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Land of the South Winds™



Get your first glimpse of the Land of the South Winds with the Land of the South Winds™ Raw Preview. Also known as the Land of 10,000 Cults, the Land of the South Winds is a sweltering pit of secrets, mysteries and opportunity for those bold enough to seize it. From its farmland to its dense coastal cities, the region is infested with Ratlings, jungle people, death cults, jungle cults, strange religions, believers in forgotten and ancient gods, dark magic, foreign spies, smugglers, pirates, mercenaries, thieves, assassins, nonhumans, adventurers, and fortune seekers of every type. Political corruption abounds and intrigue and opportunity of all sorts, there and abroad, are available for those bold (or foolish) enough to seize the moment. In short, it is a great place for adventure!

  • Your first glimpse of the Land of the South Winds in its “raw” manuscript form before it is split into two books.
  • Land of the South Winds overview and notable history.
  • Key cities and places.
  • 11 new O.C.C.s and 7 R.C.C.s.
  • The secret history of Ratlings and Dwarvlings.
  • New Monsters and more about the Yema and other creatures.
  • 30+ notable locations.
  • Notable people and forgotten gods.
  • Many cults, plots, and skullduggery.
  • Countless paths to adventure and ideas for more.
  • Only 350 copies of this limited collector’s item are available.
  • Sold on a first come, first served basis, while supplies last.
  • Written by John Klinkel.
  • 224 pages – Cat. No. 477-RAW.

What is a Raw Preview Edition?

It is the unfinished, unedited, advance manuscript subject to rewrites and expansion. It gets a limited print run of around 200-350 copies and is fun for collectors to have something rare and unique, and is especially handy for writers and game designers (and curious gamers) because they get a glimpse into the development process at Palladium when they compare what is in the Raw Preview and what sees print in the final book, what gets expanded, dropped out, etc.

In this case, writer John Klinkel has been helping to manifest the exotic Lands of the South Winds with Kevin Siembieda. This manuscript is likely to be split into 2-3 books with additional material by Kevin and another writer. All of it filled with even more mystery and intrigue and adventure opportunities than you see here. The Raw Preview is 224 pages all by itself.

Additional information

Weight 2.10 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 in
Book/Cover Type

RAW Edition, Soft Cover


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