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Guest Appearances at Conventions

If you would like Kevin Siembieda to be a guest at your convention, just ask. If his schedule will allow it, he’ll consider attending.

Kevin and the Palladium Crew are very busy, so availability is limited, but we love getting out to meet our fans. Kevin tries to squeeze in at least one or two convention guest appearances every year.

What you get. In the case of Kevin Siembieda, he likes to be accessible to the convention organizers and the gamers attending the convention. He’ll chat and sign autographs for hours. The more events he can participate in at the convention, the better. As a guest, Kevin’s goal is to be there for you, and to help make the convention a fun success. He enjoys talking, has a million stories and is happy to host question and answer sessions and participate in panel talks (by himself or as a member of larger panels with other guests). In fact, he’ll do 2-5 panels a day (depending on the length of time), and can handle panels that run 2-3 hours at a time. He’s usually willing to run a role-playing game or two over the weekend and help in any other way he can (help judge costume contests, art shows, etc.). 

Freelance writers, artists and other Palladium creators may be willing to be a convention guest, so if you have an interest in any of our creators, let us know and we’ll pass your interest along to that individual.

How to make arrangements

Send us the information (via the form or mail instructions below), and let us know your intentions.

The Convention’s Responsibilities:
As a general rule, we expect the convention to make all travel arrangements for the guest, and provide for the air travel, transportation to and from airport, any additional transportation required throughout the event, and cover all costs related to travel, hotel room and board at the convention. 

If there are any other perks being offered, please let us know. Some conventions offer a free table or two in the dealers’ room covers the expense of bringing in a partner or assistant to the convention (may share the same hotel room) and other incentives. Every convention is different, so let us know the details as they apply to your event, because they may be an incentive.

Remember, Kevin Siembieda is insanely busy and only does 1-2 convention guest appearances a year (sometimes not even that!), so do not feel slighted if he can’t make it.

Contact representative for Palladium Books and Conventions is Alex Marciniszyn.

Request us via postal mail

We like to support as many conventions as we can. Convention organizers can either send your information using the form below or call our office, Monday thru Friday, 9:00 am to 6:30 pm EST; (734)721-2900 OR FAX at (734)721-1238, ask for Alex, but anyone should be able to help or take a message. 

When mailing us information about your convention, we would appreciate the following information:

    • The Name and Date(s) of your Convention (i.e. RPG Con, July 7-9, 2023). 

    • The address to your convention’s website. 

    • The Location of your Convention: (i.e. Detroit, Michigan).

    • The contact person we should talk to (that may be you). In addition, give us that person’s email address and telephone number (daytime and nighttime) in case we need to call.

    • An estimate as to the expected attendance. What percentage are role-playing gamers? An estimate is fine

    • How many years the convention has been held?

    • Which particular Palladium games and tournaments/events are you running at your convention, if any?
      How many Palladium game events in total?

    • What are YOU hoping for by way of support from Palladium? Prizes for events? Giveaways like The Rifter®, catalogs or posters (if so, how many copies do you think you need), and so on?

    • Are you having an auction? For which charity, if any? Are you looking for items like a signed core rule book to auction off? Give us an idea and we’ll see what we can do.

    • This one is real important. Provide us a shipping address to which we can send the promotional materials and prizes. Typically, we send the items via UPS and they cannot deliver to a P.O. Box. So please, no P.O. Boxes, we need a regular street address.

    We love to see flyers promoting the convention and appreciate getting a copy of your Convention Program Book. Please send to:
            Palladium Books®, Inc. 
            Attn: Convention Support 
            39074 Webb Court 
            Westland, MI 48185

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