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Palladium Books® – Weekly Update – December 29, 2022

Weekly Update Opening Graphic

One game system – every genre – countless worlds – endless adventure – Mega Bundles & More

By Kevin Siembieda

The New Year is just around the corner. We like you and wish you only the best, so please party responsibly and drive safely. It is often the other guy you need to worry about, so please stay vigilant and safe. As I do with this cluster of holidays, I try to keep the Weekly Update brief and fun. That means an extra heaping of Fan Comments from the Comment section of Christmas Surprise Packages right after my Closing Thoughts. Enjoy.

LAST weekend to get these Rifts® Bundles of Holding at unprecedented holiday prices – All Rifts® Bundles END Monday night, January 2, 2023

This is the best Rifts® bargain ever offered by Bundle of Holding. 18 Rifts PDF books (7 core books and 11 Sourcebooks, including Sourcebooks 1-4, Conversion Books 1-3, Rifts® Bestiary Volume One, Black Market and more!) – $200 worth of PDF books for under $43. It may sound like a New Year’s miracle, but it’s true when you get the Rifts Core Mega Bundle of Holding: Corebook Collection and Sourcebook Collection. Just think how many gaming hours these bundles provide. You’ll need to act soon though, because the Bundle Sale is over Monday night. Spread the word.

Rifts Core Mega Bundle of Holding


There’s more! The Rifts® Land and Sea Bundle of Holding nets you 14 epic World Books (Rifts® Underseas, Atlantis, Splynn Dimensional Market, Secrets of the Atlanteans, Lemuria, Japan, Russia, England, and much more) – $174 worth of PDF titles for under $38 when you get both the Atlantean Collection and the Nations Collection. That’s almost 2,800 pages of cross-dimensional globetrotting adventure for an unbeatable bargain price. These are among some of the most iconic and fan-fave Rifts® settings available. Incredible, right? Plus you help a worthy gaming charity. Sale ends Monday night.

Rifts Land and Sea Bundle of Holding


FINAL Days – Savage Rifts® Double Feature crowdfunder by Pinnacle Entertainment offers new Rifts® maps, “pawns” (cardboard minis), adventures, and an official, updated time line for South America with the Land of a Thousand Islands world book. Plus, adventure in the New West with the Terror on the Dark Frontier campaign box set. It is all great stuff that can be incorporated into your Palladium Rifts® games should you so desire, and vice versa. But you need to act soon, because this crowdfunder ENDS January 6, 2023.

Savage Rifts Crowdfunder


Check out the NEW Heroes Unlimited Christmas Special and the recent Cozy Caverns Beyond the Supernatural RPG adventure podcasts from the creative minds at – now through the end of the year. John and company, sorry, with everything going on I forgot to hype up your new, wonderful, Heroes Unlimited Christmas Special. But hey everyone, there’s still time for you to enjoy it. These fun podcasts are created by Palladium fans like you!

Real Play Games Pod


Christmas Grab Bags

Christmas Surprise Package offer – Ends January 17, 2023

Ensure the New Year is filled with adventure across the Megaverse® with one (or more) Christmas Surprise Packagesphysical books at PDF prices. But time is running out. You can only get them now because we have extended the offer into the New Year. Order now before you forget and miss out. Ends January 17, 2023.

It has become tradition to extend the Christmas Surprise Package Offer through the end of December and into the New Year for those of you who were too busy with Christmas to get one or two for yourself, can’t afford one until after Christmas, and for you Johnny-Come-Latelys (it’s okay but order soon). Oh, and now you can ship via the less expensive method of Media Mail because you do not need it for a deadline.

What is a Palladium Surprise Package? $96-$100+ worth of physical products for only $58 plus shipping. Heck, these days you pay that for one core rule book, but a Surprise Package gets you 4-6 books for the price of one rule book. And if you request it, Kevin Siembieda and available staff will happily sign each book for you. For many fans this is the only way to get an autographed book. No other game company in the world offers a deal like this.

Christmas Surprise Package at


You can “request” anything Palladium sells on your Wish List, but it doesn’t mean you’ll get it, so make sure we get a nice, long Wish List of 12-15 items (or more), and not just all hardcovers either. Remember, hardcovers that normally cost $34-$45 each have a $50 value when requested in the Surprise Package. Get complete Christmas Surprise Package details at and enjoy.

Are you looking to build your collection of physical books or looking to try new world settings on the cheap? Get a Surprise Package to try any number of Palladium’s RPG settings: Rifts®, Chaos Earth®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited, Dead Reign® (zombies), Nightbane® (super-hero horror), After the Bomb® (mutant animals), The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy (science fiction), Beyond the Supernatural (modern horror), and other worlds of adventure via a Surprise Package.

A Surprise Package (and/or any of the Bundles of Holding) makes a great gift for birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, and any gift-giving occasion. Start the New Year off right gaming your way throughout the long, cold winter on the cheap. Ho, ho, ho.

Please spread the word. The Christmas Surprise Package is only publicized by word of mouth, on Palladium’s website, and in social media, so please tell everyone you know. Buy one for every gamer you know. They make astonishing gifts for every occasion. Only from – happy holidays. Offer ends January 17, 2023, and will NOT be extended further. Don’t miss out, or you’ll have to wait till next Christmas.

Christmas Surprise Package at


UPDATED List of RPG Hardcovers Available Now


Palladium Books® Check List of “Recent Releases” – all available now


NEW on – Free Sneak Preview of Creature Feature and much more.

FREE Creature Feature™ Preview provides you a glimpse of what you will find in this epic book. There also FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles. Those are just some of the 300+ Palladium RPG titles available as PDF books.

No other game company offers game worlds for so many different genres. Best of all, learn and play one Palladium RPG and you can play them all, because each uses the same basic core rules and combat. There are differences, but the fundamentals are the same. This also means you can bring characters, villains, monsters, powers, magic, weapons, gear, and adventure ideas from one setting into another or mash them together!

DriveThruRPG offers most of our 300+ Palladium RPG titles as PDF books, making it easy and inexpensive to try out one of our many games. Also check out the FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Coalition Manhunters, Northern Gun 1 & 2, Hell Followed, and select other titles.


Closing Thoughts

I think most of us have suffered loss or painful challenges over the last few crazy years. Loss may have been a friend or loved one, a job, a home, or any number of things. I understand, because we have suffered our share of losses and have faced many challenges, but please don’t despair. We aren’t. At Palladium Books, we are looking at the future with excitement.

Despite our losses – there have been several over the last three years, dear Julius Rosenstein being just the most recent – and despite continuing challenges, we are full of optimism and passion for our work. We have big plans for Palladium’s future. There are some days that Sean and I are practically giddy with excitement. We’re not leaving our future in the hands of Fate, either; we are taking bold, decisive action and making things happen! Stuff that should make you happy and breed excitement. We are working toward positive growth with a focus on spreading fun and joy.

We encourage you to do likewise. Try not to let the state of our economy, politics, and the world bring you down. There are always terrible things happening someplace. Our hearts go out to those of you clobbered by the recent winter storm that has buried poor Buffalo, New York, and other communities, and stranded thousands at airports. There is a lot of trouble and turmoil across the globe, but most of us here in the USA have it pretty darn good. We have our complaints, frustrations, and obstacles, but they are all things we can survive, push through and overcome. Remember that.

Please don’t lose your passion for gaming, creating, and life. Yes, life is hard, but it is also beautiful and filled with wonder. Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed by negative chatter and crap you can’t control. Focus on what you have control over. Focus on ways you can make a positive difference for yourself and those around you. It doesn’t matter if that difference is small, medium, or large. And remember, you matter! You are important. Take care of yourself, physically and emotionally. There was a time I had forgotten that, and my health, Palladium, and the people around me suffered for it. A few years ago, everything began to get better when I began to remember and accept that I was important, had value, and couldn’t let others steal my joy. It changed my whole outlook. It made me positive, proactive, and happier. That, in turn, made everyone around me feel better and more positive.

I was lucky, I had friends to remind me of who I am. That I’m important. I hope to be that friend reminding you if you need it, that you are important; more important than you may think. You’re important to me and everyone at Palladium Books, and that’s not nothing. You’re important to lots and lots of people in ways you may not realize. So please, when you are feeling down, do something nice for yourself. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Maybe it’s treating yourself to a bowl of ice cream or reading a good book or RPG. Maybe it’s playing a game with a few friends, rolling up a new character, working on your campaign, taking time to watch a movie or call a friend, or just hanging out with someone you love. There are a thousand things you can do to allow yourself to catch a breath and experience something joyful and comforting. Please do it.

Here’s one for you, be positive about Palladium Books and our future. I promise, if all goes well, we’ll be giving you a lot to be happy about throughout 2023. Be thankful for the people you love, the hobby you love, the pets you love and play with, and everything that you love and brings you joy. Joy is important, but finding and holding onto it can be tricky. Happiness is all too fleeting. So deliberately search for the things that bring you joy and do them, embrace them, engage in them regularly, and revel in them, even if they are momentary, silly, or flat out dumb. It’s about the people and the warm, joyful moments in your life that will give you respite and recharge your battery.

I’m smiling as I write these Closing Thoughts, because I’m thinking about all the things that make me happy. The many little things that bring me joy: Watching the birds, tossing peanuts out the kitchen window to feed the squirrels at home (there’s a million of them and they’re all characters), talking with Sean and other creators about writing and game design and plans for Palladium’s growth. Most things gaming are a joy for me too (playing, running, writing, daydreaming ideas, etc.), as are drawing, taking a walk, eating popcorn, enjoying my Mom’s poppy-seed cake made by my sweet Kathy, time spent with Kathy and friends even when we’re not doing anything special, talking to my daughter, having a job I love, our army of fans and the kind things you do and say; the list goes on and on. It is moments like this, as I write Closing Thoughts, that make me feel warm and fuzzy and happy. It’s a nice reminder that I have a darn good life and should feel happy about it. Do I wish I had more money, more time off, less work and hundreds of other things? Yes. But my life is good and I can feel that goodness and joy right here, right now. Part of that joy is you. I’m thinking of you and all the people that make my life so rich and delightful. You are a big part of that crunchy goodness, because you ARE important and special to me. To us. Thank you for being part of my beautiful world.

Stay positive, snag some last minute gaming deals and get in a little rest and fun over the weekend if you can. The New Year is going to be grand for Palladium, and I hope for all of us. Let’s all do our part to make it so. Peace.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Friend, & Surrogate Santa Claus


Surprise Package comments from fans like you

Every year there is a section where our Surprise Package customers can offer comments and suggestions with their order. We do so because we want to know what you think, and what you want, and we appreciate your suggestions and insights. The idea to do hardcover editions of core books came from fan comments in the Grab Bags.

Every year, in acknowledgment of our fans, and because they are fun to read, we offer a sampling of these comments in the Weekly Updates. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have stuck with Palladium through thick and thin and now these new strange times. Please use our games to find escape from the pandemic and other worries. Use them to bring a little joy, laughter, and adventure to the holiday season.

I want you to know that your comments and support mean the world to all of us. Everyone at Palladium enjoys reading your brief comments and they always brighten our day. Thank you for making us smile and feel useful. As always, I have tried to write a short response [in brackets] to each comment. Happy holidays.


P.N. in Portland, Oregon, writes (in part): Returning to Rifts® after many years away to start new sessions with friends.

[Welcome back, P.N., have good times exploring the Megaverse with your friends. – Kevin]


J.P. in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, writes: Thank you for doing this [Surprise Package]. I’m rebuilding my collection now that I’ve been playing for 30 years and have the money. 15 year old me is quite excited.

[You are welcome J.P., and 15 year old Kevin says you are gonna love your Surprise Package and all the cool stuff coming in 2023 and beyond. – Kevin]


D.M. in Lake Forest, California, writes: I’m happy to be back getting into the hobby with Palladium again. Rifts® was my true first RPG session as D&D never got off the ground in my area. I used to have a first printing of the original Rifts® RPG and wore it away to nothing. We used to play every Friday after school for several years. After seeing the picture schematics for the Glitter Boy for the first time, I was instantly hooked. Can’t wait to try to catch that feeling again! Thanks for this offer. It’s a great way to celebrate the holidays.

[I hope the Surprise Package helps you to recapture that old feeling of RPG fun again, D.M. Have fun with it and game on. – Kevin]


B.M.H.B. in Arizona City, Arizonia, writes: Love the Palladium system! It makes more sense to me than D&D. And I love the fact I’m not stuck in one setting/genre for a system I love. I can play any type of theme without trying to learn new rules. Thanks for such a great system and such information to really flesh out the worlds I visit.

[Thank you B.M.H.B., we think so too. lol. Enjoy your travels across the Megaverse®. – Kevin]


E.A. in Lacey, Washington, writes: The worlds created for Phase World have given our group 4 years of enjoyment with the same campaign. We have traveled to Rifts Earth several times, along with Century Station. Thank you for the worlds Palladium Books has created. For the last two years, during the fall, we play Nightbane® and Dead Reign®. Both are creepy, dangerous and WONDERFUL worlds to get lost in.

[It sounds like you and your gaming group are enjoying a lot of game time, E.A., that’s awesome. May all your adventures be fruitful as you continue to explore the Megaverse into the New Year. – Kevin]


R.D. in Phoenix, Arizona, writes: I love that you all are doing this [Surprise Package] every year. I had stepped away from gaming for a long time. When the pandemic hit, my family renewed their interest in various games, and an old high school friend moved nearby which doubled the interest in TTRPG. You helped me get my family into Heroes Unlimited and Palladium Fantasy last year. Now I want to expand their exposure to Beyond the Supernatural and other games of the Megaverse®. Thank you all for the love you have for the games and your fans. Happy holidays! May you find continued success. Cheers!

[Thank you for your kind words R.D. I hope you and your friends and family continue to the enjoy the Palladium Megaverse. Game on and happy holidays. – Kevin]


C.P. in Joplin, Missouri, writes: I remember playing Heroes Unlimited 30 years ago in high school. Recently, been getting the itch to find a group and bring that game back to the table.

[Scratch that itch C.P., I love playing Heroes Unlimited. – Kevin]


R.D. in Jermyn, Pennsylvania, writes: Is it really this time of year again?! Wow, that went fast! Congratulations on your new projects. I’m looking forward to the results of your successful Kickstarter! Looks awesome. I’m also sorry to hear of Mr. Rosenstein’s passing. I never got to meet him, but I know he will be missed by many. Despite that terrible news, I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

[Merry Christmas to you R.D. Yes, Julius is sorely missed, but he’s here with us in spirit along with Erick Wujcik, my Dad, and many others who are guiding us into the future. The fulfillment of the Titan Robotics Kickstarter is going to rock. And wait till you see what else is coming — good health and God-willing, 2023 should be exciting and fun. – Kevin]


P.M. in San Antonio, Texas, writes (in part): It’s been a few years since I ordered an X-Mas Surprise package, but I was always super-happy with them in the past … By the way I’m really sorry to hear about Julius Rosenstein. Palladium Books has been a part of my life since I was a kid in the 1990s, so it’s really heartbreaking to hear about a tragedy befallen on one of my favorite gaming companies. Despite the tragic news, I hope the Palladium family has a wonderful holiday season. Merry Christmas!

[Thanks P.M., the loss of Julius made the holidays bittersweet, but they were quite nice. Thank you. Happy New Year and game on. – Kevin]


I.X. in Rumford, Rhode Island, writes: I own them all. Keep doing what you’re doing. These Surprise Packages keep getting better and better. This is my second one this year, and I grabbed four last year. Great deal. So sorry about Julius. He’ll be missed.

[We aim to please, I.X., and yes, Julius will be missed, though I’m sure he’ll be keeping a watchful eye over us. – Kevin]


S.K. in Revere, Massachusetts, writes: Just starting out with Palladium Fantasy. Anything to help run a campaign. Thanks we love these bundles.

[Trust your gut and have fun, S.K., and you’ll you be fine. The game advice in the Rifts® Adventure Guide, Heroes Unlimited G.M. Guide, and various other books can be applied to any setting. Enjoy. – Kevin]


J.T. in Athens, Alabama, writes: I started playing Rifts® in high school. Fast forward a few years I played while I was in the Navy and fast forward [to today] I still play Rifts® with my Navy Buddies via discord and online. The game has brought us together time and time again and strengthened our friendships. For that you can’t put a price on. Palladium Books is hands down the best gaming system I have ever played. Thanks for the amazing worlds we have gotten to explore and keep them coming.

[You’ve got it, J.T., we’ll keep ‘em coming. And boy, oh boy, do we have some amazing worlds coming in the years ahead. – Kevin]


C.M. in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, writes: I loved your games growing up and recently got a blast of nostalgia listening to the Glitterbois podcast. I’m super-excited for the Christmas Package to read some of the things I was anticipating back in the 1990s and get a game going with friends.

[Thank you and enjoy, C.M. We appreciate the growing number of podcasts doing interviews with us and releasing material based on Palladium’s games. Keep those imaginations burning and spread the word about the Palladium Megaverse®! – Kevin]


A.K. in Sacramento, California, writes: Favorites, really they all are. You guys are my heroes in the gaming world. It’s a fun lil’ system. Make more content for Revised RECON®, more modern conflict stuff.

[Glad you enjoy our work, A.K. We don’t have any immediate plans for RECON, but who knows what the future holds? Hmm, okay, I guess we know, but we’re not telling. Happy New Year. – Kevin]


M.W. in Portland, Oregon, writes: If you’re asking for product ideas, I’d love to see a Lord Splynncryth plush doll. I’m told they sell them in the Splynn Dimensional Market right next to the Antique Weapons Dealer. Also some Arena of Champions Season Tickets. Hopefully the Gargoyles will have a better season this year. Oh, and where do I get a Megaversal Passport? The office wants to send me to Dyval next month to renegotiate some contracts.

[Um … gee, M.W. … uh, thanks for those questions and ideas. Good luck on your visits to Splynn and Dyval. And we always appreciate suggestions for new product. – Kevin]


T.G. in Jackson, Michigan, writes: Much love and all the best in 2023!

[The same to you T.G., and to everyone in the Palladium family. – Kevin]


© 2022 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc.; Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Garden of the Gods, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Psychic Scream, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

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