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Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Ed. Erratta

Errata & Clarifications

Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Ed.

Sheesh, you’d think with three editors we’d catch all the boo-boos before Heroes Unlimited, Second Edition went to print, but we didn’t. So here are corrects and clarifications.

The Latent Psychic

H.U. 2, page 190, gives the Latent Psionic the same base I.S.P. as the Natural or Master Psionic. This is a mistake (editors have been appropriately tortured). It should read as follows:

The Latent Psychic’s base I.S.P. is his Mental Endurance (M.E.) attribute number x2, plus the roll of 1D4x10. The total is the character’s starting level of raw mental power.

As the psychic grows in experience, so too does his I.S.P., adding 1D6+1 I.S.P. per each level of experience, starting with level one.

The Natural or Master Psionic

H.U. 2 also short changes the Master Psionic, and should read as follows:

The Master Psychic’s base I.S.P. is his Mental Endurance (M.E.) attribute number x2, plus the roll of 2D6x10 (not 1D6x10 as listed). The total is the character’s starting level of raw mental power.

Random Heroes with Psionic & Super Abilities

Players who use the random table: The Number & Category of Super Abilities (H.U. 2, page 226), can roll up superbeings who have both a super ability and psionic powers (86-00). Such characters are considered to be Latent Psychics, and must spend I.S.P. to use their psionic ability(s).

Since they also possess one or more super abilities, the character does not gain new psionic abilities like the normal Latent Psychic (unless the G.M. thinks it is okay, and allows it, but be careful not to imbalance the game). However, I.S.P. do increase at a rate of 1D6+1 I.S.P. per each level of experience, starting with level one. Base (starting) I.S.P. is the M.E. number, plus the roll of 1D6x10.

The Achilles’ Heel for Mega-Heroes

H.U. 2, page 183, 11-20 Vulnerability to Magic should also include a penalty of -1D4+1 to save vs magic of all kind (spells, circles, potions, etc.).

Super Ability: Manipulate Kinetic Energy

H.U. 2, page 235; damage corrections.

  • Large Axes (battle, chopping types) should be 3D6 (not 2D6).
  • Throwing Axes should be 2D4 damage (not 1D6).
  • Bola should be 2D4 damage (not 1D6).
  • Discus, Metal should be 2D6 damage (not 1D6).
  • Discus, Metal with Blade Edges should be 3D6 damage (not 2D6).
  • Throwing Sticks have a range of 120ft (36.6 m)

Super Ability: Alter Physical Structure: Fire

H.U. 2, page 243, omissions from #7. Other Abilities & Bonuses:

  • Fiery Aura adds 50 to S.D.C. while in the fire form.
  • Maximum altitude for characters who can fly when transformed in to flame is 2000 feet (610 m).

Recovery of S.D.C. for Alter Physical Structure Powers

The extra S.D.C. provided by any of the Alter Physical Structure abilities recovers much more quickly than normal S.D.C.; roughly 4D6 S.D.C. points per every 10 minutes! This impressive rate of recovery applies only to those special S.D.C. gained from the altered state (metal, rock, ice, etc.). Ordinary physical S.D.C. and Hit Points recover at the normal rate for humans.

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