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Palladium Books® – Black Friday Sale starts now – November 23, 2022

Weekly Update Opening Graphic

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure

By Kevin Siembieda


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

It has been another wild and crazy year with plenty of ups and downs. Hopefully, you are feeling happy and hopeful. That’s how we feel here at Palladium, even if some of us are away from family and are working our tails off. If you have survived Covid, escaped insane weather and natural disasters, and are spending Thanksgiving Day with family and friends, I would say you have plenty to be thankful for. I sure am, but then I have been very blessed with wonderful friends all my life. Many of my loved ones have passed away over the years, often all too young, but I still have plenty of amazing friends, not to mention my terrific business partner and pal Sean.

You, our fans, should know by now that you are counted among those friends and family members. Your many kind comments and words of encouragement make us all smile and feel proud every single day. You can see a super-sized number of Surprise Package Fan Comments after my Closing Thoughts later in this Update.

I like to keep the Thanksgiving Day (and Christmas) Updates shorter than usual, but that was tough this year with all the exciting things happening this week and into next. Read on, enjoy, and thank you for being the greatest fans any creator could ever hope for. You make our days brighter and full of love. We try to do the same for you, so enjoy the opportunities listed below, try not to overeat, enjoy the many sales (here and elsewhere), and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.


Five Big Sales to be thankful about. Enjoy.

To help show our appreciation, here are five sales that run through Cyber-Monday. Actually, some continue thru what we call Cyber-Tuesday. #1-4 are on now.


SALE #1 – Palladium’s Black Friday & Cyber-Monday SALE starts right now – thru the weekend. The majority of the following game lines are on sale at big savings, while supplies last. Sorry, other than RUE, hardcovers are not part of the sale nor is the newly released Creature Feature, but most everything else is!

  • Rifts® Notepad & Pencil Set – one notepad and 5 different pencils -Cat. No. 2603 (set)
  • Palladium Pens (3 different, all cool)
  • Rifts® Ultimate Edition Softcover – Cat. No. 800SE
  • Rifts® Ultimate Edition Hardcover – Cat. No. 800HC
  • Rifts® 30th Anniversary Commemorative hardcover (FYI: Inventory is running low and we have not decided whether we are going to reprint this special edition or not. Leaning toward not, which means it will be a limited run collectible.)
  • All Rifts® titles, except foil hardcovers.
  • All Rifts® Chaos Earth® titles (except hardcover).
  • Available issues of The Rifter® (limited), unless there are fewer than a dozen or so left.
  • All Palladium Fantasy titles, except the two hardcovers.
  • All Dead Reign® Zombie titles, except hardcover.
  • All Nightbane® titles, except hardcover.
  • All Heroes Unlimited™ titles, except hardcover.
  • Ninjas & Superspies RPG and Mystic China, except hardcover.
  • All After the Bomb® titles, except hardcover – Reminder, you can create mutant animal super-heroes using the After the Bomb® RPG and sourcebooks. And/or add them to your Heroes Unlimited™ campaign and even Nightbane® and Rifts®, or as aliens from other worlds, etc. Unleash your imagination.
  • Beyond the Supernatural RPG – Sorry, does not include the hardcover, Boxed Nightmares, or the epic, new Creature Feature.
  • Splicers RPG and I Am Legion, except hardcover.
  • Sale runs now thru Tuesday, November 29. Please spread the word.

Sale Items at


Rifts Titan Robotics Kickstarter

SALE #2 (sort of) Titan Robotics KICKSTARTER – ENDS soon. Do not miss out on the special hardcover editions and other things available ONLY via the Kickstarter. Plus there are PDFs, other products, and miniatures available at special discounts through this offer. Pledge now and decide exactly what you want to get BEFORE the Kickstarter ends next Wednesday, but DO NOT MISS OUT. Gamers outside the USA please note, we are shipping through Quartermaster Logistics which means very affordable shipping outside the USA (and roughly equivalent shipping in the USA). Sean will be posting an update to Kickstarter as well. And please, spread the word.

Titan Robotics Kickstarter


SALE #3 – Kevin’s Toys, Art and Collectibles SALE – now through November 30, 2022. Negatives at half price, plus toys (Star Wars, Marvel and DC superheroes, etc.), Palladium collectibles, and a variety of proofreader copies, hardcover Printer Proofs, and more, all on sale now through November 30. And we are adding new collectibles, negatives, and items through the weekend. Check it out at:


SALE #4 – Christmas Surprise Package offer – Best deal in gaming – $100+ worth of goodies (often more) for $58 (plus shipping). Books are signed if you want them to be. It is just 4 weeks till Christmas and Kwanzaa, and 3 weeks till Hanukkah (starts November 18)! Less time when you account for the time to process and ship orders, so this weekend and next are the perfect time to place your holiday orders. The Surprise Package Offer ends December 24, 2022, see shipping timeline below. A great gift for any holiday, birthdays, anniversaries, a nice treat for yourself (you deserve it), or a way to try new settings, and fill your collection. See what people are saying about the Surprise Packages and our games in the comment section after my Closing Thoughts. Enjoy.

Christmas Surprise Package at


SALE #5 Coming – Watch for Black Friday/Cyber-Monday deals.


News & Updates

UPDATE: Creature Feature now shipping. The book has been shipping since its arrival last Friday. It’s pretty darn good and we think you’ll love it. 15 monsters, rules clarifications, gaming tips, adventure and more. What’s that? You haven’t played Beyond the Supernatural? Well, maybe it’s time you gave it a try. The Palladium Christmas Surprise Package offer is a great way to try new settings like BTS and pick up other titles you’ve been meaning to try, just let us know in you comments.

Creature Feature at


UPDATE: Rifts® Titan Robotics Kickstarter – 7 days left. As I write this, we are closing in on $70,000 and there are only 7 days to the Kickstarter left – so time is running out. Pledge something so you are in the queue and then decide exactly what you are going to get BEFORE the Kickstarter ends next Wednesday. The foil hardcover limited editions are available only via the Kickstarter and well worth it. Historically, our Gold Editions and all foil editions go way up in value, sometimes within just a year or two. At least double, often 4-8 times the original price, so get ‘em while you can.


UPDATE: Kickstarter Shipping. To get you the best price on shipping, especially if you are in Canada or overseas, Quartermaster Logistics will handle the shipping. This means shipping outside the USA is half of what it would normally cost Palladium to ship, sometimes less. USA shipping is about the same. Sean will be posting an update to the Kickstarter page sometime today, November 23, 2022. We are doing everything we can to make shipping affordable to everyone worldwide. Please share this information with your gaming friends in other countries.

Titan Robotics Kickstarter


NEW! Sean Owen Roberson interview on The Glitterbois Podcast. I thought this was a truly great interview. Very relaxed, friendly, and conversational. I felt like there was some nice insight about Palladium behind the scenes, Sean’s history with Palladium as a fan and gamer, his work at Palladium, the Titan Robotics Kickstarter, the Titan Robotics sourcebook, the Poker Deck, Rifts® Savage Worlds, Creature Feature, and other fun stuff. Check it out. I really enjoyed it even though I already knew all this stuff, so you will too.


COMING: “Original” Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG Bonus Foil Hardcover (1st Edition rules and monsters). Due to popular demand from our fans, we have a deluxe, blood red foil hardcover also at the printer. This is a reprint of the 1st Edition rule book exactly as printed, plus an epic 32 page adventure from The Rifter® by Hendrik Härterich as bonus material. As soon as we have a ship date from our printer we will let you know. Hardcovers can take a while (6-12 weeks), so we are not even taking orders until we have a strong idea of the delivery date. We’re hoping it will be available in time for Christmas. Red foil on a black faux leatherette. 288 pages, $55.00 retail – Cat. No. 699HC – release date to come (mid-December tentative and hopeful).


Do not miss out on the Titan Robotics Kickstarter. You’ll be sorry if you do! As I write this, there are only 7 days left. Check it out while you still can and spread the word. Heck, I like watching the video every other day. Funny but true. – Kevin

Titan Robotics Kickstarter


Christmas Grab Bags

Christmas Surprise Package – The best deal in gaming

4 weeks till Christmas, but less time in order to ship and receive it in time for Christmas!

Give the gamers in your life a gift for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day (for you in Canada and elsewhere), birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, and any gift-giving occasions. Or treat yourself. After these past three crazy years, you deserve to do something nice for yourself and your gaming pals. The Surprise Package Offer gets you physical game books at PDF prices, and we will sign them if you would like us to. Spread the word.

Christmas Surprise Package at


What is a Christmas Surprise Package? A smile and a hug that comes in a box filled with signed game books from available Palladium staff and freelancers. And God knows this year continues to be so crazy, we need something fun like the Christmas Surprise Package to bring a little joy and laughter into our lives. With so many people suffering from the fallout of the pandemic and related doldrums, frustration, and in some cases, money issues, they need to escape to realms of role-playing adventures. Not to mention the huge savings and autographs available via a Palladium Christmas Surprise Package.

A Surprise Package is your way to get physical books (and autographs if you want them) for PDF prices! $95-$100+ worth of Palladium products for only $58 (plus shipping and handling)! That can nab you four or more items when these days one core rule book can cost you that alone.

These Surprise Packages are our way of saying thank you for your support and showing you our love and appreciation. It’s a surprise because you never know exactly what you’re going to get or who will sign your books, because we pick from your Wish List and may surprise you with stuff you are not expecting. Extra items may include other RPGs, sourcebooks, issues of the Rifter®, novels, miniatures, prints, art books, greeting cards, T-shirts, negatives, and other items. Some books may be slightly damaged (scuffs, scratches, dings, a crunched corner, etc.) so we can send you more.

You get a ton of stuff on the cheap, you can get a bunch of autographs (if you want ‘em), and you look like you spent a fortune. This is also a great way to try that game setting you’ve wondered about – Splicers®, Dead Reign®, Chaos Earth®, Palladium Fantasy®, Nightbane®, Systems Failure, Mechanoid Invasion®, Rifts®, After the Bomb®, etc. – or to get something for your favorite Game Master. Or perhaps, to get your player group to consider a new game or setting.

Your “Wish List” is vital – the Palladium Surprise Packages are designed to simulate the joy and surprise of the Christmas Season of Giving. To do this, you submit a list of 12-15 Palladium products (or more) FOR EACH Surprise Package you order. This list of 12-15 items for EACH Grab Bag is critical, because you will not know which items we will select to send you. That makes it just like a Christmas gift because it really is a surprise. Surrogate Santa, Kevin, personally hand-picks every item for every Grab Bag, and may toss in something extra like a limited edition print, or a negative, or similar collector’s item, or an issue of The Rifter®, or something else he thinks you’ll enjoy.

Send us your brief comments. There is a special form and format to fill out for Christmas Surprise Packages. It includes a place where you can offer your brief comments, suggestions, greetings and salutations.

First-timers are always nervous until they see the great value in their first Surprise Package. A typical Grab Bag has $95-$100+ worth of product, sometimes more! Yes, sometimes more, for only $58 plus shipping. Many people order 2-3. Some order 4-6, and some maniacs order even more! It makes sense, because it is a great way to fill holes in your own collection, treat yourself, get autographs, try new games and settings, rebuild your collection, replace worn out books, and get your gaming pals gifts you know they will love. PLEASE spread the word about this great offer.

To those of you outside the USA, the X-Mas Surprise Package is a way to get books and circumvent the damn high cost of shipping from the United States, since you are getting $95-$105 (often more) worth of product and only paying $55 plus a small handling charge. Shipping via Priority Mail International (required for packages weighing 4 or more pounds) to most locations in Europe, Canada, Australia, and many other countries is around $50-$60 US dollars. HOWEVER, because the cost of the product is so low, that’s the equivalent of paying retail for the products and only $0-$30 for shipping. A very good deal. Plus you get autographs if you want them! X-Mas Surprise Packages are the way to go for those of you outside the USA. Please take advantage of it to get all those products you’ve wished you could get except the shipping was too prohibitive. We feel your pain. Game on!

Please spread the word. The Christmas Surprise Package is only publicized by word of mouth, on Palladium’s website, and social media, so please tell everyone you know. Buy one for every gamer you know. They make astonishing gifts for every occasion.


Christmas SHIPPING Update:

30 days till Christmas Eve – but ONLY about 15 days left to order and get delivery guaranteed by Christmas via Media Mail

Those of you buying books and Christmas Surprise Packages as holiday gifts NEED to place your orders no later than the dates below to guarantee delivery in time for Christmas (by December 24) without incurring additional costs for expedited shipping. These recommendations come from the shipping companies themselves.

  • United States Postal Service: Media Mail – December 8 and even then there is no guarantee. That said, you should get packages shipped via Media Mail as late as December 14. Last year mail delivery was very good, but the US Mail seems a bit less reliable this year and we cannot guarantee delivery in time for Christmas when you use Media Mail. YOU assume ALL risk when you ship via Media Mail.
  • United States Postal Service (in USA): Priority Mail – December 15.
  • UPS Ground (anywhere in the contiguous USA) – December 15. Last year, UPS was astonishing in its speed and accuracy of shipping. Most UPS Ground packages arrive anywhere in the contiguous USA within 5 business days, often a day or two sooner.
  • UPS 3-Day Select – December 19.
  • UPS 2nd Day Air – December 20.
  • UPS Next Day Air (to arrive December 23) – December 21, remember, we need time to process and pack your order!
  • To our friends in Canada and overseas – December 6 with no guarantee. We suggest ordering no later than December 6, but SOONER is better. At this point in time, we cannot guarantee delivery in time for Christmas. Your package should arrive in time, but if there are delays at Customs, work strikes, bad weather, etc., it might miss. Order sooner rather than later. Note: Right now, we are finding overseas orders are taking 18-34 days to arrive, sometimes longer! Cost Saver: A Surprise Package mitigates overseas shipping costs – take advantage of this while you can. It is, in effect, the equivalent of getting the books you want at retail, plus autographs, and paying the equivalent of only $10-$30 for overseas shipping! MANY overseas customers take advantage of the Surprise Packages for this reason! And it is likely the ONLY way for you to get autographs. Give it a try, we don’t think you will be disappointed.
  • Any orders placed after these dates may arrive in time for Christmas but we cannot guarantee it AND you should assume they will NOT arrive in time for Christmas. Please spread the word and place those orders as soon as you can. Ho, ho, ho and happy holidays.
  • 2022 Shipping Note: As always, at Palladium, we will be working overtime and do everything we can to process orders as fast as possible to get them to you for the holidays. However, after the package leaves the Palladium warehouse, delivery is out of our hands. As we get closer to Christmas, UPS Ground and Priority Mail will be your most reliable and timely methods of shipping. Thank you for your understanding.


Closing Thoughts – Happy Thanksgiving from all of us to all of you

I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with love, family and friends, and plenty of good eats. Whether you are surrounded by throngs of family and friends or having a quiet Thanksgiving alone or with a few special people, know that we are wishing you well and thankful to have each and every one of you in our lives.

Someone recently shared these wise words with me: “At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flames with us.” – Albert Schweitzer

Good words. Life is hard. I have faced many hardships and challenges in my years, just as you have suffered through yours. But life is also good and beautiful. I want to offer my deepest gratitude to the countless souls – many of whom I scarcely know – who have rekindled my light many times. That most certainly includes the army of Palladium fans. I have been blessed all my life with amazing friends – my chosen family – the people who give me strength and courage to stand strong and persevere through thick and thin. That includes new friends like Sean, Yvonne, Larry, Johnny, Brandon, and Mike M, among others, and too many long time friends to list here.

You may not realize it, but that includes you, our fans, the members of our extended Palladium gaming family. You have no idea how many times you have rekindled our spirits, especially my own. There have been times when I am feeling low or burnt out, and I just want to give up and go home or scream or cry. And then, out of the blue, I get a message from one of you. It may come in the form of a Surprise Package comment or an email, a Help Desk message, a letter in the mail, a phone call, or an unexpected visit. The delivery system doesn’t really matter – it’s the kind words of appreciation and love that touch my heart; all our hearts. Comments and missives like the ones that appear in this Update, below. They are often sweet or funny or heartwarming. They mean the world to me and the Palladium crew, and they rekindle our energy every time.

So thank you for being there for us as customers, but especially as friends and family. You inspire us and keep the fires of our imaginations burning as much as we do yours. It’s why we do the Christmas Surprise Package offer, our way of giving back to you and saying thank you for the energy, love and friendship you give to us.

Be thankful for all you have, especially the people in your lives. Tell them you love them, how much they mean to you and keep on fighting the good fight. Please don’t let despair, or loss, or money woes push you into the abyss. Better, brighter days are ahead, and we’ll be doing everything we can to help lighten your load by bringing you games and adventures that inspire and wow. Lose yourselves in gaming fun with friends and family, and hang tough. We need you. We need each other.

It’s time to eat, drink, and be merry. Please keep Palladium Books’ Thanksgiving Weekend/Cyber-Monday (and Tuesday) Sale, our stupendous Surprise Package offer, and the final days of the Titan Robotics Kickstarter in mind while you’re stuffing yourself with delicious food, libation, and shopping for the holidays.

It is an honor and a privilege to create worlds of adventure for you. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving. Ho, ho, ho …

– Kevin Siembieda, Surrogate Santa, Gamer, Friend


Surprise Package comments from fans like you

Every year there is a section where our Surprise Package customers can offer comments and suggestions with their order. We do so because we want to know what you think, and what you want, and we appreciate your suggestions and insights. The idea to do hardcover editions of core books came from fan comments in the Grab Bags.

Every year, in acknowledgment of our fans, and because they are fun to read, we offer a sampling of these comments in the Weekly Updates. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have stuck with Palladium through thick and thin and now these new strange times. Please use our games to find escape from the pandemic and other worries. Use them to bring a little joy, laughter, and adventure to the holiday season.

I want you to know that your comments and support mean the world to all of us. Everyone at Palladium enjoys reading your brief comments and they always brighten our day. Thank you for making us smile and feel useful. As always, I have tried to write a short response [in brackets] to each comment.

These comments are just a dozen or so people and reasons for which I’m profoundly thankful. Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for your kind words.


A.C. in Sacramento, California, writes: My wife Nancy is in love with Beyond the Supernatural and my son Grayson loves Rifts®. I play weekly games alternating between Rifts® and Beyond the Supernatural. Thank you again for being a part of our family.

[That’s great, A.C. I love it when I hear about families enjoying our games. You might want to take a peek at that Titan Robotics Kickstarter, it has some very cool stuff and TR is epic. I am humbled and proud to be considered part of your family, sir, thank you. Happy holidays and keep ‘em guessing. – Kevin]


D.B. in Wesley Chapel, Florida, writes: This is a big thank you to Kevin Siembieda. A long time ago, you, Erick, and Maryann took the time in the middle of a hotel at DragonCon to sit with a young fan and answer questions about Rifts®, Robotech®, the Palladium game system, and even shared some behind the scenes artwork and information about the books to come. You spent an hour sitting on the floor chatting with me. At the time I was thrilled to meet all of you, share some gaming stories and learn what I could. Now as I have gotten older and understand better how much that time was really worth, I just want to say thank you. I will forever cherish that memory and moment in time. Merry Christmas to you and all at Palladium Books.

[Thank you for sharing that memory with us, D.B. I learned a long time ago that people and nice moments like the one you describe are what’s most important in life. It’s memories of such moments that make you smile and all warm and fuzzy inside. That’s why at Palladium Books we have always tried to put our fans first. We genuinely care about you and cherish such moments too. Merry Christmas. – Kevin]


B.C. in Spring, Texas, writes (in part): I’m new to Palladium (one year and a previous Surprise Package), but I’m nuts for Palladium Fantasy … I’ve become absolutely bonkers for Palladium Fantasy RPG® and would like everything ever written for it on my bookshelf … The cornucopia of Palladium is inexhaustible …

I’m a long-time gamer, but somehow I only discovered Palladium a year ago like some nerdy Rip Van Winkle … I’m so glad I did! Was real magic used in the creation of your books, because I have failed to save! … as a newcomer to the Palladium game system, I find the game mechanics fun and easy to use. I just don’t think Palladium Fantasy, for example, would have the same feeling of wonder and danger if converted to another mechanic. There’s something so vivid, creative, and charming about the setting and all of Palladium’s books. Thanks to all.

[Welcome to the Palladium Megaverse B.C., you are now part of the Palladium family and we are glad to have you with us. We are deeply humbled by your kind words of praise. We put our hearts and souls into every book, so we love to receive heartfelt comments like yours. We hope you continue to enjoy our books from many years to come. – Kevin]


F.U. in Hoechberg, Bavaria, Germany, writes: It simply isn’t Christmas without your Grab Bags! I love that you keep supporting Palladium Fantasy®. I’ve been looking forward to reading about the Land of the South Winds for ages, and I’m super excited about you reprinting the Original FRPG. It is still my favourite game after all those years. Your creativity always blows me away. Kevin, you are the best!

[Ah, shucks. Thank you F.U., I appreciate your kind words. I get it, Palladium Fantasy® is the game that truly launched the company and it will always be a personal favorite of mine as well. I love the setting. The Raw Edition is just a first run at the region. I’ll be dividing that material in half and adding a bunch to each South Winds book. Enjoy and game on. – Kevin]


B.W. in Barnstaple, Evon, Great Britain, writes (in part): How much does Palladium Books mean to me? After a bit of a hiatus (doesn’t life always seem to get in the way?) I am playing once a week with my three lifelong friends … It’s something that keeps us close and involved in each other’s lives and adds even more fun and adventure to our worlds. So how much does Palladium Books mean to me? It means everything! Thank you.

[Wow. Thank you, B.W. Palladium means everything to us too, and that includes our amazing fans, like you. We are humbled by your generous words. Game on and happy holidays. – Kevin]


J.F. in Kingsport, Tennessee, writes: I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you for all the years of great gaming you have given me. I have been playing and reading Rifts® books for 30 years now and it just keeps getting better and better. You sir, are the George Lucas/Steven Spielberg of the gaming world. Thank you for all the hard work and care that you put into every book. Happy holidays and best wishes to gaming’s premier game master, Kevin Siembieda.

[Wow, J.F. I am humbled to be put in the same class as Lucas and Spielberg, two of my heroes and inspirations. I do indeed put care and hard work in every book. I love world building, characters and story. Funny, Erick Wujcik used to call me the Steven Spielberg of gaming, so I am deeply touched. Thanks again for the high compliment. Happy holidays to you and yours and please, keep your imagination burning bright. – Kevin]


M.C. in Happy Valley, Oregon, writes (in part): The first RPG I ever played was Palladium Fantasy. I then got into Heroes Unlimited, and it became my main game. I have most of the HU books, first and second editions. I just started collecting Palladium Fantasy for the first time since I was a kid … Excited to get back into it. I have also been very interested in After the Bomb® … I am super pumped for this [Surprise Package]. My RPG friends suggested it and it sounds like a fantastic deal. I want to use this stuff to get my D&D friends into Palladium.

[Hey M.C., you will not be disappointed with your Surprise Package. Enjoy and welcome back to the Palladium Fantasy RPG. Good luck luring your D&D buddies into the exciting Palladium setting. – Kevin]


T.G. in Jackson, Michigan, writes: A billion thanks to Kevin, Sean, and the entire Palladium crew! I hope you all have an outstanding Thanksgiving! The X-Mas Surprise Package has become such a part of my Holiday traditions, I just can’t tell you how much I enjoy being able to participate each year! Until next time, I’ll be dreaming of Shemarrians …

[Right back at you, T.G., and thanks for the rekindling. See, this is exactly what I mean. Awesome. We are humbled and delighted our work and the Surprise Packages bring so much joy. Shemarrians, ride! – Kevin]


K.H. in Dacula, Georgia, writes (in part): Been reading a ton of Rifts® this year. Finally, gave the novels a shot, and was pleasantly surprised … Also read Duty’s Edge, Will Erwin did a great job. And you guys really knocked my socks off with that section on the Glitter Boys in The Rifter® #85. Also read Machinations of Doom, Tales of the Chi-Town ‘Burbs and Path of the Storm. Great stuff and that doesn’t count all the game books that I read or brushed up on.

So looking forward to more. Please get us more novels and short story collections. Seems like a comic book mini-series is WAY overdue. Maybe you can lure Freddie Williams III or Ramon K. Perez back for it. Keep up the great work, guys. Merry Christmas!

[Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to you, K.H. I don’t know, Freddie and Ramon are big time comic book artists and very busy these days, but I like the way you think. A couple of new novels are in the works, but will not see release anytime soon. Ooops, I probably shouldn’t have mentioned that. Don’t tell my business partner Sean that I spilled the beans. – Kevin]


B.T. in Oceanside, California, writes: I’m a Navy brat and started reading TMNT® in Gurnee, Illinois in 1990. Then Rifts® came out and I bought just about everything for 10 years. Read them all but never played. Moved a ton as a kid. Joined the Navy myself and have since traveled the world. Also started actually playing RPGS with friends. Got back into Palladium in the last few years and have consumed Palladium Fantasy®. Keep coming back to Rifts® though, rereading the ARCHIE plots and Coalition War Campaign. They are such compelling stories and characters and I can play a way more nuanced game with it now. Thank you for building these worlds.

[Hi B.T., welcome back to the Palladium Megaverse! I’m glad you’re enjoying creating new, epic adventures. I hope you enjoy seeing those stories continue in Coalition Manhunters and Titan Robotics. Keep that imagination burning bright. – Kevin]


P.F. in Clarksville, Tennessee, writes: Lifelong fan. Appreciate all you’ve done. I’m getting closer to that 100% complete collection of game books. After that hoping to acquire all The Rifters® and out of print/licensed books. Even managed to snag a copy of Rifts® Manhunter. The great Prize will be Justice Machine.

[Hey P.F. I assume when you say Rifts® Manhunter you mean the 1990s RPG by Myrmidon Press, not the new Rifts® Coalition Manhunters which is completely different. Justice Machine, which is based on the original, independent comic book by Mike Gustovich is super-rare so good luck on that one. Only 6,000 copies printed. Good luck and game on. – Kevin]


B.H. in Richardson, Texas, writes: I am very excited for the future of Palladium Books! I am an old fan that only had a few books, but am looking to get back into the Megaversal system because of Titan Robotics Kickstarter.

[Thank you for your support B.H. and welcome back to the Megaverse®. We think you’ll be very pleased with everything yet come. Big plans. Great product. New realms of adventure. – Kevin]


V.W. in Boyertown, Pennsylvania, writes: Keep up the good work. Amazing people, amazing production. Be safe and enjoy family and friends this holiday season, please, all of you deserve it.

[Wise words V.W., thank you so much. We’ll try. Please do the same. – Kevin]


J.R. in McHenry, Illinois, writes: Long live Palladium! From your favorite volunteer.

[This is why you are our favorite. lol. Happy Holidays. – Kevin]


© 2022 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

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