) We cannot believe they are selling so fast either. At this rate, we are likely to sell out over the weekend. We are not holding any back (though I have put aside 8 “Printer Proofs” for the Palladium Open House). This limited edition collector’s item is sold on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. Note: If you ordered one before June you should have received it by now. If you have not, please reach out to us via the Help Desk online or call the office (734-721-2903).

The color cover Rifts® 30th Anniversary Commemorative hardcover is selling just as fast, and we have not yet received all the distributor orders for it. We printed more copies of this less expensive, but equally beautiful special edition hardcover. So even though it is selling fast, it should remain available for the next several months. In addition, if there is continued demand, we will keep it in print through Christmas and probably into the summer of 2022. That said, I doubt we will print more than 2,000 copies, so this will also be a rather limited special edition hardcover. (Cat. No. 800HC30, $49.99 retail, an extra 32 color pages and features the famous and iconic Keith Parkinson Splugorth Slave Barge painting.) Btw, I love this Rifts® 30th Anniversary Hardcover every bit as much as the “Gold” edition, probably because the Keith Parkinson cover and the original RPG hold many fond memories and great sentimental value for me and all of us. The colors on this hardcover also seem more vibrant than the old softcover book.

Both hardcovers are lovely presentations of the original Rifts® RPG given the deluxe treatment: Dynamic cover art, sturdy hardcover, eye-popping color endsheets, 30+ pages of additional color, never before seen concept art, a gallery of ALL Rifts covers to date, the history of Rifts® spotlighting key contributors, and more. A more detailed description can be found for each in the Palladium Books online store. Both Rifts® 30th edition hardcovers are available now.

BACK IN STOCK! Rifts® Ultimate Edition Hardcover. This fan fave was delivered to the Palladium warehouse earlier today and is ready to ship. $44.99 – Cat. No. 800HC.

Pinnacle’s Rifts® Savage Worlds Kickstarter featuring Rifts® Atlantis and Rifts® Underseas in a 192 page sourcebook launched Tuesday and is an instant success. It still has 12 days to go so you might want to check it out. The maps and adventures can be used with the Palladium game system as well as Pinnacle’s. You can find additional hype and details below.

FUN NEWS. A new interview with me (Kevin Siembieda) and Sean Owen Roberson (Rifts® Savage Worlds) was released on Monday, June 21, on and remains available for your viewing pleasure. We had a blast doing it and covered a number of new subjects, bits of history and other material. I am confident you will enjoy it. See details below.

MORE FUN NEWS. An even newer interview was conducted earlier this afternoon. I am not sure if it will be made available today or in a few days. It again features me and Sean Owen Roberson. This time we chat about how the Rifts® Savage Worlds sourcebooks are official source material approved by me! And it is all suitable for ANY Rifts® campaign. The many adventures and maps that appear in these books, as well as the large fold-out maps and other accessories, are ALL suitable for any Rifts® characters for EITHER game system. Adapting the adventures to “classic” Rifts® is a snap because you take the adventure, simply insert your Palladium Rifts® characters and off you go.

Yet another fun interview. If you have not yet seen it, there is another fun interview between me (Kevin Siembieda) and Matt Yancik on Roleplayer With A Thousand Faces. Other interesting interviews with many RPG personalities are also found on this channel. Check it out at

3 new RPG Hardcovers – After the Bomb® RPG, Ninjas & Superspies RPG, and Dead Reign® RPG – have suffered another slight delay. Grrrrrr. Despite assurances all three would ship to Palladium by the end of last week, they did not. I have been told they will ship next Wednesday. If that is true, Palladium will be able to start shipping them out on Friday, July 2. Brief descriptions of the three titles follow. More detailed descriptions can be found in the online store and elsewhere in this Update.

After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Create any mutant animal from a turtle to an elephant, plus 72 pages of bonus material (the original AtB sourcebook and Yucatan Adventures). $39.99 – Cat. No. 503HC.

Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – 40+ styles of martial arts, mystic abilities, spies and gadgets, plus 44 pages of bonus material from The Rifter®. $36.99 – Cat. No. 525HC.

Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover – The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed! Can you survive? $36.99 – Cat. No. 230HC. Same content as the softcover edition. The complete descriptions are found in Palladium’s online store.

We would like your help. Please let us know what you want for hardcovers. We are looking for your suggestions about other titles you might want to see as hardcover editions, if any. We are planning to release the Chaos Earth® RPG and Nightbane® RPG (maybe with some bonus material). We are also considering a Splicers® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover and a couple other ideas for hardcovers. Is there anything else you might want to see as a hardcover edition? If so, please let us know. It was YOUR suggestions that led me to produce the current hardcovers as it is, so it only makes sense to get more input from you about how we might proceed. Thank you.

A 2021 Rifter® Annual is definite! So please send us your submissions by August 15, 2021. (Sooner is better!) We plan for it to be all new and a Christmas time release. With 8-12 week turnaround times from printers, we will need to submit the finished files to a printer by September in order to have it in time for Thanksgiving! So finish up your submissions and send them in for our consideration at your earliest convenience. We need adventures, monsters, villains, settings/locations, magic spells, magic items, tech weapons, vehicles, and all sorts of source material for ALL of our current settings. That includes settings such as Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited, After the Bomb®, Ninjas & Superspies, Beyond the Supernatural, Nightbane®, Splicers®, Rifts® Chaos Earth®, and, well any of them. All of them.

We would like to start editing and tweaking some of them by the beginning of August, so do not hesitate to send them in as soon as you are ready. We can only publish a Rifter® Annual if we get enough new material. That does not seem too difficult based on the number of you who have expressed your enthusiasm and support! AND it is a great way to get on our radar as writers (and artists). Material can be 2-5 pages, 6-12 pages, 15-30 pages, but please, not more than 30 pages for any one article. Please include the “Unsolicited Manuscript Form” with you submission. You can find it on the Palladium website under Questions & Resources – the Unsolicited Works Form. Send electronic submissions to rifter{at} and if you have questions, call Palladium at 734-721-2903.

In the alternative, you can mail us physical Rifter® submissions and the Unsolicited Manuscript Form (as well as letters and unsolicited sourcebook manuscripts, created entirely on speculation) to:

Palladium Books – The Rifter
39074 Webb Court
Westland, MI 48185

Savage Worlds Rifts Atlantis Interview with Kevin

NEW! 2 Interviews with Kevin Siembieda and Sean Owen Roberson on – available now

A fun interview with me (Kevin Siembieda creator of Rifts®) and Sean Owen Roberson (Pinnacle’s Savage Rifts® Line Editor) was posted this past Monday on We did a new one this afternoon that will also appear on – and to appear soon.

We invite you to join me and Sean Owen Roberson for both interviews. In the Monday interview we discuss the Rifts® Megaverse® with an emphasis on Rifts®, Rifts® Atlantis, and what makes Rifts® Atlantis unique, as well as writing for licensed properties like TMNT. I believe for the first time ever in an online interview, I talk about the Disney Movie option, meeting Jerry Bruckheimer, and Hollywood licensing. This is a fun and different interview than many of those done in the past.

AND watch for the NEW follow-up interview also on As I write this, I do not know when it will appear. Later today? Tomorrow? This weekend? So keep your eyes open for it and enjoy.

Here is another fun interview unrelated to the Kickstarter or PEG. If you have not yet seen it, this interview is between Kevin and Matt Yancik on Roleplayer With A Thousand Faces. As well as other interesting interviews with many RPG personalities. Check it out at

Savage Worlds Rifts Atlantis Kickstarter coming June 22

NEW! Kickstarter for Rifts® Atlantis Savage Worlds® has gone live – by Pinnacle Entertainment Group (PEG)

Shrouded by the Demon Seas, birthplace of an ancient and wondrous civilization, and now host to a bizarre cosmic evil: Rifts Atlantis is a destination like no other!

Learn the secrets of the True Atlanteans and their powerful tattoos, explore enigmatic pyramids which first opened Earth to the Megaverse®, survive the wrath of monsters from the depths, and fight back against chthonic horrors bent on terror and subjugation!

The world of Savage Rifts® Atlantis has arisen and is waiting for you on Kickstarter. Unlock the 192 page sourcebook (with new Iconic Frameworks, MARS packages, and Races), an army of pawns for your game table, an alluring poster map, and more! Adventures, maps, updates, ideas and paraphernalia suitable for use in ANY Rifts® game. Explore the Megaverse®.

Explore the mysteries of Atlantis and undersea realms for Rifts® for Savage Worlds right now on Kickstarter! By Pinnacle Entertainment Group.

Rifts Ultimate Edition

BACK in STOCK – Rifts® Ultimate Edition – available to ship now

Rifts® Ultimate Edition provides gamers with everything you need to start playing. Just add some dice, players, and a heaping helping of imagination and you are ready to explore a realm of adventure unlike anything on the RPG market. No other RPG blends science fiction, fantasy, horror, and post-apocalyptic adventure with demons and aliens, robots and cyborgs, magic and the supernatural in such a plausible and dynamic way. A setting that lets you play any type and style of game you can imagine. Not to mention hundreds of different alien, supernatural, magical, and other beings available as player characters. All of it set on a post-apocalyptic Earth that is both familiar and as alien as a thousand different planets.

  • There has never been another RPG quite like Rifts®.
  • 376 page hardcover, 24 pages of color – $44.99 retail – Cat. No. 800HC – now available.

Rifts Ultimate Edition

Other Core Rule Books now available as hardcovers

Due to popular demand we have been making select core rule books available as both hardcover and softcover editions and gamers are loving them. All feature a sturdy, color hardcover, color endsheets, and the RPGs and core titles you know and love. The following six titles have been selling like crazy.

Available now:

Back in stock end of June/early July: We had plenty of the following Rifts® core sourcebooks until a few distributors snatched them all up! They should be back in stock sometime the week of June 28. People are enjoying these hardcovers.

ALL back in stock in a week or so.

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition Hardcover – available now. A fantasy setting like no other, rich in history and inviting adventure. Not only are you able to play iconic fantasy heroes, but also characters such as the Mind Mage, Druid, Diabolist, Summoner, and an array of nonhuman characters from Elves and Dwarves to Wolfen, Changelings, Kobolds, Orcs, Ogres, and many others. 25+ Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s), 14+ inhuman player races (more in sourcebooks), 300+ magic spells, 60 magical wards, 50 magic circles, 70+ psychic powers, dozens of magic items, potions, Rune Weapons, and so much more. 336 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 450HC – available now. Also available as a softcover edition.

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Heroes Unlimited™ RPG, 2nd Edition Hardcover – available now – and has been a hit RPG for 30+ years. Why? Because it enables you to create any type of comic book hero you can imagine. 101 super abilities plus a multitude of sub-powers within them, bonuses and special combat capabilities. 72 psychic powers and 100+ magic spells, plus enchanted weapons and objects that turn a person into a superhuman. Psychics, super-powered aliens, mutants, super soldiers, Mega-Heroes, mages, immortals, cyborgs, robots, power armor, weapon masters, and more. Plus a dozen sourcebooks provide you with hundreds of additional super abilities, hero categories, bad guys, and adventures. 352 pages for a complete RPG – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 500HC – available now. Also available as a softcover edition.

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition Hardcover – A plausible modern horror setting unlike any other. One that makes sense and will challenge your role-playing skills. 14 Psychic Character Classes. 42 occupations for “ordinary” people, 100+ psychic abilities, including Fire Walker abilities, creatures of darkness, the Lazlo Agency, and more. All of these unlikely heroes stand against supernatural evil in a world of disbelievers who brand them as practitioners of fringe science and lunatics. Only your characters know the truth: supernatural evil is real and dangerous. Are you ready to join the battle? 256 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 700HC – available now. New sourcebooks are coming soon. Also available as a softcover edition.

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

Rifts® Game Master Guide™ Hardcover – available the week of June 28. 500+ weapons, 290 pieces of equipment, 180+ vehicles, 100+ suits of body armor. 80+ suits of power armor, 300+ skills, character and D-Bee index, dozens of maps, and more. 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 845HC – available the week of June 28. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

Rifts® Book of Magic™ Hardcover – available the week of June 28. Nearly 1,000 magic spells, 400 magic weapons and devices from across Rifts Earth, plus magic tattoos, herbs, stones, automatons, Iron Juggernauts, Rune Weapons, Bio-Wizard weapons, talismans, and more. 352 pages of pure magic – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 848HC – available the week of June 28. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

Rifts® Adventure Guide™ Hardcover – available the week of June 28. 150+ adventure ideas, Game Master and player tips from Kevin Siembieda, Erick Wujcik and Bill Coffin, adventure creation, how to use alignments, tricks of running a large group, G.M. tools, overview and info about the CS Chi-Town ‘Burbs. Tables for creating towns, merc companies, and traveling shows and more. 192 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 849HC – available the week of June 28. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Slight delay at the printer, but it should ship end of next week

Create any type of intelligent, humanoid, mutant animal from a turtle or raccoon to an elephant or lion. The RPG presents stats for 100+ mutant animals, plus rules for creating any mutant animal you can imagine, and each sourcebook offers dozens more.

Play your mutant animals as super-heroes, vigilantes, or mutants on the run in the Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, Heroes of the Megaverse® or Skraypers™ settings. Or as mutants or monsters in Nightbane®. (You could make a mutant animal the Nightbane’s Morphus!) In Palladium Fantasy® your mutant animal could be one of the forgotten archaic races, a visitor from another world, a creation of magic, or a monster. In Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Phase World® and the Three Galaxies, The Mechanoids®, Aliens Unlimited™, Splicers® and similar RPGs, use the creation rules to make new D-Bees, aliens, mutants, or monsters. Or play in the AtB post-apocalyptic Earth setting that makes Planet of the Apes seem tame. Whatever the setting, playing anthropomorphic animal characters is a blast.

  • 100+ mutant animal stats included.
  • Mutant animal creation rules to mutate ANY animal.
  • 52 Mutant Animal Powers.
  • 33 Mutant Animal Psionic Powers.
  • New Animal Chimeras and their abilities.
  • New back story to the After the Bomb® world of mutants.
  • The post-apocalyptic Earth setting of “After the Bomb” is just one use for your mutant animal heroes.
  • A complete RPG written by Erick Wujcik. His last great work and a sometimes overlooked RPG masterpiece. These are the Mutant Animal Creation Rules you know and love taken to new heights.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Aliens Unlimited™, Nightbane®, N&S, Rifts® and any game setting where mutants or aliens are appropriate.
  • 72 pages of “bonus” material includes the original After the Bomb® sourcebook and Yucatan Adventures from the old Game Shield.
  • 296 pages (72 bonus pages) – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 503HC – Ships the week of June 28. Also available as a 224 page softcover book ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 503).

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

Ninjas & Superspies RPG Hardcover

Ninjas & Superspies RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Slight delay at the printer, but it should ship the end of next week

The Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG is the ultimate guide to martial arts with 40 different martial art forms and 48 mystic martial arts powers alone, but there is so much more. Asian combat skills accurately portrayed, each with its own unique fighting style, methods of attack and defense presented on an epic scale, complete with legendary mystic powers. Spies, Cyber Agents, Gadgeteers, secret organizations creation rules, secret identities, gimmick weapons and clothing, cyber-disguises, implants, and more. Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™ RPG and even Nightbane®, Rifts®, and other settings. A complete game PLUS 44 pages of bonus material gathered from The Rifter®.

  • 40+ types of hand to hand combat — effectively offering 40 types of martial arts character classes!
  • 17 Occupational Character Classes for spies, mercenaries, martial artists and special operatives.
  • 48 mystic martial art powers.
  • Dim Mak, Chi Mastery, the Arts of Invisibility and more.
  • Bionic implants, disguises, weapons, & equipment.
  • Secret identities, spy agencies, creation rules for secret organizations.
  • Complete stand-alone RPG with skills, weapons, rules and guidelines for using other Palladium settings.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Rifts®, Rifts® China, and the entire Palladium Megaverse®!
  • 44 pages of “bonus” material gathered from The Rifter®.
  • 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 525HC – RPG by Erick Wujcik – Ships the week of June 28. Also available as a 176 page softcover book ($22.99 retail – Cat. No. 525.) And see Mystic China (currently on sale) for an astonishing and fun sourcebook with more mystical martial arts abilities, magic, demons, immortals and more.

Ninjas and Superspies RPG Hardcover

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover – The Zombie Apocalypse – Slight delay at the printer, but it should ship the end of next week

The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world.

Civilization crumbles in a matter of days as hundreds of millions of people die and rise as the walking dead. The hundreds of millions of people who fall to the zombies also rise to join the growing legions of undead. Then the world goes silent.

You are on your own. The army is MIA. There is no government. No law. No television, radio or Internet. No media, cell phones or communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets.

Death Cults have risen, promising protection from the walking dead.

Retro-Savages have forsaken technology and sacrifice the living to the zombies in hopes of bringing an end to the nightmare.

Brave human survivors refuse to lie down and die! They come from all walks of life. Their common goal: survival as they struggle to forge safe havens away from the cities, rescue other survivors and battle the walking dead without respite. For now at least, the planet belongs to the dead.

Dead Reign® is an excellent introductory game that is easy to learn, fast to play, and fun to read. If you are looking for a zombie game that truly captures the feel of survival after the apocalypse and the nightmare of being stalked by zombies, Dead Reign® is it. Game mechanics are designed to create a real sense of escalating terror and dread when the zombies swarm. Sourcebooks expand the world, player options, and adventure ideas as well as new zombies and dangers.

  • Six Apocalyptic Character Classes (O.C.C.) including the Reaper, Shepherd of the Damned, Hound Master, Apocalyptic Soldier, Scrounger and Ordinary People.
  • Seven types of zombies plus the Half-Living. (Sourcebooks offer many more.)
  • Secrets of the Dead: Everything you need to know about zombies and need to ask.
  • Death Cults, their Priests, power over zombies and goals.
  • Random tables galore and the fundamentals of survival.
  • Strong setting, world overview and many adventure ideas.
  • A complete role-playing game. 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 230HC – Ships the week of June 28. Also available as a 224 page softcover RPG ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 230).

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

Rifts Coalition Manhunters

UPDATE: Rifts® CS Manhunters

I have been working on this fun sourcebook whenever I can and it is looking great. With several hardcovers and reprints at the printer, and the Rifts® 30th Anniversary Hardcovers shipping, my plate is now cleared up for writing.

Rifts® CS Manhunters presents dark secrets of the Coalition States involving CS psychics, the super secret Psi-Ops Division (the thought police of Emperor Prosek), and the deadly super-patriots that are the enigmatic CS Manhunters. Includes 50+ NEW psionic abilities with real punch, insight into the Dog Boys and Kill Hounds, meanings revealed about the Seven Dangers Prophecy (first introduced in Rifts® Sourcebook 2: The Mechanoids®), and gadgets and implants, and surprises. All of it building toward something epic.

  • New Coalition Psychic O.C.C.s.
  • 50+ new psionic abilities and revisits of some favorites.
  • CS Manhunter Divner and Precog.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Interrogator and Psi-Enforcer.
  • CS Manhunter Bursters and Zappers.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Healers and CS Slayers.
  • CS Manhunter Killhound and Dog Boy O.C.C.s.
  • CS Manhunter Mind Melters, the deadliest of them all.
  • CS Manhunter squads and special operations.
  • Secrets of Psi-Ops Division and insight about Coalition psychics.
  • Deciphering the Seven Dangers Prophecy.
  • The impact of the demon plagues unleashed by the Minion War.
  • Player Characters, NPCS, background info, adventure ideas, and more.
  • 96-128 pages – $18.99 retail – Cat. No. 894 – In production and nearing completion.

Pre-Order Rifts CS Manhunters

Creature Feature

UPDATE: Creature Feature, a Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook

This is going to be another fun adventure sourcebook. The manuscript will go into editing and rewrites as soon as I finish CS Manhunters and most of the artwork is done. Though I may add a few illustrations and already have artists lined up. Creature Feature™ builds on material that has appeared in various issues of The Rifter® but there is a ton of new material and information useful to both Game Masters and players.

  • A gallery of supernatural creatures. Some new. Some familiar, updated and expanded. All terrifying.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • Game Master source material and advice on rules, psychic abilities, proximity and threat levels, I.S.P. multipliers, and more.
  • Advice about running modern horror RPGs and using supernatural creatures in your games.
  • Lots of adventure ideas, including an updated and expanded full adventure, “The Squatter.”
  • New background and setting information for the BTS setting and a few surprises.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw and others.
  • 160-192 pages – $22.99 or $26.99 depending on final size – Cat. No. 704.

Pre-Order Creature Feature

Rifts Titan Robotics

UPDATE: Rifts® Titan Robotics

Here it is, the reveal of the new cover. I hope you like it. I love that it presents the iconic Titan Robotics Combat Robot with a new big gun that hints at what else awaits you inside the book. I also enjoy the combat scene, smoke, and haze of war. Like Northern Gun and the Manistique Imperium, Titan Robotics sells freely to adventurers, mercenaries, and anyone who has the cash. Hence, the owners of these big ‘bots clashing with Coalition Forces.

This is why I call Rifts® Titan Robotics™ a high-tech toy box filled with many new types of Titan Robotics power armors, giant robots, vehicles, weapons, and gear. Some are big bruisers while others are small and sleek. As fun as these new tech toys are, Rifts® Titan Robotics™ delves into the company’s many secrets, including ARCHIE-3’s plans and program to monitor and manipulate the outside world. Learn about Archie’s androids that run Titan Robotics and his current schemes and plans for the future. All of which provides fodder for adventure.

  • New Giant Robots.
  • New Power Armor, equipment and accessories.
  • 30+ power armors and robots, plus other equipment.
  • New weapons, gear and vehicles.
  • Titan Robotics Corporation and structure.
  • Archie’s secret kingdom and plans for the future.
  • New O.C.C.s and key Non-Player Characters (NPCs).
  • Android executives, security and much more.
  • Wellington Industries, campaign prompts and more.
  • Art by Walton, Cummings, Atkins, and others. Cover by Mike Majestic.
  • Written by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda.
  • 160-192 pages (tentative) – $22.99 retail (or $26.99) – Cat. No. 899.

Pre-Order Rifts Titan Robotics

Rifts Bestiary Volume Two

UPDATE: Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two

The second big, “monster book” reference for Rifts® of what we anticipate to be three volumes in the series, more if we decide to make ghosts, spirits and Entities and/or Creatures of Magic part of the Bestiary series. Much like Volume One, Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume Two collects 70-100 monsters and animals plus 12-24 new beasts found across Rifts North America. The anticipated page count is 224-256 pages.

All volumes of the Rifts® Bestiary™ series are a great resource for players and Game Masters alike. Each description is updated, expanded, and highly detailed to present players with exotic and alien creatures as pets, guardians and riding animals, as well as slobbering monsters to battle and fierce beasts for Game Masters to throw at their players. Designed to offer adventure ideas, offers notes on young, adult, male and female creatures, and all provide plenty of ways to enhance your characters and spice up adventures. Each is accompanied by a map that shows at a glance where the beast can be encountered. Ah, but in the presence of Rifts and magic means any of the creatures may appear anywhere in the world, so be on your toes.

  • Monsters and animals of Rifts North America organized into big, easy to use sourcebooks.
  • Updated and expanded descriptions and information for each existing monster.
  • Updated and uniform stat blocks.
  • New exotic creatures – predators, exotic riding animals, beasts of burden, alien horrors, giant insects, and more.
  • A map for every creature showing where it is found.
  • Easily adapted to any Palladium setting – Palladium Fantasy®, Chaos Earth®, Splicers®, Phase World®, the Three Galaxies™, The Mechanoids®, Heroes Unlimited™/Aliens Unlimited™, and others.
  • Basic S.D.C. stats included with each creature description.
  • Fully illustrated, with art by Charles Walton II, Ramon Perez, Robert Atkins, and many others. Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 256 pages each volume – $26.99 – Cat. No. 897 (Volume Two).

Pre-Order Rifts Bestiary Two – Your RPG resource for 300+ PDF products – all using the same basic game system – learn one game and you can play them all

And we have settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Dead Reign® and Beyond the Supernatural), plus The Rifter® sourcebook series (by fans like you), novels, paper minis, and more.

Rifts® Novels: Duty’s Edge – The lone surviving soldier from a New German Republic Special Forces operation struggles to complete the mission on his own. A stand-alone Rifts® novel complete in itself. 236 pages, Cat. No. 308. The Cosmo-Knight and The Reckoning (Phase World®, the Three Galaxies, and Cosmo-Knights), the Rifts® trilogy of novels: Sonic Boom, Deception’s Web, and Treacherous Awakenings, as well as the Rifts® Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs (11 authors), Machinations of Doom (graphic novel by Ramon K. Perez), and Path of the Storm (a proposed Rifts® movie script) and 300+ other Palladium Books RPG titles.

Also available: Free Garden of the Gods™ (Fantasy) and Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume One Sneak Previews, and the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet: A Microsoft Excel-based character management system. Packed with features and data collected from every official Palladium Fantasy sourcebook to enable you to create Fantasy characters quickly (25 minutes!) and help you to update and manage them for years to come.

Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Three: Zombies, Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Two: Civilians and Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume One: Survivors. There are also paper miniatures for Heroes Unlimited™, Palladium Fantasy® and Rifts®. A new, up-to-date, PDF Palladium Books Catalog. Nightbane® Dark Designs™ sourcebook with 60 new Common Talents, 38 new Elite Talents, 18 new Morphus Tables, all other Morphus Tables collected and more. Systems Failure™ RPG, a 160 page RPG that deals with alien invasion and a post-apocalypse setting that is fun and dynamic. Civilization is on the verge of collapse when the so-called “bugs” invade and turn humans into zombie-like slaves. Monsters, heroes and fun. A complete RPG and setting. Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun™ Two: 256 pages of technology and fun. 30+ power armors, 30+ body armors, 15 combat vehicles, 45 vehicles (hovercycles, etc.), 10 robot haulers, the Robodome and more. Bizantium and the Northern Islands™: the northernmost part of the Known World, the Cold Born, Necromancy ships made from dead sea serpents, 15 creatures, Random Sea Monster Generator, and more. Rifts® Northern Gun™ One. This fan favorite might be thought of as the big book of giant robots – an in-depth look at Northern Gun, 70+ weapons, 27 robots, NG O.C.C.s, key people and places, and much more. Mysteries of Magic™ Book One: The Heart of Magic™ with Wizards, their Apprentices, nearly 60 new magic spells and remember, magic and monsters in the Fantasy RPG are easily adapted to Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, HU2 and other settings. Wolfen Empire™ Fantasy sourcebook, the Great Northern Wilderness and Killer Winters, 12 Wolfen Tribes, Wolfen military and society, 15+ creatures, 5 full adventures, 101 adventure ideas, random encounter tables, notable people, places, plus FREE Sneak Previews of The Rifter® #80, The Rifter® #81, The Rifter® #82, and more on

  • Rifts® is a genre-bending setting that combines science fiction, fantasy, horror, post-apocalypse survival, magic, and endless possibilities for adventure. Imagine a near perfect world of advanced technology 100 years in the future. Then imagine that world crashing down overnight in an apocalyptic upheaval not seen since the formation of the planet. A Great Cataclysm caused by the explosive return of magic. Now fast forward 300 years into the future where magic, dragons, and mythic gods coexist with cyborgs, giant robots and super-science rediscovered from humanity’s Golden Age as humans rise from a lengthy Dark Age. But they must contend with countless alien life forms, monsters, and supernatural horrors from beyond the Rifts.
  • Rifts® core titles we would suggest: Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts® Book of Magic, Rifts® Adventure Guide, D-Bees of North America™, Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign and Rifts® Sourcebook One. Note: The Rifts® RPG, 1st Edition and Rifts® Ultimate, 2nd Edition are both available.
  • 80+ Rifts® supplements, most of them available as PDFs with more coming. Where to start? Wherever sounds fun.
  • Rifts® Dimension Books™: Travel to alien worlds and dimensions via the Rifts for off-world adventure and intrigue.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG and sourcebook series (all). Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.
  • FREE Sneak Previews for Nightbane® Dark Designs™, Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans™, Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity, and many other previews as well as free and low cost items that we make available. All of it adds to the growing list of Rifts and other Palladium RPG game titles available as PDF books, cards and support. A new title should be added every week or two, so keep watching for them.
  • The Rifter® #1-84, ALL issues of The Rifter®. Each issue is a wealth of source material and ideas for 3-6 different Palladium game lines. Most are easily adapted to ANY Palladium game setting. Each issue a gem. 8,500 pages of source material and ideas for heroes, villains, monsters, magic, gear, and adventure.
  • Splicers® RPG is like Iron Man meets Game of Thrones with elements of Terminator – except this army of Iron Men are clad in living body armor and wield living, organic weapons and devices. Created in 2004 by writer and game designer Carmen Bellaire, Splicers® was nominated for an Inquest Gamer Magazine Fan Awards Game of the Year, and has since developed a rabid fan base. Science fiction and horror where humans are forced to use genetically engineered, living weapons and organic war machines to battle an insane Artificial Intelligence and her robot legions. Unlike anything you have ever played before!
  • Splicers®: I Am Legion™ Adventure Sourcebook: 6 new Great Houses, 4 new Host Armors, 6 new War Mounts, 19 new Bio-Weapons, 15 new killer machines, new Bio-Enhancements, Amalgam creation tables, Legion and a series of adventures that build into a small campaign, and more.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 1st Edition Rules and sourcebooks. A unique world of magic, monsters and heroes. Dozens of nonhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition Rules and many sourcebooks. The expanded world of high fantasy, magic, mystery and heroes of every variety. Includes the Mind Mage and psychic abilities, mages and spells, magic circles and symbols, men-at-arms, scoundrels and a wide range of inhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and many more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG first edition rule book and sourcebooks.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition rule book and sourcebooks. Create any type of superhuman you can desire and bring comic book adventures to life.
  • Dead Reign® RPG (Zombie Apocalypse). The dead have risen. It is the battle for survival in the zombie apocalypse, but this setting is much more than your typical zombie game. Play ordinary people or special characters better equipped to survive and hunt zombies. Many unusual types of zombies.
  • Dead Reign® Sourcebooks: 6 sourcebooks from Civilization Gone™ to Hell Followed™ (the latter features stats for 23 disasters, masked lunatics, 11 new zombies, 7 apocalyptic character classes, and more) are available.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 1st Edition Rules. Supernatural horror in the modern world. Play ordinary people, psychics, paranormal investigators or for something different: Victim Characters!
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition: The complete, revised core game, 14 character classes and 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, the Lazlo Agency, world setting and rules.
  • Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. An RPG setting we call superhero horror. Dark conspiracy, a secret, demon invasion starting with world leaders and law enforcement, and it is spreading. The player characters are the Nightbane®, reluctant superhumans who must turn into monsters themselves to unleash their powers and battle the evil that is clear only to them. A dark, sinister and challenging world of horror.
  • After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Planet of the Apes meets the X-Men! Animal creations, powers and more. Create any type of intelligent mutant animal you can imagine as friend or foe.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. James Bond meets Enter the Dragon. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, and super-spies with gadgets, gizmos and advanced weapons.
  • The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy RPG is a long time, cult favorite with a fatalistic world-view of humans vs aliens with superior technology.
  • The Palladium Weapon Series of real world weapons, armor and castles throughout history. Designed for use with ANY game system.
  • 200+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ Paper Miniatures – Two sets are now available!
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Paper Miniatures – Volumes #1-6 are available now. More are coming in the weeks ahead.
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Men at Arms – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Coalition Dead Boys – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Adventurers – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Practitioners of Magic (new) – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Extras (new) – $2.99
  • And more to come in the weeks ahead.

Palladium Collectibles, Negatives, Artwork, other Collectibles and Toys are always available in Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store along with other good things

My eBay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by Charles “Chuck” Walton, Kevin Long, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Rifts® and other Palladium RPG books (they look awesome framed!), rare Palladium collector hardcovers, signed books, other Palladium memorabilia, toys from my personal collection and other collectibles. Check every couple of weeks because we often post new stuff or offer a new sale. There is a sale on negatives starting today, in fact.

Other one-of-a-kind original artwork available by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton II (money goes to the artist), other artists, as well as collectible negatives, prints, limited edition hardcovers, proofreader copies, out of print items, Star Wars toys, Marvel toys and many other toys and collectibles from my personal collection. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.

Available now: One-of-a-kind book negatives. Negatives were very popular items at the Palladium Open House and people went crazy over them at Gen Con – including actor Joe Manganiello who scooped up a pile of TMNT negatives, while Palladium’s own Mark Oberle, Carmen Bellaire, Brandon Aten and a whole lot of Palladium gamers went for negatives from Rifts® New West, Lone Star and Free Quebec. Fun.

Negatives are unique and attractive, one-of-a-kind (on rare occasions two-of-a-kind if a page was replaced or a second edition was made) works of art that resemble woodcut art and are very dynamic conversation pieces. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black.

When our printer, McNaughton and Gunn, went completely digital, they asked if Palladium Books wanted the negs, otherwise they would be destroyed. Regrettably, I let a few dozen be destroyed, but the negatives of many books were sent to Palladium. They have sat in our warehouse for years until I started to offer them for sale. I have also started signing the negatives in silver and each comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Each negative comes on a white board inside a plastic magazine bag and looks fabulous framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening in a frame (each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches).

Closing Thoughts

It has been an exciting week watching those Rifts® 30th “Gold” Hardcovers shipping out like crazy every day and the launch of Pinnacle’s Rifts® Savage Worlds Kickstarter take off like a rocket. Heck, by the time you read this, the Rifts® 30th “Gold” Hardcovers could be close to sold out. The Rifts® 30th Anniversary Color Cover Hardcover too. (Cat. No. 800HC30, $49.99 retail, an extra 32 color pages and features the famous Keith Parkinson Splugorth Slave Barge painting.) I will offer a half dozen or so Printer Proofs of the Rifts® 30th “Gold” hardcover in my Ebay Store this weekend. So if you missed the signed and numbered Gold, maybe you can get a signed Printer Proof for a little bit more. I suspect these will all become a high-demand collector’s item pretty fast.

Of course, I am writing whenever I am not fighting with a printer about scheduling, sending in titles for reprints, and juggling a thousand other things. There have been some nice moments for me this week and a few difficult ones, but overall I am feeling very positive about Palladium Books’ current course and our future. I am taking action to make the company stronger and more productive in the future.

As for the week ahead, we will continue to ship the two Rifts® 30th Anniversary editions, Rifts® Ultimate Edition (back in stock), and the next three RPG hardcovers – After the Bomb®, Dead Reign®, and Ninjas & Superspies, while continuing to work on new releases. According to the weather service, we are looking at a 7 day stretch of rain starting tonight. If that applies to you as well, stay safe and enjoy a nice weekend indoors, maybe playing games. Snag one or both of the 2 Rifts® 30th Anniversary editions while you still can along with any of our RPG titles, take a peek at the Rifts® Savage Worlds Kickstarter, and game on!

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer, Gamer, Friend

NEW! Miniature Releases – Available now

You have been asking about new miniatures and we are providing. All miniatures come in a plastic bag. The newest three are:

Classic Glitter Boy and Pilot Miniature Pack

Rifts® Glitter Boy™ & Pilot (original) Miniature Pack – 1st time available in resin – 28 mm resin – $19.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8001. Five Pieces: 1. Complete G.B. body and a small base, 2. right arm and Boom Gun, 3. backpack/thrusters, 4. ammo drum and belt, and 5. pilot. The ever-popular, classic Glitter Boy and Pilot (1993 RAFM) – now in resin for the first time (prior releases were pewter figures). Available now.

Rifts CS Firebreather Dead Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® CS Firebreather Dead Boy™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8047. Five pieces: 1. the body, 2. right arm and gun, 3. left arm, 4. antenna, 5. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Juicer 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® Juicer™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8048. Three pieces: 1. the complete body, 2. crossed swords on the back that fit so snugly that you may not even need to glue it, 3. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Glitter Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

And don’t forget about the Deluxe Rifts® Glitter Boy Resin Miniature – released in fall 2020 – 32 mm resin – $34.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8046 – a gorgeous, detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.

Rifts Duty's Edge Novel

Rifts® Novels – Available now

All Rifts® novels are available from the Palladium Books online store as physical books as well as PDFs from All are a fun read and highly recommended. Enjoy.

  • All novels are 5 x 8 inches in size unless otherwise indicated.
  • Page count and price varies.
  • Available as physical books from and as PDFs on
  • Rifts® Duty’s Edge is the story of a lone survivor of a New German Republic Special Forces operation who struggles to complete the mission on his own. A mission to destroy wicked monsters and cut off a vital line of support to the Gargoyle Empire. A mission that could save many lives. Of course, it is a journey that takes many twists and turns as one determined individual hopes to beat impossible odds. Set in the Middle East. 236 pages – $12.99 retail – Cat. No. 308 – the newest, stand alone novel.
  • Rifts® Sonic Boom™. Follow the exploits of a CS platoon sworn to protect humankind from all threats, be they aliens, dragons, masters of magic or fellow humans out for themselves.
  • Rifts® Deception’s Web™, the second novel in this trilogy, reveals a conspiracy within the Coalition military that could spell disaster for our protagonists. Note: Smaller size, 4 x 6 inches.
  • Rifts® Treacherous Awakenings™ is the pulse-pounding conclusion of the third novel in this epic trilogy by Adam Chilson.
  • Rifts Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs™. Rifts® short stories by 11 authors including Kevin Siembieda, Carl Gleba, Mark Oberle, Braden Campbell, Taylor White, Jason Richards, and others. Note: Slightly larger size, 6 x 9 inches.
  • Rifts® Machinations of Doom™ Graphic Novel & Sourcebook. The comic is by acclaimed Eisner Award winning artist Ramon K. Perez, source material by Siembieda and Perez. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Path of the Storm was a Rifts® movie script written on spec. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume One: The Cosmo-Knight. The adventures of Caleb Vulcan, newly minted Knight of the Cosmic Forge.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume Two: The Reckoning. The epic conclusion of the Hammer of the Forge story.

Rifts Novels on

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Whether you drink coffee, hot cocoa, soda-pop, or whatever your beverage of choice may be, this fun mug reminds you of your favorite pastime and that new possibilities exist with every roll of the dice.

The large, 16 ounce Gamer mug presents the word “Gamer” in a box with dice cascading down from above. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Freddie Williams II (art directed by Kevin Siembieda). The mug has an orange interior to add a nice splash of color.

  • A must for every proud gamer!
  • Dice and the word “Gamer” highlighted in a box.
  • Glossy black exterior with an orange interior.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2596 – available now.

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug at

Property of the Coalition States Mug

BACK IN STOCK! Property of the Coalition States 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Back due to popular demand! The iconic Property of the Coalition States and notorious CS Death’s Head insignia printed white on a glossy black, 16 ounce coffee mug, with a blood red interior for a splash of color. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Kevin Long (art directed by Kevin Siembieda).

  • The infamous words “Property of the Coalition States” and the notorious Death’s Head logo and lightning bolts (indicating CS special forces) in white.
  • Glossy black exterior with a blood red interior color.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2588 – available now.

Property of the Coalition States Mug at

Other Mugs Available Now

Everyone loves these mugs. Isn’t it time you started your collection? I like to use them to as a secret code to reflect my mood to those around me. To my thinking the Gamer mug means I’m feeling playful. Rifts® Property of the Coalition States: I’m a soldier in the trenches and working hard. Dead Reign®: Back off or I will eat you alive. Fantasy Dragon: My imagination is on fire. Rifts Logo: Feeling the infinite possibilities. Rifts® Titan Robotics: I’m feeling mighty. Of course, they represent something else to each of you or just represent one of your favorite games, like a normal person.

  • Rifts® Titan Robotics™ Mug A dynamic Titan robot and the Rifts® logo. Art by Steven Cummings. White on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2595 – available now.
  • Rifts® Logo Coffee Mug The famous Rifts® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Logo by Kevin Long. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2587 – available now.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Dragon Mug The famous red on black 3-headed hydra battling a knight from the iconic original Palladium Fantasy RPG cover. Art by Kevin Siembieda. Red on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with an attractive orange interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2589 – available now.
  • Dead Reign® (Zombie Attack) Mug A trio of hungry zombies and the Dead Reign® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blood red interior for a splash of color. Art by Steven Cummings. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2594 – available now.

© 2021 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – June 17, 2021

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda

As I said in one of the earlier emails, this week started out like a blast from a cannon and never slowed down. It is all good news, too. Making for an exciting week here.

First, the Post-Apocalypse PDF Sale was ending, so we had to write and send a couple of email notices to you. We are glad so many of you participated and enjoyed this sale. Game on!


Second, we signed and I have drawn and signed my dragonhead sketch in all 200 copies of the Rifts® 30th Anniversary “Gold” Commemorative hardcover plus the printer proof. Not only that, but the Gold Edition is selling like mad. Well more than half are already sold! And shipped! (Cat. No. 8000HC30, $75.00 retail, with an extra 38 color pages, signed and numbered.) At this rate, we may sell out by mid-July. Maybe sooner, and we are not holding any back. This limited edition collector’s item is sold on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. Note: If your pre-order also had a Rifts® 30th Color Cover Hardcover, your hardcover (and other books) have been pulled but held until that title was also available. Those orders will ship by the end of this week! Which brings us to …


Third, the truly stunning color cover Rifts® 30th Anniversary Commemorative hardcover arrived and is being shipped even as you read this. (Cat. No. 800HC30, $49.99 retail, an extra 32 color pages and features the famous and iconic Keith Parkinson Splugorth Slave Barge painting.) The book looks truly fabulous. Just as nice as the Gold Edition in a different way. I will tell you, it feels great to see that iconic Keith Parkinson on a book cover where it belongs. The colors are more vibrant than any of the softcover printings.

Both hardcovers are lovely presentations of the original Rifts® RPG given the deluxe treatment: Dynamic cover art, sturdy hardcover, eye-popping color endsheets, 30+ pages of additional color, never before seen concept art, a gallery of ALL Rifts covers to date, the history of Rifts® spotlighting key contributors, and more. A more detailed description can be found for each in the Palladium Books online store and Weekly Update. Both Rifts® 30th edition hardcovers are available now.


Fourth, we have been busy shipping out a lot of other orders too.


Fifth, I spent most of the weekend and every moment I can squeeze out working on Rifts® CS Manhunters. I am finally thrilled with it as I work to wrap it up!


Sixth, I authorized the writing of a new Rifts® novel.


Seventh, I spoke with Steven Dawes about additional Beyond the Supernatural sourcebooks.


Eighth, 3 new RPG hardcovers are supposed to ship to Palladium by the end of this week: They are…

After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Create any mutant animal from a turtle to an elephant, plus 72 pages of bonus material (the original AtB sourcebook and Yucatan Adventures). $39.99 – Cat. No. 503HC.

Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – 40+ styles of martial arts, mystic abilities, spies and gadgets, plus 44 pages of bonus material from The Rifter®. $36.99 – Cat. No. 525HC.

Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover – The Zombie Apocalypse unleashed! Can you survive? $36.99 – Cat. No. 230HC. Same content as the softcover edition. The complete descriptions are found in Palladium’s online store. If the printer remains on schedule, all three should be ready to ship to you by the end of next week.


Ninth, the Rifts® Ultimate Edition Hardcover is coming from another printer. I have been in frequent contact with this printer and they assure me Palladium will receive RUE by the end of next week. $44.99 – Cat. No. 800HC.


Tenth, we are making plans for Gen Con online and I hope to be doing talks and interviews.


Eleventh, a new Rifts® Savage Worlds Kickstarter (Atlantis and Rifts® Underseas material) launches Tuesday, June 22. As someone who has approved the material for this PEG book, I can tell you this might be the best one yet with some of the best artwork and writing to date. Read the hype and details below. Oh and check out the new interview airing on Monday. It is different and fun.


That’s a lot, right? I feel exhausted just writing about everything that is going on. Actually, that’s not true. Though I was feeling tired by yesterday evening, generally I am feeling quite energized. The reaction from everyone who has seen to the two Rifts® 30th Hardcovers has been one of delight and I am feeling very positive about upcoming new releases like Rifts® CS Manhunters and Bestiary Volume 2.


Savage Worlds Rifts Atlantis Interview with Kevin

NEW! Interview with Kevin Siembieda and Sean Owen Roberson – airs Monday, June 21

Monday, June 21, starting at 3 PM Eastern/noon Pacific time on – I (Kevin Siembieda, the creator of Rifts® and president of Palladium Books) join Rifts® for Savage Worlds line editor Sean Owen Roberson to discuss the Rifts® Megaverse® with an emphasis on Rifts®, Rifts® Atlantis, and what makes Rifts® Atlantis unique. PLUS, with me being both a licensor and licensee in the RPG industry, we talk about TMNT and, I believe for the first time ever in an online interview, I talk about the Disney Movie option, meeting Jerry Bruckheimer, Hollywood, and licensing. This is a fun and different interview than those you may have heard in the past.


Savage Worlds Rifts Atlantis Kickstarter coming June 22

NEW! Kickstarter for Rifts® Atlantis Savage Worlds® – launches June 22, 2021 – by Pinnacle Entertainment Group

Shrouded by the Demon Seas, birthplace of an ancient and wondrous civilization, and now host to a bizarre cosmic evil: Rifts Atlantis is a destination like no other!

Learn the secrets of the True Atlanteans and their powerful tattoos, explore enigmatic pyramids which first opened Earth to the Megaverse®, survive the wrath of monsters from the depths, and fight back against chthonic horrors bent on terror and subjugation!

Starting at High Noon Eastern on June 22, the world of Savage Rifts® Atlantis will rise at your command on Kickstarter. Unlock the 192 page sourcebook (with new Iconic Frameworks, MARS packages, and Races), an army of pawns for your game table, an alluring poster map, and more!

Discover the mysteries of Atlantis for Rifts® for Savage Worlds starting next Tuesday at Noon Eastern on Kickstarter! By Pinnacle Entertainment Group.


Rifts Ultimate Edition

BACK in STOCK SOON – Rifts® Ultimate Edition – available the week of June 21.


Rifts® Ultimate Edition provides gamers with everything you need to start playing. Just add some dice, players, and a heaping helping of imagination and you are ready to explore a realm of adventure unlike anything on the RPG market. No other RPG blends science fiction, fantasy, horror, and post-apocalyptic adventure with demons and aliens, robots and cyborgs, magic and the supernatural in such a plausible and dynamic way. A setting that lets you play any type and style of game you can imagine. Not to mention hundreds of different alien, supernatural, magical, and other beings available as player characters. All of it set on a post-apocalyptic Earth that is both familiar and as alien as a thousand different planets.

  • There has never been another RPG quite like Rifts®.
  • 376 page hardcover, 24 pages of color – $44.99 retail – Cat. No. 800HC – Back in stock no later than June 24.

Rifts Ultimate Edition


Other Core Rule Books now available as hardcovers

Due to popular demand we have been making select core rule books available as both hardcover and softcover editions and gamers are loving them. All feature a sturdy, color hardcover, color endsheets, and the RPGs and core titles you know and love. The following six titles have been selling like crazy.


Available now:


Back in stock by the End of June: We had plenty of the following Rifts® core sourcebooks until a few distributors snatched them all up! They should be back in stock sometime the week of June 28. People are enjoying these hardcovers.

ALL back in stock in a few weeks.


Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover

Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition Hardcover – available now. A fantasy setting like no other, rich in history and inviting adventure. Not only are you able to play iconic fantasy heroes, but also characters such as the Mind Mage, Druid, Diabolist, Summoner, and an array of nonhuman characters from Elves and Dwarves to Wolfen, Changelings, Kobolds, Orcs, Ogres, and many others. 25+ Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s), 14+ inhuman player races (more in sourcebooks), 300+ magic spells, 60 magical wards, 50 magic circles, 70+ psychic powers, dozens of magic items, potions, Rune Weapons, and so much more. 336 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 450HC – available now. Also available as a softcover edition.

Palladium Fantasy RPG Hardcover


Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Heroes Unlimited™ RPG, 2nd Edition Hardcover – available now – and has been a hit RPG for 30+ years. Why? Because it enables you to create any type of comic book hero you can imagine. 101 super abilities plus a multitude of sub-powers within them, bonuses and special combat capabilities. 72 psychic powers and 100+ magic spells, plus enchanted weapons and objects that turn a person into a superhuman. Psychics, super-powered aliens, mutants, super soldiers, Mega-Heroes, mages, immortals, cyborgs, robots, power armor, weapon masters, and more. Plus a dozen sourcebooks provide you with hundreds of additional super abilities, hero categories, bad guys, and adventures. 352 pages for a complete RPG – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 500HC – available now. Also available as a softcover edition.

Heroes Unlimited RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover


Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover

Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition Hardcover – A plausible modern horror setting unlike any other. One that makes sense and will challenge your role-playing skills. 14 Psychic Character Classes. 42 occupations for “ordinary” people, 100+ psychic abilities, including Fire Walker abilities, creatures of darkness, the Lazlo Agency, and more. All of these unlikely heroes stand against supernatural evil in a world of disbelievers who brand them as practitioners of fringe science and lunatics. Only your characters know the truth: supernatural evil is real and dangerous. Are you ready to join the battle? 256 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 700HC – available now. New sourcebooks are coming soon. Also available as a softcover edition.

Beyond the Supernatural RPG 2nd Edition Hardcover


Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover

Rifts® Game Master Guide™ Hardcover – available the week of June 28. 500+ weapons, 290 pieces of equipment, 180+ vehicles, 100+ suits of body armor. 80+ suits of power armor, 300+ skills, character and D-Bee index, dozens of maps, and more. 352 pages – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 845HC – available the week of June 28. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Game Master Guide Hardcover


Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover

Rifts® Book of Magic™ Hardcover – available the week of June 28. Nearly 1,000 magic spells, 400 magic weapons and devices from across Rifts Earth, plus magic tattoos, herbs, stones, automatons, Iron Juggernauts, Rune Weapons, Bio-Wizard weapons, talismans, and more. 352 pages of pure magic – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 848HC – available the week of June 28. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Book of Magic Hardcover


Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover

Rifts® Adventure Guide™ Hardcover – available the week of June 28. 150+ adventure ideas, Game Master and player tips from Kevin Siembieda, Erick Wujcik and Bill Coffin, adventure creation, how to use alignments, tricks of running a large group, G.M. tools, overview and info about the CS Chi-Town ‘Burbs. Tables for creating towns, merc companies, and traveling shows and more. 192 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 849HC – available the week of June 28. Also available in softcover.

Rifts Adventure Guide Hardcover


After the Bomb RPG Hardcover

After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Ships the week of June 21

Create any type of intelligent, humanoid, mutant animal from a turtle or raccoon to an elephant or lion. The RPG presents stats for 100+ mutant animals, plus rules for creating any mutant animal you can imagine, and each sourcebook offers dozens more.

Play your mutant animals as super-heroes, vigilantes, or mutants on the run in the Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas & Superspies™, Heroes of the Megaverse® or Skraypers™ settings. Or as mutants or monsters in Nightbane®. (You could make a mutant animal the Nightbane’s Morphus!) In Palladium Fantasy® your mutant animal could be one of the forgotten archaic races, a visitor from another world, a creation of magic, or a monster. In Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Phase World® and the Three Galaxies, The Mechanoids®, Aliens Unlimited™, Splicers® and similar RPGs, use the creation rules to make new D-Bees, aliens, mutants, or monsters. Or play in the AtB post-apocalyptic Earth setting that makes Planet of the Apes seem tame. Whatever the setting, playing anthropomorphic animal characters is a blast.

  • 100+ mutant animal stats included.
  • Mutant animal creation rules to mutate ANY animal.
  • 52 Mutant Animal Powers.
  • 33 Mutant Animal Psionic Powers.
  • New Animal Chimeras and their abilities.
  • New back story to the After the Bomb® world of mutants.
  • The post-apocalyptic Earth setting of “After the Bomb” is just one use for your mutant animal heroes.
  • A complete RPG written by Erick Wujcik. His last great work and a sometimes overlooked RPG masterpiece. These are the Mutant Animal Creation Rules you know and love taken to new heights.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Aliens Unlimited™, Nightbane®, N&S, Rifts® and any game setting where mutants or aliens are appropriate.
  • 72 pages of “bonus” material includes the original After the Bomb® sourcebook and Yucatan Adventures from the old Game Shield.
  • 296 pages (72 bonus pages) – $39.99 retail – Cat. No. 503HC – Ships the week of June 21. Also available as a 224 page softcover book ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 503).

After the Bomb RPG Hardcover


Ninjas & Superspies RPG Hardcover

Ninjas & Superspies RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Ships the week of June 21

The Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG is the ultimate guide to martial arts with 40 different martial art forms and 48 mystic martial arts powers alone, but there is so much more. Asian combat skills accurately portrayed, each with its own unique fighting style, methods of attack and defense presented on an epic scale, complete with legendary mystic powers. Spies, Cyber Agents, Gadgeteers, secret organizations creation rules, secret identities, gimmick weapons and clothing, cyber-disguises, implants, and more. Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™ RPG and even Nightbane®, Rifts®, and other settings. A complete game PLUS 44 pages of bonus material gathered from The Rifter®.

  • 40+ types of hand to hand combat — effectively offering 40 types of martial arts character classes!
  • 17 Occupational Character Classes for spies, mercenaries, martial artists and special operatives.
  • 48 mystic martial art powers.
  • Dim Mak, Chi Mastery, the Arts of Invisibility and more.
  • Bionic implants, disguises, weapons, & equipment.
  • Secret identities, spy agencies, creation rules for secret organizations.
  • Complete stand-alone RPG with skills, weapons, rules and guidelines for using other Palladium settings.
  • Compatible with Heroes Unlimited™, Rifts®, Rifts® China, and the entire Palladium Megaverse®!
  • 44 pages of “bonus” material gathered from The Rifter®.
  • 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 525HC – RPG by Erick Wujcik – Ships the week of June 21. Also available as a 176 page softcover book ($22.99 retail – Cat. No. 525.) And see Mystic China (currently on sale) for an astonishing and fun sourcebook with more mystical martial arts abilities, magic, demons, immortals and more.

Ninjas and Superspies RPG Hardcover


Dead Reign RPG Hardcover

Dead Reign® RPG Hardcover – The Zombie Apocalypse – Ships the week of June 21

The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world.

Civilization crumbles in a matter of days as hundreds of millions of people die and rise as the walking dead. The hundreds of millions of people who fall to the zombies also rise to join the growing legions of undead. Then the world goes silent.

You are on your own. The army is MIA. There is no government. No law. No television, radio or Internet. No media, cell phones or communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets.

Death Cults have risen, promising protection from the walking dead.

Retro-Savages have forsaken technology and sacrifice the living to the zombies in hopes of bringing an end to the nightmare.

Brave human survivors refuse to lie down and die! They come from all walks of life. Their common goal: survival as they struggle to forge safe havens away from the cities, rescue other survivors and battle the walking dead without respite. For now at least, the planet belongs to the dead.

Dead Reign® is an excellent introductory game that is easy to learn, fast to play, and fun to read. If you are looking for a zombie game that truly captures the feel of survival after the apocalypse and the nightmare of being stalked by zombies, Dead Reign® is it. Game mechanics are designed to create a real sense of escalating terror and dread when the zombies swarm. Sourcebooks expand the world, player options, and adventure ideas as well as new zombies and dangers.

  • Six Apocalyptic Character Classes (O.C.C.) including the Reaper, Shepherd of the Damned, Hound Master, Apocalyptic Soldier, Scrounger and Ordinary People.
  • Seven types of zombies plus the Half-Living. (Sourcebooks offer many more.)
  • Secrets of the Dead: Everything you need to know about zombies and need to ask.
  • Death Cults, their Priests, power over zombies and goals.
  • Random tables galore and the fundamentals of survival.
  • Strong setting, world overview and many adventure ideas.
  • A complete role-playing game. 224 pages – $36.99 retail – Cat. No. 230HC – Ships the week of June 21. Also available as a 224 page softcover RPG ($26.99 retail – Cat. No. 230).

Dead Reign RPG Hardcover


Rifts Coalition Manhunters

UPDATE: Rifts® CS Manhunters

I have been working on this fun sourcebook whenever I can and it is looking great. With several hardcovers and reprints at the printer, and the Rifts® 30th Anniversary Hardcovers shipping, my plate is now cleared up for writing.

Rifts® CS Manhunters presents dark secrets of the Coalition States involving CS psychics, the super secret Psi-Ops Division (the thought police of Emperor Prosek), and the deadly super-patriots that are the enigmatic CS Manhunters. Includes 50+ NEW psionic abilities with real punch, insight into the Dog Boys and Kill Hounds, meanings revealed about the Seven Dangers Prophecy (first introduced in Rifts® Sourcebook 2: The Mechanoids®), and gadgets and implants, and surprises. All of it building toward something epic.

  • New Coalition Psychic O.C.C.s.
  • 50+ new psionic abilities and revisits of some favorites.
  • CS Manhunter Divner and Precog.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Interrogator and Psi-Enforcer.
  • CS Manhunter Bursters and Zappers.
  • CS Manhunter Psi-Healers and CS Slayers.
  • CS Manhunter Killhound and Dog Boy O.C.C.s.
  • CS Manhunter Mind Melters, the deadliest of them all.
  • CS Manhunter squads and special operations.
  • Secrets of Psi-Ops Division and insight about Coalition psychics.
  • Deciphering the Seven Dangers Prophecy.
  • The impact of the demon plagues unleashed by the Minion War.
  • Player Characters, NPCS, background info, adventure ideas, and more.
  • 96-128 pages – $18.99 retail – Cat. No. 894 – In production and nearing completion.

Pre-Order Rifts CS Manhunters


Creature Feature

UPDATE: Creature Feature, a Beyond the Supernatural sourcebook

This is going to be another fun adventure sourcebook. The manuscript will go into editing and rewrites as soon as I finish CS Manhunters and most of the artwork is done. Though I may add a few illustrations and already have artists lined up. Creature Feature™ builds on material that has appeared in various issues of The Rifter® but there is a ton of new material and information useful to both Game Masters and players.

  • A gallery of supernatural creatures. Some new. Some familiar, updated and expanded. All terrifying.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • Game Master source material and advice on rules, psychic abilities, proximity and threat levels, I.S.P. multipliers, and more.
  • Advice about running modern horror RPGs and using supernatural creatures in your games.
  • Lots of adventure ideas, including an updated and expanded full adventure, “The Squatter.”
  • New background and setting information for the BTS setting and a few surprises.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw and others.
  • 160-192 pages – $22.99 or $26.99 depending on final size – Cat. No. 704.

Pre-Order Creature Feature


Rifts Titan Robotics

UPDATE: Rifts® Titan Robotics

Here it is, the reveal of the new cover. I hope you like it. I love that it presents the iconic Titan Robotics Combat Robot with a new big gun that hints at what else awaits you inside the book. I also enjoy the combat scene, smoke, and haze of war. Like Northern Gun and the Manistique Imperium, Titan Robotics sells freely to adventurers, mercenaries, and anyone who has the cash. Hence, the owners of these big ‘bots clashing with Coalition Forces.

This is why I call Rifts® Titan Robotics™ a high-tech toy box filled with many new types of Titan Robotics power armors, giant robots, vehicles, weapons, and gear. Some are big bruisers while others are small and sleek. As fun as these new tech toys are, Rifts® Titan Robotics™ delves into the company’s many secrets, including ARCHIE-3’s plans and program to monitor and manipulate the outside world. Learn about Archie’s androids that run Titan Robotics and his current schemes and plans for the future. All of which provides fodder for adventure.

  • New Giant Robots.
  • New Power Armor, equipment and accessories.
  • 30+ power armors and robots, plus other equipment.
  • New weapons, gear and vehicles.
  • Titan Robotics Corporation and structure.
  • Archie’s secret kingdom and plans for the future.
  • New O.C.C.s and key Non-Player Characters (NPCs).
  • Android executives, security and much more.
  • Wellington Industries, campaign prompts and more.
  • Art by Walton, Cummings, Atkins, and others. Cover by Mike Majestic.
  • Written by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda.
  • 160-192 pages (tentative) – $22.99 retail (or $26.99) – Cat. No. 899.

Pre-Order Rifts Titan Robotics


Rifts Bestiary Volume Two

UPDATE: Rifts® Bestiary Volume Two

The second big, “monster book” reference for Rifts® of what we anticipate to be three volumes in the series, more if we decide to make ghosts, spirits and Entities and/or Creatures of Magic part of the Bestiary series. Much like Volume One, Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume Two collects 70-100 monsters and animals plus 12-24 new beasts found across Rifts North America. The anticipated page count is 224-256 pages.

All volumes of the Rifts® Bestiary™ series are a great resource for players and Game Masters alike. Each description is updated, expanded, and highly detailed to present players with exotic and alien creatures as pets, guardians and riding animals, as well as slobbering monsters to battle and fierce beasts for Game Masters to throw at their players. Designed to offer adventure ideas, offers notes on young, adult, male and female creatures, and all provide plenty of ways to enhance your characters and spice up adventures. Each is accompanied by a map that shows at a glance where the beast can be encountered. Ah, but in the presence of Rifts and magic means any of the creatures may appear anywhere in the world, so be on your toes.

  • Monsters and animals of Rifts North America organized into big, easy to use sourcebooks.
  • Updated and expanded descriptions and information for each existing monster.
  • Updated and uniform stat blocks.
  • New exotic creatures – predators, exotic riding animals, beasts of burden, alien horrors, giant insects, and more.
  • A map for every creature showing where it is found.
  • Easily adapted to any Palladium setting – Palladium Fantasy®, Chaos Earth®, Splicers®, Phase World®, the Three Galaxies™, The Mechanoids®, Heroes Unlimited™/Aliens Unlimited™, and others.
  • Basic S.D.C. stats included with each creature description.
  • Fully illustrated, with art by Charles Walton II, Ramon Perez, Robert Atkins, and many others. Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 256 pages each volume – $26.99 – Cat. No. 897 (Volume Two).

Pre-Order Rifts Bestiary Two – Your RPG resource for 300+ PDF products – all using the same basic game system – learn one game and you can play them all

And we have settings for every genre: Fantasy RPG, science fiction (Rifts®, Splicers®, and The Mechanoids®), super-heroes (Heroes Unlimited and After the Bomb), superhero horror (Nightbane®), modern horror (Dead Reign® and Beyond the Supernatural), plus The Rifter® sourcebook series (by fans like you), novels, paper minis, and more.


Rifts® Novels: Duty’s Edge – The lone surviving soldier from a New German Republic Special Forces operation struggles to complete the mission on his own. A stand-alone Rifts® novel complete in itself. 236 pages, Cat. No. 308. The Cosmo-Knight and The Reckoning (Phase World®, the Three Galaxies, and Cosmo-Knights), the Rifts® trilogy of novels: Sonic Boom, Deception’s Web, and Treacherous Awakenings, as well as the Rifts® Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs (11 authors), Machinations of Doom (graphic novel by Ramon K. Perez), and Path of the Storm (a proposed Rifts® movie script) and 300+ other Palladium Books RPG titles.

Also available: Free Garden of the Gods™ (Fantasy) and Rifts® Bestiary™ Volume One Sneak Previews, and the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Interactive Character Sheet: A Microsoft Excel-based character management system. Packed with features and data collected from every official Palladium Fantasy sourcebook to enable you to create Fantasy characters quickly (25 minutes!) and help you to update and manage them for years to come.

Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Three: Zombies, Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume Two: Civilians and Dead Reign® Paper Miniatures Volume One: Survivors. There are also paper miniatures for Heroes Unlimited™, Palladium Fantasy® and Rifts®. A new, up-to-date, PDF Palladium Books Catalog. Nightbane® Dark Designs™ sourcebook with 60 new Common Talents, 38 new Elite Talents, 18 new Morphus Tables, all other Morphus Tables collected and more. Systems Failure™ RPG, a 160 page RPG that deals with alien invasion and a post-apocalypse setting that is fun and dynamic. Civilization is on the verge of collapse when the so-called “bugs” invade and turn humans into zombie-like slaves. Monsters, heroes and fun. A complete RPG and setting. Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun™ Two: 256 pages of technology and fun. 30+ power armors, 30+ body armors, 15 combat vehicles, 45 vehicles (hovercycles, etc.), 10 robot haulers, the Robodome and more. Bizantium and the Northern Islands™: the northernmost part of the Known World, the Cold Born, Necromancy ships made from dead sea serpents, 15 creatures, Random Sea Monster Generator, and more. Rifts® Northern Gun™ One. This fan favorite might be thought of as the big book of giant robots – an in-depth look at Northern Gun, 70+ weapons, 27 robots, NG O.C.C.s, key people and places, and much more. Mysteries of Magic™ Book One: The Heart of Magic™ with Wizards, their Apprentices, nearly 60 new magic spells and remember, magic and monsters in the Fantasy RPG are easily adapted to Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, HU2 and other settings. Wolfen Empire™ Fantasy sourcebook, the Great Northern Wilderness and Killer Winters, 12 Wolfen Tribes, Wolfen military and society, 15+ creatures, 5 full adventures, 101 adventure ideas, random encounter tables, notable people, places, plus FREE Sneak Previews of The Rifter® #80, The Rifter® #81, The Rifter® #82, and more on

  • Rifts® is a genre-bending setting that combines science fiction, fantasy, horror, post-apocalypse survival, magic, and endless possibilities for adventure. Imagine a near perfect world of advanced technology 100 years in the future. Then imagine that world crashing down overnight in an apocalyptic upheaval not seen since the formation of the planet. A Great Cataclysm caused by the explosive return of magic. Now fast forward 300 years into the future where magic, dragons, and mythic gods coexist with cyborgs, giant robots and super-science rediscovered from humanity’s Golden Age as humans rise from a lengthy Dark Age. But they must contend with countless alien life forms, monsters, and supernatural horrors from beyond the Rifts.
  • Rifts® core titles we would suggest: Rifts® Ultimate Edition, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts® Book of Magic, Rifts® Adventure Guide, D-Bees of North America™, Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign and Rifts® Sourcebook One. Note: The Rifts® RPG, 1st Edition and Rifts® Ultimate, 2nd Edition are both available.
  • 80+ Rifts® supplements, most of them available as PDFs with more coming. Where to start? Wherever sounds fun.
  • Rifts® Dimension Books™: Travel to alien worlds and dimensions via the Rifts for off-world adventure and intrigue.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG and sourcebook series (all). Live through the Great Cataclysm and the Coming of the Rifts. Rifts® Chaos Earth® RPG, Creatures of Chaos™, Rise of Magic™, and Chaos Earth® Resurrection™ are all available.
  • FREE Sneak Previews for Nightbane® Dark Designs™, Rifts® Secrets of the Atlanteans™, Rifts® CS Heroes of Humanity, and many other previews as well as free and low cost items that we make available. All of it adds to the growing list of Rifts and other Palladium RPG game titles available as PDF books, cards and support. A new title should be added every week or two, so keep watching for them.
  • The Rifter® #1-84, ALL issues of The Rifter®. Each issue is a wealth of source material and ideas for 3-6 different Palladium game lines. Most are easily adapted to ANY Palladium game setting. Each issue a gem. 8,500 pages of source material and ideas for heroes, villains, monsters, magic, gear, and adventure.
  • Splicers® RPG is like Iron Man meets Game of Thrones with elements of Terminator – except this army of Iron Men are clad in living body armor and wield living, organic weapons and devices. Created in 2004 by writer and game designer Carmen Bellaire, Splicers® was nominated for an Inquest Gamer Magazine Fan Awards Game of the Year, and has since developed a rabid fan base. Science fiction and horror where humans are forced to use genetically engineered, living weapons and organic war machines to battle an insane Artificial Intelligence and her robot legions. Unlike anything you have ever played before!
  • Splicers®: I Am Legion™ Adventure Sourcebook: 6 new Great Houses, 4 new Host Armors, 6 new War Mounts, 19 new Bio-Weapons, 15 new killer machines, new Bio-Enhancements, Amalgam creation tables, Legion and a series of adventures that build into a small campaign, and more.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 1st Edition Rules and sourcebooks. A unique world of magic, monsters and heroes. Dozens of nonhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition Rules and many sourcebooks. The expanded world of high fantasy, magic, mystery and heroes of every variety. Includes the Mind Mage and psychic abilities, mages and spells, magic circles and symbols, men-at-arms, scoundrels and a wide range of inhuman player characters including Wolfen, Bearmen, Ogres, Orcs and many more. 100,000 years of history.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG first edition rule book and sourcebooks.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Second Edition rule book and sourcebooks. Create any type of superhuman you can desire and bring comic book adventures to life.
  • Dead Reign® RPG (Zombie Apocalypse). The dead have risen. It is the battle for survival in the zombie apocalypse, but this setting is much more than your typical zombie game. Play ordinary people or special characters better equipped to survive and hunt zombies. Many unusual types of zombies.
  • Dead Reign® Sourcebooks: 6 sourcebooks from Civilization Gone™ to Hell Followed™ (the latter features stats for 23 disasters, masked lunatics, 11 new zombies, 7 apocalyptic character classes, and more) are available.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 1st Edition Rules. Supernatural horror in the modern world. Play ordinary people, psychics, paranormal investigators or for something different: Victim Characters!
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, 2nd Edition: The complete, revised core game, 14 character classes and 42 occupations for “ordinary people,” 100+ psychic abilities, 16 monsters, the Lazlo Agency, world setting and rules.
  • Nightbane® RPG and sourcebooks. An RPG setting we call superhero horror. Dark conspiracy, a secret, demon invasion starting with world leaders and law enforcement, and it is spreading. The player characters are the Nightbane®, reluctant superhumans who must turn into monsters themselves to unleash their powers and battle the evil that is clear only to them. A dark, sinister and challenging world of horror.
  • After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. Planet of the Apes meets the X-Men! Animal creations, powers and more. Create any type of intelligent mutant animal you can imagine as friend or foe.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and the Mystic China™ sourcebook. James Bond meets Enter the Dragon. 41 types of martial arts, ninjas, and super-spies with gadgets, gizmos and advanced weapons.
  • The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy RPG is a long time, cult favorite with a fatalistic world-view of humans vs aliens with superior technology.
  • The Palladium Weapon Series of real world weapons, armor and castles throughout history. Designed for use with ANY game system.
  • 200+ Palladium titles in all, plus G.M. kits, paper miniatures and more.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ Paper Miniatures – Two sets are now available!
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Paper Miniatures – Volumes #1-6 are available now. More are coming in the weeks ahead.
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Men at Arms – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Coalition Dead Boys – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Adventurers – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Practitioners of Magic (new) – $2.99
  • Rifts® Paper Miniatures: Extras (new) – $2.99
  • And more to come in the weeks ahead.


Palladium Collectibles, Negatives, Artwork, other Collectibles and Toys are always available in Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles eBay Store along with other good things

My eBay store is one of the few places where you can find original artwork by Charles “Chuck” Walton, Kevin Long, and others, as well as one-of-a-kind negatives from classic Rifts® and other Palladium RPG books (they look awesome framed!), rare Palladium collector hardcovers, signed books, other Palladium memorabilia, toys from my personal collection and other collectibles. Check every couple of weeks because we often post new stuff or offer a new sale. There is a sale on negatives starting today, in fact.

Other one-of-a-kind original artwork available by me (Kevin Siembieda), Kevin Long, Charles Walton II (money goes to the artist), other artists, as well as collectible negatives, prints, limited edition hardcovers, proofreader copies, out of print items, Star Wars toys, Marvel toys and many other toys and collectibles from my personal collection. Alex and I will keep adding items as our busy schedules allow, but we have a lot of fun collectibles available now and coming soon. Hundreds of items. Take a look every weekend for new additions.

Available now: One-of-a-kind book negatives. Negatives were very popular items at the Palladium Open House and people went crazy over them at Gen Con – including actor Joe Manganiello who scooped up a pile of TMNT negatives, while Palladium’s own Mark Oberle, Carmen Bellaire, Brandon Aten and a whole lot of Palladium gamers went for negatives from Rifts® New West, Lone Star and Free Quebec. Fun.

Negatives are unique and attractive, one-of-a-kind (on rare occasions two-of-a-kind if a page was replaced or a second edition was made) works of art that resemble woodcut art and are very dynamic conversation pieces. Before digital printing, pages of a book were laid out by hand on a board, and each page was photographed. The plastic film negatives were then “ganged” on a massive sheet of Mylar 16 pages per big sheet, and the printing plates were made from the negatives – everything white, printing black.

When our printer, McNaughton and Gunn, went completely digital, they asked if Palladium Books wanted the negs, otherwise they would be destroyed. Regrettably, I let a few dozen be destroyed, but the negatives of many books were sent to Palladium. They have sat in our warehouse for years until I started to offer them for sale. I have also started signing the negatives in silver and each comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Each negative comes on a white board inside a plastic magazine bag and looks fabulous framed! Fits in an 8×10 inch matt opening in a frame (each neg is roughly 8½ x 11 inches).


Closing Thoughts

This has been an action-packed week, for sure. Shipping out 300+ copies of the Rifts® 30th Hardcovers between the two editions, plus regular orders, distributor orders, and a whole lot of other stuff going on. By the end of Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I was tuckered out. I’m getting too old for 12 hour days in the warehouse.

We are already getting positive feedback on both editions. The two covers are very different but both are gorgeous. And both are selling like crazy. I probably should have printed 300 copies of the Gold Edition as it is selling out fast. Too late now.

I am glad I did the history behind Rifts® and the notable people who helped to make it happen, because folks are loving it. Of course, that has prompted new suggestions about me writing a history of Palladium Books and questions like did I ever meet Gary Gygax (yes) or Dave Arneson (and yes), as well as Bob Bledsaw (Judges Guild), Steve Jackson (SJG), Greg Stafford (Chaosium), Mark Miller (Traveller), Mike Pondsmith (R.Talsorian), Mark Rein-Hagen (White Wolf), and many other gaming and comic book illuminaries and legends. A zillion artists in gaming and comic books too. Heck, I got to meet folks like Gene Roddenberry, George Romero, Jerry Bruckheimer, David Franzoni, Stan Lee, etc., and I would love to write about it all, but I just do not have the time. Maybe after I release the next 15-20 titles I can sneak in a little time to write about my exploits in the early days of RPGs and comic books. Only I have soooo many ideas for games and sourcebooks.

As one friend said to me (and I paraphrase), “Would I enjoy a book like that? Yes. Would I prefer to see more new releases for Palladium Fantasy®, Beyond the Supernatural and Rifts®? Absolutely, yes.” I suspect that gent speaks for most of you. Got it. New books. On it.

Enjoy what is looking like decent spring weather for the rest of the week before the summer solstice officially launches summertime. I think that’s this coming Monday or Tuesday. Take care and game on.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer, Gamer, Friend


NEW! Miniature Releases – Available now

You have been asking about new miniatures and we are providing. All miniatures come in a plastic bag. The newest three are:


Classic Glitter Boy and Pilot Miniature Pack

Rifts® Glitter Boy™ & Pilot (original) Miniature Pack – 1st time available in resin – 28 mm resin – $19.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8001. Five Pieces: 1. Complete G.B. body and a small base, 2. right arm and Boom Gun, 3. backpack/thrusters, 4. ammo drum and belt, and 5. pilot. The ever-popular, classic Glitter Boy and Pilot (1993 RAFM) – now in resin for the first time (prior releases were pewter figures). Available now.


Rifts CS Firebreather Dead Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® CS Firebreather Dead Boy™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8047. Five pieces: 1. the body, 2. right arm and gun, 3. left arm, 4. antenna, 5. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.


Rifts Juicer 32mm Resin Miniature

NEW! Rifts® Juicer™ Miniature – true scale 32 mm resin – $9.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8048. Three pieces: 1. the complete body, 2. crossed swords on the back that fit so snugly that you may not even need to glue it, 3. custom base. Detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.


Rifts Glitter Boy 32mm Resin Miniature

And don’t forget about the Deluxe Rifts® Glitter Boy Resin Miniature – released in fall 2020 – 32 mm resin – $34.99 retail – Cat. No. MI8046 – a gorgeous, detailed and dynamic figure. Available now.


Rifts Duty's Edge Novel

Rifts® Novels – Available now

All Rifts® novels are available from the Palladium Books online store as physical books as well as PDFs from All are a fun read and highly recommended. Enjoy.

  • All novels are 5 x 8 inches in size unless otherwise indicated.
  • Page count and price varies.
  • Available as physical books from and as PDFs on
  • Rifts® Duty’s Edge is the story of a lone survivor of a New German Republic Special Forces operation who struggles to complete the mission on his own. A mission to destroy wicked monsters and cut off a vital line of support to the Gargoyle Empire. A mission that could save many lives. Of course, it is a journey that takes many twists and turns as one determined individual hopes to beat impossible odds. Set in the Middle East. 236 pages – $12.99 retail – Cat. No. 308 – the newest, stand alone novel.
  • Rifts® Sonic Boom™. Follow the exploits of a CS platoon sworn to protect humankind from all threats, be they aliens, dragons, masters of magic or fellow humans out for themselves.
  • Rifts® Deception’s Web™, the second novel in this trilogy, reveals a conspiracy within the Coalition military that could spell disaster for our protagonists. Note: Smaller size, 4 x 6 inches.
  • Rifts® Treacherous Awakenings™ is the pulse-pounding conclusion of the third novel in this epic trilogy by Adam Chilson.
  • Rifts Anthology: Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs™. Rifts® short stories by 11 authors including Kevin Siembieda, Carl Gleba, Mark Oberle, Braden Campbell, Taylor White, Jason Richards, and others. Note: Slightly larger size, 6 x 9 inches.
  • Rifts® Machinations of Doom™ Graphic Novel & Sourcebook. The comic is by acclaimed Eisner Award winning artist Ramon K. Perez, source material by Siembieda and Perez. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Path of the Storm was a Rifts® movie script written on spec. Note: 8½ x 11 inches.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume One: The Cosmo-Knight. The adventures of Caleb Vulcan, newly minted Knight of the Cosmic Forge.
  • Rifts® Hammer of the Forge™, Volume Two: The Reckoning. The epic conclusion of the Hammer of the Forge story.

Rifts Novels on


Gamer 16 Ounce Mug

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Whether you drink coffee, hot cocoa, soda-pop, or whatever your beverage of choice may be, this fun mug reminds you of your favorite pastime and that new possibilities exist with every roll of the dice.

The large, 16 ounce Gamer mug presents the word “Gamer” in a box with dice cascading down from above. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Freddie Williams II (art directed by Kevin Siembieda). The mug has an orange interior to add a nice splash of color.

  • A must for every proud gamer!
  • Dice and the word “Gamer” highlighted in a box.
  • Glossy black exterior with an orange interior.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2596 – available now.

Gamer 16 Ounce Mug at


Property of the Coalition States Mug

BACK IN STOCK! Property of the Coalition States 16 Ounce Mug – available now

Back due to popular demand! The iconic Property of the Coalition States and notorious CS Death’s Head insignia printed white on a glossy black, 16 ounce coffee mug, with a blood red interior for a splash of color. The design appears on both sides of the mug. Created by Wayne Smith and Kevin Long (art directed by Kevin Siembieda).

  • The infamous words “Property of the Coalition States” and the notorious Death’s Head logo and lightning bolts (indicating CS special forces) in white.
  • Glossy black exterior with a blood red interior color.
  • Art and words are located on both sides of the mug.
  • 16 ounce ceramic mug.
  • Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2588 – available now.

Property of the Coalition States Mug at


Other Mugs Available Now

Everyone loves these mugs. Isn’t it time you started your collection? I like to use them to as a secret code to reflect my mood to those around me. To my thinking the Gamer mug means I’m feeling playful. Rifts® Property of the Coalition States: I’m a soldier in the trenches and working hard. Dead Reign®: Back off or I will eat you alive. Fantasy Dragon: My imagination is on fire. Rifts Logo: Feeling the infinite possibilities. Rifts® Titan Robotics: I’m feeling mighty. Of course, they represent something else to each of you or just represent one of your favorite games, like a normal person.

  • Rifts® Titan Robotics™ Mug A dynamic Titan robot and the Rifts® logo. Art by Steven Cummings. White on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2595 – available now.
  • Rifts® Logo Coffee Mug The famous Rifts® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blue interior. Logo by Kevin Long. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2587 – available now.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® Dragon Mug The famous red on black 3-headed hydra battling a knight from the iconic original Palladium Fantasy RPG cover. Art by Kevin Siembieda. Red on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with an attractive orange interior. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2589 – available now.
  • Dead Reign® (Zombie Attack) Mug A trio of hungry zombies and the Dead Reign® logo in white on a glossy black, 16 ounce ceramic mug with a blood red interior for a splash of color. Art by Steven Cummings. Dishwasher and microwave safe. $10.99 retail – Cat. No. 2594 – available now.


© 2021 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

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