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Online Invocation Index for Rifts® Book of Magic™

Hey, we thought gamers could use this alphabetical index to quickly find and use the gazillion Invocations (Wizard/Ley Line Walker spells) presented in the Rifts® Book of Magic™, so here you are.

Alphabetical Index of Wizard Invocations for the Rifts® Book of Magic™


Agony (20) – pg. 114
Amulet (290+) – pg. 143
Animate/Control Dead (20) – pg. 114
Annihilate (600) – pg. 150
Anti-Magic Cloud (140) – pg. 138
Apparition (20) – pg. 110
Armorbane (100) – pg. 132
Armor Bizarre (15) – pg. 104
Armor of Ithan (10) – pg. 96
Astral Hole (120) – pg. 138
Astral Projection (10) – pg. 99
Aura of Death (12) – pg. 104
Aura of Doom (40) – pg. 126
Aura of Power (4) – pg. 93


Ballistic Fire (25) – pg. 115
Banishment (65) – pg. 132
Barrage (15) – pg. 110
Beat Insurmountable Odds (70) – pg. 126
Befuddle (6) – pg. 93
Blind (6) – pg. 99
Blinding Flash (1) – pg. 91
Bottomless Pit (100) – pg. 139
Breathe Without Air (5) – pg. 96


Calling (8) – pg. 104
Call Lightning (15) – pg. 111
Calm Storms (200) – pg. 143
Carpet of Adhesion (10) – pg. 99
Chameleon (6) – pg. 93
Charismatic Aura (10) – pg. 99
Charm (12) – pg. 104
Chromatic Protection (10) – pg. 100
Circle of Flame (10) – pg. 104
Circle of Travel (600) – pg. 152
Cleanse (6) – pg. 93
Climb (3) – pg. 93
Cloak of Darkness (6) – pg. 93
Close Rift (200+) – pg. 150
Cloud of Smoke (2) – pg. 91
Collapse (70-400) – pg. 147
Commune with Spirits (25) – pg. 119
Compulsion (20) – pg. 111
Concealment (6) – pg. 93
Constrain Being (20) – pg. 115
Control/Enslave Entity (80) – pg. 132
Create Golem (700 or 1000) – pg. 147
Create Magic Scroll (100) – pg. 140
Create Mummy (160) – pg. 139
Create Steel (68) – pg. 127
Create Water (15) – pg. 111
Create Wood (10-20) – pg. 96
Create Zombie (250) – pg. 144
Crushing Fist (12) – pg. 111
Cure Illness (15) – pg. 111
Cure Minor Disorders (10) – pg. 100
Curse: Phobia (40) – pg. 127
Curse of the World Bizarre (100) – pg. 140


Death Curse (Special) – pg. 104
Death Trance (1) – pg. 91
Deathword (70) – pg. 132
Deflect (10) – pg. 100
D-Step (50) – pg. 127
Desiccate the Supernatural (50) – pg. 127
Detect Concealment (6) – pg. 94
Disharmonize (150) – pg. 140
Dimensional Portal (1000) – pg. 152
Dimensional Teleport (800) – pg. 152
Dispel Magic Barriers (20) – pg. 115
Distant Voice (10) – pg. 105
Domination (10) – pg 105
Dragon Fire (40) – pg. 128


Electric Arc (8) – pg. 100
Enchant Weapon (400 to 1000+) – pg. 152
Enemy Mind (100) – pg. 133
Energize Spell (12+) – pg. 111
Energy Bolt (5) – pg. 96
Energy Disruption (12) – pg. 106
Energy Field (10) – pg. 101
Energy Sphere (120) – pg. 140
Ensorcel (400) – pg. 144
Escape (8) – pg. 106
Exorcism (30) – pg. 119
Expel Demons (35) – pg. 120
Extinguish Fire (4) – pg. 94
Eyes of Thoth (8) – pg. 106
Eyes of the Wolf (25) – pg. 120


Familiar Link (55) – pg. 128
Fear (5) – pg. 94
Featherlight (10) – pg. 106
Fingers of Wind (5) – pg. 96
Fireblast (8) – pg. 101
Firequake (160) – pg. 141
Fire Ball (10) – pg. 111
Fire Blossom (20) – pg. 111
Fire Bolt (7) – pg. 101
Fire Globe (40) – pg. 120
Fire Gout (20) – pg. 115
Fist of Fury (10 or 50) – pg. 101
Float in Air (5) – pg. 96
Fly (15) – pg. 106
Fly as the Eagle (25) – pg. 115
Fool’s Gold (10) – pg. 101
Forcebonds (25) – pg. 120
Fortify Against Disease (15) – pg. 112
Fuel Flame (5) – pg. 96
Frequency Jamming (15) – pg. 112
Frostblade (15) – pg. 112


Giant (80) – pg. 133
Globe of Daylight (2) – pg. 91
Globe of Silence (20) – pg. 115
Greater Healing (30) – pg. 121


Hallucination (30) – pg. 121
Havoc (70) – pg. 133
Heavy Air (200) – pg. 144
Heavy Breathing (5) – pg. 94
Heal Self (20) – pg. 116
Heal Wounds (10) – pg. 106
Horrific Illusion (10) – pg. 106
Horror (10) – pg. 106
House of Glass (12) – pg. 107


Ice (15) – pg. 112
Id Alter Ego (130) – pg. 141
Id Barrier (600) – pg. 151
Ignite Fire (6) – pg. 97
Illusion Booster (15) – pg. 112
Illusion Manipulation (25-60) – pg. 128
Illusory Forest (45-90) – pg. 133
Illusory Terrain (55-120) – pg. 141
Illusory Wall (15 or 30) – pg. 112
Impenetrable Wall of Force (600) – pg. 151
Impervious to Energy (20) – pg. 113
Impervious to Fire (5) – pg. 97
Impervious to Poison (5) – pg. 97
Implosion Neutralizer (12) – pg. 107
Instill Knowledge (15) – pg. 108
Invincible Armor (30) – pg. 121
Invisibility: Simple (6) – pg. 97
Invisibility: Superior (20) – pg. 116
Invulnerability (25) – pg. 116
Influence the Beast (12) – pg 107
Ironwood (50+) – pg. 145


Lantern Light (1) – pg. 92
Levitation (5) – pg. 94
Ley Line Fade (20) – pg. 116
Ley Line Ghost (80) – pg. 134
Ley Line Phantom (40) – pg. 129
Ley Line Restoration (800) – pg. 153
Ley Line Shutdown (3000) – pg. 153
Ley Line Storm Defense (180) – pg. 141
Ley Line Tendril Bolts (26) – pg. 121
Ley Line Time Capsule (15) – pg. 121
Ley Line Time Flux (80) – pg. 129
Ley Line Transmission (30) – pg. 101
Lifeblast (15) – pg. 108
Lifeward (40) – pg. 121
Life Drain (25) – pg. 117
Life Source (2 +Special) – pg. 97
Light Healing (6) – pg. 97
Light Target (6) – pg. 97
Lightblade (20) – pg. 117
Lightning Arc (30) – pg. 122
Locate (30) – pg. 122
Luck Curse (40) – pg. 122


Magic Net (7) – pg. 101
Magic Pigeon (20) – pg. 113
Magical-Adrenal Rush (45) – pg. 122
Magic Shield (6) – pg. 97
Magic Warrior (60) – pg. 135
Manipulate Objects (2+) – pg. 94
Mask of Deceit (15) – pg. 113
Memory Bank (12) – pg. 113
Mend the Broken (10+) – pg. 108
Mental Blast (15) – pg. 109
Mental Shock (30) – pg. 117
Metamorphosis: Animal (25) – pg. 117
Metamorphosis: Human (40) – pg. 122
Metamorphosis: Insect (60) – pg. 129
Metamorphosis: Mist (250) – pg. 145
Metamorphosis: Superior (100) – pg. 135
Meteor (75) – pg. 135
Mindshatter (130) – pg. 142
Minor Curse (35) – pg. 122
Multiple Image (7) – pg. 102
Mute (50) – pg. 130
Mystic Alarm (5) – pg. 95
Mystic Fulcrum (5) – pg. 98
Mystic Portal (60) – pg. 135


Negate Magic (30) – pg. 123
Negate Mechanics (20) – pg. 118
Negate Poison/Toxin (5) – pg. 98
Null Sphere (220) – pg. 145


Oracle (30) – pg. 123
Orb of Cold (6) – pg. 98


Paralysis: Lesser (5) – pg. 98
Phantom Mount (45) – pg. 130
Plane Skip (65) – pg. 135
Power Bolt (20) – pg. 113
Power Weapon (35) – pg. 123
Protection Circle: Simple (45) – pg. 130
Protection Circle: Superior (300) – pg. 148
Purge Other (100) – pg. 136
Purge Self (70) – pg. 130
Purification (Food/Water) (20) – pg. 118


Reality Flux (75) – pg. 136
Realm of Chaos (70) – pg. 130
Reduce Self (20) – pg. 113
Reflection (7) – pg. 102
Remove Curse (140) – pg. 142
Re-Open Gateway (180) – pg. 142
Repel Animals (7) – pg. 102
Resist Fire (6) – pg. 98
Restoration (750) – pg. 151
Restore Life (275) – pg. 148
Restore Limb (80) – pg. 136
Resurrection (650) – pg. 151
Ricochet Strike (12) – pg. 102
Rift to Limbo (160) – pg. 142
Rift Teleportation (200) – pg. 142
Rift Triangular Defense System (840) – pg. 151


Sanctum (390) – pg. 149
Seal (7) – pg. 102
Second Sight (20) – pg. 118
See Aura (6) – pg. 92
See in Magic Darkness (125) – pg. 143
See the Invisible (4) – pg. 92
See Wards (20) – pg.118
Sense Evil (2) – pg. 92
Sense Magic (4) – pg. 92
Shadow Meld (10) – pg. 103
Shadow Wall (400) – pg. 149
Shatter (5) – pg. 95
Sheltering Force (20) – pg. 114
Shockwave (45) – pg. 123
Sickness (50) – pg. 124
Sleep (10) – pg. 109
Sonic Blast (25) – pg. 119
Sorcerous Fury (70) – pg. 124
Soultwist (170) – pg. 145
Speed of the Snail (50) – pg.131
Speed Weapon (100) – pg. 136
Spinning Blades (20) – pg. 119
Spoil (Water/Food) (30) pg. 124
Stone to Flesh (30) – pg. 125
Sub-Particle Acceleration (20) – pg. 119
Summon & Control Animals (125) – pg. 143
Summon & Control Canines (50) – pg. 131
Summon & Control Entity (250) – pg. 146
Summon & Control Rain (200) – pg. 146
Summon & Control Rodents (70) – pg. 136
Summon & Control Sea Serpents (350) – pg. 151
Summon & Control Storm (300) – pg. 149
Summon Ally (600) – pg. 153
Summon Fog (140) – pg. 143
Summon Greater Familiar (80) – pg. 136
Summon Lesser Being (425) – pg. 149
Summon Ley Line Storm (500) – pg. 146
Summon Shadow Beast (140) – pg. 137
Super-Healing (70) – pg. 137
Superhuman Endurance (12) – pg. 109
Superhuman Strength (10) – pg. 109
Superhuman Speed (10) – pg. 109
Sustain (12) – pg. 109
Swallowing Rift (300) – pg. 146
Swap Places (300) – pg. 149
Swim as a Fish (6) – pg. 103
Swim as a Fish: Superior (12) – pg. 109
Swords to Snakes (50) – pg. 131


Talisman (500) – pg. 150
Tame Beast (60) – pg. 131
Targeted Deflection (15) – pg. 114
Teleport: Lesser (15) – pg. 114
Teleport: Superior (600) – pg. 153
Time Hole (210) – pg. 146
Time Slip (20) – pg. 114
Telekinesis (8) – pg. 98
Thunderclap (4) – pg. 93
Throwing Stones (5) – pg. 95
Tongues (12) – pg. 114
Trance (10) – pg. 103
Transferal (50) – pg. 131
Transformation (2000) – pg. 153
Turn Dead (6) – pg. 95


Void (700) – pg. 154


Wall of Defense (55) – pg. 132
Wall of Not (70) – pg. 137
Wall of Wind (40) – pg. 125
Wall of the Weird (180) – pg. 147
Wards (90) – pg. 138
Warped Space (90) – pg. 138
Watchguard (10) – pg. 103
Water to Wine (40) – pg. 132
Wave of Frost (6) – pg. 98
Weight of Duty (10) – pg. 103
Wind Rush (20) – pg. 119
Winged Flight (35) – pg. 125
Wisps of Confusion (40) – pg. 126
Words of Truth (15) – pg. 114
World Bizarre (40) – pg. 126

Spells of Legend

Barrier of Thoth (3,000) – pg. 154
Blight of Ages (600) – pg. 154
Blood and Thunder (770) – pg. 155
Crimson Wall of Lictalon (6,000) – pg. 155
Doppleganger (Superior) (1,000) – pg. 156
Hivemind (350) – pg. 156
Ley Line Resurrection (2000) – pg. 156
Metropolis (1,600 or Special) – pg. 157
Mystic Quake (420) – pg. 157
Sanctuary (3,500) – pg. 157
The Slowness (1,300) – pg. 158
Steel Rain (360) – pg. 158
Vicious Circle (350) – pg. 158
Warrior Horde (1,100) – pg. 159

Mini-Magic Index for the Book of Magic

African Witch starts on page 32.
Cloud Magic starts on page 44.
Conjuring Magic starts on page 52.
Dolphin Magic starts on page 54.
Elemental/Warlock Magic starts on page 56.
Air Spells start on page 57.
Earth Spells start on page 67.
Fire Spells start on page 74.
Water Spells start on page 82.
Herb Magic starts on page 279.
Indian/Native American Magic (Shamanistic) starts on page 209.
Inuit Magic (Shamanistic) starts on page 217.
Magic Items start on page 255.
Millennium Tree Magic starts on page 288.
Nature Magic (Russian) starts on page 168.
Necromancy Spells start on page 184.
Ocean Magic starts on page 200.
Russian Bone Magic starts on page 186.
Russian Nature Magic starts on page 168.
Russian Spoiling Magic starts on page 218.
Shamanistic Magic starts on page 209.
Spoiling Magic (Russian) starts on page 218.
Tattoo Magic (Atlantean) starts on page 229.
Temporal Magic starts on page 243.

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