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Palladium Fantasy® RPG

A complete role-playing game set in a unique realm of high fantasy and epic adventure that has thrilled fans for decades. All the fantasy elements you’d expect are there, but spun in ways that you may not expect. Magic has replaced science. The elder races of Dwarves, Elves and Titans have given way to the rise of humanity and the Wolfen Empire. Meanwhile the monster races – Goblins, Orcs, Ogres and Trolls – lay claim to the Old Kingdom, from which they launch their pillaging raids. And that’s just the beginning.

Starter Packs

Starter Packs

Palladium Fantasy Starter Pack

We’ve put together this collection to get you started in the deep and rich world of Palladium Fantasy.

the cover of Palladium Fantasy RPG, shows a sorcerer scrying a crystal ball while a green dragon overlooks behind him

The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®

the cover of Palladium Fantasy's Dragons and Gods, shows a god with yellow hair blasting a yellow energy beam while riding a black dragon in a storm

Palladium Book of Dragons & Gods™

the cover of Palladium Fantasy's Old Ones, shows a minotaur with a sword with two huge snake heads behind him, in the red background are tentacle claws

Palladium® Fantasy RPG Book 2: Old Ones™ 2nd Edition

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